' . _('Session expirée
Utilisateur déconnecté') . ''; redirect('index.php', 1); exit(); } $this->login =strtolower($_SESSION['g_user']); $this->pass = $_SESSION['g_pass']; $this->lang = (isset($_SESSION['g_lang'])) ? $_SESSION['g_lang'] : 'fr_FR.utf8'; $this->valid = (isset($_SESSION['isValid'])) ? 1 : 0; $this->db = $p_cn; $this->id = -1; if (isset($_SESSION['g_theme'])) $this->theme = $_SESSION['g_theme']; $this->admin = ( isset($_SESSION['use_admin']) ) ? $_SESSION['use_admin'] : 0; if (isset($_SESSION['use_name'])) $this->name = $_SESSION['use_name']; if (isset($_SESSION['use_first_name'])) $this->first_name = $_SESSION['use_first_name']; $this->load(); } else // if p_id is set get data of another user { $this->id = $p_id; $this->db = $p_cn; $this->load(); } } /**\brief load data from database. * if this->id == -1, it is unknown so we have to retrieve it from the database by the login * return -1 if nothing is found */ function load() { /* if this->id == -1, it is unknown so we have to retrieve it from the database thanks it login */ if ($this->id < 0) { $sql_cond = " where lower(use_login)=lower($1)"; $sql_array = array($this->login); } else { $sql_cond = " where use_id=$1"; $sql_array = array($this->id); } $sql = "select use_id, use_first_name, use_name, use_login, use_active, use_admin, use_pass, use_email from ac_users "; $cn = new Database(); $Res = $cn->exec_sql($sql . $sql_cond, $sql_array); if (($Max = Database::num_row($Res)) == 0) return -1; $row = Database::fetch_array($Res, 0); $this->id = $row['use_id']; $this->first_name = $row['use_first_name']; $this->last_name = $row['use_name']; $this->name = $row['use_name']; $this->active = $row['use_active']; $this->login = $row['use_login']; $this->admin = $row['use_admin']; $this->password = $row['use_pass']; $this->email=$row['use_email']; } function save() { $Sql = "update ac_users set use_first_name=$1, use_name=$2 ,use_active=$3,use_admin=$4,use_pass=$5 ,use_email = $7 where use_id=$6"; $cn = new Database(); $Res = $cn->exec_sql($Sql, array($this->first_name, $this->last_name, $this->active, $this->admin, $this->pass, $this->id,$this->email)); } function insert() { $Sql = "INSERT INTO ac_users( use_first_name, use_name, use_login, use_active, use_admin, use_pass, use_email) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) returning use_id"; $cn = new Database(); $this->id= $cn->get_value($Sql, array($this->first_name, $this->last_name, $this->login,1,0, $this->pass,$this->email)); } /** * \brief Check if user is active and exists in therepository * Automatically redirect, it doesn't check if a user can access a folder * \param $silent false, echo an error message and exit, true : exit without warning * default is false * ++ */ function Check($silent = false, $from = '') { $res = 0; $pass5 = md5($this->pass); $cn = new Database(); $sql = "select ac_users.use_login,ac_users.use_active, ac_users.use_pass, use_admin,use_first_name,use_name from ac_users where ac_users.use_id='$this->id' and ac_users.use_active=1 and ac_users.use_pass='$pass5'"; $ret = $cn->exec_sql($sql); $res = Database::num_row($ret); if ($res > 0) { $r = Database::fetch_array($ret, 0); $_SESSION['use_admin'] = $r['use_admin']; $_SESSION['use_name'] = $r['use_name']; $_SESSION['use_first_name'] = $r['use_first_name']; $_SESSION['isValid'] = 1; $this->admin = $_SESSION['use_admin']; $this->name = $_SESSION['use_name']; $this->first_name = $_SESSION['use_first_name']; $this->load_global_pref(); } $sql = "insert into audit_connect (ac_user,ac_ip,ac_module,ac_url,ac_state) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)"; if ($res == 0) { $cn->exec_sql($sql, array($_SESSION['g_user'], $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $from, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'FAIL')); if (!