name=$p_name; $this->parameter=''; $this->attribute=array(); $this->drag=false; $this->blocking=true; } function set_width($p_val) { $js=sprintf('$("%s'.'_border").style.width="%s";', $this->name,$p_val); $this->parameter.=$js; } function set_height($p_val) { $js=sprintf('$("%s'.'_border").style.height="%s";', $this->name,$p_val); $this->parameter.=$js; } /** *@brief set or not a blocking fond *@param $p_block if true if you want to avoid access to background, *accept true or false */ function set_block($p_block) { $this->blocking=$p_block; } function set_zindex($p_val) { $js=sprintf('$("%s'.'_border").style.zIndex=%d;', $this->name,$p_val); $js=sprintf('$("%s'.'_content").style.zIndex=%d;', $this->name,$p_val); $this->parameter.=$js; } function set_dragguable($p_value) { $this->drag=$p_value; } /*!\brief set the attribute thanks javascript as the width, the position ... *\param $p_name attribute name *\param $p_val val of the attribute *\note add to the this->attribut, it will be used in input() */ function set_attribute($p_name,$p_val) { $this->attribute[]=array($p_name,$p_val); } /*!\brief set the title of a ipopup thanks javascript and php mode *\param title of the IPopup *\return html string with js script */ function set_title($p_title) { $this->title=$p_title; $s=sprintf('$("%s_"+"title")="%s"', $this->name,$this->title); return create_script($s); } function input() { $r=""; if ($this->blocking) { $r.=sprintf('"; } $javascript=sprintf("javascript:hideIPopup('%s')", $this->name); if ( isset($this->title) && trim($this->title) != "" ) { $r.=sprintf('