if (!defined('ALLOWED')) die('Appel direct ne sont pas permis'); /** * @file * @brief * @param type $name Descriptionara */ class Acc_Ledger_Search { protected $cn; //!< Database Connection private $type; //!< type of ledger : FIN,ODS,VEN,ACH private $all; //!< Flag to indicate if all ledgers must searched (1 for yes) private $div; //! prefix for id of DOM id /** * @brief return a HTML string with the form for the search * @param $p_type if the type of ledger possible values=ALL,VEN,ACH,ODS,FIN * @param $all_type_ledger * values : * - 1 means all the ledger of this type * - 0 No have the "Tous les journaux" availables * @param $div is the div (for reconciliation) * @param type $p_type * @param type $p_all * @param type $p_div */ function __construct($p_type, $p_all=1, $p_div="") { $this->cn=Dossier::connect(); $this->type=$p_type; $this->all=$p_all; $this->div=$p_div; } public function get_type() { return $this->type; } public function get_all() { return $this->all; } public function get_div() { return $this->div; } public function set_type($type) { $this->type=$type; } public function set_all($all) { $this->all=$all; } public function set_div($div) { $this->div=$div; } /** * @brief return a HTML string with the form for the search * @return a HTML String without the tag FORM or DIV * * @see build_search_sql * @see display_search_form * @see list_operation * @example search_acc_operation.php */ function search_form() { global $g_user; $r=""; $bledger_param=json_encode(array( 'dossier'=>Dossier::id(), 'type'=>$this->type, 'all_type'=>$this->all, 'div'=>$this->div )); $bledger_param=str_replace('"', "'", $bledger_param); $bledger=new ISmallButton('l'); $bledger->label=_("choix des journaux"); $bledger->javascript=" show_ledger_choice($bledger_param)"; $f_ledger=$bledger->input(); $hid_jrn=""; if (isset($_REQUEST[$this->div.'nb_jrn'])) { for ($i=0; $i<$_REQUEST[$this->div.'nb_jrn']; $i++) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$this->div."r_jrn"][$i])) $hid_jrn.=HtmlInput::hidden($this->div.'r_jrn['.$i.']', $_REQUEST[$this->div."r_jrn"][$i]); } $hid_jrn.=HtmlInput::hidden($this->div.'nb_jrn', $_REQUEST[$this->div.'nb_jrn']); } else { $hid_jrn=HtmlInput::hidden($this->div.'nb_jrn', 0); } /* Compute default date for exercice */ $period=$g_user->get_periode(); $per=new Periode($this->cn, $period); $exercice=$per->get_exercice(); list($per_start, $per_end)=$per->get_limit($exercice); $date_end=$per_end->last_day(); $date_start=$per_start->first_day(); $date_start_hidden=HtmlInput::hidden("{$this->div}date_start_hidden", $date_start); $date_end_hidden=HtmlInput::hidden("{$this->div}date_end_hidden", $date_end); /* widget for date_start */ $f_date_start=new IDate('date_start', '', $this->div."date_start"); /* all periode or only the selected one */ if (isset($_REQUEST['date_start'])) { $f_date_start->value=$_REQUEST['date_start']; } else { $f_date_start->value=$date_start; } /* widget for date_end */ $f_date_end=new IDate('date_end', '', $this->div."date_end"); /* all date or only the selected one */ if (isset($_REQUEST['date_end'])) { $f_date_end->value=$_REQUEST['date_end']; } else { $f_date_end->value=$date_end; } /* widget for date term */ $f_date_paid_start=new IDate('date_paid_start', '', $this->div."date_paid_start"); $f_date_paid_end=new IDate('date_paid_end', '', $this->div."date_paid_end"); $f_date_paid_start->value=(isset($_REQUEST['date_paid_start']))?