$silent) { echo ''; redirect('index.html'); } $this->valid = 0; session_unset(); exit - 1; } else { if ($from == 'LOGIN') $cn->exec_sql($sql, array($_SESSION['g_user'], $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $from, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'SUCCESS')); $this->valid = 1; } return $ret; } /** * \brief return the access to a folder, * \param $p_dossier id if it is == 0 then we take the value from $_SESSION * \return the priv_priv * - X no access * - R has access (normal user) * */ function get_folder_access($p_dossier = 0) { if ($p_dossier == 0) $p_dossier = dossier::id(); if ($this->admin == 1) return 'R'; $cn = new Database(); $sql = "select 'R' from jnt_use_dos where use_id=$1 and dos_id=$2"; $res = $cn->get_value($sql, array($this->id, $p_dossier)); if ($cn->get_affected()== 0) return 'X'; return $res; } /** * \brief save the access of a folder * \param $db_id the dossier id * \param $priv boolean, true then it is granted, false it is removed */ function set_folder_access($db_id, $priv) { $cn=new Database(); if ($priv) { // the access is granted $jnt=$cn->get_value("select jnt_id from jnt_use_dos where dos_id=$1 and use_id=$2", array($db_id, $this->id)); if ($cn->size()==0) { $Res=$cn->exec_sql("insert into jnt_use_dos(dos_id,use_id) values($1,$2)", array($db_id, $this->id)); } } else { // Access is revoked $cn->exec_sql('delete from jnt_use_dos where use_id = $1 and dos_id = $2 ', array($this->id, $db_id)); } } /** * \brief check that a user is valid and the access to the folder * \param $p_ledger the ledger to check * \return the priv_priv * - O only predefined operation * - W write * - R read only * - X no access * * */ function get_ledger_access($p_ledger) { if ($this->admin == 1 || $this->is_local_admin(dossier::id()) == 1) return 'W'; $sql = "select uj_priv from user_sec_jrn where uj_login=$1 and uj_jrn_id=$2"; $res = $this->db->get_value($sql, array($this->login, $p_ledger)); if ($res == '') $res = 'X'; return $res; } /** * \brief get all the available ledgers for the current user * \param $p_type = ALL or the type of the ledger (ACH,VEN,FIN,ODS) * \param $p_access =3 for Read or WRITE, 2 write, 1 for readonly * \return a double array of available ledgers @verbatim [0] => [jrn_def_id] [jrn_def_type] [jrn_def_name] [jrn_def_class_deb] [jrn_def_class_cred] [jrn_type_id] [jrn_desc] [uj_priv] @endverbatim */ function get_ledger($p_type = 'ALL', $p_access = 3) { if ($this->admin != 1 && $this->is_local_admin() != 1) { $sql_type = ($p_type == 'ALL') ? '' : "and jrn_def_type=upper('" . sql_string($p_type) . "')"; switch ($p_access) { case 3: $sql_access = " and uj_priv!= 'X'"; break; case 2: $sql_access = " and uj_priv = 'W'"; break; case 1: $sql_access = " and ( uj_priv = 'R' or uj_priv='W') "; break; } $sql = "select jrn_def_id,jrn_def_type, jrn_def_name,jrn_def_class_deb,jrn_def_class_cred,jrn_type_id,jrn_desc,uj_priv, jrn_deb_max_line,jrn_cred_max_line,jrn_def_description from jrn_def join jrn_type on jrn_def_type=jrn_type_id join user_sec_jrn on uj_jrn_id=jrn_def_id where uj_login='" . $this->login . "'" . $sql_type . $sql_access . " order by jrn_Def_id"; } else { $sql_type = ($p_type == 'ALL') ? '' : "where jrn_def_type=upper('" . sql_string($p_type) . "')"; $sql = "select jrn_def_id,jrn_def_type,jrn_def_name,jrn_def_class_deb,jrn_def_class_cred,jrn_deb_max_line,jrn_cred_max_line, jrn_type_id,jrn_desc,'W' as uj_priv,jrn_def_description from jrn_def join jrn_type on jrn_def_type=jrn_type_id $sql_type order by jrn_Def_name"; } $res = $this->db->exec_sql($sql); if (Database::num_row($res) == 0) return null; $array = Database::fetch_all($res); return $array; } /** * \brief return an sql condition for filtering the permitted ledger * \param $p_type = ALL or the type of the ledger (ACH,VEN,FIN,ODS) * \param $p_access =3 for READ or WRITE, 2 READ and write, 1 for readonly * * \return sql condition like = jrn_def_id in (...) */ function get_ledger_sql($p_type = 'ALL', $p_access = 3) { $aLedger = $this->get_ledger($p_type, $p_access); if (empty($aLedger)) return ' jrn_def_id < 0 '; $sql = " jrn_def_id in ("; foreach ($aLedger as $row) { $sql.