value=array( array('value'=>1,'label'=>_('Fiche /Activité')), array('value'=>2,'label'=>_('Poste comptable/Activité')), array('value'=>3,'label'=>_('Activité/Fiche')), array('value'=>4,'label'=>_('Activité/Poste Comptable')) ); $icard->selected=$this->card_poste; $r.=$icard->input(); $r.=HtmlInput::request_to_hidden(array('ac')); return $r; } /** * load the data * does not return anything but give a value to this->aheader and this->arow */ function load_anc_account() { $date=$this->set_sql_filter(); $date=($date != '')?" $date":''; $sql_from_poste=($this->from_poste!='')?" and po.po_name >= upper('".Database::escape_string($this->from_poste)."')":''; $sql_to_poste=($this->to_poste!='')?" and po.po_name <= upper('".Database::escape_string($this->to_poste)."')":''; $this->arow=$this->db->get_array(" with m as (select oa_id,po_id, coalesce(jrnx.f_id,operation_analytique.f_id) as f_id1, case when jrnx.j_qcode is not null then ( SELECT fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 1 AND fiche_detail.f_id = jrnx.f_id) when jrnx.f_id is null and operation_analytique.f_id is not null then ( SELECT fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 1 AND fiche_detail.f_id = operation_analytique.f_id) end AS name, case when jrnx.j_poste is not null then jrnx.j_poste when jrnx.j_poste is null then (SELECT fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 5 AND fiche_detail.f_id = operation_analytique.f_id) end as j_poste FROM operation_analytique left JOIN jrnx USING (j_id) ) SELECT po.po_id, po.pa_id, po.po_name, po.po_description, sum( CASE WHEN operation_analytique.oa_debit = true THEN operation_analytique.oa_amount * (-1)::numeric ELSE operation_analytique.oa_amount END) AS sum_amount, m.j_poste, tmp_pcmn.pcm_lib AS name FROM operation_analytique JOIN poste_analytique po USING (po_id) JOIN m USING (oa_id) JOIN tmp_pcmn ON m.j_poste::text = tmp_pcmn.pcm_val::text where pa_id=$1 ".$date.$sql_from_poste.$sql_to_poste." GROUP BY po.po_id, po.po_name, po.pa_id, m.j_poste, tmp_pcmn.pcm_lib, po.po_description HAVING sum( CASE WHEN operation_analytique.oa_debit = true THEN operation_analytique.oa_amount * (-1)::numeric ELSE operation_analytique.oa_amount END) <> 0::numeric order by po_id,j_poste ",array($this->pa_id)); } /** * load the data * does not return anything but give a value to this->aheader and this->arow */ function load_anc_card() { $date=$this->set_sql_filter(); $date=($date != '')?" $date":''; $sql_from_poste=($this->from_poste!='')?" and po.po_name >= upper('".Database::escape_string($this->from_poste)."')":''; $sql_to_poste=($this->to_poste!='')?" and po.po_name <= upper('".Database::escape_string($this->to_poste)."')":''; $this->arow=$this->db->get_array(" with m as (select oa_id, po_id, coalesce(jrnx.f_id,operation_analytique.f_id) as f_id1, case when jrnx.j_qcode is not null then ( SELECT fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 1 AND fiche_detail.f_id = jrnx.f_id) when jrnx.f_id is null and operation_analytique.f_id is not null then ( SELECT fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 1 AND fiche_detail.f_id = operation_analytique.f_id) end AS name, case when jrnx.j_poste is not null then jrnx.j_poste when jrnx.j_poste is null then (SELECT fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 5 AND fiche_detail.f_id = operation_analytique.f_id) end as j_qcode FROM operation_analytique left JOIN jrnx USING (j_id) ) SELECT po.po_id, po.pa_id, po.po_name, po.po_description, sum( CASE WHEN operation_analytique.oa_debit = true THEN operation_analytique.oa_amount * (-1)::numeric ELSE operation_analytique.oa_amount END) AS sum_amount, m.f_id1 as f_id, m.j_qcode, FROM operation_analytique JOIN poste_analytique po USING (po_id) JOIN m USING (oa_id) ". " where pa_id=$1 ".$date.$sql_from_poste.$sql_to_poste ." GROUP BY po.po_id, po.po_name, po.pa_id, m.f_id1, m.j_qcode,, po.po_description HAVING sum( CASE WHEN operation_analytique.oa_debit = true THEN operation_analytique.oa_amount * (-1)::numeric ELSE operation_analytique.oa_amount END) <> 0::numeric order by po_name,name",array($this->pa_id)); } /** * load the data * does not return anything but give a value to this->aheader and this->arow */ function load_poste() { $date=$this->set_sql_filter(); $date=($date != '')?" $date":''; $sql_from_poste=($this->from_poste!