$_REQUEST['date_paid_start']:''; $f_date_paid_end->value=(isset($_REQUEST['date_paid_end']))?$_REQUEST['date_paid_end']:''; /* widget for desc */ $f_descript=new IText('desc', "", $this->div."desc"); $f_descript->size=40; if (isset($_REQUEST['desc'])) { $f_descript->value=$_REQUEST['desc']; } /* widget for amount */ $f_amount_min=new INum('amount_min', '0', $this->div."amount_min"); $f_amount_min->value=(isset($_REQUEST['amount_min']))?abs($_REQUEST['amount_min']):0; $f_amount_max=new INum('amount_max', '0', $this->div."amount_max"); $f_amount_max->value=(isset($_REQUEST['amount_max']))?abs($_REQUEST['amount_max']):0; /* input quick code */ $f_qcode=new ICard($this->div.'qcode'); $f_qcode->set_attribute('typecard', 'all'); /* $f_qcode->set_attribute('p_jrn','0'); $f_qcode->set_callback('filter_card'); */ $f_qcode->set_dblclick("fill_ipopcard(this);"); // Add the callback function to filter the card on the jrn //$f_qcode->set_callback('filter_card'); $f_qcode->set_function('fill_data'); $f_qcode->javascript=sprintf(' onchange="fill_data_onchange(%s);" ', $f_qcode->name); $f_qcode->value=(isset($_REQUEST[$this->div.'qcode']))?$_REQUEST[$this->div.'qcode']:''; /* $f_txt_qcode=new IText('qcode'); $f_txt_qcode->value=(isset($_REQUEST['qcode']))?$_REQUEST['qcode']:''; */ /* input poste comptable */ $f_accounting=new IPoste('accounting', "", $this->div."accounting"); $f_accounting->value=(isset($_REQUEST['accounting']))?$_REQUEST['accounting']:''; /* * utile ??? Filtre les postes comptables en fonction du journal * if ($this->id==-1) $jrn=0; else $jrn=$this->id; */ $f_accounting->set_attribute('jrn', 0); $f_accounting->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipop_account'); $f_accounting->set_attribute('label', 'ld'); $f_accounting->set_attribute('account', $this->div.'accounting'); $info=Icon_Action::infobulle(13); $f_paid=new ICheckbox('unpaid', null, $this->div.'unpaid'); $f_paid->selected=(isset($_REQUEST['unpaid']))?true:false; $r.=dossier::hidden(); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('ledger_type', $this->type, $this->div."ledger_type"); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('ac', $_REQUEST['ac']); ob_start(); $search_filter=$this->build_search_filter(); require_once NOALYSS_TEMPLATE.'/ledger_search.php'; $r.=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $r; } /** * Build the button for managing the filter for search * @param type $p_div id prefix of the div, button, table .. * @param $this->type if the type of ledger possible values=ALL,VEN,ACH,ODS,FIN * @param $all_type_ledger * values : * - 1 means all the ledger of this type * - 0 No have the "Tous les journaux" availables */ function build_search_filter() { $json=json_encode(["div"=>$this->div, "ledger_type"=>$this->type, "all_type"=>$this->all, "dossier"=>Dossier::id()]); $json=str_replace('"', "'", $json); $r=sprintf('manage_search_filter(%s)', $json); return $r; } /** * Build the button for saving the filter for search */ function build_name_filter() { $name=new IText($this->div."filter_new"); $name->placeholder=_("Nom du filtre"); $r=$name->input(); $bt=new IButton($this->div."save_ok",_("Ajout")); $bt->javascript=sprintf("save_filter('%s','%s')",$this->div,Dossier::id()); $r.