=$row['jrn_def_id'] . ','; } $sql.='-1)'; return $sql; } /** * \brief Check if an user is an admin * * \return 1 for yes 0 for no */ function Admin() { $this->admin = 0; if ($this->login != 'phpcompta') { $pass5 = md5($this->pass); $sql = "select use_admin from ac_users where use_login=$1 and use_active=1 "; $cn = new Database(); $res = $cn->exec_sql($sql, array($this->login)); if (Database::num_row($res) == 0) throw new Exception(__FILE__ . " " . __LINE__ . " aucun resultat"); $this->admin = Database::fetch_result($res, 0); } else $this->admin = 1; return $this->admin; } /** * \brief Set the selected periode in the user's preferences * * \param $p_periode periode * \param - $p_user * */ function set_periode($p_periode) { $sql = "update user_local_pref set parameter_value='$p_periode' where user_id='$this->id' and parameter_type='PERIODE'"; $Res = $this->db->exec_sql($sql); } private function set_default_periode() { /* get the first periode */ $sql = 'select min(p_id) as pid from parm_periode where p_closed = false and p_start = (select min(p_start) from parm_periode)'; $Res = $this->db->exec_sql($sql); $pid = Database::fetch_result($Res, 0, 0); /* if all the periode are closed, then we use the last closed period */ if ($pid == null) { $sql = 'select min(p_id) as pid from parm_periode where p_start = (select max(p_start) from parm_periode)'; $Res2 = $this->db->exec_sql($sql); $pid = Database::fetch_result($Res2, 0, 0); if ($pid == null) { throw new Exception( _("Aucune période trouvéee !!!")); } $pid = Database::fetch_result($Res2, 0, 0); } $sql = sprintf("insert into user_local_pref (user_id,parameter_value,parameter_type) values ('%s','%d','PERIODE')", $this->id, $pid); $Res = $this->db->exec_sql($sql); } /** * \brief Get the default periode from the user's preferences * * \return the default periode * * */ function get_periode() { $array = $this->get_preference(); if (!isset($array['PERIODE'])) { $this->set_default_periode(); $array = $this->get_preference(); } return $array['PERIODE']; } /** * * \brief return the mini rapport to display on the welcome page * \return 0 if nothing if found or the report to display (formdef.fr_id) */ function get_mini_report() { $array = $this->get_preference(); $fr_id = (isset($array['MINIREPORT'])) ? $array['MINIREPORT'] : 0; return $fr_id; } /**\brief set the mini rapport to display on the welcome page */ function set_mini_report($p_id) { $count = $this->db->get_value("select count(*) from user_local_pref where user_id=$1 and parameter_type=$2", array($this->id, 'MINIREPORT')); if ($count == 1) { $sql = "update user_local_pref set parameter_value=$1 where user_id=$2 and parameter_type='MINIREPORT'"; $Res = $this->db->exec_sql($sql, array($p_id, $this->id)); } else { $sql = "insert into user_local_pref (user_id,parameter_type,parameter_value)" . "values($1,'MINIREPORT',$2)"; $Res = $this->db->exec_sql($sql, array($this->id, $p_id)); } } /** * Save the preference , the scope is global, the settings are saved * into account_repository * @param $key THEME, LANG , PAGESIZE * @param $value value of the key */ function save_global_preference($key, $value) { $repo = new Database(); $count = $repo->get_value("select count(*) from user_global_pref where parameter_type=$1 and user_id=$2", array($key, $this->login)); if ($count == 1) { $repo->exec_sql("update user_global_pref set parameter_value=$1 where parameter_type=$2 and user_id=$3", array($value, $key, $this->login)); } elseif ($count == 0) { $repo->exec_sql("insert into user_global_pref(user_id,parameter_type,parameter_value) values($1,$2,$3)", array($this->login, $key, $value)); } } /** * \brief Get the default user's preferences * \return array of (parameter_type => parameter_value) */ function get_preference() { $sql = "select parameter_type,parameter_value from user_local_pref