js you have the javascript code * - SELECT the options are passed via this->value, this array is * build thanks the make_array function, each array (of the * array) aka row must contains a field value and a field label * - PASSWORD * - CHECKBOX * - RADIO * - TEXTAREA * - RICHTEXT * - FILE * - SPAN */ class HtmlInput { var $type; /*!< $type type of the widget */ var $name; /*!< $name field NAME of the INPUT */ var $value; /*!< $value what the INPUT contains */ var $readOnly; /*!< $readonly true : we cannot change value */ var $size; /*!< $size size of the input */ var $selected; /*!< $selected for SELECT RADIO and CHECKBOX the selected value */ var $table; /*!< $table =1 add the table tag */ var $label; /*!< $label the question before the input */ var $disabled; /*!< $disabled poss. value == true or nothing, to disable INPUT*/ var $extra; /*!< $extra different usage, it depends of the $type */ var $extra2; /*!< $extra2 different usage, it depends of the $type */ var $javascript; /*!< $javascript is the javascript to add to the widget */ var $ctrl; /*!<$ctrl is the control to update (see js_search_card_control) */ var $tabindex; function __construct($p_name="",$p_value="",$p_id="") { $this->name=$p_name; $this->readOnly=false; $this->size=20; $this->width=50; $this->heigh=20; $this->value=$p_value; $this->selected=""; $this->table=0; $this->disabled=false; $this->javascript=""; $this->extra2="all"; $this->attribute=array(); $this->id=$p_id; } function setReadOnly($p_read) { $this->readOnly=$p_read; } /*!\brief set the extra javascript property for the INPUT field *\param $p_name name of the parameter *\param $p_value default value of this parameter */ public function set_attribute($p_name,$p_value) { $this->attribute[]=array($p_name,$p_value); $this->$p_name=$p_value; } /** *@brief you can add attribute to this in javascript * this function is a wrapper and create a script (in js) to modify * "this" (in javascript) with the value of obj->attribute from PHP *@return return string with the javascript code */ public function get_js_attr() { require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/function_javascript.php'; $attr=""; if ( count($this->attribute) == 0) return ""; /* Add properties at the widget */ for ($i=0;$i< count($this->attribute);$i++) { list($name,$value)=$this->attribute[$i]; $tmp1=sprintf("$('%s').%s='%s';", $this->name, $name, $value); $attr.=$tmp1; } $attr=create_script($attr); return $attr; } /** * Make a JSON object, this method create a javascript object * with the attribute set, it returns a javascript string with the object * @param $p_name : name of the object, can be null. If the name is not null, return * $p_name={} otherwise only the object {} * @return javascript string with the object * @note: there is not check on the key->value, so you could need to escape * special char as quote, single-quote... * @code $a=new IButton() $a->set_attribute('prop','1'); $a->set_attribute('prop','2'); $a->set_attribute('prop','3'); $string = $a->make_object('property'); echo $string => property={'prop':'1','prop2':'2','prop3':'3'}; $string = $a->make_object(null); echo $string => {'prop':'1','prop2':'2','prop3':'3'}; @endcode */ public function make_object($p_name=null) { $name=($p_name != null)?$p_name.'=':''; if ( count($this->attribute) == 0) return $name."{}"; $ret=$name."{"; $and=''; for ($i=0;$i< count($this->attribute);$i++) { list($name,$value)=$this->attribute[$i]; $tmp1=sprintf($and."'%s':'%s'", $name, $value); $ret.=$tmp1; $and=','; } $ret.='}'; return $ret; } //##################################################################### /* Debug */ function debug() { echo "Type ".$this->type."
"; echo "name ".$this->name."
"; echo "value". $this->value."
"; $readonly=($this->readonly==false)?"false":"true"; echo "read only".$readonly."