=$bt->input(); return $r; } /** * @brief this function will create a sql stmt to use to create the list for * the ledger, * @param $p_array is usually the $_GET, * @param $p_order the order of the row * @param $p_where is the sql condition if not null then the $p_array will not be used * \note the p_action will be used to filter the ledger but gl means ALL * struct array $p_array \verbatim ( [gDossier] => 13 [p_jrn] => -1 [date_start] => [date_end] => [amount_min] => 0 [amount_max] => 0 [desc] => [search] => Rechercher [p_action] => ven [sa] => l ) \endverbatim * \return an array with a valid sql statement, an the where clause => array[sql] array[where] * \see list_operation * \see display_search_form * \see search_form */ public function build_search_sql($p_array, $p_order="", $p_where="") { $sql="select jr_id , jr_montant, substr(jr_comment,1,60) as jr_comment, to_char(jr_ech,'DD.MM.YY') as str_jr_ech, to_char(jr_date,'DD.MM.YY') as str_jr_date, jr_date as jr_date_order, jr_grpt_id, jr_rapt, jr_internal, jrn_def_id, jrn_def_name, jrn_def_ech, jrn_def_type, jr_valid, jr_tech_per, jr_pj_name, p_closed, jr_pj_number, n_text, case when jrn_def_type='VEN' then (select ad_value from fiche_detail where ad_id=1 and f_id=(select max(qs_client) from quant_sold join jrnx using (j_id) join jrn as e on (e.jr_grpt_id=j_grpt) where e.jr_id=x.jr_id)) when jrn_def_type = 'ACH' then (select ad_value from fiche_detail where ad_id=1 and f_id=(select max(qp_supplier) from quant_purchase join jrnx using (j_id) join jrn as e on (e.jr_grpt_id=j_grpt) where e.jr_id=x.jr_id)) when jrn_def_type = 'FIN' then (select ad_value from fiche_detail where ad_id=1 and f_id=(select qf_other from quant_fin where quant_fin.jr_id=x.jr_id)) end as name, case when jrn_def_type='VEN' then (select ad_value from fiche_detail where ad_id=32 and f_id=(select max(qs_client) from quant_sold join jrnx using (j_id) join jrn as e on (e.jr_grpt_id=j_grpt) where e.jr_id=x.jr_id)) when jrn_def_type = 'ACH' then (select ad_value from fiche_detail where ad_id=32 and f_id=(select max(qp_supplier) from quant_purchase join jrnx using (j_id) join jrn as e on (e.jr_grpt_id=j_grpt) where e.jr_id=x.jr_id)) when jrn_def_type = 'FIN' then (select ad_value from fiche_detail where ad_id=32 and f_id=(select qf_other from quant_fin where quant_fin.jr_id=x.jr_id)) end as first_name, case when jrn_def_type='VEN' then (select ad_value from fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and f_id=(select max(qs_client) from quant_sold join jrnx using (j_id) join jrn as e on (e.jr_grpt_id=j_grpt) where e.jr_id=x.jr_id)) when jrn_def_type = 'ACH' then (select ad_value from fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and f_id=(select max(qp_supplier) from quant_purchase join jrnx using (j_id) join jrn as e on (e.jr_grpt_id=j_grpt) where e.jr_id=x.jr_id)) when jrn_def_type = 'FIN' then (select ad_value from fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and f_id=(select qf_other from quant_fin where quant_fin.jr_id=x.jr_id)) end as quick_code, case when jrn_def_type='VEN' then (select sum(qs_price)+sum(vat) from (select qs_internal,qs_price,case when qs_vat_sided<>0 then 0 else qs_vat end as vat from quant_sold where qs_internal=X.jr_internal) as ven_invoice ) when