type='ACH'; parent::__construct($p_cn,$p_init); } /*!\brief verify that the data are correct before inserting or confirming *\param an array (usually $_POST) *\return String *\throw Exception if an error occurs */ public function verify($p_array) { global $g_parameter,$g_user; if (is_array($p_array ) == false || empty($p_array)) throw new Exception ("Array empty"); /* * Check needed value */ check_parameter($p_array,'p_jrn,e_date,e_client'); extract ($p_array); /* check if we can write into this ledger */ if ( $g_user->check_jrn($p_jrn) != 'W' ) throw new Exception (_('Accès interdit'),20); /* check for a double reload */ if ( isset($mt) && $this->db->count_sql('select jr_mt from jrn where jr_mt=$1',array($mt)) != 0 ) throw new Exception (_('Double Encodage'),5); /* check if there is a customer */ if ( strlen(trim($e_client)) == 0 ) throw new Exception(_('Vous n\'avez pas donné de fournisseur'),11); /* check if the date is valid */ if ( isDate($e_date) == null ) { throw new Exception(_('Date invalide'), 2); } $oPeriode=new Periode($this->db); if ( $this->check_periode() == false) { $tperiode=$oPeriode->find_periode($e_date); } else { $tperiode=$period; $oPeriode->p_id=$tperiode; /* check that the datum is in the choosen periode */ list ($min,$max)=$oPeriode->get_date_limit($tperiode); if ( cmpDate($e_date,$min) < 0 || cmpDate($e_date,$max) > 0) throw new Exception(_('Date et periode ne correspondent pas'),6); } /* check if the periode is closed */ if ( $this->is_closed($tperiode)==1 ) { throw new Exception(_('Periode fermee'),6); } /* check if we are using the strict mode */ if( $this->check_strict() == true) { /* if we use the strict mode, we get the date of the last operation */ $last_date=$this->get_last_date(); if ( $last_date != null && cmpDate($e_date,$last_date) < 0 ) throw new Exception(_('Vous utilisez le mode strict la dernière operation est à la date du ') .$last_date._(' vous ne pouvez pas encoder à une '. ' date antérieure dans ce journal'),13); } /* check the account */ $fiche=new Fiche($this->db); $fiche->get_by_qcode($e_client); if ( $fiche->empty_attribute(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT) == true) throw new Exception(_('La fiche ').$e_client._('n\'a pas de poste comptable'),8); /* get the account and explode if necessary */ $sposte=$fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT); // if 2 accounts, take only the credit one for supplier if ( strpos($sposte,',') != 0 ) { $array=explode(',',$sposte); $poste_val=$array[1]; } else { $poste_val=$sposte; } /* The account exists */ $poste=new Acc_Account_Ledger($this->db,$poste_val); if ( $poste->load() == false ) { throw new Exception(_('Pour la fiche ').$e_client._(' le poste comptable [').$poste->id.'] '._('n\'existe pas'),9); } /* Check if the card belong to the ledger */ $fiche=new Fiche ($this->db); $fiche->get_by_qcode($e_client,'cred'); if ( $fiche->belong_ledger($p_jrn) !=1 ) throw new Exception(_('La fiche ').$e_client._('n\'est pas accessible à ce journal'),10); $nb=0; //------------------------------------------------------ // The "Paid By" check //------------------------------------------------------ if ($e_mp != 0 ) $this->check_payment($e_mp,${"e_mp_qcode_".$e_mp}); //---------------------------------------- // foreach item //---------------------------------------- for ($i=0;$i< $nb_item;$i++) { if ( strlen(trim(${'e_march'.$i}))== 0) continue; /* check if amount are numeric and */ if ( isNumber(${'e_march'.$i.'