get_array("select distinct t.r_id,r_name,r_adress,r_city,r_country,r_phone from stock_repository as s join tmp_stockgood_detail as t on (s.r_id=t.r_id) where s_id=$1 order by 2 ",array($tmp_id)); ?>

get_array( " select coalesce(sum(s_qin),0) as qin,coalesce(sum(s_qout),0) as qout,sg_code from tmp_stockgood_detail where r_id=$1 and s_id=$2 group by sg_code order by sg_code ",array($a_repo[$r]['r_id'],$tmp_id)); for ($s=0;$sget_array( " select f_id,vw_name,quick_code from vw_fiche_attr where f_id in ( select distinct f_id from tmp_stockgood_detail where r_id=$1 and s_id=$2 and sg_code=$3) order by vw_name,quick_code ",array($a_repo[$r]['r_id'],$tmp_id,$a_stock[$s]['sg_code'])); ?>
'._("Changement manuel").''; ?>