where user_id=$1"; $Res = $this->db->exec_sql($sql, array($this->id)); $l_array = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < Database::num_row($Res); $i++) { $row = Database::fetch_array($Res, $i); $type = $row['parameter_type']; $l_array[$type] = $row['parameter_value']; } return $l_array; } /** * Check if an user can access a module, return 1 if yes, otherwise 0 * record in audit log * This function works only if user is connected to a Folder * @param string $p_module menu_ref.me_code */ function check_module($p_module) { $acc = $this->db->get_value("select count(*) from v_all_menu where p_id = $1 and me_code=$2", array($this->get_profile(), $p_module)); if ($acc == 0) { $this->audit("FAIL", $p_module); return 0; } $this->audit("SUCCESS", $p_module); return 1; } /** * \brief Check if an user is allowed to do an action * \param p_action_id * \return * - 0 no priv * - 1 priv granted * @see constant.security.php */ function check_action($p_action_id) { /* save it into the log */ global $audit; if ($this->Admin() == 1) return 1; if ($this->is_local_admin(dossier::id()) == 1) return 1; $Res = $this->db->exec_sql( "select * from user_sec_act where ua_login=$1 and ua_act_id=$2", array($this->login, $p_action_id)); $Count = Database::num_row($Res); if ($Count == 0) { if (isset($audit) && $audit == true) { $cn = new Database(); $sql = "insert into audit_connect (ac_user,ac_ip,ac_module,ac_url,ac_state) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)"; $cn->exec_sql($sql, array($_SESSION['g_user'], $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $p_action_id, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'FAIL')); } return 0; } if ($Count == 1) return 1; echo "

Action Invalide !!! $Count select * from user_sec_act where ua_login='$p_login' and ua_act_id=$p_action_id

"; exit(); } /** * \brief Get the global preferences from user_global_pref * in the account_repository db * * \note set $SESSION[g_variable] */ function load_global_pref() { $cn = new Database(); // Load everything in an array $Res = $cn->exec_sql("select parameter_type,parameter_value from user_global_pref where user_id='" . $this->login . "'"); $Max = Database::num_row($Res); if ($Max == 0) { $this->insert_default_global_pref(); $this->load_global_pref(); return; } // Load value into array $line = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $Max; $i++) { $row = Database::fetch_array($Res, $i); $type = $row['parameter_type']; $line[$type] = $row['parameter_value']; ; } // save array into g_ variable $array_pref = array('g_theme' => 'THEME', 'g_pagesize' => 'PAGESIZE', 'g_topmenu' => 'TOPMENU', 'g_lang' => 'LANG'); foreach ($array_pref as $name => $parameter) { if (!isset($line[$parameter])) { $this->insert_default_global_pref($parameter); $this->load_global_pref(); return; } $_SESSION[$name] = $line[$parameter]; } } /** * \brief insert default pref * if no parameter are given insert all the existing * parameter otherwise only the requested * \param $p_type parameter's type or nothing * \param $p_value parameter value * */ function insert_default_global_pref($p_type = "", $p_value = "") { $default_parameter = array("THEME" => "classic", "PAGESIZE" => "50", 'TOPMENU' => 'TEXT', 'LANG' => 'fr_FR.utf8'); $cn = new Database(); $Sql = "insert into user_global_pref(user_id,parameter_type,parameter_value) values ('%s','%s','%s')"; if ($p_type == "") { foreach ($default_parameter as $name => $value) { $Insert = sprintf($Sql, $this->login, $name, $value); $cn->exec_sql($Insert); } } else { $value = ($p_value == "") ? $default_parameter[$p_type] : $p_value; $Insert = sprintf($Sql, $this->login, $p_type, $value); $cn->exec_sql($Insert); } } /** * \brief update default pref * if value is not given then use the default value * * \param $p_type parameter's type * \param $p_value parameter's value value of the type */ function update_global_pref($p_type, $p_value = "") { $default_parameter = array("THEME" => "classic", "PAGESIZE" => "50", "LANG" => 'fr_FR.utf8', 'TOPMENU' => 'SELECT'); $cn = new Database(); $Sql = "update user_global_pref set parameter_value=$1 where parameter_type=$2 and user_id=$3"; $value = ($p_value == "") ? $default_parameter[$p_type] : $p_value; $cn->exec_sql($Sql, array($value, $p_type, $this->login)); } //end function /**\brief Return the year of current Periode * it is the parm_periode.p_exercice col * if an error occurs return 0 */ function get_exercice() { $sql = "select p_exercice from parm_periode where p_id=" . $this->get_periode(); $Ret = $this->db->exec_sql($sql); if (Database::num_row($Ret) == 1) { $r = Database::fetch_array($Ret, 0); return $r['p_exercice']; } else return 0; } /**\brief Check if the user can access * otherwise warn and exit * \param $p_action requested action * \param $p_js = 1 javascript, or 0 just a text * \return nothing the program exits automatically */ function can_request($p_action, $p_js = 0) { if ($this->check_action($p_action) == 0) { $this->audit('FAIL'); if ($p_js == 1) { echo ""; } else { echo '
'; echo '

Cette action ne vous est pas autorisée Contactez votre responsable

'; echo '
'; } exit(-1); } } /** *@brief Check if the user can print (in menu_ref p_type_display=p) * otherwise warn and exit * @param $p_action requested action * @return nothing the program exits automatically */ function check_print($p_action) { global $audit, $cn; $this->audit('AUDIT', $p_action); if ($this->Admin() == 1) return 1; $res = $cn->get_value("select count(*) from profile_menu join profile_user using (p_id) where user_name=$1 and me_code=$2 ", array($this->login, $p_action)); return $res; } /**\brief Check if the user can print (in menu_ref p_type_display=p) * otherwise warn and exit * \param $p_action requested action * \return nothing the program exits automatically */ function can_print($p_action, $p_js = 0) { if ($this->check_print($p_action) == 0) { $this->audit('FAIL'); if ($p_js == 1) { echo ""; } else { echo '
'; echo '

Cette action ne vous est pas autorisée Contactez votre responsable

'; echo '
'; } exit(-1); } } /** * \brief Check if an user is an local administrator * @deprecated since version 6.7 * * * \param $p_dossier : dossier_id * * \return * - 0 if no * - 1 if yes * */ function is_local_admin($p_dossier = -1) { if ($p_dossier==-1) { $p_dossier=dossier::id(); } if ($this->login=='admin') { return 1; } else { return 0; } } /** *@brief return array of available repository * * @param $p_access R for read W for write * @return an array */ function get_available_repository($p_access='R') { $profile=$this->get_profile(); $r=array(); if ($p_access=='R') { $r=$this->db->get_array("select distinct u.r_id,r_name from profile_sec_repository as u join stock_repository as s on(u.r_id=s.r_id) where p_id =$1 and ur_right='W' order by 2 ",array($profile)); } if ($p_access == 'W') { $r=$this->db->get_array("select distinct u.r_id,r_name from profile_sec_repository as u join stock_repository as s on(u.r_id=s.r_id) where p_id =$1 order by 2 ",array($profile)); } return $r; } /** * \brief return an array with all the active users who can access * $p_dossier including the global admin. * The user must be activated * * \param $p_dossier dossier * \return an array of user's object * array indices * - use_id (id ) * - use_login (login of the user) * - use_name * - use_first_name * * \exception throw an exception if nobody can access */ static function get_list($p_dossier) { $sql = "select distinct use_id,use_login,use_first_name,use_name from ac_users left outer join jnt_use_dos using (use_id) where (dos_id=$1 and use_active=1) or (use_active=1 and use_admin=1) order by use_login,use_name"; $repo = new Database(); $array = $repo->get_array($sql, array($p_dossier)); if ($repo->size() == 0) throw new Exception('Error inaccessible folder'); return $array; } /** * \brief check the access of an user on