'; $Ledger = new Acc_Ledger_Fin($cn, 0); if (!isset($_REQUEST['p_jrn'])) { $a = $Ledger->get_first('fin'); $Ledger->id = $a['jrn_def_id']; } else $Ledger->id = $_REQUEST['p_jrn']; $jrn_priv = $g_user->get_ledger_access($Ledger->id); if (isset($_GET["p_jrn"]) && $jrn_priv == "X") { NoAccess(); return; } $end_extrait=$http->post("end_extrait", "string",0); $start_extrait=$http->post("start_extrait","string", 0); if ( isNumber($end_extrait) == 0 ) { echo ''; echo _('Donnée invalide'); echo ''; $end_extrait=0; } if ( isNumber($start_extrait) == 0 ) { echo ''; echo _('Donnée invalide'); echo ''; $start_extrait=0; } //------------------------- // save //------------------------- if (isset($_POST['save'])) { if (trim($_POST['ext']) != '' && isset($_POST['op'])) { $array = $_POST['op']; $tot = 0; $cn->start(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { $cn->exec_sql('update jrn set jr_pj_number=$1 where jr_id=$2', array($_POST['ext'], $array[$i])); $tot = bcadd($tot, $cn->get_value('select qf_amount from quant_fin where jr_id=$1', array($array[$i]))); } $diff = bcsub($end_extrait, $start_extrait); if ($diff != 0 && $diff != $tot) { $remain=bcsub($tot,$diff); $cn->rollback(); alert("D'après l'extrait il y aurait du avoir un montant de $diff à rapprocher alors qu'il y a $tot rapprochés, mise à jour annulée, la différence est de $remain"); echo '
'; echo '

'.$g_failed._("D'après l'extrait il y aurait du avoir un montant de $diff à rapprocher alors qu'il y a $tot rapprochés, la différence est de $remain
mise à jour annulée").'

'; /* if file : warning that file is not uploaded*/ echo '

'. _('Attention : Fichier non chargé'). '

'; echo '
'; } else { echo '
'.$g_succeed.' Mise à jour extrait '.$_POST['ext'].'
'; // -- chargement fichier $oid=$cn->upload('file_receipt'); if ( $oid != false ) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { $cn->exec_sql("update jrn set jr_pj=$1 , jr_pj_name=$2, jr_pj_type=$3 where jr_id=$4", array($oid,$_FILES['file_receipt']['name'] ,$_FILES['file_receipt']['type'],$array[$i])); } } } $cn->commit(); } } //------------------------- // show the operation of this ledger // without receipt number //------------------------- echo '
'; echo '
'; echo HtmlInput::get_to_hidden(array('gDossier', 'ledger_type', 'ac', 'sa')); $wLedger = $Ledger->select_ledger('FIN', 3,FALSE); if ($wLedger == null) exit('Pas de journal disponible'); echo '
'; echo '

' . $Ledger->get_name() . '

'; echo '
'; $wLedger->javascript = "onchange='this.form.submit()';"; echo $wLedger->input(); echo HtmlInput::submit('ref', 'Rafraîchir'); echo '
'; echo '' . hb(h($Ledger->get_bank_name())) . ''; echo '
'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::get_to_hidden(array('sa', 'p_action', 'p_jrn')); $operation = $cn->get_array("select jr_id,jr_internal, jr_comment, to_char(jr_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as fmt_date, jr_montant, to_char(jr_date,'YYYYMMDD') as raw_date from jrn where jr_def_id=$1 and (jr_pj_number is null or jr_pj_number='') order by jr_date", array($Ledger->id)); echo '

'; $iextrait = new IText('ext'); if ( isset ($_POST['ext'])) $iextrait->value=$_POST['ext']; else $iextrait->value = $Ledger->guess_pj(); $nstart_extrait = new INum('start_extrait'); $nstart_extrait->value=$start_extrait; $nstart_extrait->javascript='onchange="format_number(this,2);update_delta();"'; $nend_extrait = new INum('end_extrait'); $nend_extrait->value=$end_extrait; $nend_extrait->javascript='onchange="format_number(this,2);update_delta();"'; echo "Extrait / relevé :" . $iextrait->input(); echo 'solde Début' . $nstart_extrait->input(); echo 'solde Fin' . $nend_extrait->input(); $select_all=new IButton('select_all'); $select_all->label=_('Inverser la sélection'); $select_all->javascript="recompute('rec1')"; echo $select_all->input(); echo '

