value = $cn->make_array('select fd_id,fd_label from fiche_def order by fd_label'); $categorie->selected = (isset($_GET['cat'])) ? $_GET['cat'] : 0; $str_categorie = $categorie->input(); $icall = new ICheckBox("allcard", 1); $icall->selected = (isset($_GET['allcard'])) ? 1 : 0; $str_icall = $icall->input(); /* periode */ $exercice = $g_user->get_exercice(); $iperiode = new Periode($cn); list ($first, $last) = $iperiode->get_limit($exercice); $periode_start = new IDate('start'); $periode_end = new IDate('end'); $periode_start->value = (isset($_GET['start'])) ? $_GET['start'] : $first->first_day(); $periode_end->value = (isset($_GET['end'])) ? $_GET['end'] : $last->last_day(); $str_start = $periode_start->input(); $str_end = $periode_end->input(); /* histo ou summary */ $histo = new ISelect('histo'); $histo->value = array( array('value' => -1, 'label' => _('Liste')), array('value' => 0, 'label' => _('Historique')), array('value' => 1, 'label' => _('Historique Lettré')), array('value' => 6, 'label' => _('Historique Lettré et montants différents')), array('value' => 2, 'label' => _('Historique non Lettré')), array('value' => 3, 'label' => _('Résumé')), array('value' => 4, 'label' => _('Balance')), array('value' => 6, 'label' => _('Balance âgée')), array('value' => 7, 'label' => _('Balance âgée en-cours')), array('value' => 5, 'label' => _('Balance non soldée')) ); $histo->javascript = 'onchange="if (this.value==3 || this.value==-1) { g("trstart").style.display="none";g("trend").style.display="none";g("allcard").style.display="none";} else {g("trstart").style.display="";g("trend").style.display="";g("allcard").style.display="";}"'; $histo->selected = (isset($_GET['histo'])) ? $_GET['histo'] : -1; $str_histo = $histo->input(); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('ac', $_GET['ac']); require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/template/impress_cat_card.php'; echo HtmlInput::submit('cat_display', _('Recherche')); echo '
'; $search_card=new IText('card_search'); $search_card_js=sprintf('onclick="boxsearch_card(\'%d\')"',dossier::id()); ?>
'; $str = "if (g('histo').value==3 || g('histo').value== -1 ) { g('trstart').style.display='none';g('trend').style.display='none';g('allcard').style.display='none';} else {g('trstart').style.display='';g('trend').style.display='';g('allcard').style.display='';} if ( g('histo').value== -1 ) { g('allcard').style.display='';} "; echo create_script($str); echo '
'; //----------------------------------------------------- if (!isset($_GET['cat_display'])) return; $fd_id = $_GET['cat']; $array = Fiche::get_fiche_def($cn, $_GET['cat'], 'name_asc'); $h_add_card_b = new IButton('add_card'); $h_add_card_b->label = _('Créer une nouvelle fiche'); $h_add_card_b->javascript = "dis_blank_card({gDossier:$gDossier,fd_id:$fd_id,ref:2})"; $str_add_card = ($g_user->check_action(FICADD) == 1) ? $h_add_card_b->input() : ""; /* * You show now the result */ if ($array == null) { echo '
'; echo '

'._('Aucune fiche trouvée').'

'; echo $str_add_card; echo '
'; return; } $allcard = (isset($_GET['allcard'])) ? 1 : 0; if ( $allcard == 0 ){ $fiche_def=new Fiche_Def($cn,$_GET['cat']); $fiche_def->get(); echo h1($fiche_def->label,""); echo h2($fiche_def->fd_description,""); } echo '
'; /* * ********************************************************************************************************************************* * Liste * * ******************************************************************************************************************************** */ if ($_GET['histo'] == -1) { $write = $g_user->check_action(FICADD); /** * If ask for move or delete */ if (isset($_POST['action'])) { if ($write == 1) { $ack = $_POST['f_id']; /** * Move */ if (isset($_POST['move'])&& $_POST['move'] == 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($ack); $i++) { $fiche = new Fiche($cn, $ack[$i]); $fiche->move_to($_POST['move_to']); } } /** * Delete */ if (isset($_POST['delete'])&& $_POST['delete']==1) { $msg=""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($ack); $i++) { $fiche = new Fiche($cn, $ack[$i]); if ( $fiche->remove(true) == 1 ) { $msg.="\n ".$fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE); } } if ($msg != "") { echo '
'; echo h2(_("Fiche non effacées"), ' class="error" '); echo '

'._(" Ces fiches n'ont pas été effacées ").$msg; echo '

