begin; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.check_balance(p_grpt integer) RETURNS numeric AS $BODY$ declare amount_jrnx_debit numeric; amount_jrnx_credit numeric; amount_jrn numeric; begin select coalesce(sum (j_montant),0) into amount_jrnx_credit from jrnx where j_grpt=p_grpt and j_debit=false; select coalesce(sum (j_montant),0) into amount_jrnx_debit from jrnx where j_grpt=p_grpt and j_debit=true; select coalesce(jr_montant,0) into amount_jrn from jrn where jr_grpt_id=p_grpt; if ( amount_jrnx_debit != amount_jrnx_credit ) then return abs(amount_jrnx_debit-amount_jrnx_credit); end if; if ( amount_jrn != amount_jrnx_credit) then return -1*abs(amount_jrn - amount_jrnx_credit); end if; return 0; end; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; update op_predef set od_direct='t' where od_jrn_type='ODS'; update profile_menu set p_order=p_order*10; INSERT INTO menu_ref( me_code, me_menu, me_file, me_url, me_description, me_parameter, me_javascript, me_type) VALUES ('BK', 'Banque', '', null, 'Information Banque', null,null,'ME'); INSERT INTO profile_menu( me_code, me_code_dep, p_id, p_order, p_type_display, pm_default) VALUES ('BK', 'GESTION', 1, 35, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu( me_code, me_code_dep, p_id, p_order, p_type_display, pm_default) VALUES ('BK', 'GESTION', 2, 35, 'E', 0); update menu_ref set me_description='Grand livre analytique' where me_code='ANCGL'; alter table action_gestion add ag_remind_date date; drop table jrn_action; update action_gestion set ag_dest=null; alter table action_gestion alter ag_dest type bigint using ag_dest::numeric; alter table action_gestion alter ag_dest set default null; COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion.ag_dest IS ' is the profile which has to take care of this action '; ALTER TABLE action_gestion ADD CONSTRAINT profile_fkey FOREIGN KEY (ag_dest) REFERENCES profile (p_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE SET NULL ON DELETE SET NULL; CREATE TABLE action_gestion_comment ( agc_id bigserial NOT NULL, -- PK ag_id bigint, -- FK to action_gestion agc_date timestamp with time zone, agc_comment text, -- comment tech_user text, -- user_login CONSTRAINT action_gestion_comment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (agc_id ), CONSTRAINT action_gestion_comment_ag_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (ag_id) REFERENCES action_gestion (ag_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ); ALTER TABLE action_gestion_comment ALTER COLUMN agc_date SET DEFAULT now(); COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion_comment.agc_id IS 'PK'; COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion_comment.ag_id IS 'FK to action_gestion'; COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion_comment.agc_comment IS 'comment'; COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion_comment.tech_user IS 'user_login'; insert into action_gestion_comment (ag_id,agc_date,agc_comment,tech_user) select ag_id,ag_timestamp,ag_comment,ag_owner from action_gestion; ALTER TABLE action_gestion drop COLUMN ag_comment; CREATE TABLE action_gestion_operation ( ago_id bigserial NOT NULL, -- pk ag_id bigint, -- fk to action_gestion jr_id bigint, -- fk to jrn CONSTRAINT action_comment_operation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ago_id ), CONSTRAINT action_comment_operation_ag_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (ag_id) REFERENCES action_gestion (ag_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT action_comment_operation_jr_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (jr_id) REFERENCES jrn (jr_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ); COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion_operation.ago_id IS 'pk'; COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion_operation.ag_id IS 'fk to action_gestion'; COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion_operation.jr_id IS 'fk to jrn'; CREATE TABLE link_action_type ( l_id bigserial NOT NULL, -- PK l_desc character varying, CONSTRAINT link_action_type_pkey PRIMARY KEY (l_id ) ); CREATE TABLE action_gestion_related ( aga_id bigserial NOT NULL, -- pk aga_least bigint NOT NULL, -- fk to action_gestion, smallest ag_id aga_greatest bigint NOT NULL, -- fk to action_gestion greatest ag_id aga_type bigint, -- Type de liens CONSTRAINT action_gestion_related_pkey PRIMARY KEY (aga_id ), CONSTRAINT action_gestion_related_aga_greatest_fkey FOREIGN KEY (aga_greatest) REFERENCES action_gestion (ag_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT action_gestion_related_aga_least_fkey FOREIGN KEY (aga_least) REFERENCES action_gestion (ag_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT action_gestion_related_aga_type_fkey FOREIGN KEY (aga_type) REFERENCES link_action_type (l_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT ux_aga_least_aga_greatest UNIQUE (aga_least , aga_greatest ) ); COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion_related.aga_id IS 'pk'; COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion_related.aga_least IS 'fk to action_gestion, smallest ag_id'; COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion_related.aga_greatest IS 'fk to action_gestion greatest ag_id'; COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion_related.aga_type IS 'Type de liens'; CREATE INDEX link_action_type_fki ON action_gestion_related USING btree (aga_type ); -- Trigger: trg_action_gestion_related on action_gestion_related CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.action_gestion_related_ins_up() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ declare nTmp bigint; begin if NEW.aga_least > NEW.aga_greatest then nTmp := NEW.aga_least; NEW.aga_least := NEW.aga_greatest; NEW.aga_greatest := nTmp; end if; if NEW.aga_least = NEW.aga_greatest then return NULL; end if; return NEW; end; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ; -- DROP TRIGGER trg_action_gestion_related ON action_gestion_related; CREATE TRIGGER trg_action_gestion_related BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON action_gestion_related FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.action_gestion_related_ins_up(); insert into action_gestion_related(aga_least,aga_greatest) select ag_id,ag_ref_ag_id from action_gestion where ag_ref_ag_id<>0; update menu_ref set me_menu='Action Gestion' where me_code='FOLLOW'; DROP FUNCTION comptaproc.action_get_tree(bigint); insert into menu_ref(me_code,me_menu,me_type) values ('CSV:ActionGestion','Export Action Gestion','PR'); insert into profile_menu(me_code,p_id,p_type_display,pm_default) values ('CSV:ActionGestion',1,'P',0); ALTER TABLE document_type ADD COLUMN dt_prefix text; COMMENT ON COLUMN document_type.dt_prefix IS 'Prefix for ag_ref'; update document_type set dt_prefix= upper(substr(replace(dt_value,' ',''),0,7))||dt_id::text; CREATE TABLE user_sec_action_profile ( ua_id bigserial NOT NULL, -- pk p_id bigint, -- fk to profile p_granted bigint, -- fk to profile ua_right character(1), -- Type of right : R for readonly W for write CONSTRAINT user_sec_action_profile_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ua_id ), CONSTRAINT user_sec_action_profile_p_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (p_id) REFERENCES profile (p_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT user_sec_action_profile_p_granted_fkey FOREIGN KEY (p_granted) REFERENCES profile (p_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT user_sec_action_profile_ua_right_check CHECK (ua_right = ANY (ARRAY['R'::bpchar, 'W'::bpchar])) ); COMMENT ON TABLE user_sec_action_profile IS 'Available profile for user'; COMMENT ON COLUMN user_sec_action_profile.ua_id IS 'pk'; COMMENT ON COLUMN user_sec_action_profile.p_id IS 'fk to profile'; COMMENT ON COLUMN user_sec_action_profile.ua_right IS 'Type of right : R for readonly W for write'; INSERT INTO profile (p_name, p_id, p_desc, with_calc, with_direct_form) VALUES ('Public', -1, 'faux groupe', NULL, NULL); insert into user_sec_action_profile(p_id,p_granted,ua_right) select 1,p_id,'W' from profile; insert into user_sec_action_profile(p_id,p_granted ,ua_right) select 2,p_id,'W' from profile; insert into parameter values('MY_STOCK','N'); INSERT INTO menu_ref(me_code, me_menu, me_file, me_url, me_description, me_parameter, me_javascript, me_type) VALUES ('CFGSTOCK', 'Configuration des dépôts', '', null, 'Configuration dépôts', null,null,'ME'); INSERT INTO profile_menu(me_code, me_code_dep, p_id, p_order, p_type_display, pm_default) VALUES ('CFGSTOCK', 'PARAM', 1, 40, 'E', 0); update menu_ref set me_file=null where me_code='STOCK'; update profile_menu set me_code_dep='COMPTA',p_order=90 where me_code='STOCK' and me_code_dep='ADV'; CREATE TABLE stock_repository ( r_id bigserial NOT NULL, -- pk r_name text, -- name of the stock r_adress text, -- adress of the stock r_country text, -- country of the stock r_city text, -- City of the stock r_phone text, -- City of the stock CONSTRAINT stock_repository_pkey PRIMARY KEY (r_id ) ); COMMENT ON TABLE stock_repository IS 'stock repository'; COMMENT ON COLUMN