width=$w ; $this->height=$h ; $this->text=$txt; $this->border=$border; $this->new_line=$ln; $this->align=$align; $this->fill=$fill; $this->link=$link; $this->type=$type; return $this; } } class PDF extends TFPDF { var $cn = null; var $own = null; var $soc = ""; var $dossier = "n/a"; var $date = ""; private $cells=array(); public function __construct ($p_cn = null, $orientation = 'P', $unit = 'mm', $format = 'A4') { $this->bigger=0; if($p_cn == null) die("No database connection. Abort."); parent::__construct($orientation, $unit, $format); $this->AddFont('DejaVu','','DejaVuSans.ttf',true); $this->AddFont('DejaVu','B','DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf',true); $this->AddFont('DejaVu','BI','DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf',true); $this->AddFont('DejaVuCond','','DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf',true); $this->AddFont('DejaVuCond','B','DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold.ttf',true); $this->AddFont('DejaVuCond','I','DejaVuSansCondensed-Oblique.ttf',true); date_default_timezone_set ('Europe/Paris'); $this->cn = $p_cn; $this->own = new Noalyss_Parameter_Folder($this->cn); $this->soc = $this->own->MY_NAME; $this->date = date('d.m.Y'); $this->cells=array(); } function setDossierInfo($dossier = "n/a") { $this->dossier = dossier::name()." ".$dossier; } function Header() { //Arial bold 12 $this->SetFont('DejaVu', 'B', 12); //Title parent::Cell(0,10,$this->dossier, 'B', 0, 'C'); //Line break parent::Ln(20); } function Footer() { //Position at 2 cm from bottom $this->SetY(-20); //Arial italic 8 $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); //Page number parent::Cell(0,8,'Date '.$this->date." - Page ".$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C'); parent::Ln(3); // Created by NOALYSS parent::Cell(0,8,'Created by NOALYSS, online on http://www.noalyss.eu',0,0,'C',false,'http://www.noalyss.eu'); } /** * Count the number of rows a p_text will take for a multicell * @param $p_text String * @param $p_colSize size of the column in User Unit */ private function count_nb_row($p_text,$p_colSize) { // If colSize is bigger than the size of the string then it takes 1 line if ( $this->GetStringWidth($p_text) <= $p_colSize) return 1; $nRow=0; $aWords=explode(' ',$p_text); $nb_words=count($aWords); $string=""; for ($i=0;$i < $nb_words;$i++){ // Concatenate String with current word + a space $string.=$aWords[$i]; // if there is a word after add a space if ( $i+1 < $nb_words) $string.=" "; // Compute new size and compare to the colSize if ( $this->GetStringWidth($string) >= $p_colSize) { // If the size of the string if bigger than we add a row, the current // word is the first word of the next line $nRow++; $string=$aWords[$i]; } } $nRow++; return $nRow; } /** * Check if a page must be added due a MultiCell * @return boolean */ private function check_page_add() { // break on page $size=count($this->cells); for ($i=0;$i < $size ; $i++) { if ($this->cells[$i]->type == 'M' ) { /** * On doit calculer si le texte dépasse la texte et compter le * nombre de lignes que le texte prendrait. Ensuite il faut * faire un saut de page (renvoit true) si dépasse */ $sizetext=$this->GetStringWidth($this->cells[$i]->text); // if text bigger than column width then check $y=$this->GetY(); $nb_row=$this->count_nb_row($this->cells[$i]->text, $this->cells[$i]->width); $height=$this->cells[$i]->height*$nb_row; // If the text is bigger than a sheet of paper then return false if ($height >= $this->h) return false; if ( $y + $height > ($this->h - $this->bMargin -7 )) return true; } } return false; } private function print_row() { static $e=0; $e++; if ( $this->check_page_add() == true ) $this->AddPage (); $this->bigger=0; $size=count($this->cells); $cell=$this->cells; if ($size == 0 )return; for ($i=0;$i < $size ; $i++) { $a=$cell[$i]; $a->text= str_replace("\\", "", $a->text); switch ($a->type) { case "M": $x_m=$this->GetX(); $y_m=$this->GetY(); parent::MultiCell( $a->width, $a->height, $a->text, $a->border, $a->align, $a->fill ); $x_m=$x_m+$a->width; $tmp=$this->GetY()-$y_m; if ( $tmp > $this->bigger) $this->bigger=$tmp; $this->SetXY($x_m,$y_m); break; case "C": parent::Cell( $a->width, $a->height, $a->text, $a->border, $a->new_line, $a->align, $a->fill, $a->link); break; default: break; } } $this->cells=array(); } private function add_cell(Cellule $Ce) { $size=count($this->cells); $this->cells[$size]=$Ce; } function write_cell ($w, $h=0, $txt='', $border=0, $ln=0, $align='', $fill=false, $link='') { $this->add_cell(new Cellule($w,$h,$txt,$border,$ln,$align,$fill,$link,'C')); } function