#!/usr/bin/python # brief = check if the files given in arguments using # the -> check_dossier function # # This file is a part of NOALYSS under GPL # Author D. DE BONTRIDDER danydb@aevalys.eu import sys import os import glob if len(sys.argv) == 1: print "you need one or more filename as argument" sys.exit(3) files=glob.glob(sys.argv[1]) total=len(files) print "Total file to handle %d " % (len(files)) for file in files: #print "Working on file "+file fold=open(file) lines=fold.readlines() widget=('new User','->check_dossier','->Check') check={} for w in widget: check[w]=0 require="" for line in lines: for w in widget: if check[w] == 1: continue if line.find(w) != -1 : check[w]=1 fold.close() for w in widget: if check[w] == 0 : print "Missing in "+file+" "+w total=total-1 #print 'finished, remaining %d' % (total)