cn=$p_cn; $this->ji_id=$p_ji_id; } function insert() { if ( ! isset ($this->jr_id) || ! isset ($this->ji_value) || ! isset ($this->id_type ) ) { echo 'Appel incorrecte '.__FILE__.__LINE__; var_dump($this); throw new Exception(_('appel incorrect')); } try { $sql=$this->cn->exec_sql('insert into jrn_info(jr_id,id_type,ji_value) values ($1,$2,$3)'. ' returning ji_id ', array ($this->jr_id,$this->id_type,$this->ji_value) ); $this->ji_id=Database::fetch_result($sql,0,0); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Echec sauvegarde info additionnelles"; throw $e; } } function update() { if ( ! isset ($this->jr_id) || ! isset ($this->ji_value) || ! isset ($this->jr_id ) ) { echo 'Appel incorrecte '.__FILE__.__LINE__; var_dump($this); throw new Exception('appel incorrect'); } try { $sql=$this->exec_sql('update jrn_info set jr_id=$1 ,id_type=$2,ji_value=$3 where ji_id=$4)'. array ($this->jr_id,$this->id_type,$this->ji_value,$this->ji_id) ); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->cn->rollback(); echo "Echec sauvegarde info additionnelles"; throw $e; } } function load() { $sql="select jr_id,id_type,ji_value from jrn_info where ji_id=".$this->ji_id; $r=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); if (Database::num_row ($r) > 0 ) { $this->from_array(Database::fetch_array($r,0)); return 0; } else { return 1; } } function from_array($p_array) { foreach ($p_array as $col=>$value) { $this->$col=$value; } } function set_id($p_ji_id) { $this->$ji_id=$p_ji_id; } function set_jrn_id($p_id) { $this->jr_id=$p_id; } function set_type($p_id) { $this->id_type=$p_id; } function set_value($p_id) { $this->ji_value=$p_id; } /*!\brief load all the jrn_info thanks the jr_id * \return an array of object */ function load_all() { if ( ! isset ($this->jr_id) ) { echo "jr_id is not set ".__FILE__.__LINE__; throw new Exception('Error : jr_id not set'); } $sql="select ji_id from jrn_info where jr_id=".$this->jr_id; $r=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); if (Database::num_row($r) == 0 ) return array(); $array=Database::fetch_all($r); $ret=array(); foreach ($array as $row) { $o=new Acc_Ledger_Info($this->cn,$row['ji_id']); $o->load(); $ret[]=clone $o; } return $ret; } function count() { $sql="select ji_id from jrn_info where jr_id=".$this->jr_id; return $this->cn->count_sql($sql); } function search_id_internal($p_internal) { $sql="select jr_id from jrn where jr_internal='$p_internal'"; $r=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); if (Database::num_row($r) > 0 ) { $this->jr_id=Database::fetch_result($r,0,0); return $this->jr_id; } else { $this->jr_id=-1; return $this->jr_id; } } /** *@brief save all extra information in once, called by compta_ven and compta_ach *@param $p_jr_id is the jrn.jr_id concerned, *@param $p_array is the array with the data usually it is $_POST *@note will change this->jr_id *@see */ function save_extra($p_jr_id,$p_array) { $this->jr_id=$p_jr_id; if (strlen(trim($p_array['bon_comm'] )) != 0 ) { $this->set_type('BON_COMMANDE'); $this->set_value($p_array['bon_comm']); $this->insert(); } if (strlen(trim($p_array['other_info'] )) != 0 ) { $this->set_type('OTHER'); $this->set_value($p_array['other_info']); $this->insert(); } } static function test_me() { echo "Dossier = ".Dossier::id(); $cn=new Database(Dossier::id()); $a=new Acc_Ledger_Info($cn); $a->jr_id=3; $a->id_type='BON_COMMANDE'; $a->ji_value='BON'; var_dump($a); $a->insert(); $a->set_jrn_id(7); $a->set_type('OTHER'); $a->set_value('Autre test'); $a->insert(); } }