from != "" ) { $sql.="$and oa_date >= to_date('".$this->from."','DD.MM.YYYY')"; } if ( $this->to != "" ) { $sql.=" $and oa_date <= to_date('".$this->to."','DD.MM.YYYY')"; } return $sql; } /*! * \brief load the data from the database * * \return array */ function load() { $filter_date=$this->set_sql_filter(); $cond_poste=''; if ($this->from_poste != "" ) $cond_poste=" and upper(po_name) >= upper('".$this->from_poste."')"; if ($this->to_poste != "" ) $cond_poste.=" and upper(po_name) <= upper('".$this->to_poste."')"; $pa_id_cond=""; if ( isset ( $this->pa_id) && $this->pa_id !='') $pa_id_cond= "pa_id=".$this->pa_id." and"; $array=$this->db->get_array(" select oa_id, po_name, oa_description, po_description, oa_debit, to_char(oa_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as oa_date, oa_amount, oa_group, j_id , jr_internal, jr_id, jr_comment, j_poste, jrnx.f_id, ( select ad_value from fiche_Detail where f_id=jrnx.f_id and ad_id=23) as qcode, jr_pj_number from operation_analytique as B join poste_analytique using(po_id) left join jrnx using (j_id) left join jrn on (j_grpt=jr_grpt_id) where $pa_id_cond oa_amount <> 0.0 $cond_poste $filter_date order by po_name,oa_date::date,qcode,j_poste"); $this->has_data=count($array); return $array; } function load_csv() { $filter_date=$this->set_sql_filter(); $cond_poste=''; if ($this->from_poste != "" ) $cond_poste=" and upper(po_name) >= upper('".$this->from_poste."')"; if ($this->to_poste != "" ) $cond_poste.=" and upper(po_name) <= upper('".$this->to_poste."')"; $pa_id_cond=""; if ( isset ( $this->pa_id) && $this->pa_id !='') $pa_id_cond= "pa_id=".$this->pa_id." and"; $array=$this->db->get_array(" select po_name, to_char(oa_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as oa_date, j_poste, ( select ad_value from fiche_Detail where f_id=jrnx.f_id and ad_id=23) as qcode, jr_comment, jr_pj_number, jr_internal, oa_row, case when oa_debit='t' then 'D' else 'C' end, oa_amount from operation_analytique as B join poste_analytique using(po_id) left join jrnx using (j_id) left join jrn on (j_grpt=jr_grpt_id) where $pa_id_cond oa_amount <> 0.0 $cond_poste $filter_date order by po_name,oa_date::date,qcode,j_poste"); return $array; } /* ! * \brief Show the button to export in PDF all the receipt * * \param $p_string extra hidden value * \return string with the button */ function button_export_pdf($p_string = "") { if (CONVERT_GIF_PDF <> 'NOT' && PDFTK <> 'NOT') { $r = ""; $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to", $this->to); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from", $this->from); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("pa_id", $this->pa_id); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from_poste", $this->from_poste); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to_poste", $this->to_poste); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("act","PDF:AncReceipt"); $r.= $p_string; $r.= dossier::hidden(); $r.=HtmlInput::submit('bt_receipt_anal_pdf', _("Export des pièces en PDF")); } else { $r = ""; $msg = _("Les extensions pour convertir en pdf ne sont pas installées"); $r = HtmlInput::button("bt_receipt_anal", _('Export des pièces en PDF'), sprintf('onclick="alert(\'%s\')"',$msg)); } return $r; } /*! * \brief compute the html display * * * \return string */ function display_html() { $r = ""; //---Html $array = $this->load(); if (is_array($array) == false || empty($array)) { return 0; } $r.= ''; $ix = 0; $prev = 'xx'; $idx = 0; $tot_deb = $tot_cred = 0; bcscale(2); foreach ($array as $row) { if ($prev != $row['po_name']) { if ($ix > 0) { $r.=''; $tot_solde = bcsub($tot_cred, $tot_deb); $sign = " ".($tot_solde > 0) ? 'C' : 'D'; $r.=td('') . td('') . td(''); $r.