_price'}) == 0 ) throw new Exception(_('La fiche ').${'e_march'.$i}._('a un montant invalide').' ['.${'e_march'.$i}.']',6); if ( isNumber(${'e_quant'.$i}) == 0 ) throw new Exception(_('La fiche ').${'e_march'.$i}._('a une quantité invalide').' ['.${'e_quant'.$i}.']',7); // Check if the given tva id is valid if ( $g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE=='Y') { if (${'e_march'.$i.'_tva_id'} == 0 ) throw new Exception(_('La fiche ').${'e_march'.$i}._('a un code tva invalide').' ['.${'e_march'.$i.'_tva_id'}.']',13); $tva_rate=new Acc_Tva($this->db); $tva_rate->set_parameter('id',${'e_march'.$i.'_tva_id'}); if ( $tva_rate->load() != 0 ) throw new Exception(_('La fiche ').${'e_march'.$i}._('a un code tva invalide').' ['.${'e_march'.$i.'_tva_id'}.']',13); /* * check if the accounting for VAT are valid */ $a_poste=explode(',',$tva_rate->tva_poste); if ( $this->db->get_value('select count(*) from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val=$1',array($a_poste[0])) == 0 || $this->db->get_value('select count(*) from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val=$1',array($a_poste[1])) == 0 ) throw new Exception(_(" La TVA ".$tva_rate->tva_label." utilise des postes comptables inexistants")); } /* check if all card has a ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT*/ $fiche=new Fiche($this->db); $fiche->get_by_qcode(${'e_march'.$i}); if ( $fiche->empty_attribute(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT) == true) throw new Exception(_('La fiche ').${'e_march'.$i}._('n\'a pas de poste comptable'),8); /* get the account and explode if necessary */ $sposte=$fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT); // if 2 accounts, take only the debit if ( strpos($sposte,',') != 0 ) { $array=explode(',',$sposte); $poste_val=$array[0]; } else { $poste_val=$sposte; } /* The account exists */ $poste=new Acc_Account_Ledger($this->db,$poste_val); if ( $poste->load() == false ) { throw new Exception(_('Pour la fiche ').${'e_march'.$i}._(' le poste comptable').' ['.$poste->id._('n\'existe pas'),9); } /* Check if the card belong to the ledger */ $fiche=new Fiche ($this->db); $fiche->get_by_qcode(${'e_march'.$i}); if ( $fiche->belong_ledger($p_jrn,'deb') !=1 ) throw new Exception(_('La fiche ').${'e_march'.$i}._('n\'est pas accessible à ce journal'),10); /** * we have to check also if the different accountings exist "ATTR_DEF_DEP_PRIV" "ATTR_DEF_DEPENSE_NON_DEDUCTIBLE" "ATTR_DEF_TVA_NON_DEDUCTIBLE" "ATTR_DEF_TVA_NON_DEDUCTIBLE_RECUP" */ foreach (array( array(ATTR_DEF_DEPENSE_NON_DEDUCTIBLE,'DNA',ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND), array(ATTR_DEF_DEP_PRIV,'DEP_PRIV',ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND_PERSO), array(ATTR_DEF_TVA_NON_DEDUCTIBLE_RECUP,'TVA_DED_IMPOT',ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND_TVA), array(ATTR_DEF_TVA_NON_DEDUCTIBLE,'TVA_DNA',ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND_TVA_ND)) as $key) { if ( ! $fiche->empty_attribute($key[0]) && $fiche->empty_attribute($key[2])) { $a=new Acc_Parm_Code($this->db,$key[1]); if ( $this->db->count_sql('select pcm_val from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val=$1',array($a->p_value))==0) throw new Exception ($key[1]._("ce code n'a pas de poste comptable, créez ce poste : [".