='')?" and po.po_name >= upper('".Database::escape_string($this->from_poste)."')":''; $sql_to_poste=($this->to_poste!='')?" and po.po_name <= upper('".Database::escape_string($this->to_poste)."')":''; $this->arow=$this->db->get_array(" with m as (select oa_id,po_id, coalesce(jrnx.f_id,operation_analytique.f_id) as f_id1, case when jrnx.j_qcode is not null then ( SELECT fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 1 AND fiche_detail.f_id = jrnx.f_id) when jrnx.f_id is null and operation_analytique.f_id is not null then ( SELECT fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 1 AND fiche_detail.f_id = operation_analytique.f_id) end AS name, case when jrnx.j_poste is not null then jrnx.j_poste when jrnx.j_poste is null then (SELECT fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 5 AND fiche_detail.f_id = operation_analytique.f_id) end as j_poste FROM operation_analytique left JOIN jrnx USING (j_id) ) SELECT po.po_id, po.pa_id, po.po_name, po.po_description, sum( CASE WHEN operation_analytique.oa_debit = true THEN operation_analytique.oa_amount * (-1)::numeric ELSE operation_analytique.oa_amount END) AS sum_amount, m.j_poste, tmp_pcmn.pcm_lib AS name FROM operation_analytique JOIN poste_analytique po USING (po_id) JOIN m USING (oa_id) JOIN tmp_pcmn ON m.j_poste::text = tmp_pcmn.pcm_val::text where pa_id=$1 ".$date.$sql_from_poste.$sql_to_poste." GROUP BY po.po_id, po.po_name, po.pa_id, m.j_poste, tmp_pcmn.pcm_lib, po.po_description HAVING sum( CASE WHEN operation_analytique.oa_debit = true THEN operation_analytique.oa_amount * (-1)::numeric ELSE operation_analytique.oa_amount END) <> 0::numeric order by po_id,po_name ",array($this->pa_id)); } /** * load the data * does not return anything but give a value to this->aheader and this->arow */ function load_card() { $date=$this->set_sql_filter(); $date=($date != '')?" $date":''; $sql_from_poste=($this->from_poste!='')?" and po.po_name >= upper('".Database::escape_string($this->from_poste)."')":''; $sql_to_poste=($this->to_poste!='')?" and po.po_name <= upper('".Database::escape_string($this->to_poste)."')":''; $this->arow=$this->db->get_array(" with m as( select oa_id, po_id, case when operation_analytique.oa_debit = true then operation_analytique.oa_amount *(- 1 )::numeric else operation_analytique.oa_amount end as m_amount, coalesce( jrnx.f_id, operation_analytique.f_id ) as f_id1, case when jrnx.j_qcode is not null then( select fiche_detail.ad_value from fiche_detail where fiche_detail.ad_id = 1 and fiche_detail.f_id = jrnx.f_id ) when jrnx.f_id is null and operation_analytique.f_id is not null then( select fiche_detail.ad_value from fiche_detail where fiche_detail.ad_id = 1 and fiche_detail.f_id = operation_analytique.f_id ) end as name, case when jrnx.j_qcode is not null then jrnx.j_qcode when jrnx.f_id is null then( select fiche_detail.ad_value from fiche_detail where fiche_detail.ad_id = 23 and fiche_detail.f_id = operation_analytique.f_id ) end as j_qcode from operation_analytique left join jrnx using(j_id) join poste_analytique using (po_id) where pa_id=$1 ) select po.po_id, po.pa_id, po.po_name, po.po_description, sum( m_amount) as sum_amount, m.f_id1 as f_id, m.j_qcode, from operation_analytique join m using(oa_id) join poste_analytique po on (m.po_id=po.po_id) where po.pa_id = $1 {$date} {$sql_from_poste} {$sql_to_poste} group by m.f_id1, m.j_qcode, po.po_id, po.po_name, po.pa_id,, po.po_description having sum( m_amount )<> 0::numeric order by name, po_name ",array($this->pa_id)); } /** *@brief display the button export CSV *@param $p_hidden is a string containing hidden items *@return html string */ function show_button($p_hidden="") { $r=""; $r.= '