jrn_def_type = 'ACH' then ( select sum(qp_price)+sum(vat)+sum(qp_nd_tva)+sum(qp_nd_tva_recup) from (select qp_internal,qp_price,qp_nd_tva,qp_nd_tva_recup,qp_vat-qp_vat_sided as vat from quant_purchase where qp_internal=X.jr_internal) as invoice_purchase ) else null end as total_invoice, jr_date_paid, to_char(jr_date_paid,'DD.MM.YY') as str_jr_date_paid from jrn as X left join jrn_note using(jr_id) join jrn_def on jrn_def_id=jr_def_id join parm_periode on p_id=jr_tech_per"; if (!empty($p_array)) extract($p_array, EXTR_SKIP); $op=$this->div; if (isset($p_array[$op."r_jrn"])) { $r_jrn=$p_array[$op."r_jrn"]; } else { $r_jrn=(isset($r_jrn))?$r_jrn:-1; } /* if no variable are set then give them a default * value */ if ($p_array==null||empty($p_array)||!isset($amount_min)) { $amount_min=0; $amount_max=0; $desc=''; $qcode=(isset($p_array[$this->div."qcode"]))?$p_array[$this->div."qcode"]:""; $accounting=(isset($accounting))?$accounting:""; $periode=new Periode($this->cn); $g_user=new User($this->cn); $p_id=$g_user->get_periode(); if ($p_id!=null) { list($date_start, $date_end)=$periode->get_date_limit($p_id); } } /* if p_jrn : 0 if means all ledgers, if -1 means all ledger of this * type otherwise only one ledger */ $fil_ledger=''; $fil_amount=''; $fil_date=''; $fil_desc=''; $fil_sec=''; $fil_qcode=''; $fil_account=''; $fil_paid=''; $fil_date_paid=''; $and=''; $g_user=new User($this->cn); $p_action=$ledger_type; if ($p_action=='') $p_action='ALL'; if ($r_jrn==-1) { /* from compta.php the p_action is quick_writing instead of ODS */ if ($p_action=='quick_writing') $p_action='ODS'; $fil_ledger=$g_user->get_ledger_sql($p_action, 3); $and=' and '; } else { if ($p_action=='quick_writing') $p_action='ODS'; $aLedger=$g_user->get_ledger($p_action, 3); $fil_ledger=''; $sp=''; for ($i=0; $i0&&isNumber($amount_min)) { $fil_amount=$and.' jr_montant >='.$amount_min; $and=' and '; } if ($amount_max>0&&isNumber($amount_max)) { $fil_amount.=$and.' jr_montant <='.$amount_max; $and=' and '; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * if both amount are the same then we need to search into the detail * and we reset the fil_amount * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (isNumber($amount_min)&& isNumber($amount_max)&& $amount_min>0&& bccomp($amount_min, $amount_max, 2)==0) { $fil_amount=$and.' ( '; // Look in detail $fil_amount.='jr_grpt_id in ( select distinct j_grpt from jrnx where j_montant = '.$amount_min.') '; //and the total operation $fil_amount.=' or '; $fil_amount.=' jr_montant = '.$amount_min; $fil_amount.=')'; $and=" and "; } // date if (isset($date_start)&&isDate($date_start)!=null) { $fil_date=$and." jr_date >= to_date('".$date_start."','DD.MM.YYYY')"; $and=" and "; } if (isset($date_end)&&isDate($date_end)!=null) { $fil_date.=$and." jr_date <= to_date('".$date_end."','DD.MM.YYYY')"; $and=" and "; } // date paiement if (isset($date_paid_start)&&isDate($date_paid_start)!=null) { $fil_date_paid=$and." jr_date_paid >= to_date('".$date_paid_start."','DD.MM.YYYY')"; $and=" and "; } if (isset($date_paid_end)&&isDate($date_paid_end)!=null) { $fil_date_paid.=$and." jr_date_paid <= to_date('".$date_paid_end."','DD.MM.YYYY')"; $and=" and "; } // comment if (isset($desc)&&$desc!=null) { $desc=sql_string($desc); $fil_desc=$and." ( upper(jr_comment) like upper('%".