id ( Primary key ) - mp_lib ==> lib (label) - mp_jrn_def_id ==> ledger (Number of the ledger where to save) - mp_fd_id ==> fiche_def (fiche class to use) - mp_qcode ==> qcode (quick_code of the card) * */ class Acc_Payment { private static $variable=array("id"=>"mp_id", "lib"=>"mp_lib", "qcode"=>"mp_qcode", "ledger_target"=>"mp_jrn_def_id", "ledger_source"=>"jrn_def_id", "fiche_def"=>"mp_fd_id"); private $mp_lib; private $mp_qcode; private $mp_jrn_def_if; private $jrn_def_id; private $mp_fd_id; function __construct ($p_cn,$p_init=0) { $this->cn=$p_cn; $this->mp_id=$p_init; } public function get_parameter($p_string) { if ( array_key_exists($p_string,self::$variable) ) { $idx=self::$variable[$p_string]; return $this->$idx; } else { throw new Exception("Attribut inexistant $p_string"); } } public function set_parameter($p_string,$p_value) { if ( array_key_exists($p_string,self::$variable) ) { $idx=self::$variable[$p_string]; $this->$idx=$p_value; } else throw new Exception("Attribut inexistant $p_string"); } public function get_info() { return var_export(self::$variable,true); } public function verify() { // Verify that the elt we want to add is correct } public function save() { /* please adapt */ if ( $this->get_parameter("id") == 0 ) $this->insert(); else $this->update(); } public function insert() { if ( $this->verify() != 0 ) return; $sql='INSERT INTO mod_payment( mp_lib, mp_jrn_def_id, mp_fd_id, mp_qcode,jrn_def_id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, upper($4),$5) returning mp_id'; $this->mp_id=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array( $this->mp_lib, $this->mp_jrn_def_id, $this->mp_fd_id, $this->mp_qcode, $this->jrn_def_id)); } public function update() { if ( $this->verify() != 0 ) return; $sql="update mod_payment set mp_lib=$1,mp_qcode=$2,mp_jrn_def_id=$3,mp_fd_id=$4,jrn_def_id=$5 ". " where mp_id = $6"; $res=$this->cn->exec_sql( $sql, array($this->mp_lib, $this->mp_qcode, $this->mp_jrn_def_id, $this->mp_fd_id, $this->jrn_def_id, $this->mp_id) ); if ( strlen (trim($this->mp_jrn_def_id))==0) $this->cn->exec_sql( 'update mod_payment '. 'set mp_jrn_def_id = null where mp_id=$1', array($this->mp_id)); if ( strlen (trim($this->jrn_def_id))==0) $this->cn->exec_sql( 'update mod_payment '. 'set mp_jrn_def_id = null where mp_id=$1', array($this->mp_id)); if ( strlen (trim($this->mp_qcode))==0) $this->cn->exec_sql( 'update mod_payment '. 'set mp_qcode = null where mp_id=$1', array($this->mp_id)); if ( strlen (trim($this->mp_fd_id))==0) $this->cn->exec_sql( 'update mod_payment '. 'set mp_fd_id = null where mp_id=$1', array($this->mp_id)); } public function load() { $sql='select mp_id,mp_lib,mp_fd_id,mp_jrn_def_id,mp_qcode,jrn_def_id from mod_payment '. ' where mp_id = $1'; $res=$this->cn->exec_sql( $sql, array($this->mp_id) ); if ( Database::num_row($res) == 0 ) return; $row=Database::fetch_array($res,0); foreach ($row as $idx=>$value) { $this->$idx=$value; } } /** *@brief remove a middle of payment */ public function delete() { $sql="delete from mod_payment where mp_id=$1"; $this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array($this->mp_id)); } /*!\brief retrieve all the data for all ledgers *\param non *\return an array of row */ public function get_all() { $sql='select mp_id,mp_lib '. ' from mod_payment order by mp_lib'; $array=$this->cn->get_array($sql); $ret=array(); if ( !empty($array) ) { foreach ($array as $row) { $t=new Acc_Payment($this->cn,$row['mp_id']); $t->load(); $ret[]=$t; } } return $ret; } /*!\brief retrieve all the data for a ledger but filter on the *valid record (jrn and fd not null *\param non *\return an array of row */ public function get_valide() { $sql='select mp_id '. ' from mod_payment '. ' where jrn_def_id=$1 and mp_jrn_def_id is not null and '. ' (mp_fd_id is not null or mp_qcode is not null)'; $array=$this->cn->get_array($sql,array($this->jrn_def_id)); $ret=array(); if ( !empty($array) ) { foreach ($array as $row) { $t=new Acc_Payment($this->cn,$row['mp_id']); $t->load(); $ret[]=$t; } } return $ret; } /*!\brief return a string with a form (into a table) *\param none *\return a html string */ public function form() { //label $lib=new IText('mp_lib'); $lib->value=$this->mp_lib; $f_lib=$lib->input(); $ledger_source=new ISelect('jrn_def_id'); $ledger_source->value=$this->cn->make_array("select jrn_def_id,jrn_Def_name from jrn_def where jrn_def_type in ('ACH','VEN') order by jrn_def_name"); $ledger_source->selected=$this->jrn_def_id; $f_source=$ledger_source->input(); // type of card $tcard=new ISelect('mp_fd_id'); $tcard->value=$this->cn->make_array('select fd_id,fd_label from fiche_def join fiche_def_ref '. ' using (frd_id) where frd_id in (25,4) order by fd_label'); $tcard->selected=$this->mp_fd_id; $f_type_fiche=$tcard->input(); $ledger_record=new ISelect('mp_jrn_def_id'); $ledger_record->value=$this->cn->make_array("select jrn_def_id,jrn_Def_name from jrn_def where jrn_def_type in ('ODS','FIN')"); $ledger_record->selected=$this->mp_jrn_def_id; $f_ledger_record=$ledger_record->input(); // the card $qcode=new ICard(); $qcode->noadd=true; $qcode->name='mp_qcode'; $list=$this->cn->make_list('select fd_id from fiche_def where frd_id in (25,4)'); $qcode->typecard=$list; $qcode->dblclick='fill_ipopcard(this);'; $qcode->value=$this->mp_qcode; $f_qcode=$qcode->input(); $msg="Modification de ".$this->mp_lib; ob_start(); require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/template/new_mod_payment.php'; $r=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $r; } /*!\brief show several lines with radio button to select the payment *method we want to use, the $_POST['e_mp'] will be set *\param none *\return html string */ public function select() { $r=''; $array=$this->get_valide(); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('gDossier',dossier::id()); if ( empty($array)==false ) { $acompte=new INum('acompte'); $acompte->value=0; $r.=_(" Acompte à déduire"); $r.=$acompte->input(); $r.='
'; $e_comm_paiement=new IText('e_comm_paiement'); $e_comm_paiement->table = 0; $e_comm_paiement->setReadOnly(false); $e_comm_paiement->size = 60; $e_comm_paiement->tabindex = 3; $r.=_(" Libellé du paiement"); $r.=$e_comm_paiement->input(); $r.='
'; } $r.='