exec_sql("delete from user_sec_action_profile where p_id=$1 and p_granted=$2", array($p_id, $ap_id[$e])); continue; } if ($ua_id[$e]=="") { $cn->exec_sql("insert into user_sec_action_profile (p_id,p_granted,ua_right) values($1,$2,$3)", array($p_id, $ap_id[$e], $right[$e])); continue; } if ($ua_id[$e]!='') { $cn->exec_sql("update user_sec_action_profile set ua_right=$3 where p_id=$1 and p_granted=$2 ", array($p_id, $ap_id[$e], $right[$e])); continue; } } } catch (Exception $exc) { echo $exc->getMessage(); record_log( $exc->getTraceAsString()); throw $exc; } } //********************************************** // Save avail. profiles //********************************************** if (isset($_POST['change_stock'])) { extract($_POST, EXTR_SKIP); try { for ($e=0; $eexec_sql("delete from profile_sec_repository where p_id=$1 and r_id=$2", array($p_id, $ar_id[$e])); continue; } if ($ur_id[$e]=="") { $cn->exec_sql("insert into profile_sec_repository (p_id,r_id,ur_right) values($1,$2,$3)", array($p_id, $ar_id[$e], $right[$e])); continue; } if ($ur_id[$e]!='') { $cn->exec_sql("update profile_sec_repository set ur_right=$3 where p_id=$1 and r_id=$2 ", array($p_id, $ar_id[$e], $right[$e])); continue; } } } catch (Exception $exc) { echo $exc->getMessage(); record_log($exc->getTraceAsString()); throw $exc; } } //********************************************** // Save_name // ********************************************* if (isset($_POST['save_name'])) { extract($_POST, EXTR_SKIP); try { if (strlen(trim($p_name))==0) throw new Exception("Nom ne peut être vide"); if (isNumber($p_id)==0) throw new Exception("profile Invalide"); $wc=(isset($with_calc))?1:0; $wd=(isset($with_direct_form))?1:0; $p_desc=(strlen(trim($p_desc))==0)?null:trim($p_desc); if ($p_id!=-1) { $cn->exec_sql("update profile set p_name=$1,p_desc=$2, with_calc=$3, with_direct_form=$4 where p_id=$5", array($p_name, $p_desc, $wc, $wd, $p_id)); } else { $p_id=$cn->get_value("insert into profile (p_name, p_desc,with_calc,with_direct_form) values ($1,$2,$3,$4) returning p_id", array( $p_name, $p_desc, $wc, $wd )); } } catch (Exception $e) { alert($e->getMessage()); } } //************************************ // Clone //************************************ if (isset($_POST['clone'])) { try { $p_id = $http->post("p_id","number", 0); $cn->start(); $new_id=$cn->get_value("insert into profile(p_name,p_desc,with_calc, with_direct_form) select 'copie de '||p_name,p_desc,with_calc, with_direct_form from profile where p_id=$1 returning p_id", array($p_id)); $cn->exec_sql(" insert into profile_menu (p_id,me_code,me_code_dep,p_order,p_type_display,pm_default) select $1,me_code,me_code_dep,p_order,p_type_display,pm_default from profile_menu where p_id=$2 ", array($new_id, $p_id)); $cn->exec_sql("select menu_complete_dependency($1)",array($new_id)); $cn->exec_sql("update profile_menu set pm_id_dep=(select distinct higher_dep from v_menu_dependency as a where a.pm_id= profile_menu.pm_id) where pm_id_dep is null and p_id=$1",array($new_id)); $cn->commit(); $p_id=$new_id; $_POST['p_id'] = $new_id; $_GET['p_id'] = $new_id; $_REQUEST['p_id'] = $new_id; $_POST['tab']="profile_gen_div"; } catch (Exception $exc) { echo alert($exc->getMessage()); $cn->rollback(); } } //************************************ // Delete //************************************ if (isset($_POST['delete_profil'])) { extract($_POST, EXTR_SKIP); try { $cn->start(); if ($p_id==1) { throw new Exception('On ne peut pas effacer le profil par défaut'); } $new_id=$cn->get_value("delete from profile where p_id=$1 ", array($p_id)); $cn->commit(); } catch (Exception $exc) { echo alert($exc->getMessage()); $cn->rollback(); } } //************************************ // Modify the menu //************************************ if (isset($_POST['mod'])) { try { // pm_id of the menu to modify $pm_id=$http->post("pm_id", "number"); // profile id $p_id=$http->post("p_id", "number"); // display order $p_order=$http->post("p_order", "number"); // code to add $me_code=$http->post("me_code"); // tab $tab=$http->post("tab"); // set Default $pm_default=$http->post('pm_default', "string", 0); /** * Printing cannot be a menu and do not depend of anything */ $menu_type=$cn->get_value("select me_type from menu_ref where