$desc."%') or upper(jr_pj_number) like upper('%".$desc."%') ". " or upper(jr_internal) like upper('%".$desc."%') or jr_grpt_id in (select j_grpt from jrnx where j_text ~* '".$desc."') or jr_id in (select jr_id from jrn_info where ji_value is not null and ji_value ~* '$desc') )"; $and=" and "; } // Poste if (isset($accounting)&&$accounting!=null) { $fil_account=$and." jr_grpt_id in (select j_grpt from jrnx where j_poste::text like '".sql_string($accounting)."%' ) "; $and=" and "; } // Quick Code $qcode=(isset($p_array[$this->div."qcode"]))?$p_array[$this->div."qcode"]:""; if ($qcode!="") { $fil_qcode=$and." jr_grpt_id in ( select j_grpt from jrnx where trim(j_qcode) = upper(trim('".sql_string($qcode)."')))"; $and=" and "; } // Only the unpaid if (isset($unpaid)) { $fil_paid=$and.SQL_LIST_UNPAID_INVOICE; $and=" and "; } global $g_user; if ($g_user->admin==0&&$g_user->is_local_admin()==0 && $g_user->get_status_security_ledger()==1 ) { $fil_sec=$and." jr_def_id in ( select uj_jrn_id ". " from user_sec_jrn where ". " uj_login='".sql_string($_SESSION['g_user'])."'". " and uj_priv in ('R','W'))"; } $where=$fil_ledger.$fil_amount.$fil_date.$fil_desc.$fil_sec.$fil_amount.$fil_qcode.$fil_paid.$fil_account.$fil_date_paid; $sql.=" where ".$where; return array($sql, $where); } /** * @brief return a html string with the search_form * \return a HTML string with the FORM * \see build_search_sql * \see search_form * \see list_operation */ function display_search_form() { $r=''; $r.=''; $button=new IButton('tfs'); $button->label=_("Chercher"); $button->javascript="toggleHideShow('search_form','tfs');"; $r.=$button->input(); return $r; } /** * @brief Show all the operation * @param$sql is the sql stmt, normally created by build_search_sql * @param$offset the offset * @param$p_paid if we want to see info about payment \code // Example // Build the sql list($sql,$where)=$Ledger->build_search_sql($_GET); // Count nb of line $max_line=$cn->count_sql($sql); $step=$_SESSION['g_pagesize']; $page=(isset($_GET['offset']))?$_GET['page']:1; $offset=(isset($_GET['offset']))?$_GET['offset']:0; // create the nav. bar $bar=navigation_bar($offset,$max_line,$step,$page); // show a part list($count,$html)= $Ledger->list_operation($sql,$offset,0); echo $html; // show nav bar echo $bar; \endcode * \see build_search_sql * \see display_search_form * \see search_form * \return HTML string */ public function list_operation($sql, $offset, $p_paid=0) { global $g_parameter, $g_user; bcscale(2); $table=new Sort_Table(); $gDossier=dossier::id(); $amount_paid=0.0; $amount_unpaid=0.0; $limit=($_SESSION['g_pagesize']!=-1)?" LIMIT ".$_SESSION['g_pagesize']:""; $offset=($_SESSION['g_pagesize']!=-1)?" OFFSET ".Database::escape_string($offset):""; $order=" order by jr_date_order asc,jr_internal asc"; // Sort $url="?".CleanUrl(); $str_dossier=dossier::get(); $table->add(_("Date"), $url, 'order by jr_date asc,substring(jr_pj_number,\'[0-9]+$\')::numeric asc', 'order by jr_date desc,substring(jr_pj_number,\'[0-9]+$\')::numeric desc', "da", "dd"); $table->add(_('Echeance'), $url, " order by jr_ech asc", " order by jr_ech desc", 'ea', 'ed'); $table->add(_('Paiement'), $url, " order by jr_date_paid asc", " order by jr_date_paid desc", 'eap', 'edp'); $table->add(_('Pièce'), $url, ' order by