a ledger * * \param $p_jrn the ledger id * \return * - O only predefined operation * - W write * - R read only * - X no access * */ function check_jrn($p_jrn) { return $this->get_ledger_access($p_jrn); } /** * \brief check if an user can access a folder, if he cannot display a dialog box * and exit * \param the folder if * \param $silent false, echo an error message and exit, true : exit without warning * default is false * \return * - L for administrator (local and global) * - X no access * - R regular user */ function check_dossier($p_dossier_id, $silent = false) { $this->Admin(); if ($this->admin == 1 || $this->is_local_admin($p_dossier_id) == 1) return 'L'; $cn = new Database(); $dossier = $cn->get_value("select 'R' from jnt_use_dos where dos_id=$1 and use_id=$2", array($p_dossier_id, $this->id)); $dossier = ($dossier == '') ? 'X' : $dossier; if ($dossier == 'X') { $this->audit('FAIL', "Access folder "); if (!$silent) { alert(_('Dossier non accessible')); exit(); } } return $dossier; } /** * @brief return the first date and the last date of the current exercice for the current user * @return and array ([0] => start_date,[1] => end_date) */ function get_limit_current_exercice() { $current_exercice = $this->get_exercice(); $periode = new Periode($this->db); list($per_start, $per_end) = $periode->get_limit($current_exercice); $start = $per_start->first_day(); $end = $per_end->last_day(); return array($start, $end); } /** * \brief Show all the available folder for the users * at the login page. For the special case 'E' * go directly to extension and bypasse the dashboard * \param $p_user user * \param $p_admin 1 if admin * * \return table in HTML * */ function show_dossier($p_filtre = "") { $p_array = $this->get_available_folder($p_filtre); $result = ""; $result.=""; $result.=""; $result.=""; $result.=""; $result.=""; $result.=""; if ($p_array == 0) { $result.=""; $result.=''; $result.=""; return $result; } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($p_array); $i++) { $id = $p_array[$i]['dos_id']; $name = $p_array[$i]['dos_name']; $desc = $p_array[$i]['dos_description']; if ($i % 2 == 0) $tr = "odd"; else $tr = "even"; $target = "do.php?gDossier=$id"; $result.=""; $result.=td($id, ' class="num" '); $result.=""; $desc = ($desc == "") ? "Aucune description" : h($desc); $desc = "$desc"; $result.=""; $result.=""; } $result.="
"; $result.=_("Id"); $result.=""; $result.=_("Nom"); $result.=""; $result.=_("Description"); $result.="
'; $result.=_("Aucun dossier disponible"); $result.='
"; $result.=""; $result.= " " . h($name) . ""; $result.=""; $result.="" . $desc; $result.="
"; return $result; } /** * \brief Get all the available folders * for the users, checked with the security * * \param $p_user user login * \param $p_admin 1 if admin * \return array containing * - ac_dossier.dos_id * - ac_dossier.dos_name * - ac_dossier.dos_description * */ function get_available_folder($p_filter = "") { $cn = new Database(); $filter = ""; if ($this->admin == 0) { // show only available folders // if user is not an admin $Res = $cn->exec_sql("select distinct dos_id,dos_name,dos_description from ac_users natural join jnt_use_dos natural join ac_dossier where use_login= $1 and use_active = 1 and ( dos_name ~* $2 or dos_description ~* $2 ) order by dos_name", array($this->login, $p_filter)); } else { $Res = $cn->exec_sql("select distinct dos_id,dos_name,dos_description from ac_dossier where dos_name ~* $1 or dos_description ~* $1 order by dos_name", array($p_filter)); } require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class_database.php'; $max = Database::num_row($Res); if ($max == 0) return 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $array[] = Database::fetch_array($Res, $i); } return $array; } function audit($action = 'AUDIT', $p_module = "") { global $audit; if ($audit) { if ($p_module == "" && isset($_REQUEST['ac'])) { $p_module = $_REQUEST['ac']; } $cn = new Database(); if (isset($_REQUEST['gDossier'])) $p_module.