stock_repository.r_id IS 'pk'; COMMENT ON COLUMN stock_repository.r_name IS 'name of the stock'; COMMENT ON COLUMN stock_repository.r_adress IS 'adress of the stock'; COMMENT ON COLUMN stock_repository.r_country IS 'country of the stock'; COMMENT ON COLUMN stock_repository.r_city IS 'City of the stock'; COMMENT ON COLUMN stock_repository.r_phone IS 'Phone number'; insert into stock_repository(r_name) values ('Dépôt par défaut'); CREATE TABLE profile_sec_repository ( ur_id bigserial NOT NULL, -- pk p_id bigint, -- fk to profile r_id bigint, ur_right character(1), -- Type of right : R for readonly W for write CONSTRAINT profile_sec_repository_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ur_id ), CONSTRAINT profile_sec_repository_p_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (p_id) REFERENCES profile (p_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT profile_sec_repository_r_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (r_id) REFERENCES stock_repository (r_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT user_sec_profile_ur_right_check CHECK (ur_right = ANY (ARRAY['R'::bpchar, 'W'::bpchar])) ); COMMENT ON TABLE profile_sec_repository IS 'Available profile for user'; COMMENT ON COLUMN profile_sec_repository.ur_id IS 'pk'; COMMENT ON COLUMN profile_sec_repository.p_id IS 'fk to profile'; COMMENT ON COLUMN profile_sec_repository.r_id IS 'fk to stock_repository'; COMMENT ON COLUMN profile_sec_repository.ur_right IS 'Type of right : R for readonly W for write'; alter table stock_goods add r_id bigint; alter table profile_sec_repository add constraint profile_sec_repository_r_id_p_id_u unique (r_id,p_id); alter table user_sec_action_profile add constraint user_sec_action_profile_p_id_p_granted_u unique (p_id,p_granted); update stock_goods set r_id=1; insert into profile_sec_repository (p_id,r_id,ur_right) select p_id,1,'W' from profile where p_id > 0; CREATE INDEX fk_stock_good_repository_r_id ON stock_goods (r_id ); alter table action_gestion drop ag_cal; update menu_ref set me_file=null where me_code='STOCK'; insert into menu_ref (me_code,me_file,me_menu,me_description,me_type) values ('STOCK_HISTO','','Historique stock','Historique des mouvement de stock','ME'); insert into menu_ref (me_code,me_file,me_menu,me_description,me_type) values ('STOCK_STATE','','Etat des stock','Etat des stock','ME'); insert into menu_ref (me_code,me_file,me_menu,me_description,me_type) values ('STOCK_INVHISTO','','Histo. Changement','Liste des changements manuels des stocks','ME'); insert into menu_ref (me_code,me_menu,me_type) values ('CSV:StockHisto','Export Historique mouvement stock','PR'); insert into menu_ref (me_code,me_menu,me_type) values ('CSV:StockResmList','Export Résumé list stock','PR'); insert into profile_menu(me_code,me_code_dep,p_id,p_order,p_type_display) values ('STOCK_HISTO','STOCK',1,10,'E'); insert into profile_menu(me_code,me_code_dep,p_id,p_order,p_type_display) values ('STOCK_STATE','STOCK',1,20,'E'); insert into profile_menu(me_code,me_code_dep,p_id,p_order,p_type_display) values ('STOCK_HISTO','STOCK',2,10,'E'); insert into profile_menu(me_code,me_code_dep,p_id,p_order,p_type_display) values ('STOCK_STATE','STOCK',2,20,'E'); insert into profile_menu(me_code,me_code_dep,p_id,p_order,p_type_display) values ('STOCK_INVHISTO','STOCK',1,30,'E'); insert into profile_menu(me_code,me_code_dep,p_id,p_order,p_type_display) values ('STOCK_INVHISTO','STOCK',2,30,'E'); insert into profile_menu(me_code,p_id,p_type_display) values ('CSV:StockHisto',1,'P'); insert into profile_menu(me_code,p_id,p_type_display) values ('CSV:StockResmList',1,'P'); insert into profile_menu(me_code,p_id,p_type_display) values ('CSV:StockHisto',2,'P'); insert into profile_menu(me_code,p_id,p_type_display) values ('CSV:StockResmList',2,'P'); insert into menu_ref (me_code,me_file,me_menu,me_description,me_type) values ('STOCK_INV','','Modification Stocks','Modification des stocks (inventaire)','ME'); insert into profile_menu(me_code,me_code_dep,p_id,p_order,p_type_display) values ('STOCK_INV','STOCK',1,30,'E'); insert into profile_menu(me_code,me_code_dep,p_id,p_order,p_type_display) values ('STOCK_INV','STOCK',2,30,'E'); -- clean stock_goods delete from stock_goods where sg_code is null or sg_code='' or sg_code not in (select ad_value from fiche_detail as fd where ad_id=19 and ad_value is not null); CREATE INDEX fki_jrnx_j_grpt ON jrnx (j_grpt ); CREATE INDEX fki_jrn_jr_grpt_id ON jrn (jr_grpt_id ); -- insert into fiche_def (fd_id,frd_id,fd_label) values (500000,15,'Stock'); insert into jnt_fic_attr (fd_id,ad_id,jnt_order) values (500000,1,10); insert into jnt_fic_attr (fd_id,ad_id,jnt_order) values (500000,9,20); insert into jnt_fic_attr (fd_id,ad_id,jnt_order) values (500000,23,30); create or replace function migrate_stock() returns void as $body$ declare rt_row text; n_fid bigint; begin for rt_row in select distinct ad_value from fiche_Detail where ad_id=19 and ad_value is not null and ad_Value <> '' loop insert into fiche (fd_id) values(500000) returning f_id into n_fid; insert into fiche_detail (f_id,ad_id,ad_value) values (n_fid,1,rt_row); insert into fiche_detail (f_id,ad_id,ad_value) values (n_fid,9,'Code stock '||rt_row); insert into fiche_detail (f_id,ad_id,ad_value) values (n_fid,23,'STOCK'||n_fid::text); update fiche_detail set ad_value='STOCK'||n_fid::text where ad_id=19 and ad_value=rt_row; update stock_goods set sg_code='STOCK'||n_fid::text where sg_code=rt_row; end loop; end; $body$ language plpgsql; select migrate_stock(); select migrate_stock(); drop function migrate_stock(); update attr_def set ad_type='card', ad_extra='[sql] fd_id = 500000 ' where ad_id=19; create table tmp_stockgood (s_id bigserial primary key,s_date timestamp default now()); create table tmp_stockgood_detail(d_id bigserial primary key,s_id bigint references tmp_stockgood(s_id) on delete cascade, sg_code text,s_qin numeric(20,4),s_qout numeric(20,4),r_id bigint,f_id bigint); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.fiche_detail_qcode_upd() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ declare i record; begin if NEW.ad_id=23 and NEW.ad_value != OLD.ad_value then RAISE NOTICE 'new qcode [%] old qcode [%]',NEW.ad_value,OLD.ad_value; for i in select ad_id from attr_def where ad_type = 'card' or ad_id=25 loop update fiche_detail set ad_value=NEW.ad_value where ad_value=OLD.ad_value and ad_id=i.ad_id; RAISE NOTICE 'change for ad_id [%] ',i.ad_id; if i.ad_id=19 then RAISE NOTICE 'Change in stock_goods OLD[%] by NEW[%]',OLD.ad_value,NEW.ad_value; update stock_goods set sg_code=NEW.ad_value where sg_code=OLD.ad_value; end if; end loop; end if; return NEW; end; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE; CREATE TRIGGER fiche_detail_upd_trg BEFORE UPDATE ON fiche_detail FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.fiche_detail_qcode_upd(); update menu_ref set me_description='Gestion des attributs de fiches ' where me_code='CFGATCARD'; ALTER TABLE stock_goods ADD COLUMN c_id bigint; CREATE TABLE stock_change ( c_id bigserial NOT NULL, c_comment text, c_date date, tech_user text, r_id bigint, tech_date time with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), CONSTRAINT stock_change_pkey PRIMARY KEY (c_id ), CONSTRAINT stock_change_r_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (r_id) REFERENCES stock_repository (r_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ); ALTER TABLE stock_goods ADD CONSTRAINT stock_goods_c_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (c_id) REFERENCES stock_change (c_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; update action_gestion set ag_dest=-1 ; alter table action_gestion alter ag_dest set not null; alter table action_gestion alter ag_dest set default -1; update menu_ref set me_code='CSV:reportinit' where me_code='CVS:reportinit'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_histo_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:histo'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_ledger_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:ledger'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_ledger_pdf.php' where me_code='PDF:ledger'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_poste_detail_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:postedetail'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_poste_detail_pdf.php' where me_code='PDF:postedetail'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_fiche_detail_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:fichedetail'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_fiche_detail_pdf.php' where me_code='PDF:fichedetail'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_fiche_balance_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:fiche_balance'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_fiche_balance_pdf.php' where me_code='PDF:fiche_balance'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_form_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:report'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_form_pdf.php' where