* This file is part of NOALYSS.
* NOALYSS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NOALYSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NOALYSS; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
/* $Revision$ */
// Copyright Author Dany De Bontridder danydb@aevalys.eu
* \brief javascript script, always added to every page
var ask_reload = 0;
var tag_choose = '';
* callback function when we just need to update a hidden div with an info
* message
function infodiv(req, json)
var answer = req.responseXML;
var a = answer.getElementsByTagName('ctl');
var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code');
if (a.length === 0)
var rec = req.responseText;
alert_box('erreur :' + rec);
var name_ctl = a[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]);
code_html = unescape_xml(code_html);
g(name_ctl + "info").innerHTML = code_html;
catch (e)
alert_box("success_box" + e.message);
catch (e)
alert_box("answer_box Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message);
*@brief delete a row from a table (tb) the input button send the this
as second parameter
function deleteRow(tb, obj)
smoke.confirm('Confirmez effacement',function (e)
if (e) {
var td = obj.parentNode;
var tr = td.parentNode;
var lidx = tr.rowIndex;
} else {
return ;
function deleteRowRec(tb, obj)
var tr = obj;
var lidx = tr.rowIndex;
/*!\brief remove trailing and heading space
* \param the string to modify
* \return string without heading and trailing space
function trim(s)
return s.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
* @brief retrieve an element thanks its ID
* @param ID is a string
* @return the found object of undefined if not found
function g(ID)
if (document.getElementById)
return this.document.getElementById(ID);
else if (document.all)
return document.all[ID];
return undefined;
*@brief enable the type of periode
function enable_type_periode()
if ($("type_periode").options[$("type_periode").selectedIndex].value == 0)
*@brief will reload the window but it is dangerous if we have submitted
* a form with POST
function refresh_window()
*@fn encodeJSON(obj)
*@brief we receive a json object as parameter and the function returns the string
* with the format variable=value&var2=val2...
function encodeJSON(obj)
if (typeof obj != 'object')
alert_box('encodeParameter obj n\'est pas un objet');
var str = '';
var e = 0;
for (i in obj)
if (e !== 0)
str += '&';
e = 1;
str += i;
str += '=' + encodeURI(obj[i]);
return str;
catch (e)
alert_box('encodeParameter ' + e.message);
return "";
function hide(p_param)
g(p_param).style.display = 'none';
function show(p_param)
g(p_param).style.display = 'block';
*@brief set the focus on the selected field
*@param Field id of the control
*@param selectIt : the value selected in case of Field is a object select, numeric
function SetFocus(Field, SelectIt)
var elem = g(Field);
if (elem)
return true;
* @brief set a DOM id with a value in the parent window (the caller),
@param p_ctl is the name of the control
@param p_value is the value to set in
@param p_add if we don't replace the current value but we add something
function set_inparent(p_ctl, p_value, p_add)
self.opener.set_value(p_ctl, p_value, p_add);
* @brief set a DOM id with a value, it will consider if it the attribute
value or innerHTML has be used
@param p_ctl is the name of the control
@param p_value is the value to set in
@param p_add if we don't replace the current value but we add something
function set_value(p_ctl, p_value, p_add)
if (g(p_ctl))
var g_ctrl = g(p_ctl);
if (p_add != undefined && p_add === 1)
if (g_ctrl.value)
p_value = g_ctrl.value + ',' + p_value;
if (g_ctrl.tagName === 'INPUT')
g(p_ctl).value = p_value;
if (g_ctrl.tagName === 'SPAN')
g(p_ctl).innerHTML = p_value;
if (g_ctrl.tagName === 'SELECT')
g(p_ctl).value = p_value;
*@brief format the number change comma to point
*@param HTML obj
function format_number(obj, p_prec)
var precision = 2;
if (p_prec === undefined)
precision = 2;
} else {
precision = p_prec;
var value = obj.value;
value = value.replace(/,/, '.');
value = parseFloat(value);
if (isNaN(value))
value = 0;
var arrondi = Math.pow(10, precision);
value = Math.round(value * arrondi) / arrondi;
$(obj).value = value;
*@brief check if the object is hidden or show and perform the opposite,
* show the hidden obj or hide the shown one
*@param name of the object
function toggleHideShow(p_obj, p_button)
var stat = g(p_obj).style.display;
var str = g(p_button).value;
if (stat === 'none')
str = str.replace(/Afficher/, 'Cacher');
g(p_button).value = str;
str = str.replace(/Cacher/, 'Afficher');
g(p_button).value = str;
*@brief open popup with the search windows
*@param p_dossier the dossier where to search
*@param p_style style of the detail value are E for expert or S for simple
function popup_recherche(p_dossier)
var w = window.open("recherche.php?gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&ac=SEARCH", '', 'statusbar=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no');
*@brief replace the special characters (><'") by their HTML representation
*@return a string without the offending char.