= " dossier : " . $_REQUEST['gDossier']; $sql = "insert into audit_connect (ac_user,ac_ip,ac_module,ac_url,ac_state) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)"; $cn->exec_sql($sql, array( $_SESSION['g_user'], $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $p_module, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $action)); } } function save_profile($p_id) { $count = $this->db->get_value("select count(*) from profile_user where user_name=$1", array($this->login)); if ($count == 0) { $this->db->exec_sql("insert into profile_user(p_id,user_name) values ($1,$2)", array($p_id, $this->login)); } else { $this->db->exec_sql("update profile_user set p_id=$1 where user_name=$2", array($p_id, $this->login)); } } /** *return the profile (p_id) * @return profile.p_id */ function get_profile() { $profile = $this->db->get_value("select p_id from profile_user where lower(user_name)=lower($1)", array($this->login)); return $profile; } /** * Check if the current user can add an action in the profile given * in parameter * @param type $p_profile profile.p_id = action_gestion.ag_dest * @return boolean */ function can_add_action($p_profile) { $r=$this->db->get_value (' select count(*) from user_sec_action_profile where p_granted=$1 and p_id=$2', array($this->get_profile(),$p_profile)); if ($r == 0 ) { return false; } return true; } /** *Check if the profile of the user can write for this profile * @param $dtoc action_gestion.ag_id * @return true if he can write otherwise false */ function can_write_action($dtoc) { if ( $this->Admin() == 1 ) return true; $profile = $this->get_profile(); $r = $this->db->get_value(" select count(*) from action_gestion where ag_id=$1 and ag_dest in (select p_granted from user_sec_action_profile where ua_right='W' and p_id=$2) ", array($dtoc, $profile)); if ($r == 0) return false; return true; } /** *Check if the profile of the user can write for this profile * @param $dtoc action_gestion.ag_id * @return true if he can write otherwise false */ function can_read_action($dtoc) { if ( $this->Admin() == 1 ) return true; $profile = $this->get_profile(); $r = $this->db->get_value(" select count(*) from action_gestion where ag_id=$1 and (ag_dest in (select p_granted from user_sec_action_profile where p_id=$2) or ag_owner=$3)", array($dtoc, $profile, $this->login)); if ($r == 0) return false; return true; } /** *Check if the profile of the user can write for this repository * @param $p_repo stock_repository.r_id * @return true if he can write otherwise false */ function can_write_repo($p_repo) { if ( $this->Admin() == 1 ) return true; $profile=$this->get_profile(); $r=$this->db->get_value("select count(*) from profile_sec_repository where r_id=$1 and p_id =$2 and ur_right='W'",array($p_repo,$profile)); if ( $r==0) return false; return true; } /** *Check if the profile of the user can read for this repository * @param $p_repo stock_repository.r_id * @return true if he read write otherwise false */ function can_read_repo($p_repo) { if ( $this->Admin() == 1 ) return true; $profile=$this->get_profile(); $r=$this->db->get_value("select count(*) from profile_sec_repository where r_id=$1 and p_id =$2 ",array($p_repo,$profile)); if ( $r==0) return false; return true; } function save_password($p_pass1, $p_pass2) { if ($p_pass1 == $p_pass2) { $repo = new Database(); $l_pass = md5($_POST['pass_1']); $repo->exec_sql("update ac_users set use_pass=$1 where use_login=$2", array($l_pass, $_SESSION['g_user'])); $_SESSION['g_pass'] = $_POST['pass_1']; } else { alert(_("Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas. Mot de passe inchangé")); } } /** * Save the password from PREFERENCE MODULE * @param type $p_email */ function save_email($p_email) { $repo=new Database(); $repo->exec_sql("update ac_users set use_email=$1 where use_login=$2", array($p_email, $_SESSION['g_user'])); } } ?>