LongLine($w,$h,$txt,$border=0,$align='',$fill=false) { $this->add_cell(new Cellule($w,$h,$txt,$border,0,$align,$fill,'','M')); } function line_new($p_step=null){ $this->print_row(); if ( $this->bigger==0) parent::Ln($p_step); else parent::Ln($this->bigger); $this->bigger=0; } /** *@brief retrieve the client name and quick_code *@param $p_jr_id jrn.jr_id *@param $p_jrn_type ledger type ACH VEN FIN *@return array (0=>qcode,1=>name) or for FIN 0=>customer qc 1=>customer name 2=>bank qc 3=>bank name *@see class_print_ledger_simple, class_print_ledger_simple_without_vat */ function get_tiers($p_jr_id,$p_jrn_type) { if ( $p_jrn_type=='ACH' ) { $array=$this->cn->get_array('SELECT jrnx.j_grpt, quant_purchase.qp_supplier, quant_purchase.qp_internal, jrn.jr_internal FROM public.quant_purchase, public.jrnx, public.jrn WHERE quant_purchase.j_id = jrnx.j_id AND jrnx.j_grpt = jrn.jr_grpt_id and jr_id=$1',array($p_jr_id)); if (count($array)==0) return array("ERREUR $p_jr_id",''); $customer_id=$array[0]['qp_supplier']; $fiche=new Fiche($this->cn,$customer_id); $customer_qc=$fiche->get_quick_code($customer_id); $customer_name=$fiche->getName(); return array($customer_qc,$customer_name); } if ( $p_jrn_type=='VEN' ) { $array=$this->cn->get_array('SELECT quant_sold.qs_client FROM public.quant_sold, public.jrnx, public.jrn WHERE quant_sold.j_id = jrnx.j_id AND jrnx.j_grpt = jrn.jr_grpt_id and jr_id=$1',array($p_jr_id)); if (count($array)==0) return array("ERREUR $p_jr_id",''); $customer_id=$array[0]['qs_client']; $fiche=new Fiche($this->cn,$customer_id); $customer_qc=$fiche->get_quick_code($customer_id); $customer_name=$fiche->getName(); return array($customer_qc,$customer_name); } if ( $p_jrn_type=='FIN' ) { $array=$this->cn->get_array('SELECT qf_other,qf_bank FROM public.quant_fin WHERE quant_fin.jr_id =$1',array($p_jr_id)); if (count($array)==0) return array("ERREUR $p_jr_id",'','',''); $customer_id=$array[0]['qf_other']; $fiche=new Fiche($this->cn,$customer_id); $customer_qc=$fiche->get_quick_code($customer_id); $customer_name=$fiche->getName(); $bank_id=$array[0]['qf_bank']; $fiche=new Fiche($this->cn,$bank_id); $bank_qc=$fiche->get_quick_code($bank_id); $bank_name=$fiche->getName(); return array($customer_qc,$customer_name,$bank_qc,$bank_name); } } } class PDFLand extends PDF { public function __construct ($p_cn = null, $orientation = 'P', $unit = 'mm', $format = 'A4') { if($p_cn == null) die("No database connection. Abort."); $this->bigger=0; parent::__construct($p_cn,'L', $unit, $format); date_default_timezone_set ('Europe/Paris'); $this->AddFont('DejaVu','','DejaVuSans.ttf',true); $this->AddFont('DejaVu','B','DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf',true); $this->AddFont('DejaVu','BI','DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf',true); $this->AddFont('DejaVuCond','','DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf',true); $this->AddFont('DejaVuCond','B','DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold.ttf',true); $this->AddFont('DejaVuCond','I','DejaVuSansCondensed-Oblique.ttf',true); $this->cn = $p_cn; $this->own = new Noalyss_Parameter_Folder($this->cn); $this->soc = $this->own->MY_NAME; $this->date = date('d.m.Y'); } function Header() { //Arial bold 12 $this->SetFont('DejaVu', 'B', 10); //Title $this->Cell(0,10,$this->dossier, 'B', 0, 'C'); //Line break $this->Ln(20); } function Footer() { //Position at 2 cm from bottom $this->SetY(-20); //Arial italic 8 $this->SetFont('DejaVuCond', 'I', 8); //Page number $this->Cell(0,8,'Date '.$this->date." - Page ".$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C'); $this->Ln(3); // Created by NOALYSS $this->Cell(0,8,'Created by NOALYSS, online on http://www.noalyss.eu',0,0,'C',false,'http://www.noalyss.eu'); } } class PDFBalance_simple extends PDF { /** *@brief set_info(dossier,from poste,to poste, from periode, to periode) *@param $p_from_poste start = poste *@param $p_to_poste end = poste *@param $p_from periode start *@param $p_to periode end */ function set_info($p_from_poste,$to_poste,$p_from,$p_to) { $this->dossier='Balance simple '.dossier::name(); $this->from_poste=$p_from_poste; $this->to_poste=$to_poste; $this->from=$p_from; $this->to=$p_to; } function Header() { parent::Header(); $this->SetFont('DejaVu','B',8); $titre=sprintf("Balance simple poste %s %s date %s %s", $this->from_poste, $this->to_poste, $this->from, $this->to); $this->Cell(0,7,$titre,1,0,'C'); $this->Ln(); $this->SetFont('DejaVu','',6); $this->Cell(110,7,'Poste Comptable','B'); $this->Cell(20,7,'Débit','B',0,'L'); $this->Cell(20,7,'Crédit','B',0,'L'); $this->Cell(20,7,'Solde','B',0,'L'); $this->Cell(20,7,'D/C','B',0,'L'); $this->Ln(); } }