substring(jr_pj_number,\'[0-9]+$\')::numeric asc ', ' order by substring(jr_pj_number,\'[0-9]+$\')::numeric desc ', "pja", "pjd"); $table->add(_('Tiers'), $url, " order by name asc", " order by name desc", 'na', 'nd'); $table->add(_('Montant'), $url, " order by jr_montant asc", " order by jr_montant desc", "ma", "md"); $table->add(_("Description"), $url, "order by jr_comment asc", "order by jr_comment desc", "ca", "cd"); $ord=(!isset($_GET['ord']))?'da':$_GET['ord']; $order=$table->get_sql_order($ord); // Count $count=$this->cn->count_sql($sql); // Add the limit $sql.=$order.$limit.$offset; // Execute SQL stmt $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); //starting from here we can refactor, so that instead of returning the generated HTML, //this function returns a tree structure. $r=""; $Max=Database::num_row($Res); if ($Max==0) return array(0, _("Aucun enregistrement trouvé")); $r.=''; $r.=""; $r.=""; if ($this->type=='ALL') { $r.=th('Journal'); } $r.=''; if ($p_paid!=0) $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=th('Notes', ' style="width:15%"'); $r.=''; // if $p_paid is not equal to 0 then we have a paid column if ($p_paid!=0) { $r.=""; } $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; // Total Amount $tot=0.0; $gDossier=dossier::id(); for ($i=0; $i<$Max; $i++) { $row=Database::fetch_array($Res, $i); if ($i%2==0) $tr=''; else $tr=''; $r.=$tr; //internal code // button modify $r.=""; if ($this->type=='ALL') $r.=td($row['jrn_def_name']); // date $r.=""; // echeance if ($p_paid!=0) { $r.=""; $r.=""; } // pj $r.=""; // Tiers $other=($row['quick_code']!='')?HtmlInput::card_detail($row['quick_code'],h($row['name'].' '.$row['first_name'])):''; $r.=td($other); // comment $r.=""; $r.=td(h($row['n_text']), ' style="font-size:0.87em%"'); // Amount // If the ledger is financial : // the credit must be negative and written in red $positive=0; // Check ledger type : if ($row['jrn_def_type']=='FIN') { $positive=$this->cn->get_value("select qf_amount from quant_fin where jr_id=$1", array($row['jr_id'])); if ($this->cn->count()!=0) $positive=($positive<0)?1:0; } $r.=""; // Show the paid column if p_paid is not null if ($p_paid!=0) { $w=new ICheckBox(); $w->name="rd_paid".$row['jr_id']; $w->selected=($row['jr_rapt']=='paid')?true:false; // if p_paid == 2 then readonly $w->readonly=( $p_paid==2)?true:false; $h=new IHidden(); $h->name="set_jr_id".$row['jr_id']; $r.=''; if ($row['jr_rapt']=='paid') $amount_paid=bcadd($amount_paid, $t_amount); else $amount_unpaid=bcadd($amount_unpaid, $t_amount); } // Rapprochement $rec=new Acc_Reconciliation($this->cn); $rec->set_jr_id($row['jr_id']); $a=$rec->get(); $r.=""; if ($row['jr_valid']=='f') { $r.=""; } else { } // else //document if ($row['jr_pj_name']!="") { $r.=''; } else $r.=""; // end row $r.=""; } $amount_paid=round($amount_paid, 4); $amount_unpaid=round($amount_unpaid, 4); $tot=round($tot, 4); $r.=""; $r.=''; $r.='"; $r.=""; if ($p_paid!=0) { $r.=""; $r.=''; $r.='"; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=''; $r.='"; $r.=""; } $r.="
"._("n° interne")."'.$table->get_header(0).''.$table->get_header(1).''; if ($p_paid!=0) $r.=''.$table->get_header(2).''.$table->get_header(3).''.$table->get_header(4).''.$table->get_header(6).''.$table->get_header(5).' "._('Payé').""._('Concerne').""._('Document')."