function unescape_xml(code_html)
code_html = code_html.replace(/\</, '<');
code_html = code_html.replace(/\>/, '>');
code_html = code_html.replace(/\"/, '"');
code_html = code_html.replace(/\'/, "'");
code_html = code_html.replace(/\&/, '&');
return code_html;
*@brief Firefox splits the XML into 4K chunk, so to retrieve everything we need
* to get the different parts thanks textContent
*@param xmlNode a node (result of var data = =answer.getElementsByTagName('code'))
*@return all the content of the XML node
function getNodeText(xmlNode)
if (!xmlNode)
return '';
if (typeof (xmlNode.textContent) != "undefined")
return xmlNode.textContent;
if (xmlNode.firstChild && xmlNode.firstChild.nodeValue)
return xmlNode.firstChild.nodeValue;
return "";
*@brief change the periode in the calendar of the dashboard
*@param object select
function change_month(obj)
var action = new Ajax.Request(
method: 'get',
parameters: { gDossier : obj.gDossier , op:'cal' ,"per" : obj.value , t: obj.type_display, notitle:obj.notitle},
onFailure: ajax_misc_failure,
onSuccess: success_misc
*@brief basic answer to ajax on success, it will fill the DOMID code with
* the code. In that case, you need to create the object before the Ajax.Request
*The difference with success box is that
*@see add_div removeDiv success_box is that the width and height are not changed ajax_misc.php
*@parameter code is the ID of the object containing the html (div, button...)
*@parameter value is the html code, with it you fill the ctl element
function success_misc(req)
var answer = req.responseXML;
var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code');
if (html.length === 0)
var rec = req.responseText;
alert_box('erreur :' + rec);
var nodeXml = html[0];
var code_html = getNodeText(nodeXml);
code_html = unescape_xml(code_html);
$("user_cal").innerHTML = code_html;
catch (e)
catch (e)
alert_box("Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message);
function loading()
var str = '
Un instant ...