=td('') . td('') . td('') . td('') . td('') . td(nbm($tot_deb), ' class="num"') . td(nbm($tot_cred), ' class="num"') . td(nbm($tot_solde) . $sign, ' class="num notice"'); } $r.='' . ''; $r.= '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . ''; $tot_deb = $tot_cred = 0; $prev = $row['po_name']; $ix++; } $class = ($idx % 2 == 0) ? 'even' : 'odd'; $idx++; $r.=''; $detail = ($row['jr_id'] != null) ? HtmlInput::detail_op($row['jr_id'], $row['jr_internal']) : ''; $post_detail = ($row['j_poste'] != null) ? HtmlInput::history_account($row['j_poste'], $row['j_poste']) : ''; $card_detail = ($row['f_id'] != null) ? HtmlInput::history_card($row['f_id'], $row['qcode']) : ''; $amount_deb = ($row['oa_debit'] == 't') ? $row['oa_amount'] : 0; $amount_cred = ($row['oa_debit'] == 'f') ? $row['oa_amount'] : 0; $tot_deb = bcadd($tot_deb, $amount_deb); $tot_cred = bcadd($tot_cred, $amount_cred); $tot_solde=bcsub($tot_cred,$tot_deb); /* * Checked button */ $str_ck = ""; $str_document = ""; if ($row['jr_id'] != null) { /* * Get receipt info */ $str_document = HtmlInput::show_receipt_document($row['jr_id']); if ($str_document != "") { $ck = new ICheckBox('ck[]', $row['jr_id']); $str_ck = $ck->input(); } } $r.= '' . '' . td($post_detail) . td($card_detail) . td($row['jr_comment']) . '' . td($row['jr_pj_number']) . '' . '' . ''. ''; $r.= ''; } $r.=''; $tot_solde = bcsub($tot_cred, $tot_deb); $sign = ($tot_solde > 0) ? 'C' : 'D'; $r.=td('') . td('') . td(''); $r.=td('') . td('') . td('') . td('') . td('') . td(nbm($tot_deb), ' class="num"') . td(nbm($tot_cred), ' class="num"') . td(nbm($tot_solde) . $sign, ' class="num notice"'); $r.= '
' . '

' . h($row['po_name'] . ' ' . $row['po_description']) . '

' . '' . _('Date') . '' . _('Poste') . '' . _('Quick_code') . '' . _('Libellé') . '' . '' . _('Pièce') . '' . _('Interne') . '' . _('Débit') . '' . _('Crédit') . '' . _('Prog.') . '
' . $str_ck . '' . $row['oa_date'] . '' . $str_document . '' . $detail . '' . nbm($amount_deb) . '' . nbm($amount_cred). '' . nbm($tot_solde). '
'; return $r; } /*! * \brief Show the button to export in PDF or CSV * \param $url_csv url of the csv * \param $url_pdf url of the pdf * \param $p_string hidden data to include in the form * * * \return string with the button */ function show_button($p_string="") { $r=""; $r.= '
'; $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("act","CSV:AncGrandLivre"); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to",$this->to); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from",$this->from); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("pa_id",$this->pa_id); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from_poste",$this->from_poste); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to_poste",$this->to_poste); $r.= $p_string; $r.= dossier::hidden(); $r.=HtmlInput::submit('bt_csv',"Export en CSV"); $r.= '
'; return $r; } function display_csv() { $r=""; //---Html $array=$this->load_csv(); if ( is_array($array) == false ) { return $array; } $ix=0;$prev='xx'; $tot_deb=$tot_cred=0; $aheader=array(); $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Imp. Analytique','type'=>'string'); $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Date','type'=>'string'); $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Poste','type'=>'string'); $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Quick_Code','type'=>'string'); $aheader[]=array("title"=>'libelle','type'=>'string'); $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Pièce','type'=>'string'); $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Num.interne','type'=>'string'); $aheader[]=array("title"=>'row','type'=>'num'); $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Debit','type'=>'string'); $aheader[]=array("title"=>'Credit','type'=>'num'); Impress::array_to_csv($array, $aheader); } }