'; $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("act","CSV:AncAccList"); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to",$this->to); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from",$this->from); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("pa_id",$this->pa_id); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from_poste",$this->from_poste); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to_poste",$this->to_poste); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("card_poste",$this->card_poste); $r.= $p_hidden; $r.= dossier::hidden(); $r.=HtmlInput::submit('bt_csv',"Export en CSV"); $r.= '
'; return $r; } function display_html() { bcscale(2); if ( $this->check() != 0) { alert(_('Date invalide')); return; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Card - Acc //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $this->card_poste=='1') { $this->load_card(); /* * Show all the result */ $tot_card=0;$prev=''; echo ''; $tot_glob=0; for ($i=0;$iarow);$i++) { if ( $i == 0 ) { $prev=$this->arow[$i]['f_id']; echo ''; } $style= ( $i % 2 == 0)?' class="odd" ':' class="even" '; if ( $i != 0 && $prev != $this->arow[$i]['f_id']) { echo td('Total'); echo td(nbm($tot_card),' class="num"'); echo ''; echo ''; $tot_card=0; $prev = $this->arow[$i]['f_id']; } echo ''; $amount=$this->arow[$i]['sum_amount']; if ($amount==null)$amount=0; $tot_card=bcadd($tot_card,$amount); $tot_glob=bcadd($tot_glob,$amount); echo td($this->arow[$i]['po_name']." ". $this->arow[$i]['po_description'],'style="padding-left:10"'); echo td(nbm($amount),' class="num" '); echo ''; } echo ''; echo td('Total'); echo td(nbm($tot_card),' class="num"'); echo ''; echo '
'.HtmlInput::history_card ($this->arow[$i]['f_id'],$this->arow[$i]['j_qcode'].' '.$this->arow[$i]['name'],' display:inline').'
'.HtmlInput::history_card($this->arow[$i]['f_id'],$this->arow[$i]['j_qcode'].' '.$this->arow[$i]['name'],' display:inline ').'
'; echo '

'._("Résultat global").nbm($tot_glob).'

'; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Accountancy - Analytic //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $this->card_poste=='2') { $this->load_poste(); /* * Show all the result */ $tot_card=0;$prev=''; echo ''; $tot_glob=0; for ($i=0;$iarow);$i++) { if ( $i == 0 ) { $prev=$this->arow[$i]['j_poste']; echo ''; } $style= ( $i % 2 == 0)?' class="odd" ':' class="even" '; if ( $i != 0 && $prev != $this->arow[$i]['j_poste']) { echo td('Total'); echo td(nbm($tot_card),' class="num"'); echo ''; echo ''; $tot_card=0; $prev = $this->arow[$i]['j_poste']; } echo ''; $amount=$this->arow[$i]['sum_amount']; if ($amount==null)$amount=0; $tot_card=bcadd($tot_card,$amount); $tot_glob=bcadd($tot_glob,$amount); echo td($this->arow[$i]['po_name']." ". $this->arow[$i]['po_description'],'style="padding-left:10"'); echo td(nbm($amount),' class="num" '); echo ''; } echo ''; echo td('Total'); echo td(nbm($tot_card),' class="num"'); echo ''; echo '
'.HtmlInput::history_account ($this->arow[$i]['j_poste'],$this->arow[$i]['j_poste'].' '.$this->arow[$i]['name'],' display:inline').'
'.HtmlInput::history_account($this->arow[$i]['j_poste'],$this->arow[$i]['j_poste'].' '.$this->arow[$i]['name'],' display:inline ').'
'; echo td(nbm($tot_card),' class="num"'); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Acc after card //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $this->card_poste=='3') { $this->load_anc_card(); /* * Show all the result */ $tot_card=0;$prev=''; echo ''; $tot_glob=0; for ($i=0;$iarow);$i++) { if ( $i == 0 ) { $prev=$this->arow[$i]['po_id']; echo ''; } $style= ( $i % 2 == 0)?' class="odd" ':' class="even" '; if ( $i != 0 && $prev != $this->arow[$i]['po_id']) { echo td('Total'); echo td(nbm($tot_card),' class="num"'); echo ''; echo ''; $tot_card=0; $prev = $this->arow[$i]['po_id']; } echo ''; $amount=$this->arow[$i]['sum_amount']; if ($amount==null)$amount=0; $tot_card=bcadd($tot_card,$amount); $tot_glob=bcadd($tot_glob,$amount); echo ''; echo td(nbm($amount),' class="num" '); echo ''; } echo ''; echo td('Total'); echo td(nbm($tot_card),' class="num"'); echo ''; echo '
'.$this->arow[$i]['po_name']." ".$this->arow[$i]['po_description'].'