$a->p_value."]")); } if ( ! $fiche->empty_attribute($key[0]) && ! $fiche->empty_attribute($key[2])) { $nd_str=$fiche->strAttribut($key[2]); if ( $nd_str != '') { $poste_nd=new Acc_Account_Ledger($this->db,$nd_str); if ( $poste_nd->load() == false) { $nd_msg=sprintf(_("Pour la fiche %s, le compte contrepartie %s n'existe pas"), $fiche->getName(),$poste_nd->id); $nd_msg=h($nd_msg); throw new Exception ($nd_msg); } } } } $nb++; } if ( $nb == 0 ) throw new Exception(_('Il n\'y a aucune marchandise'),12); } /** * Compute the ND amount thanks the attribute of the concerned card. The object * $p_nd_amount will changed * * @param Acc_Compute $p_nd_amount object with ND amount * @param Fiche $p_fiche Concerned Card (purchase items) * @param type $p_tva_bot 0 TVA on one side, 1 TVA on both side */ private function compute_no_deductible(Acc_Compute $p_nd_amount, Fiche $p_fiche) { if (!$p_fiche->empty_attribute(ATTR_DEF_DEPENSE_NON_DEDUCTIBLE)) { $p_nd_amount->amount_nd_rate = $p_fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_DEPENSE_NON_DEDUCTIBLE); $p_nd_amount->compute_nd(); } if (!$p_fiche->empty_attribute(ATTR_DEF_TVA_NON_DEDUCTIBLE) ) { $p_nd_amount->nd_vat_rate = $p_fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_TVA_NON_DEDUCTIBLE); $p_nd_amount->compute_nd_vat(); } if (!$p_fiche->empty_attribute(ATTR_DEF_TVA_NON_DEDUCTIBLE_RECUP) ) { $p_nd_amount->nd_ded_vat_rate = $p_fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_TVA_NON_DEDUCTIBLE_RECUP); $p_nd_amount->compute_ndded_vat(); } if (!$p_fiche->empty_attribute(ATTR_DEF_DEP_PRIV)) { $p_nd_amount->amount_perso_rate = $p_fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_DEP_PRIV); $p_nd_amount->compute_perso(); } } /** * Insert into JRNX the No Deductible amount and into Analytic Accountancy for the ND VAT * @param Acc_Compute $p_nd_amount content ND amount * @param Fiche $p_fiche Card of the Service * @param type $p_tva_both 0 if TVA is normal or 1 if on both side * @param type $p_tot_debit total debit * @param $p_acc_operation Acc_Operation for inserting into jrnx * @param $p_group group for AC * @param $idx row number * * @see Acc_Ledger_Purchase::insert */ private function insert_no_deductible(Acc_Compute $p_nd_amount, Fiche $p_fiche, $p_tva_both,&$p_tot_debit,Acc_Operation $p_acc_operation,$p_group,$idx) { global $g_parameter; if ($p_acc_operation->jrnx_id == 0) { throw new Exception(__FILE__.__LINE__.'invalid acc_operation.j_id'); } $source_j_id=$p_acc_operation->jrnx_id ; /* * Save all the no deductible * ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND_TVA,ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND_TVA_ND,ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND_PERSO,ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND */ if ($p_nd_amount->amount_nd_rate != 0) { $dna_default = new Acc_Parm_Code($this->db, 'DNA'); /* save op. */ if (!$p_fiche->empty_attribute(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND)) { $dna = $p_fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND); } else { $dna = $dna_default->p_value; } $dna = ($dna == '') ? $dna_default->p_value : $dna; $p_acc_operation->type = 'd'; $p_acc_operation->amount = $p_nd_amount->amount_nd; $p_acc_operation->poste = $dna; $p_acc_operation->qcode = ''; $p_acc_operation->desc=$this->find_label($dna)." ND ".$p_fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE); if ($p_nd_amount->amount_nd > 0) $p_tot_debit = bcadd($p_tot_debit, $p_nd_amount->amount_nd ); $j_id = $p_acc_operation->insert_jrnx(); } /* * ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND_PERSO */ if ($p_nd_amount->amount_perso != 0) { $dna_default = new Acc_Parm_Code($this->db, 'DEP_PRIV'); /* save op. */ $p_acc_operation->type = 'd'; if (!