str = str + '';
return str;
function ajax_misc_failure()
alert_box('Ajax Misc failed');
*@brief remove a document_modele
function cat_doc_remove(p_dt_id, p_dossier)
var queryString = "gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&op=rem_cat_doc" + "&dt_id=" + p_dt_id;
var action = new Ajax.Request(
"ajax_misc.php", {method: 'get',
parameters: queryString,
onFailure: ajax_misc_failure,
onSuccess: function (req)
var answer = req.responseXML;
var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('dtid');
if (html.length === 0)
var rec = req.responseText;
alert_box('erreur ' + rec );
nodeXML = html[0];
row_id = getNodeText(nodeXML);
if (row_id === 'nok')
var message_node = answer.getElementsByTagName('message');
var message_text = getNodeText(message_node[0]);
alert_box('erreur ' + message_text);
$('row' + row_id).style.textDecoration = "line-through";
$('X' + row_id).style.display='none';
$('M' + row_id).style.display='none';
catch (e)
*@brief change a document_modele
function cat_doc_change(p_dt_id, p_dossier)
var queryString = "gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&op=mod_cat_doc" + "&dt_id=" + p_dt_id;
var nTop = calcy(posY);
var nLeft = "200px";
var str_style = "top:" + nTop + "px;left:" + nLeft + ";width:50em;height:auto";
var action = new Ajax.Request(
method: 'get', parameters: queryString,
onFailure: ajax_misc_failure,
onSuccess: function (req) {
add_div({id: 'change_doc_div', style: str_style, cssclass: 'inner_box', drag: "1"});
$('change_doc_div').innerHTML = req.responseText;
*@brief display the popup with vat and explanation
*@param obj with 4 attributes gdossier, ctl,popup
function popup_select_tva(obj)
if ($('tva_select')) {
var queryString = "gDossier=" + obj.gDossier + "&op=dsp_tva" + "&ctl=" + obj.ctl + '&popup=' + 'tva_select';
if (obj.jcode)
queryString += '&code=' + obj.jcode;
if (obj.compute)
queryString += '&compute=' + obj.compute;
var action = new Ajax.Request(
{method: 'get',
parameters: queryString,
onFailure: ajax_misc_failure,
onSuccess: function (req)
var answer = req.responseXML;
var popup = answer.getElementsByTagName('popup');
if (popup.length === 0)
var rec = req.responseText;
alert_box('erreur :' + rec);
var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code');
var name_ctl = popup[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
var nodeXml = html[0];
var code_html = getNodeText(nodeXml);
code_html = unescape_xml(code_html);
var nTop = posY - 200;
var nLeft = "15%";
var str_style = "top:" + nTop + "px;left:" + nLeft + ";right:" + nLeft + ";width:55em;height:auto";
var popup = {'id': 'tva_select', 'cssclass': 'inner_box', 'style': str_style, 'html': code_html, 'drag': true};
catch (e)
alert_box("success_popup_select_tva " + e.message);
catch (e)
alert_box("popup_select_tva " + e.message);
*@brief display the popup with vat and explanations
function success_popup_select_tva_obsolete(req)
*@brief display the popup with vat and explanation
*@param obj with 4 attributes gdossier, ctl,popup
function set_tva_label(obj)
var queryString = "gDossier=" + obj.gDossier + "&op=label_tva" + "&id=" + obj.value;
if (obj.jcode)
queryString += '&code=' + obj.jcode;
var action = new Ajax.Request(
{method: 'get',
parameters: queryString,
onFailure: ajax_misc_failure,
onSuccess: success_set_tva_label
catch (e)
alert_box("set_tva_label " + e.message);
*@brief display the popup with vat and explanations
function success_set_tva_label(req)
var answer = req.responseXML;
var code = answer.getElementsByTagName('code');
var value = answer.getElementsByTagName('value');
if (code.length === 0)
var rec = req.responseText;
alert_box('erreur :' + rec);
var label_code = code[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
var label_value = value[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
set_value(label_code, label_value);
catch (e)
alert_box("success_set_tva_label " + e.message);
*@brief set loading for waiting
*@param name of ipopup
*@see showIPopup
function set_wait_obsolete(name)
var content = name + "_content";
$(content).innerHTML = 'Un instant...';
* Create a div without showing it
* @param {type} obj
* the attributes are
* - style to add style
* - id to add an id
* - cssclass to add a class
* - html is the content
* - drag is the div can be moved
* @returns html dom element
* @see add_div
function create_div(obj)
var top = document;
var elt = null;
if (!$(obj.id)) {
elt = top.createElement('div');
else {
elt = $(obj.id);
if (obj.id)
elt.setAttribute('id', obj.id);
if (obj.style)
if (elt.style.setAttribute)
{ /* IE7 bug */
elt.style.setAttribute('cssText', obj.style);
{ /* good Browser */
elt.setAttribute('style', obj.style);
if (obj.cssclass)
elt.setAttribute('class', obj.cssclass); /* FF */
elt.setAttribute('className', obj.cssclass); /* IE */
if (obj.html)
elt.innerHTML = obj.html;
var bottom_div = document.body;
/* if ( obj.effect && obj.effect != 'none' ) { Effect.Grow(obj.id,{direction:'top-right',duration:0.1}); }
else if ( ! obj.effect ){ Effect.Grow(obj.id,{direction:'top-right',duration:0.1}); }*/
if (obj.drag)
new Draggable(obj.id, {starteffect: function ()
new Effect.Highlight(obj.id, {scroll: window, queue: 'end'});
return elt;
catch (e)
error_message("create_div " + e.message);
*@brief add dynamically a object for AJAX
*@param obj.