me_code=$1", array($me_code)); if ($menu_type=='PR') { $p_type='P'; $me_code_dep=-1; } $cn->start(); $p_order=(strlen(trim($p_order))==0)?"0":$p_order; if ($pm_default==1) { // reset all default $cn->exec_sql("update profile_menu set pm_default=0 where pm_id_dep=(select pm_id_dep from profile_menu where pm_id=$1)", array($pm_id)); } $cn->exec_sql("update profile_menu set me_code=$1,p_order=$2,pm_default=$3 where pm_id=$4", array($me_code, $p_order, $pm_default, $pm_id)); $cn->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $cn->rollback(); alert($e->getMessage()); } } //**************************************************** // Add a menu, module, submenu,plugin... //**************************************************** if (isset($_POST['add_menu'])||isset($_POST['add_impress'])) { try { // type of menu me or pr $p_type=$http->post("type","string",null); // level $p_level=$http->post("p_level","string",null); // pm_id of menu parent $p_dep=$http->post("dep","number",null); // profile id $p_id=$http->post("p_id", "number"); // display order $p_order=$http->post("p_order"); // code to add $me_code=$http->post("me_code"); // tab $tab=$http->post("tab"); $cn->start(); /** * Printing cannot be a menu and do not depend of anything */ $menu_type=$cn->get_value("select me_type from menu_ref where me_code=$1", array($me_code)); if ($menu_type=='PR') { $p_type='P'; $me_code_dep=null; $pm_id_dep=null; } // Module never depends of anything if ($p_type=='me') { if ($p_level==0) { $me_code_dep=null; $pm_id_dep=null; $p_type='M'; } else { $me_code_dep=$cn->get_value('select me_code from profile_menu' .' where pm_id = $1 and p_id=$2', array($p_dep, $p_id)); $pm_id_dep=$p_dep; $p_type='E'; } } /** * Check for infinite loop */ $inf=$cn->get_value("select count(*) from profile_menu where p_id=$1 and me_code_dep=$2 and me_code=$3", array($p_id, $me_code, $me_code_dep)); if ($inf>0) throw new Exception(_("Boucle infinie")); /** * Check if we don't add a menu depending on itself */ if ($me_code==$me_code_dep) throw new Exception(_("Un menu ne peut pas dépendre de lui-même")); /** * if me_code_dep == -1, it means it is null */ $me_code_dep=($me_code_dep==-1)?null:$me_code_dep; /* * Do not insert twice the same menu */ $duplicate = $cn->get_value(" select count(*) from profile_menu where " . " pm_id_dep = $1 and me_code = $2",array($pm_id_dep,$me_code)); if ( $duplicate > 0 ) { throw new Exception(_('Doublon')); } $pm_default=(isset($pm_default))?1:0; $cn->exec_sql(" insert into profile_menu (me_code,me_code_dep,p_id,p_order,pm_default,p_type_display,pm_id_dep) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7) ", array($me_code, $me_code_dep, $p_id, $p_order, $pm_default, $p_type, $pm_id_dep)); $cn->commit(); } catch (Exception $exc) { alert($exc->getMessage()); $cn->rollback; } } echo '
'; $table=new Sort_Table(); $url=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $table->add(_('Nom'), $url, "order by p_name asc", "order by p_name desc", "na", "nd"); $table->add(_('Description'), $url, "order by p_desc asc", "order by p_desc desc", "da", "dd"); $table->add(_('Calculatrice visible'), $url, "order by with_calc asc", "order by with_calc desc", "ca", "cd"); $table->add(_('Accès Direct visible'), $url, "order by with_direct_form asc", "order by with_direct_form desc", "fa", "fd"); $ord=(isset($_REQUEST['ord']))?$_REQUEST['ord']:'na'; $order=$table->get_sql_order($ord); $menu=new Profile_sql($cn); $ret=$menu->seek("where p_id > 0 ".$order); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $gDossier=Dossier::id(); for ($i=0; $iget_object($ret, $i); $js=sprintf('', $gDossier, $row->p_id); echo ''; echo "'; echo td($row->p_desc); echo td($row->with_calc); echo td($row->with_direct_form); echo ''; } $js=sprintf('', $gDossier, -1); echo ''; echo ""; echo ''; echo '
".$js._("Ajouter un profil")."
'; echo '
'; //******************************************************* // Show details of the selected profile //******************************************************* echo '
'; if (isset($_POST['p_id'])) { require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/ajax/ajax_get_profile.php'; ?> '; if (isset($_POST['delete_profil'])) { echo create_script(" $('detail_profile').hide()"); ?> post("dep","string",""); ?>