$p_fiche->empty_attribute(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND_PERSO)) { $dna = $p_fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND_PERSO); } else { $dna = $dna_default->p_value; } $dna = ($dna == '') ? $dna_default->p_value : $dna; $p_acc_operation->amount = $p_nd_amount->amount_perso ; $p_acc_operation->poste = $dna; $p_acc_operation->qcode = ''; $p_acc_operation->desc=$this->find_label($dna)." ND_PRIV ".$p_fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE); if ($p_nd_amount->amount_perso> 0) $p_tot_debit = bcadd($p_tot_debit, $p_nd_amount->amount_perso); $j_id = $p_acc_operation->insert_jrnx(); } if ($p_nd_amount->nd_vat != 0) { $dna_default = new Acc_Parm_Code($this->db, 'TVA_DNA'); /* save op. */ $p_acc_operation->type = 'd'; $p_acc_operation->qcode = ''; if (!$p_fiche->empty_attribute(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND_TVA_ND) ) { $dna = $p_fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND_TVA_ND); } else { $dna = $dna_default->p_value; } $dna = ($dna == '') ? $dna_default->p_value : $dna; $p_acc_operation->amount = $p_nd_amount->nd_vat; $p_acc_operation->poste = $dna; $p_acc_operation->desc=$this->find_label($dna)." ND_TVA ".$p_fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE); $j_id = $p_acc_operation->insert_jrnx(); if ( $g_parameter->MY_ANALYTIC != "nu" ) { $op=new Anc_Operation($this->db); $op->oa_group=$p_group; $op->j_id=$j_id; $op->oa_date=$p_acc_operation->date; $op->oa_debit='t'; $op->oa_description=sql_string('ND_TVA'); $op->oa_jrnx_id_source=$source_j_id; $op->save_form_plan_vat_nd($_POST,$idx,$j_id,$p_nd_amount->nd_vat,$p_acc_operation->jrnx_id); } if ($p_nd_amount->nd_vat> 0) $p_tot_debit = bcadd($p_tot_debit, $p_nd_amount->nd_vat); } if ($p_nd_amount->nd_ded_vat != 0) { $dna_default = new Acc_Parm_Code($this->db, 'TVA_DED_IMPOT'); /* save op. */ if (!$p_fiche->empty_attribute(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND_TVA) ) { $dna = $p_fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT_ND_TVA); } else { $dna = $dna_default->p_value; } $dna = ($dna == '') ? $dna_default->value : $dna; $p_acc_operation->type = 'd'; $p_acc_operation->qcode = ''; $p_acc_operation->amount = $p_nd_amount->nd_ded_vat; $p_acc_operation->poste = $dna; $p_acc_operation->desc=$this->find_label($dna)." DED_TVA ".$p_fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE); if ($p_nd_amount->nd_ded_vat > 0) $p_tot_debit = bcadd($p_tot_debit, $p_nd_amount->nd_ded_vat); $j_id = $p_acc_operation->insert_jrnx(); if ( $g_parameter->MY_ANALYTIC != "nu" ) { $op=new Anc_Operation($this->db); $op->oa_group=$p_group; $op->j_id=$j_id; $op->oa_date=$p_acc_operation->date; $op->oa_debit='t'; $op->oa_description=sql_string('DED_TVA '); $op->oa_jrnx_id_source=$source_j_id; $op->save_form_plan_vat_nd($_POST,$idx,$j_id,$p_nd_amount->nd_ded_vat); } } } /*!\brief insert into the database, it calls first the verify function * change the value of this->jr_id and this->jr_internal. * It generates the document and save the middle of payment, if 'gen_invoice is set * and e_mp *\param $p_array is usually $_POST or a predefined operation \code Array ( [e_client] =>BELGACOM [nb_item] =>9 [p_jrn] =>3 [period] =>117 [e_comm] =>Frais de téléphone [e_date] =>01.09.2009 [e_ech] => [jrn_type] =>ACH [e_pj] =>ACH53 [e_pj_suggest] =>ACH53 [mt] =>1265318941.39 [e_mp] =>0 [e_march0] =>TEL [e_march0_price] =>63.6700 [e_march0_tva_id] =>1 [e_march0_tva_amount] =>13.3700 [e_quant0] =>1.000 ... [bon_comm] => [other_info] => [record] =>Enregistrement ) \endcode *\return string *\note throw an Exception */ public function insert($p_array=null) { global $g_parameter; extract ($p_array); $this->verify($p_array) ; $group=$this->db->get_next_seq("s_oa_group"); /* for analytic */ $seq=$this->db->get_next_seq('s_grpt'); $this->id=$p_jrn; $internal=$this->compute_internal_code($seq); $this->internal=$internal; $cust=new Fiche($this->db); $cust->get_by_qcode($e_client); $sposte=$cust->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT); // if 2 accounts, take only the credit Supplier if ( strpos($sposte,',') != 0 ) { $array=explode(',',$sposte); $poste=$array[1]; } else { $poste=$sposte; } $oPeriode=new Periode($this->db); $check_periode=$this->check_periode(); if ( $check_periode == true ) $tperiode=$period; else $tperiode=$oPeriode->find_periode($e_date); bcscale(4); try { $tot_amount=0; $tot_tva=0; $tot_debit=0; $this->db->start(); $tot_nd=0; $tot_perso=0; $tot_tva_nd=0; $tot_tva_ndded=0; $tot_tva_reversed=0; $tva=array(); /* Save all the items without vat and no deductible vat and expense*/ for ($i=0;$i< $nb_item;$i++) { $n_both=0; if ( strlen(trim(${'e_march'.$i})) == 0 ) continue; /* First we save all the items without vat */ $fiche=new Fiche($this->db); $fiche->get_by_qcode(${"e_march".$i}); $tva_both=0; /* tva */ if ($g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE=='Y') { $idx_tva=${'e_march'.$i.'_tva_id'}; $oTva=new Acc_Tva($this->db); $oTva->set_parameter('id',$idx_tva); $oTva->load(); $tva_both=$oTva->get_parameter("both_side"); } /* -- Create acc_operation -- */ $acc_operation=new Acc_Operation($this->db); $acc_operation->date=$e_date; $acc_operation->grpt=$seq; $acc_operation->jrn=$p_jrn; $acc_operation->type='d'; $acc_operation->periode=$tperiode; $acc_operation->qcode=""; /* We have to compute all the amount thanks Acc_Compute */ $amount=round(bcmul(${'e_march'.$i.'_price'},${'e_quant'.$i}),2); $acc_amount=new Acc_Compute(); $acc_amount->check=false; $acc_amount->set_parameter('amount',$amount); // Compute VAT or take the given one if ( $g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE=='Y') { $acc_amount->set_parameter('amount_vat_rate',$oTva->get_parameter('rate')); if ( strlen(trim(${'e_march'.$i.'_tva_amount'})) ==0 || ${'e_march'.$i.'_tva_amount'} == 0) { $acc_amount->compute_vat(); } else { $acc_amount->amount_vat= ${'e_march'.$i.'_tva_amount'}; } $tot_tva=bcadd($tot_tva,$acc_amount->amount_vat); } /* compute ND */ $save_amount_vat=$acc_amount->amount_vat; $this->compute_no_deductible($acc_amount, $fiche); $acc_amount->correct(); // TVA which avoid $acc_amount->amount_unpaid=($tva_both == 1 ) ? $save_amount_vat :0 ; $tot_tva_reversed=bcadd($tot_tva_reversed,$acc_amount->amount_unpaid); $tot_amount=round(bcadd($tot_amount,$amount),2); /* get the account and explode if necessary */ $sposte=$fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT); // if 2 accounts, take only the debit one for customer if ( strpos($sposte,',') != 0 ) { $array=explode(',',$sposte); $poste_val=$array[0]; } else { $poste_val=$sposte; } if ( $g_parameter->MY_UPDLAB=='Y') $acc_operation->desc=strip_tags(${"e_march".$i."_label"}); else $acc_operation->desc=null; $acc_operation->poste=$poste_val; $acc_operation->amount=$acc_amount->amount; $acc_operation->qcode=${"e_march".