/** * @file * @brief contains the class Package_Repository */ require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class/package_core.class.php'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class/package_plugin.class.php'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class/package_template.class.php'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class/package_contrib.class.php'; /** * @brief connect to NOALYSS_PACKAGE and fetch the file web.xml , it displays * content of this file , build the appropriate object for installing */ class Package_Repository { private $content; /** * @see package_repository.test.php */ function __construct() { $content=file_get_contents(NOALYSS_PACKAGE_REPOSITORY."/web.xml"); $this->content=simplexml_load_string($content); } public function getContent() { return $this->content; } /** * check that NOALYSS_HOME exists and is writable */ function can_download() { $download_dir=NOALYSS_HOME."/tmp"; if (is_dir($download_dir)&&is_writable($download_dir)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Get info for Noalyss code : version #, announce, path to the last * version */ function display_noalyss_info() { global $g_user; switch ($g_user->lang) { case 'fr_FR.utf8': echo "
                    echo $this->content->core->description;
                    echo "
"; break; case 'en_US.utf8': break; case 'nl_NL.utf8': break; } } /** * return a SimpleXMLElement of the plugin thanks its code, it returns NULL if no plugin is found * @param string $p_code code of the plugin * @return SimpleXMLElement or NULL if not found */ function find_plugin($p_code) { $a_plugin=$this->content->xpath('//plugins/plugin'); $nb_plugin=count($a_plugin); for ($i=0; $i<$nb_plugin; $i++) { if (trim($a_plugin[$i]->code)==$p_code) { return $a_plugin[$i]; } } return NULL; } /** * return a SimpleXMLElement of the db template thanks its code, it returns NULL if no template is found * @param string $p_code code of the template * @return SimpleXMLElement or NULL if not found */ function find_template($p_code) { $a_template=$this->content->xpath('//database_template/dbtemplate'); $nb_template=count($a_template); for ($i=0; $i<$nb_template; $i++) { if (trim($a_template[$i]->code)==$p_code) { return $a_template[$i]; } } return NULL; } function make_object($p_type, $p_id) { switch ($p_type) { case "core": // Create an object to download & install the core $obj=new Package_Core("Noalyss", "Core", $this->content->core->path); return $obj; break; case 'template': // create an object to download & install the template $db=$this->find_template($p_id); if ($db == NULL ) { throw new Exception(_("Modèle non trouvé"),1002); } $obj=new Package_Template($db->name,$db->description,$db->path); return $obj; case 'plugin': // create an object to download & install a plugin $plugin = $this->find_plugin($p_id); if ($plugin==NULL) { throw new Exception(_("Extension non trouvée"), 1001); } $obj=new Package_Plugin($plugin->name,$plugin->description,$plugin->path); return $obj; break; case 'contrib': //create an object to download & install a contrib default: break; } } /** * Read xml file from the package * @param string $p_file * @return SimpleXMLElement */ public function read_package_xml($p_file) { $dom=new DomDocument('1.0'); $dom->load($p_file); $xml=simplexml_import_dom($dom); return $xml; } }