"; } static function submit ($p_name,$p_value,$p_javascript="",$p_class="smallbutton") { return ''; } static function button ($p_name,$p_value,$p_javascript="",$p_class="smallbutton") { return ''; } static function reset ($p_value) { return ''; } static function hidden($p_name,$p_value,$p_id="") { if ($p_id=="") $p_id=$p_name; return ''; } static function extension() { return self::hidden('plugin_code',$_REQUEST['plugin_code']); } /*!\brief create a button with a ref *\param $p_label the text *\param $p_value the location of the window, *\param $p_name the id of the span *\param $p_javascript javascript for this button *\return string with htmlcode */ static function button_anchor($p_label,$p_value,$p_name="",$p_javascript="",$p_class="button") { $r=sprintf(' %s', $p_name, $p_value, $p_javascript, $p_label); return $r; } static function infobulle($p_comment) { $r='?'; return $r; } static function warnbulle($p_comment) { $r='Δ'; return $r; } /** * return a string containing the html code for calling the modifyOperation */ static function detail_op($p_jr_id,$p_mesg) { return sprintf('%s', $p_jr_id,dossier::id(),$p_mesg); } /** * @brief return an anchor to view the detail of an action * @param $ag_id * @param $p_mesg * @param $p_modify let you modify an operation * */ static function detail_action($ag_id,$p_mesg,$p_modify=1) { return sprintf('%s', $ag_id,dossier::id(),$p_modify,$p_mesg); } /** * return a string containing the html code for calling the modifyModeleDocument */ static function detail_modele_document($p_id,$p_mesg) { return sprintf('%s', $p_id,dossier::id(),$p_mesg); } /** * return a string containing the html code for calling the removeStock */ static function remove_stock($p_id,$p_mesg) { return sprintf('%s', $p_id,dossier::id(),$p_mesg); } /** * display a div with the history of the card */ static function history_card($f_id,$p_mesg,$p_style="") { $view_history= sprintf('%s', $p_style,$f_id, dossier::id(), $p_mesg); return $view_history; } /** * display a div with the history of the card */ static function history_card_button($f_id,$p_mesg) { static $e=0; $e++; $js= sprintf('onclick="view_history_card(\'%s\',\'%s\')"', $f_id, dossier::id()); $view_history=HtmlInput::button("hcb"+$e,$p_mesg,$js); return $view_history; } /** * display a div with the history of the account */ static function history_account($p_account,$p_mesg,$p_style="") { $view_history= sprintf('%s', $p_style,$p_account, dossier::id(), $p_mesg); return $view_history; } /** * return the html code to create an hidden div and a button * to show this DIV. This contains all the available ledgers * for the user in READ or RW *@param $selected is an array of checkbox *@param $div div suffix *@note the choosen ledger are stored in the array r_jrn (_GET) */ static function select_ledger($p_type,$p_selected,$div='') { global $g_user; $r = ''; /* security : filter ledger on user */ $p_array = $g_user->get_ledger($p_type, 3); ob_start(); /* create a hidden div for the ledger */ echo '
'; echo HtmlInput::title_box(_("Journaux"), $div."jrn_search"); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo HtmlInput::hidden('nb_jrn', count($p_array)); echo _('Filtre ').HtmlInput::filter_table($div.'tb_jrn', '0,1,2', 2); echo ''; echo ''; echo th(_('Nom')); echo th(_('Description')); echo th(_('Type')); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; for ($e=0;$eselected=true; } $class=($e%2==0)?' class="even" ':' class="odd" '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
'; echo HtmlInput::button('sel_'.$div,_('Inverser la sélection'),' onclick = "toggle_checkbox(\''."{$div}search_frm".'\')"'); echo '
'; echo HtmlInput::hidden('div',$div); echo HtmlInput::submit('save',_('Valider')); echo HtmlInput::button_close($div."jrn_search"); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; $ret=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $ret; } /** *create a hidden plus button to select the cat of ledger *@note the selected value is stored in the array p_cat */ static function select_cat($array_cat) { ob_start(); $ledger=new ISmallButton('l'); $ledger->label=_("Catégorie"); $ledger->javascript=" show_cat_choice()"; echo $ledger->input(); /* create a hidden div for the ledger */ echo '
'; echo '

'._('Choix des categories').'