"; // If url contains // $href=basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $r.=sprintf('%s ', $row['jr_id'], $gDossier, $row['jr_internal']); $r.=""; $r.=$row['str_jr_date']; $r.=""; $r.=$row['str_jr_ech']; $r.=""; $r.=$row['str_jr_date_paid']; $r.=""; $r.=$row['jr_pj_number']; $r.=""; $tmp_jr_comment=h($row['jr_comment']); $r.=$tmp_jr_comment; $r.=""; $t_amount=$row['jr_montant']; if ($row['total_invoice']!=null&&$row['total_invoice']!=$row['jr_montant']) $t_amount=$row['total_invoice']; $tot=($positive!=0)?bcsub($tot, $t_amount):bcadd($tot, $t_amount); //STAN $positive always == 0 if ($row ['jrn_def_type']=='FIN') { $r.=( $positive!=0 )?" - ".nbm($t_amount)."":nbm($t_amount); } else { $r.=( $t_amount<0 )?" ".nbm($t_amount)."":nbm($t_amount); } $r.="'.$w->input().$h->input().'"; if ($a!=null) { foreach ($a as $key=> $element) { $operation=new Acc_Operation($this->cn); $operation->jr_id=$element; $l_amount=$this->cn->get_value("select jr_montant from jrn ". " where jr_id=$1", array($element)); $r.=" ".$operation->get_internal()."[".nbm($l_amount)."]"; }//for }// if ( $a != null ) { $r.=""._("Opération annulée")."'.HtmlInput::show_receipt_document($row['jr_id']).'
'._("Non payé").''.nbm($amount_unpaid)."
"; return array($count, $r); } /** * @brief Show all the operation * @param$sql is the sql stmt, normally created by build_search_sql * @param$offset the offset * @param$p_paid if we want to see info about payment @code // Example // Build the sql list($sql,$where)=$Ledger->build_search_sql($_GET); // Count nb of line $max_line=$this->cn->count_sql($sql); $step=$_SESSION['g_pagesize']; $page=(isset($_GET['offset']))?$_GET['page']:1; $offset=(isset($_GET['offset']))?$_GET['offset']:0; // create the nav. bar $bar=navigation_bar($offset,$max_line,$step,$page); // show a part list($count,$html)= $Ledger->list_operation($sql,$offset,0); echo $html; // show nav bar echo $bar; @endcode * @see build_search_sql * @see display_search_form * @see search_form * @return HTML string */ public function list_operation_to_reconcile($sql, $p_target) { global $g_parameter, $g_user; $gDossier=dossier::id(); $limit=" LIMIT ".MAX_RECONCILE; // Sort // Count $count=$this->cn->count_sql($sql); // Add the limit $sql.=" order by jr_date asc ".$limit; // Execute SQL stmt $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); //starting from here we can refactor, so that instead of returning the generated HTML, //this function returns a tree structure. $r=""; $Max=Database::num_row($Res); if ($Max==0) return array(0, _("Aucun enregistrement trouvé")); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden("target", $p_target); $r.=''; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; if ($this->type=='ALL') { $r.=th(_('Journal')); } $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=th(_('Notes'), ' '); $r.=''; $r.=""; $r.=""; // Total Amount $tot=0.0; $gDossier=dossier::id(); $str_dossier=Dossier::id(); for ($i=0; $i<$Max; $i++) { $row=Database::fetch_array($Res, $i); if ($i%2==0) $tr=''; else $tr=''; $r.=$tr; // Radiobox // $r.=''; //internal code // button modify $r.=""; if ($this->type=='ALL') $r.=td($row['jrn_def_name']); // date $r.=""; // pj $r.=""; // Tiers $other=($row['quick_code']!='')?'['.$row['quick_code'].'] '.$row['name'].' '.$row['first_name']:''; $r.=td($other); // comment $r.=""; $r.=td(h($row['n_text']), ' style="font-size:0.87em"'); // Amount // If the ledger is financial : // the credit must be negative and written in red $positive=0; // Check ledger type : if ($row['jrn_def_type']=='FIN') { $positive=$this->cn->get_value("select qf_amount from quant_fin where jr_id=$1", array($row['jr_id'])); if ($this->cn->count()!=0) $positive=($positive<0)?1:0; } $r.=""; // Rapprochement $rec=new Acc_Reconciliation($this->cn); $rec->set_jr_id($row['jr_id']); $a=$rec->get(); $r.=""; if ($row['jr_valid']=='f') { $r.=""; } // end row $r.=""; } $r.='
"._("Selection").""._("Internal")."'._("Date").''._("Pièce").''; $r.=th(_('tiers')); $r.=''._("Description").''._("Montant").'"._('Concerne')."