'.$this->arow[$i]['po_name']." ".$this->arow[$i]['po_description'].'
'.HtmlInput::history_card ($this->arow[$i]['f_id'],$this->arow[$i]['j_qcode'].' '.$this->arow[$i]['name'],' display:inline').'
'; echo td(nbm($tot_card),' class="num"'); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Analytic - Accountancy //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $this->card_poste=='4') { $this->load_anc_account(); /* * Show all the result */ $tot_card=0;$prev=''; echo ''; $tot_glob=0; for ($i=0;$iarow);$i++) { if ( $i == 0 ) { $prev=$this->arow[$i]['po_id']; echo ''; } $style= ( $i % 2 == 0)?' class="odd" ':' class="even" '; if ( $i != 0 && $prev != $this->arow[$i]['po_id']) { echo td('Total'); echo td(nbm($tot_card),' class="num"'); echo ''; $tot_card=0; $prev = $this->arow[$i]['po_id']; echo ''; } echo ''; $amount=$this->arow[$i]['sum_amount']; if ($amount==null)$amount=0; $tot_card=bcadd($tot_card,$amount); $tot_glob=bcadd($tot_glob,$amount); echo ''; echo td(nbm($amount),' class="num" '); echo ''; } echo ''; echo td('Total'); echo td(nbm($tot_card),' class="num"'); echo ''; echo '
'.$this->arow[$i]['po_name']." ".$this->arow[$i]['po_description'].'
'.$this->arow[$i]['po_name']." ".$this->arow[$i]['po_description'].'
'.HtmlInput::history_account ($this->arow[$i]['j_poste'],$this->arow[$i]['j_poste'].' '.$this->arow[$i]['name'],' display:inline').'
'; echo '

Résultat global '.nbm($tot_glob).'

'; } } function export_csv() { bcscale(2); $csv=new Noalyss_CSV('export-anc-list'); $csv->send_header(); if ( $this->check () != 0 ) {throw new Exception (_("date invalide"));} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Card - Acc //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $this->card_poste=='1') { $this->load_card(); /* * Show all the result */ $prev=''; for ($i=0;$iarow);$i++) { $idx=0; $a_csv=array(); $a_csv[$idx]=$this->arow[$i]['j_qcode']; $idx++; $a_csv[$idx]=$this->arow[$i]['name'];$idx++; $a_csv[$idx]=$this->arow[$i]['name'];$idx++; $a_csv[$idx]=$this->arow[$i]['po_name'];$idx++; $a_csv[$idx]=$this->arow[$i]['po_description'];$idx++; $amount=$this->arow[$i]['sum_amount']; if ($amount==null)$amount=0; $a_csv[$idx]=$amount;$idx++; $csv->write_header($a_csv); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Accountancy - Analytic //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $this->card_poste=='2') { $this->load_poste(); /* * Show all the result */ for ($i=0;$iarow);$i++) { $csv->add( $this->arow[$i]['j_poste']); $csv->add( $this->arow[$i]['name']); $csv->add( $this->arow[$i]['po_name']); $csv->add( $this->arow[$i]['po_description']); $amount=$this->arow[$i]['sum_amount']; if ($amount==null)$amount=0; $csv->add($amount,"number"); $csv->write(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Acc after card //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $this->card_poste=='3') { $this->load_anc_card(); /* * Show all the result */ for ($i=0;$iarow);$i++) { $csv->add( $this->arow[$i]['po_name']); $csv->add( $this->arow[$i]['po_description']); $csv->add( $this->arow[$i]['j_qcode']); $csv->add( $this->arow[$i]['name']); $amount=$this->arow[$i]['sum_amount']; if ($amount==null)$amount=0; $csv->add($amount,"number"); $csv->write(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Analytic - Accountancy //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $this->card_poste=='4') { $this->load_anc_account(); /* * Show all the result */ for ($i=0;$iarow);$i++) { $csv->add( $this->arow[$i]['po_name']); $csv->add( $this->arow[$i]['po_description']); $csv->add( $this->arow[$i]['j_poste']); $csv->add( $this->arow[$i]['name']); $amount=$this->arow[$i]['sum_amount']; if ($amount==null)$amount=0; $csv->add($amount,"number"); $csv->write(); } } } }