'; $selected=(isset($_GET['r_cat']))?$_GET['r_cat']:null; echo ''; $hide=new IButton('l2'); $hide->label=_("Valider"); $hide->javascript=" hide_cat_choice() "; echo $hide->input(); echo '
'; $r=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $r; } static function display_periode($p_id) { $r=sprintf('Modifier', dossier::id(), $p_id); return $r; } /** *close button for the HTML popup *@see add_div modify_operation *@param $div_name is the name of the div to remove */ static function button_close($div_name) { $a=new IButton('Fermer'); $a->label=_("Fermer"); $a->javascript="removeDiv('".$div_name."')"; $html=$a->input(); return $html; } /** * Return a html string with an anchor which close the inside popup. (top-right corner) *@param name of the DIV to close */ static function anchor_close($div,$p_js="") { $r=''; $r.='
'; $r.= ''; $r.='
'; return $r; } /** * button Html *@param $action action action to perform (message) without onclick *@param $javascript javascript to execute */ static function button_action($action,$javascript,$id="xx",$p_class="button") { if ($id=="xx"){ $id=HtmlInput::generate_id("xx"); } $r=""; $r.=''; return $r; } /** * button Html image *@param $javascript javascript to execute * @param $id id of the button * @param $class class of the button * @param $p_image image */ static function button_image($javascript,$id="xx",$p_class='class="button"',$p_image="") { if ($id=="xx"){ $id=HtmlInput::generate_id("xx"); } $r=""; $r.=''; return $r; } /** * Return a html string with an anchor to hide a div, put it in the right corner *@param $action action action to perform (message) *@param $javascript javascript *@note not protected against html *@see Acc_Ledger::display_search_form */ static function anchor_hide($action,$javascript) { $r=''; $r.='
'; $r.= ''.$action.''; $r.='
'; return $r; } /** * Javascript to print the current window */ static function print_window() { $r=''; $r.=HtmlInput::button('print','Imprimer','onclick="window.print();"'); return $r; } /** *show the detail of a card */ static function card_detail($p_qcode,$pname='',$p_style="",$p_nohistory=false) { //if ($pname=='')$pname=$p_qcode; $r=""; $histo=($p_nohistory==true)?' ,nohistory:1':""; $r.=sprintf('%s [%s]', $p_style,$p_qcode,$histo,$pname,$p_qcode); return $r; } /** *transform request data to hidden *@param $array is an of indices *@param $request name of the superglobal $_POST $_GET $_REQUEST(default) *@return html string with the hidden data */ static function array_to_hidden($array,$global_array ) { $r=""; if ( count($global_array )==0) return ''; foreach ($array as $a) { if (isset($global_array [$a])) if (is_array($global_array[$a]) == false ) { $r.=HtmlInput::hidden($a,$global_array [$a]); } else { if (count($global_array[$a]) > 0) { foreach ($global_array[$a] as $value) { $r.=HtmlInput::hidden($a."[]",$value); } } } } return $r; } /** *transform $_GET data to hidden *@param $array is an of indices *@see HtmlInput::request_to_hidden *@return html string with the hidden data */ static function get_to_hidden($array) { $r=self::array_to_hidden($array,$_GET ); return $r; } /** *transform $_POST data to hidden *@param $array is an of indices *@see HtmlInput::request_to_hidden *@return html string with the hidden data */ static function post_to_hidden($array) { $r=self::array_to_hidden($array,$_POST ); return $r; } /** *transform $_REQUEST data to hidden *@param $array is an of indices *@see HtmlInput::request_to_hidden *@return html string with the hidden data */ static function request_to_hidden($array) { $r=self::array_to_hidden($array,$_REQUEST ); return $r; } /** *transform request data to string *@param $array is an of indices *@param $request name of the superglobal $_POST $_GET $_REQUEST(default) *@return html string with the string data */ static function array_to_string($array,$global_array,$start="?" ) { $r=$start; if ( count($global_array )==0) return ''; $and=""; foreach ($array as $a) { if (isset($global_array [$a])) { if (is_array($global_array[$a]) == false ) { $r.=$and."$a=".$global_array [$a]; } else { for ($i=0;$i'.HtmlInput::anchor("⬜","",$p_js,' name="small'.$div.'" id="close_div" class="input_text" ').''; } else if ( $mod == 'custom') {$r=''.$p_js."";} else if ( $mod == 'none') {$r="" ; } else die (__FILE__.":".__LINE__._('Paramètre invaide')); $r.=h2($name,' class="title" '); return $r; } /** * @brief let you create only a link and set an id on it. * After create a javascript for getting the event * onclick = function() {...