"; // If url contains // $href=basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $r.=sprintf('%s ', $row['jr_id'], $gDossier, $row['jr_internal']); $r.=""; $r.=$row['str_jr_date']; $r.=""; $r.=$row['jr_pj_number']; $r.=""; $tmp_jr_comment=h($row['jr_comment']); $r.=$tmp_jr_comment; $r.=""; $r.=( $positive!=0 )?" - ".nbm($row['jr_montant'])."":nbm($row['jr_montant']); $r.=""; if ($a!=null) { foreach ($a as $key=> $element) { $operation=new Acc_Operation($this->cn); $operation->jr_id=$element; $l_amount=$this->cn->get_value("select jr_montant from jrn ". " where jr_id=$1", array($element)); $r.=" ".$operation->get_internal()."[".nbm($l_amount)."]"; }//for }// if ( $a != null ) { $r.=""._("Opération annulée")."
'; return array($count, $r); } /** * return the html code to create an hidden div and a button * to show this DIV. This contains all the available ledgers * for the user in READ or RW *@param $p_selected is an array of checkbox *@param $p_div div suffix for the list of ledgers *@note the choosen ledger are stored in the array r_jrn (_GET) */ function select_ledger($p_selected,$p_div) { global $g_user; $r = ''; /* security : filter ledger on user */ $p_array = $g_user->get_ledger($this->type, 3,FALSE); ob_start(); /* create a hidden div for the ledger */ echo '
'; echo HtmlInput::title_box(_("Journaux"), $p_div."jrn_search"); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo HtmlInput::hidden('nb_jrn', count($p_array)); echo _('Filtre ').HtmlInput::filter_table($p_div.'tb_jrn', '0,1,2', 2); echo HtmlInput::anchor_action(_('Inverser sel'),' toggle_checkbox(\''."{$p_div}search_frm".'\')','sel_'.$p_div,"nav"); echo "-"; echo HtmlInput::anchor_action(_('Effacer sel'),' unselect_checkbox(\''."{$p_div}search_frm".'\')','unsel_'.$p_div,"nav"); echo "-"; echo HtmlInput::anchor_action(_('Financier'),' select_checkbox_attribute(\''."{$p_div}search_frm".'\',\'ledger_type\',\'FIN\') ','selfin_'.$p_div,"nav"); echo "-"; echo HtmlInput::anchor_action(_('Vente'),' select_checkbox_attribute(\''."{$p_div}search_frm".'\',\'ledger_type\',\'VEN\') ','selfven_'.$p_div,"nav"); echo "-"; echo HtmlInput::anchor_action(_('Achat'),' select_checkbox_attribute(\''."{$p_div}search_frm".'\',\'ledger_type\',\'ACH\') ','selfach_'.$p_div,"nav"); echo "-"; echo HtmlInput::anchor_action(_('Op.Diverses'),' select_checkbox_attribute(\''."{$p_div}search_frm".'\',\'ledger_type\',\'ODS\') ','selfods_'.$p_div,"nav"); echo ''; echo ''; echo th(_('Nom')); echo th(_('Description')); echo th(_('Type')); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; for ($e=0;$eset_attribute("ledger_type", $row['jrn_def_type']); $idx=$row['jrn_def_id']; if ( $p_selected != null && in_array($row['jrn_def_id'],$p_selected)) { $r->selected=true; } $class=($e%2==0)?' class="even" ':' class="odd" '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo HtmlInput::hidden('div',$p_div); echo HtmlInput::submit('save',_('Valider')); echo HtmlInput::button_close($p_div."jrn_search"); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; $ret=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $ret; } }