me_code='PDF:report'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_fiche_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:fiche'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_fiche_pdf.php' where me_code='PDF:fiche'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_gl_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:glcompte'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_gl_pdf.php' where me_code='PDF:glcompte'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_security_pdf.php' where me_code='PDF:sec'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_anc_list_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:AncList'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_anc_balance_simple_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:AncBalSimple'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_anc_balance_simple_pdf.php' where me_code='PDF:AncBalSimple'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_anc_balance_double_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:AncBalDouble'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_anc_balance_double_pdf.php' where me_code='PDF:AncBalDouble'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_balance_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:balance'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_balance_pdf.php' where me_code='PDF:balance'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_anc_table_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:AncTable'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_anc_acc_list_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:AncAccList'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_anc_balance_group_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:AncBalGroup'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_bilan_oth.php' where me_code='OTH:Bilan'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_anc_grandlivre_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:AncGrandLivre'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_reportinit_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:reportinit'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_follow_up_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:ActionGestion'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_stock_histo_csv.php' where me_code='CSV:StockHisto'; update menu_ref set me_file='export_stock_resume_list.php' where me_code='CSV:StockResmList'; INSERT INTO menu_ref( me_code, me_menu, me_file, me_url, me_description, me_parameter, me_javascript, me_type) VALUES ('CFGDOCST', 'Etat des documents', '', null, 'Etat des documents', null,null,'ME'); INSERT INTO profile_menu( me_code, me_code_dep, p_id, p_order, p_type_display, pm_default) VALUES ('CFGDOCST', 'DIVPARM', 1, 9, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu( me_code, me_code_dep, p_id, p_order, p_type_display, pm_default) VALUES ('CFGDOCST', 'DIVPARM', 2,9, 'E', 0); alter sequence document_state_s_id_seq restart with 100; CREATE INDEX quant_purchase_jrn_fki ON quant_purchase USING btree (qp_internal ); ALTER TABLE quant_purchase DROP CONSTRAINT quant_purchase_qp_internal_fkey; ALTER TABLE quant_purchase ADD CONSTRAINT quant_purchase_qp_internal_fkey FOREIGN KEY (qp_internal) REFERENCES jrn (jr_internal) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED; ALTER TABLE quant_sold DROP CONSTRAINT quant_sold_qs_internal_fkey; ALTER TABLE quant_sold ADD CONSTRAINT quant_sold_qs_internal_fkey FOREIGN KEY (qs_internal) REFERENCES jrn (jr_internal) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED; CREATE INDEX quant_sold_jrn_fki ON quant_sold USING btree (qs_internal ); create sequence uos_pk_seq; create table tool_uos ( uos_value bigint default nextval ('uos_pk_seq') primary key ); update menu_ref set me_code='CFGCARD',me_file='' where me_code='CARD'; update menu_ref set me_code='CARD',me_file='' where me_code='PRINTCARD'; update profile_menu set me_code='CARD' where me_code='CFGCARD'; update profile_menu set me_code='CFGCARD' , me_code_dep='PARAM' where me_code='CARD' and me_code_dep='PRINT'; update menu_ref set me_menu='Fiche',me_description='Liste,Balance,Historique par fiche' where me_code='CARD'; update menu_ref set me_menu='Fiche',me_description='Configuration de catégorie de fiches' where me_code='CFGCARD'; drop table user_sec_extension; update attr_def set ad_type='card', ad_extra='[sql] frd_id in (4,8,9,14)' where ad_id=25; update attr_Def set ad_extra='2' where ad_type='numeric'; update attr_Def set ad_extra='4' where ad_id=31; update version set val=103; commit;