} * @param type $p_text Text to display * @param type $p_id id of the link * @param type $type title of the link * @code * echo HtmlInput::anchor_empty('go','go_id'); * * @endcode */ static function anchor_empty($p_text,$p_id,$p_title="") { $p_url="javascript:void(0)"; $str=sprintf('%s', $p_id,$p_title,$p_text); return $str; } /** *Return a simple anchor with a url or a javascript * if $p_js is not null then p_url will be javascript:void(0) * we don't add the event onclick. You must give p_url OR p_js * default CSS class=line * @param string $p_text text of the anchor * @param string $p_url url * @param string $p_js javascript * @param string $p_style is the visuable effect (class, style...) */ static function anchor($p_text,$p_url="",$p_js="",$p_style=' class="line" ') { if ($p_js != "") { $p_url="javascript:void(0)"; } $str=sprintf('%s', $p_style,$p_url,$p_js,$p_text); return $str; } /** *Create an ISelect object containing the available repository for reading * or writing * @global $g_user * @param $p_cn db object * @param $p_name name of the select * @param $p_mode is 'R' for reading, 'W' for writinh * @return ISelect * @throws Exception if p_mode is wrong */ static function select_stock( $p_cn, $p_name,$p_mode) { global $g_user; if ( ! in_array($p_mode,array('R','W') ) ) { throw new Exception (__FILE__.":".__LINE__." $p_mode invalide"); } $profile=$g_user->get_profile(); $sel=new ISelect($p_name); if ($p_mode == 'W') { $sel->value=$p_cn->make_array(" select r_id,r_name from stock_repository join profile_sec_repository using (r_id) where ur_right='W' and p_id=".sql_string($profile). " order by 2" ); return $sel; } if ($p_mode == 'R') { $sel->value=$p_cn->make_array(" select r_id,r_name from stock_repository join profile_sec_repository using (r_id) where p_id=".sql_string($profile). " order by 2" ); return $sel; } } static function filter_table($p_table_id,$p_col,$start_row) { $r= " "; $r.=' '; return $r; } static function show_reconcile($p_div, $let,$span="") { $r = '' . $let.$span . ''; return $r; } /** * Zoom the calendar * @param type $obj objet json for the javascript * @see calendar_zoom in scripts.js */ static function calendar_zoom($obj) { $button=new ISmallButton("calendar", _("Calendrier")); $button->javascript="calendar_zoom($obj)"; return $button->input(); } /** * * @param type $p_array indice * - div div name * - type ALL, VEN, ACH or ODS * - all_type 1 yes 0 no * */ static function button_choice_ledger($p_array) { extract ($p_array); $bledger_param = json_encode(array( 'dossier' => $_REQUEST['gDossier'], 'type' => $type, 'all_type' => $all_type, 'div' => $div, 'class'=>'inner_box' )); $bledger_param = str_replace('"', "'", $bledger_param); $bledger = new ISmallButton('l'); $bledger->label = _("choix des journaux"); $bledger->javascript = " show_ledger_choice($bledger_param)"; $f_ledger = $bledger->input(); $hid_jrn = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST[$div . 'nb_jrn'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < $_REQUEST[$div . 'nb_jrn']; $i++) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$div . "r_jrn"][$i])) $hid_jrn.=HtmlInput::hidden($div . 'r_jrn[' . $i . ']', $_REQUEST[$div . "r_jrn"][$i]); } $hid_jrn.=HtmlInput::hidden($div . 'nb_jrn', $_REQUEST[$div . 'nb_jrn']); } else { $hid_jrn = HtmlInput::hidden($div . 'nb_jrn', 0); } echo $f_ledger; echo ''; echo $hid_jrn; echo ''; } /** * Returns HTML code for displaying a icon with a link to a receipt document from * the ledger * @global $cn database connx * @param $p_jr_id jrn.jr_id * @return nothing or HTML Code for a link to the document */ static function show_receipt_document($p_jr_id) { global $cn; $array=$cn->get_array('select jr_def_id,jr_pj_name,jr_grpt_id from jrn where jr_id=$1',array($p_jr_id)); if (count($array)==0) return ""; if ($array[0]['jr_pj_name'] == "") return ""; $str_dossier=Dossier::get(); $image=''; $r=sprintf('%s', $array[0]['jr_def_id'], $array[0]['jr_grpt_id'], $str_dossier, $image); return $r; } /** * * @param type $p_operation_jr_id action_gestion_operation.ago_id */ static function button_action_remove_operation($p_operation) { $rmOperation=sprintf("javascript:confirm_box(null,'"._('Voulez-vous effacer cette relation ')."',function () {remove_operation('%s','%s');});", dossier::id(), $p_operation); $js= ''.SMALLX.''; return $js; } static function button_action_add_concerned_card($p_agid) { $dossier=Dossier::id(); $javascript= <<