begin; insert into fiche_def_ref(frd_id,frd_text) values (26,'Projet'); insert into attr_min (frd_id,ad_id) values (26,1),(26,9); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.upgrade_repo(p_version integer) RETURNS void AS $function$ declare is_mono integer; begin select count (*) into is_mono from information_schema.tables where table_name='repo_version'; if is_mono = 1 then update repo_version set val=p_version; else update version set val=p_version; end if; end; $function$ language plpgsql; -- bug alter table action_gestion alter ag_title type text; INSERT INTO menu_ref(me_code, me_menu, me_file, me_type,me_description_etendue)VALUES ('ANCKEY', 'Clef de répartition', '','ME','Permet de gèrer les clefs de répartition en comptabilité analytique'); insert into profile_menu(me_code,p_id,p_type_display,pm_default,me_code_dep,p_order) values ('ANCKEY',1,'E',0,'ANC',15); insert into profile_menu(me_code,p_id,p_type_display,pm_default,me_code_dep,p_order) values ('ANCKEY',2,'E',0,'ANC',15); INSERT INTO menu_ref(me_code, me_menu, me_file, me_type,me_description_etendue)VALUES ('CFGPLUGIN', 'Configuration extension', '','ME','Permet d''installer et d''activer facilement des extensions'); insert into profile_menu(me_code,p_id,p_type_display,pm_default,me_code_dep,p_order) values ('CFGPLUGIN',1,'E',0,'PARAM',15); insert into profile_menu(me_code,p_id,p_type_display,pm_default,me_code_dep,p_order) values ('CFGPLUGIN',2,'E',0,'PARAM',15); create table key_distribution ( kd_id serial primary key, kd_name text, kd_description text); create table key_distribution_ledger ( kl_id serial primary key, kd_id bigint not null references key_distribution(kd_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, jrn_def_id bigint not null references jrn_def(jrn_def_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ); create table key_distribution_detail( ke_id serial primary key, kd_id bigint not null references key_distribution(kd_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, ke_row integer not null, ke_percent numeric(20,4) not null ); create table key_distribution_activity ( ka_id serial primary key, ke_id bigint not null references key_distribution_detail(ke_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, po_id bigint references poste_analytique(po_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, pa_id bigint not null references plan_analytique(pa_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ); comment on table key_distribution is 'Distribution key for analytic'; comment on table key_distribution_activity is 'activity (account) linked to the row'; comment on column key_distribution.kd_id is 'PK'; comment on column key_distribution.kd_name is 'Name of the key'; comment on column key_distribution.kd_description is 'Description of the key'; comment on table key_distribution_ledger is 'Legder where the distribution key can be used' ; comment on column key_distribution_ledger.kl_id is 'pk'; comment on column key_distribution_ledger.kd_id is 'fk to key_distribution'; comment on column key_distribution_ledger.jrn_def_id is 'fk to jrnd_def, ledger where this key is available'; comment on table key_distribution_detail is 'Row of activity and percent'; comment on column key_distribution_detail.ke_id is 'pk'; comment on column key_distribution_detail.kd_id is 'fk to key_distribution'; comment on column key_distribution_detail.ke_row is 'group order'; comment on table key_distribution_activity is 'Contains the analytic account'; comment on column key_distribution_activity.ka_id is 'pk'; comment on column key_distribution_activity.ke_id is 'fk to key_distribution_detail'; comment on column key_distribution_activity.po_id is 'fk to poste_analytique'; comment on column key_distribution_activity.pa_id is 'fk to plan_analytique'; drop view vw_fiche_attr cascade; CREATE view vw_fiche_attr as SELECT a.f_id, a.fd_id, a.ad_value AS vw_name, k.ad_value AS vw_first_name, b.ad_value AS vw_sell, c.ad_value AS vw_buy, d.ad_value AS tva_code, tva_rate.tva_id, tva_rate.tva_rate, tva_rate.tva_label, e.ad_value AS vw_addr, f.ad_value AS vw_cp, j.ad_value AS quick_code, h.ad_value AS vw_description, i.ad_value AS tva_num, fiche_def.frd_id,l.ad_value as accounting FROM ( SELECT fiche.f_id, fiche.fd_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche LEFT JOIN fiche_detail USING (f_id) WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 1) a LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 6) b ON a.f_id = b.f_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 7) c ON a.f_id = c.f_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 2) d ON a.f_id = d.f_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 14) e ON a.f_id = e.f_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 15) f ON a.f_id = f.f_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 23) j ON a.f_id = j.f_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 9) h ON a.f_id = h.f_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 13) i ON a.f_id = i.f_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 32) k ON a.f_id = k.f_id LEFT JOIN tva_rate ON d.ad_value = tva_rate.tva_id::text JOIN fiche_def USING (fd_id) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 5) l ON a.f_id = l.f_id; create view v_detail_sale as WITH m AS ( SELECT sum(quant_sold.qs_price) AS htva, sum(quant_sold.qs_vat) AS tot_vat,sum(quant_sold.qs_vat_sided) as tot_tva_np, jrn.jr_id FROM quant_sold JOIN jrnx USING (j_id) JOIN jrn ON jrnx.j_grpt = jrn.jr_grpt_id GROUP BY jrn.jr_id ) SELECT jrn.jr_id, jrn.jr_date, jrn.jr_date_paid, jrn.jr_ech, jrn.jr_tech_per, jrn.jr_comment, jrn.jr_pj_number, jrn.jr_internal, jrn.jr_def_id, jrnx.j_poste, jrnx.j_text, jrnx.j_qcode, quant_sold.qs_fiche AS item_card, AS item_name, quant_sold.qs_client, b.vw_name AS tiers_name, b.quick_code, tva_rate.tva_label, tva_rate.tva_comment, tva_rate.tva_both_side, quant_sold.qs_vat_sided AS vat_sided, quant_sold.qs_vat_code AS vat_code, quant_sold.qs_vat AS vat, quant_sold.qs_price AS price, quant_sold.qs_quantite AS quantity, quant_sold.qs_price / quant_sold.qs_quantite AS price_per_unit, m.htva, m.tot_vat,m.tot_tva_np FROM jrn JOIN jrnx ON jrn.jr_grpt_id = jrnx.j_grpt JOIN quant_sold USING (j_id) JOIN vw_fiche_name a ON quant_sold.qs_fiche = a.f_id JOIN vw_fiche_attr b ON quant_sold.qs_client = b.f_id JOIN tva_rate ON quant_sold.qs_vat_code = tva_rate.tva_id JOIN m ON m.jr_id = jrn.jr_id; create view v_detail_purchase as WITH m AS ( SELECT sum(quant_purchase.qp_price) AS htva, sum(quant_purchase.qp_vat) AS tot_vat, sum(quant_purchase.qp_vat_sided) as tot_tva_np, jrn.jr_id FROM quant_purchase JOIN jrnx USING (j_id) JOIN jrn ON jrnx.j_grpt = jrn.jr_grpt_id GROUP BY jrn.jr_id ) SELECT jrn.jr_id, jrn.jr_date, jrn.jr_date_paid, jrn.jr_ech, jrn.jr_tech_per, jrn.jr_comment, jrn.jr_pj_number, jrn.jr_internal, jrn.jr_def_id, jrnx.j_poste, jrnx.j_text, jrnx.j_qcode, quant_purchase.qp_fiche AS item_card, AS item_name, quant_purchase.qp_supplier, b.vw_name AS tiers_name, b.quick_code, tva_rate.tva_label, tva_rate.tva_comment, tva_rate.tva_both_side, quant_purchase.qp_vat_sided AS vat_sided, quant_purchase.qp_vat_code AS vat_code, quant_purchase.qp_vat AS vat, quant_purchase.qp_price AS price, quant_purchase.qp_quantite AS quantity, quant_purchase.qp_price / quant_purchase.qp_quantite AS price_per_unit, quant_purchase.qp_nd_amount AS non_ded_amount, quant_purchase.qp_nd_tva AS non_ded_tva, quant_purchase.qp_nd_tva_recup AS non_ded_tva_recup, m.htva, m.tot_vat ,m.tot_tva_np FROM jrn JOIN jrnx ON jrn.jr_grpt_id = jrnx.j_grpt JOIN quant_purchase USING (j_id) JOIN vw_fiche_name a ON quant_purchase.qp_fiche = a.f_id JOIN vw_fiche_attr b ON quant_purchase.qp_supplier = b.f_id JOIN tva_rate ON quant_purchase.qp_vat_code = tva_rate.tva_id JOIN m ON m.jr_id = jrn.jr_id; create index jrnx_j_qcode_ix on jrnx (j_qcode); CREATE TABLE action_person ( ap_id SERIAL NOT NULL, ag_id int4 NOT NULL references action_gestion(ag_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, f_id int4 not null references fiche(f_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, PRIMARY KEY (ap_id)); COMMENT ON TABLE action_person IS 'Person involved in the action'; comment on column action_person.ap_id is 'pk'; comment on column action_person.ag_id is 'fk to action_action'; comment on column action_person.ag_id is 'fk to fiche'; ALTER TABLE action_person ADD CONSTRAINT action_gestion_ag_id_fk2 FOREIGN KEY (ag_id) REFERENCES action_gestion (ag_id); ALTER TABLE action_person ADD CONSTRAINT fiche_f_id_fk2 FOREIGN KEY (f_id) REFERENCES fiche(f_id); alter table action_gestion alter f_id_dest drop not null; update action_gestion set f_id_dest = null where f_id_dest = 0; update action_gestion set f_id_dest =null where f_id_dest not in (select f_id from fiche); ALTER TABLE action_gestion ADD CONSTRAINT fiche_f_id_fk3 FOREIGN KEY (f_id_dest) REFERENCES fiche(f_id); create index fk_action_person_action_gestion on action_person (ag_id); create index fk_action_person_fiche on action_person (f_id); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.category_card_before_delete() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ begin if OLD.fd_id > 499000 then return null; end if; return OLD; end; $BODY$ language plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER trg_category_card_before_delete BEFORE delete ON fiche_def FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.category_card_before_delete(); alter table action_gestion add constraint fk_action_gestion_document_type foreign key (ag_type) references document_type(dt_id); update version set val=117; commit;