'; } } } else { echo NoAccess(); } } $sql = "select f_id from fiche "; if ($allcard == 1) { $cond = ""; } else { $cond = " where f.fd_id = " . sql_string($_GET['cat']); } // Create nav bar $max = $cn->get_value("select count(*) from fiche as f " . $cond); $step = $_SESSION['g_pagesize']; $page = (isset($_GET['offset'])) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $offset = (isset($_GET['offset'])) ? $_GET['offset'] : 0; $bar = navigation_bar($offset, $max, $step, $page); $limit = ($step == -1 ) ? "" : " limit " . $step; $res = $cn->exec_sql(" select f_id, (select ad_value from fiche_detail as fd1 where ad_id=1 and fd1.f_id=f.f_id) as name, (select ad_value from fiche_detail as fd1 where ad_id=23 and fd1.f_id=f.f_id) as qcode, fd_label, (select ad_value from fiche_detail as fd1 where ad_id=5 and fd1.f_id=f.f_id) as poste from fiche as f join fiche_def as fd on (fd.fd_id=f.fd_id) $cond order by 2,4 offset $offset $limit "); $nb_line = Database::num_row($res); if ($write != 1 || $allcard != 0 ) $str_add_card=""; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/template/fiche_list.php'; echo '
'.$bar; return; } /* * ********************************************************************************************************************************* * Summary * * ******************************************************************************************************************************** */ if ($_GET['histo'] == 3) { $cat_card = new Fiche_Def($cn); $cat_card->id = $_GET['cat']; $aHeading = $cat_card->getAttribut(); if ( $allcard == 0) echo $str_add_card; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/template/result_cat_card_summary.php'; $hid = new IHidden(); echo '
' . dossier::hidden() . HtmlInput::submit('bt_csv', "Export CSV") . HtmlInput::hidden('act', "CSV:fiche") . $hid->input("type", "fiche") . $hid->input("ac", $_REQUEST['ac']) . $hid->input("fd_id", $_REQUEST['cat']); echo "
"; return; } $export_pdf = '
'; $export_pdf.=HtmlInput::hidden('cat', $_GET['cat']); $export_pdf.=HtmlInput::hidden('act', "PDF:fiche_balance") . $export_pdf.=HtmlInput::hidden('start', $_GET['start']); $export_pdf.=HtmlInput::hidden('end', $_GET['end']); $export_pdf.=HtmlInput::hidden('histo', $_GET['histo']); $export_pdf.=HtmlInput::request_to_hidden(array('allcard')); $export_pdf.=dossier::hidden(); $export_pdf.=HtmlInput::submit('pdf', 'Export en PDF'); $export_pdf.='
'; $export_print = HtmlInput::print_window(); $export_csv = '
'; $export_csv.=HtmlInput::hidden('cat', $_GET['cat']); $export_csv.=HtmlInput::hidden('act', 'CSV:fiche_balance'); $export_csv.=HtmlInput::hidden('start', $_GET['start']); $export_csv.=HtmlInput::hidden('end', $_GET['end']); $export_csv.=HtmlInput::hidden('histo', $_GET['histo']); $export_csv.=HtmlInput::request_to_hidden(array('allcard')); $export_csv.=dossier::hidden(); $export_csv.=HtmlInput::submit('CSV', 'Export en CSV'); $export_csv.='
'; /* * Date is important is requested balance */ if (isDate($_REQUEST['start']) == null || isDate($_REQUEST['end']) == null) { echo h2('Date invalide !', 'class="error"'); alert('Date invalide !'); return; } /************************************************************************************************************************* * Balance agée tous /*************************************************************************************************************************/ if ( $_GET['histo'] == 6) { require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class_balance_age.php'; $bal=new Balance_Age($cn); $export_csv = '
'; $export_csv .=HtmlInput::request_to_hidden(array('gDossier','ac','p_let','p_date_start')); $export_csv.=HtmlInput::hidden('p_date_start', $_GET['start']); $export_csv .= HtmlInput::hidden('act','CSV:balance_age'); $export_csv .= HtmlInput::hidden('p_let','let'); $export_csv .= HtmlInput::hidden('p_type','X'); $export_csv .= HtmlInput::hidden('cat',$_GET['cat']); $export_csv .= HtmlInput::hidden('all',$allcard); $export_csv .= HtmlInput::submit('csv',_('Export CSV')); $export_csv.='