* the attributes are
* - style to add style
* - id to add an id
* - cssclass to add a class
* - html is the content
* - drag is the div can be moved
function add_div(obj)
try {
var elt=create_div(obj);
/* elt.setStyle({visibility:'visible'}); */
elt.style.visibility = 'visible';
catch (e)
alert_box("add_div " + e.message);
* remove a object created with add_div
* @param elt id of the elt
function removeDiv(elt)
if (g(elt))
// if reloaded if asked the window will be reloaded when
// the box is closed
if (ask_reload === 1)
// avoid POST window.location = window.location.href;
function waiting_node()
$('info_div').innerHTML = 'Un instant';
$('info_div').style.display = "block";
*show a box while loading
*must be remove when ajax is successfull
* the id is wait_box
function waiting_box()
var obj = {
id: 'wait_box', html: '
' + loading()
var y = fixed_position(10, 250)
obj.style = y + ";width:20%;margin-left:40%;";
if ($('wait_box')) {
*@brief call add_div to add a DIV and after call the ajax
* the queryString, the callback for function for success and error management
* the method is always GET
*@param obj, the mandatory attributes are
* - obj.qs querystring
* - obj.js_success callback function in javascript for handling the xml answer
* - obj.js_error callback function for error
* - obj.callback the php file to call
* - obj.fixed optional let you determine the position, otherwise works like IPopup
*@see add_div IBox
function show_box(obj)
if (!obj.fixed)
var sx = 0;
if (window.scrollY)
sx = window.scrollY + 40;
sx = document.body.scrollTop + 40;
g(obj.id).style.top = sx + "px";
var action = new Ajax.Request(
method: 'GET',
parameters: obj.qs,
onFailure: eval(obj.js_error),
onSuccess: eval(obj.js_success)
*@brief receive answer from ajax and just display it into the IBox
* XML must contains at least 2 fields : ctl is the ID of the IBOX and
* code is the HTML to put in it
*@see fill_box
function success_box(req, json)
var answer = req.responseXML;
var a = answer.getElementsByTagName('ctl');
var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code');
if (a.length === 0)
var rec = req.responseText;
alert_box('erreur :' + rec);
var name_ctl = a[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]);
code_html = unescape_xml(code_html);
g(name_ctl).innerHTML = code_html;
g(name_ctl).style.height = 'auto';
if (name_ctl == 'popup')
g(name_ctl).style.width = 'auto';
catch (e)
alert_box("success_box" + e.message);
catch (e)
alert_box("answer_box Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message);
function error_box()
alert_box('[error_box] ajax not implemented');
* show the ledger choice
function show_ledger_choice(json_obj)
var i = 0;
var query = "gDossier=" + json_obj.dossier + '&type=' + json_obj.type + '&div=' + json_obj.div + '&op=ledger_show';
query = query + '&nbjrn=' + $(json_obj.div + 'nb_jrn').value;
query = query + '&all_type=' + json_obj.all_type;
for (i = 0; i < $(json_obj.div + 'nb_jrn').value; i++) {
query = query + "&r_jrn[]=" + $(json_obj.div + 'r_jrn[' + i + ']').value;
var action = new Ajax.Request(
{method: 'get',
parameters: query,
onFailure: ajax_misc_failure,
onSuccess: function (req, json) {
try {
var obj = {
id: json_obj.div + 'jrn_search',
cssclass: 'inner_box',
style: ';position:absolute;width:60%;z-index:20;margin-left:20%',
drag: 1
//var y=calcy(posY);
var y = posY;
if (json_obj.div != '')
obj.cssclass = "";