$i}; if( $acc_amount->amount > 0 ) $tot_debit=bcadd($tot_debit,$acc_amount->amount); $j_id=$acc_operation->insert_jrnx(); /* insert ND */ $this->insert_no_deductible($acc_amount, $fiche, $tva_both, $tot_debit,$acc_operation,$group,$i); /* Compute sum vat */ if ( $g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE=='Y') { $tva_item=$acc_amount->amount_vat; if (isset($tva[$idx_tva] ) ) $tva[$idx_tva]=bcadd($tva[$idx_tva],$tva_item); else $tva[$idx_tva]=$tva_item; } /* Save the stock */ /* if the quantity is < 0 then the stock increase (return of * material) */ $nNeg=(${"e_quant" . $i}< 0) ? -1 : 1; // always save quantity but in withStock we can find // what card need a stock management if ( $g_parameter->MY_STOCK='Y'&& isset ($repo)) { $dir=(${'e_quant'.$i} < 0 ) ? 'c':'d'; Stock_Goods::insert_goods($this->db,array('j_id'=>$j_id,'goods'=>${'e_march'.$i},'quant'=>$nNeg*${'e_quant'.$i},'dir'=>$dir,'repo'=>$repo)) ; } if ( $g_parameter->MY_ANALYTIC != "nu" ) { // for each item, insert into operation_analytique */ $op=new Anc_Operation($this->db); $op->oa_group=$group; $op->j_id=$j_id; $op->oa_date=$e_date; $op->oa_debit='t'; $op->oa_description=sql_string($e_comm); $op->save_form_plan($_POST,$i,$j_id); } // insert into quant_purchase //----- if ( $g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE=='Y') { $r=$this->db->exec_sql("select insert_quant_purchase ". "(null". ",".$j_id. /* 2 */ ",'".${"e_march".$i}."'". /* 3 */ ",".${"e_quant".$i}.",". /* 4 */ round($amount,2). /* 5 */ ",".$acc_amount->amount_vat. /* 6 */ ",".$oTva->get_parameter('id'). /* 7 */ ",".$acc_amount->amount_nd. /* 8 */ ",".$acc_amount->nd_vat. /* 9 */ ",".$acc_amount->nd_ded_vat. /* 10 */ ",".$acc_amount->amount_perso. /* 11 */ ",'".$e_client."',". $acc_amount->amount_unpaid.")"); /* 12 */ } else { $r=$this->db->exec_sql("select insert_quant_purchase ". "(null". ",".$j_id. ",'".${"e_march".$i}."'". ",".${"e_quant".$i}.",". round($amount,2). ",0". ",null". ",".$acc_amount->amount_nd. ",0". ",".$acc_amount->nd_ded_vat. ",".$acc_amount->amount_perso. ",'".$e_client."',".$acc_amount->amount_unpaid.")"); } } // end loop : save all items /* save total customer */ $cust_amount=round(bcadd($tot_amount,$tot_tva),2); $acc_operation=new Acc_Operation($this->db); $acc_operation->date=$e_date; $acc_operation->poste=$poste; $acc_operation->amount=$cust_amount-$tot_tva_reversed; $acc_operation->grpt=$seq; $acc_operation->jrn=$p_jrn; $acc_operation->type='c'; $acc_operation->periode=$tperiode; $acc_operation->qcode=${"e_client"}; if ( $cust_amount < 0 ) $tot_debit=bcadd($tot_debit,abs($cust_amount)); $let_client=$acc_operation->insert_jrnx(); if ( $g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE=='Y') { /* save all vat * $i contains the tva_id and value contains the vat amount */ foreach ($tva as $i => $value) { $oTva=new Acc_Tva($this->db); $oTva->set_parameter('id',$i); $oTva->load(); $poste_vat=$oTva->get_side('d'); $cust_amount=bcadd($tot_amount,$tot_tva); $acc_operation=new Acc_Operation($this->db); $acc_operation->date=$e_date; $acc_operation->poste=$poste_vat; $acc_operation->amount=$value; $acc_operation->grpt=$seq; $acc_operation->jrn=$p_jrn; $acc_operation->type='d'; $acc_operation->periode=$tperiode; if ( $value > 0 ) $tot_debit=bcadd($tot_debit,abs($value)); $acc_operation->insert_jrnx(); // if TVA is on both side, we deduce it immediately if ( $oTva->get_parameter("both_side")==1) { $poste_vat=$oTva->get_side('c'); $cust_amount=bcadd($tot_amount,$tot_tva); $cust_amount=bcsub($tot_amount,$tot_tva_reversed); $acc_operation=new