'; if ( $allcard == 0 ) { echo $export_csv; $bal->display_category($_GET['start'],$_GET['cat'],'let'); echo $export_csv; } else { echo $export_csv; $a_cat = $cn->get_array("select fd_id from vw_fiche_def where ad_id=" . ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT . " order by fd_label asc"); $nb_cat=count($a_cat); for ($i=0;$i < $nb_cat;$i++) { $bal->display_category($_GET['start'],$a_cat[$i]['fd_id'],'let'); } echo $export_csv; } return; } /************************************************************************************************************************* * Balance en-cours /*************************************************************************************************************************/ if ( $_GET['histo'] == 7) { require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class_balance_age.php'; $bal=new Balance_Age($cn); $export_csv = '
'; $export_csv .=HtmlInput::request_to_hidden(array('gDossier','ac','p_let','p_date_start')); $export_csv.=HtmlInput::hidden('p_date_start', $_GET['start']); $export_csv .= HtmlInput::hidden('act','CSV:balance_age'); $export_csv .= HtmlInput::hidden('p_let','unlet'); $export_csv .= HtmlInput::hidden('p_type','X'); $export_csv .= HtmlInput::hidden('cat',$_GET['cat']); $export_csv .= HtmlInput::hidden('all',$allcard); $export_csv .= HtmlInput::submit('csv',_('Export CSV')); $export_csv.='

'; if ( $allcard == 0 ) { echo $export_csv; $bal->display_category($_GET['start'],$_GET['cat'],'unlet'); echo $export_csv; } else { echo $export_csv; $a_cat = $cn->get_array("select fd_id from vw_fiche_def where ad_id=" . ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT . " order by fd_label asc"); $nb_cat=count($a_cat); for ($i=0;$i < $nb_cat;$i++) { $bal->display_category($_GET['start'],$a_cat[$i]['fd_id'],'unlet'); } echo $export_csv; } return; } /******************************************************************************************************************************** * Balance * **********************************************************************************************************************************/ if ($_GET['histo'] == 4 || $_GET['histo'] == 5) { if ( $allcard == 0 ) echo $str_add_card; echo $export_pdf; echo $export_csv; echo $export_print; $fd = new Fiche_Def($cn, $_REQUEST['cat']); if ($allcard == 0 && $fd->hasAttribute(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT) == false) { echo alert(_("Cette catégorie n'ayant pas de poste comptable n'a pas de balance")); return; } // all card if ($allcard == 1) { $afiche = $cn->get_array("select fd_id from vw_fiche_def where ad_id=" . ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT . " order by fd_label asc"); } else { $afiche[0] = array('fd_id' => $_REQUEST['cat']); } for ($e = 0; $e < count($afiche); $e++) { $ret = $cn->exec_sql("select f_id,ad_value from fiche join fiche_detail using(f_id) where fd_id=$1 and ad_id=1 order by 2 ", array($afiche[$e]['fd_id'])); if ($cn->count() == 0) { if ($allcard == 0) { echo _("Aucune fiche trouvée"); return; } else continue; } echo '

' . $cn->get_value("select fd_label from fiche_def where fd_id=$1", array($afiche[$e]['fd_id'])) . '