obj.style = "top:" + y + 'px;' + obj.style;
/* if ( json_obj.class )
var answer = req.responseXML;
var a = answer.getElementsByTagName('ctl');
var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code');
if (a.length === 0) {
var rec = req.responseText;
alert_box('erreur :' + rec);
var name_ctl = a[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]);
code_html = unescape_xml(code_html);
g(obj.id).innerHTML = code_html;
catch (e) {
alert_box("show_ledger_callback" + e.message);
try {
catch (e) {
alert_box("answer_box Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message);
} catch (e) {
alert_box('show_ledger_choice' + e.message);
* hide the ledger choice
function hide_ledger_choice(p_frm_search)
var nb = $(p_frm_search).nb_jrn.value;
var div = $(p_frm_search).div.value;
var i = 0;
var str = "";
var name = "";
var n_name = "";
var sel = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
n_name = div + "r_jrn[" + sel + "]";
name = div + "r_jrn" + i;
if ($(name).checked) {
str += '';
str += '';
$('ledger_id' + div).innerHTML = str;
removeDiv(div + 'jrn_search');
return false;
} catch (e) {
alert_box('hide_ledger_choice' + e.message);
return false;
* show the cat of ledger choice
function show_cat_choice()
g('div_cat').style.visibility = 'visible';
* hide the cat of ledger choice
function hide_cat_choice()
g('div_cat').style.visibility = 'hidden';
* add a row for the forecast item
function for_add_row(tableid)
style = 'class="input_text"';
var mytable = g(tableid).tBodies[0];
var nNumberRow = mytable.rows.length;
var oRow = mytable.insertRow(nNumberRow);
var rowToCopy = mytable.rows[1];
var nNumberCell = rowToCopy.cells.length;
var nb = g("nbrow");
var oNewRow = mytable.insertRow(nNumberRow);
for (var e = 0; e < nNumberCell; e++)
var newCell = oRow.insertCell(e);
var tt = rowToCopy.cells[e].innerHTML;
new_tt = tt.replace(/an_cat0/g, "an_cat" + nb.value);
new_tt = new_tt.replace(/an_cat_acc0/g, "an_cat_acc" + nb.value);
new_tt = new_tt.replace(/an_qc0/g, "an_qc" + nb.value);
new_tt = new_tt.replace(/an_label0/g, "an_label" + nb.value);
new_tt = new_tt.replace(/month0/g, "month" + nb.value);
new_tt = new_tt.replace(/an_cat_amount0/g, "an_cat_amount" + nb.value);
new_tt = new_tt.replace(/an_deb0/g, "an_deb" + nb.value);
newCell.innerHTML = new_tt;
$("an_cat_acc" + nb.value).value = "";
$("an_qc" + nb.value).value = "";
$("an_label" + nb.value).value = "";
$("an_cat_amount" + nb.value).value = "0";
* toggle all the checkbox in a given form
* @param form_id id of the form
function toggle_checkbox(form_id)
var form = g(form_id);
for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++)
var e = form.elements[i];
if (e.type === 'checkbox')
if (e.checked === true)
e.checked = false;
e.checked = true;
* select all the checkbox in a given form
* @param form_id id of the form
function select_checkbox(form_id)
var form = $(form_id);
for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++)
var e = form.elements[i];
if (e.type === 'checkbox')
e.checked = true;
* unselect all the checkbox in a given form
* @param form_id id of the form
function unselect_checkbox(form_id)
var form = $(form_id);
for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++)
var e = form.elements[i];
if (e.type === 'checkbox')
e.checked = false;
* show the calculator
function show_calc()
if (g('calc1'))
this.document.getElementById('inp').value = "";
var sid = 'calc1';
var shtml = '';
shtml += '