'; echo '

'; echo _('Cherche').Icon_Action::infobulle(25); echo HtmlInput::filter_table("t_rec_bk", "0,1,2,3","1"); echo '

'; echo HtmlInput::submit('save', 'Mettre à jour le n° de relevé bancaire'); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $r =''; $r.=th('Libellé'); $r.=th('N° interne'); $r.=th('Montant', ' style="text-align:right"'); $r.=th('Selection', ' style="text-align:center" '); echo tr($r); $iradio = new ICheckBox('op[]'); $tot_not_reconcilied = 0; $diff = 0; $delta=bcsub($end_extrait,$start_extrait); $selected_amount=0; $remain_amount=$delta; for ($i = 0; $i < count($operation); $i++) { $row = $operation[$i]; $r = ''; $js = HtmlInput::detail_op($row['jr_id'], $row['jr_internal']); $r.=''; $r.=td($row['jr_comment']); $r.=td($js); $amount=$cn->get_value('select qf_amount from quant_fin where jr_id=$1', array($row['jr_id'])); $r.=''; $diff=bcadd($diff,$amount); $tot_not_reconcilied+=$row['jr_montant']; $iradio->value = $row['jr_id']; $iradio->selected=false; $iradio->javascript=sprintf(' onchange = "update_selected(this,%s);update_remain(this,%s)"',$amount,$amount); if (isset($_POST['op'])) { for ($x=0;$xselected=true; $selected_amount+=$amount; $remain_amount-=$amount; break; } } } $r.=td(HtmlInput::hidden('jrid['.$i.']', $row['jr_id']) . $iradio->input(), 'sorttable_customkey="1" style="text-align:center" '); if ($i % 2 == 0) echo tr($r, ' class="odd" '); else echo tr($r,' class="even" '); } echo '
'.'Date '.Icon_Action::infobulle(17).''.$row['fmt_date'].''.nbm ($amount).'
'; $bk_card = new Fiche($cn); $bk_card->id = $Ledger->get_bank(); $filter_year = " j_tech_per in (select p_id from parm_periode where p_exercice='" . $g_user->get_exercice() . "')"; /* get saldo for not reconcilied operations */ $saldo_not_reconcilied = $bk_card->get_solde_detail($filter_year . " and j_grpt in (select jr_grpt_id from jrn where trim(jr_pj_number) ='' or jr_pj_number is null)"); /* get saldo for reconcilied operation */ $saldo_reconcilied = $bk_card->get_solde_detail($filter_year . " and j_grpt in (select jr_grpt_id from jrn where trim(jr_pj_number) != '' and jr_pj_number is not null)"); /* solde compte */ $saldo = $bk_card->get_solde_detail($filter_year); echo '
'; echo ''; echo ' '; echo '
'._('Différence relevé').' '.$delta.'
'._('Montant sélectionné').' '.$selected_amount.'
'._('Reste à selectionner').' '.$remain_amount.'
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo td("Solde compte "); echo td(nbm(bcsub($saldo['debit'] , $saldo['credit'])), ' style="text-align:right"'); echo ''; echo ''; echo td("Solde non rapproché "); echo td(nbm (bcsub($saldo_not_reconcilied['debit'], $saldo_not_reconcilied['credit'])), ' style="text-align:right"'); echo ''; echo ''; echo td("Solde rapproché "); echo td(nbm(bcsub($saldo_reconcilied['debit'] , $saldo_reconcilied['credit'])), ' style="text-align:right"'); echo ''; echo ''; echo td("Total montant "); echo td(nbm ($tot_not_reconcilied), ' style="text-align:right"'); echo ''; echo '
'; $receipt=new IFile('file_receipt'); echo _("Pièce justificative")," " , $receipt->input(); echo '

'; echo HtmlInput::submit('save', 'Mettre à jour le n° de relevé bancaire'); echo '

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; return; ?>