'; $id="table_".$afiche[$e]['fd_id']."_id"; echo _('Filtre rapide:').HtmlInput::filter_table($id, '0,1,2', '1'); echo ''; echo tr( th('Quick Code') . th('Libellé') . ''. th('Débit', 'style="text-align:right"') . th('Crédit', 'style="text-align:right"') . th('Solde', 'style="text-align:right"') . th('D/C', 'style="text-align:right"') ); $idx = 0;$sum_deb=0;$sum_cred=0;$sum_solde=0;bcscale(4); for ($i = 0; $i < Database::num_row($ret); $i++) { $filter = " (j_date >= to_date('" . $_REQUEST['start'] . "','DD.MM.YYYY') " . " and j_date <= to_date('" . $_REQUEST['end'] . "','DD.MM.YYYY')) "; $aCard = Database::fetch_array($ret, $i); $oCard = new Fiche($cn, $aCard['f_id']); $solde = $oCard->get_solde_detail($filter); if ($solde['debit'] == 0 && $solde['credit'] == 0) continue; /* only not purged card */ if ($_GET['histo'] == 5 && $solde['debit'] == $solde['credit']) continue; $class =($idx % 2 == 0) ? 'class="odd"':'class="even"'; $idx++; $sum_cred=bcadd($sum_cred,$solde['credit']); $sum_deb=bcadd($sum_deb,$solde['debit']); $sum_solde=bcsub($sum_deb,$sum_cred); echo tr( td(HtmlInput::history_card($oCard->id, $oCard->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE))) . td($oCard->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME)) . td(HtmlInput::history_account($oCard->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT),$oCard->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT))). td(nbm($solde['debit']), 'class="sorttable_numeric" sorttable_customkey="'.$solde['debit'].'" style="text-align:right"') . td(nbm($solde['credit']), 'class="sorttable_numeric" sorttable_customkey="'.$solde['debit'].'" style="text-align:right"') . td(nbm(abs($solde['solde'])), 'class="sorttable_numeric" sorttable_customkey="'.$solde['solde'].'" style="text-align:right"') . td((($solde['debit'] < $solde['credit']) ? 'C' : 'D'), 'style="text-align:right"'), $class ); } echo ''; echo tr( td(''). td(_('Totaux')). td(''). td(nbm($sum_deb), 'style="text-align:right"'). td(nbm($sum_cred), 'style="text-align:right"'). td(nbm(abs($sum_solde)), 'style="text-align:right"'). td((($sum_deb < $sum_cred) ? 'C' : 'D'), 'style="text-align:right"'),' class="highlight"'); echo ''; echo '
'; } if ( $allcard == 0 ) echo $str_add_card; echo $export_pdf; echo $export_csv; echo $export_print; return; } /*********************************************************************************************************************************** * Lettering * **********************************************************************************************************************************/ // all card if ($allcard == 1) { $afiche = $cn->get_array("select fd_id from vw_fiche_def where ad_id=" . ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT . " order by fd_label asc"); } else { $afiche[0] = array('fd_id' => $_REQUEST['cat']); } if ( $allcard == 0) echo $str_add_card; echo $export_csv; echo $export_pdf; echo $export_print; $fiche = new Fiche($cn); for ($e = 0; $e < count($afiche); $e++) { $array = Fiche::get_fiche_def($cn, $afiche[$e]['fd_id'], 'name_asc'); foreach ($array as $card) { $row = new Fiche($cn, $card['f_id']); $letter = new Lettering_Card($cn); $letter->set_parameter('quick_code', $row->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE)); $letter->set_parameter('start', $_GET['start']); $letter->set_parameter('end', $_GET['end']); // all if ($_GET['histo'] == 0) { $letter->get_all(); } // lettered if ($_GET['histo'] == 1) { $letter->get_letter(); } // unlettered if ($_GET['histo'] == 2) { $letter->get_unletter(); } if ($_GET['histo'] == 6) { $letter->get_letter_diff(); } /* skip if nothing to display */ if (count($letter->content) == 0) continue; $detail_card = HtmlInput::card_detail($row->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE), $row->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME)); echo '

' . $detail_card ; echo "poste " . ":".HtmlInput::history_account($row->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT),$row->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT),'display:inline').HtmlInput::infobulle(27).'

'; echo ''; echo ''; echo th(_('Date')); echo th(_('ref')); echo th(_('Interne')); echo th(_('Comm')); echo th(_('Montant'), 'style="width:auto" colspan="2"'); echo th(_('Prog.')); echo th(_('Let.')); echo ''; $amount_deb = 0; $amount_cred = 0; $prog = 0; bcscale(2); for ($i = 0; $i < count($letter->content); $i++) { $row = $letter->content[$i]; $html_letter=""; if ($row['letter']!=-1) { $html_letter=strtoupper(base_convert($row['letter'],10,36)); } if ($i % 2 == 0) echo ''; else echo ''; echo td($row['j_date_fmt']); echo td(h($row['jr_pj_number'])); echo td(HtmlInput::detail_op($row['jr_id'], $row['jr_internal'])); echo td(h($row['jr_comment'])); if ($row['j_debit'] == 't') { echo td(nbm($row['j_montant']), ' style="text-align:right"'); $amount_deb=bcadd($amount_deb,$row['j_montant']); $prog = bcadd($prog, $row['j_montant']); echo td(""); } else { echo td(""); echo td(nbm($row['j_montant']), ' style="text-align:right"'); $amount_cred=bcadd($amount_cred,$row['j_montant']); $prog = bcsub($prog, $row['j_montant']); } $side = " " . $fiche->get_amount_side($prog); echo td(nbm($prog) . $side, 'style="text-align:right"'); $html_let=""; if ($row['letter']!=-1) { $span_error = ""; if ($row['letter_diff'] != 0) $span_error = $g_failed; echo ''; } else echo td(''); echo ''; } echo '
'.HtmlInput::show_reconcile("", $html_letter,$span_error).'
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo td(_('Debit')); echo td(nbm($amount_deb), ' style="font-weight:bold;text-align:right"'); echo ''; echo ''; echo td(_('Credit')); echo td(nbm($amount_cred), ' style="font-weight:bold;text-align:right"'); echo ''; echo ''; $solde=abs(round($amount_cred - $amount_deb, 2)); if ( $solde == 0) { $s='solde'; } else if ($amount_deb > $amount_cred) $s = 'solde débiteur'; else $s = 'solde crediteur'; echo td($s); echo td(nbm($solde), ' style="font-weight:bold;text-align:right"'); echo ''; echo '
'; } } if ( $allcard == 0) echo $str_add_card; echo $export_csv; echo $export_pdf; echo $export_print; ?>