Acc_Operation($this->db); $acc_operation->date=$e_date; $acc_operation->poste=$poste_vat; $acc_operation->amount=$tot_tva_reversed; $acc_operation->grpt=$seq; $acc_operation->jrn=$p_jrn; $acc_operation->type='c'; $acc_operation->periode=$tperiode; $acc_operation->insert_jrnx(); if ( $value < 0 ) $tot_debit=bcadd($tot_debit,abs($value)); } } } /* insert into jrn */ $acc_operation=new Acc_Operation($this->db); $acc_operation->date=$e_date; $acc_operation->echeance=$e_ech; $acc_operation->amount=abs(round($tot_debit,2)); $acc_operation->desc=$e_comm; $acc_operation->grpt=$seq; $acc_operation->jrn=$p_jrn; $acc_operation->periode=$tperiode; $acc_operation->pj=$e_pj; $acc_operation->mt=$mt; $this->jr_id=$acc_operation->insert_jrn(); $this->pj=$acc_operation->set_pj(); // Set Internal code $this->grpt_id=$seq; $this->update_internal_code($internal); /* update quant_purchase */ $this->db->exec_sql('update quant_purchase set qp_internal = $1 where j_id in (select j_id from jrnx where j_grpt=$2)', array($internal,$seq)); /**= e_pj then do not increment sequence */ if ( strcmp($e_pj,$e_pj_suggest) == 0 && strlen(trim($e_pj)) != 0 ) { $this->inc_seq_pj(); } /* Save the attachment */ if ( isset ($_FILES)) { if ( sizeof($_FILES) != 0 ) $this->db->save_upload_document($seq); } $str_file=""; /* Generate an document and save it into the database (Note de frais only) */ if ( isset($_POST['gen_invoice']) ) { $ref_doc= $this->create_document($internal,$p_array); $this->doc=''.$ref_doc.''; } //---------------------------------------- // Save the payer //---------------------------------------- if ( $e_mp != 0 ) { /* mp */ $mp=new Acc_Payment($this->db,$e_mp); $mp->load(); /* fiche */ if ($mp->get_parameter('qcode') == '') $fqcode=${'e_mp_qcode_'.$e_mp}; else $fqcode=$mp->get_parameter('qcode'); $acfiche = new Fiche($this->db); $acfiche->get_by_qcode($fqcode); /* jrnx */ $acseq=$this->db->get_next_seq('s_grpt'); $acjrn=new Acc_Ledger($this->db,$mp->get_parameter('ledger_target')); $acinternal=$acjrn->compute_internal_code($acseq); /* Insert paid by */ $acc_pay=new Acc_Operation($this->db); $acc_pay->date=$e_date; /* get the account and explode if necessary */ $sposte=$acfiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT); // if 2 accounts, take only the debit one for customer if ( strpos($sposte,',') != 0 ) { $array=explode(',',$sposte); $poste_val=$array[1]; } else { $poste_val=$sposte; } $famount=bcsub($cust_amount,$acompte); $acc_pay->poste=$poste_val; $acc_pay->qcode=$fqcode; $acc_pay->amount=abs(round($famount,2)); $acc_pay->desc=''; $acc_pay->grpt=$acseq; $acc_pay->jrn=$mp->get_parameter('ledger_target'); $acc_pay->periode=$tperiode; $acc_pay->type=($famount>=0)?'c':'d'; $acc_pay->insert_jrnx(); /* Insert supplier */ $acc_pay=new Acc_Operation($this->db); $acc_pay->date=$e_date; $acc_pay->poste=$poste; $acc_pay->qcode=$e_client; $acc_pay->amount=abs(round($famount,2)); $acc_pay->desc=''; $acc_pay->grpt=$acseq; $acc_pay->jrn=$mp->get_parameter('ledger_target'); $acc_pay->periode=$tperiode; $acc_pay->type=($famount>=0)?'d':'c'; $let_other=$acc_pay->insert_jrnx(); /* insert into jrn */ $acc_pay->mt=$mt; $acc_pay->desc=(!isset($e_comm_paiement) || strlen(trim($e_comm_paiement)) == 0) ?$e_comm:$e_comm_paiement; $mp_jr_id=$acc_pay->insert_jrn(); $acjrn->grpt_id=$acseq; $acjrn->update_internal_code($acinternal); $r1=$this->get_id($internal); $r2=$this->get_id($acinternal); /* * add lettering */ $oletter=new Lettering($this->db); $oletter->insert_couple($let_client,$let_other); /* set the flag paid */ $Res=$this->db->exec_sql("update jrn set jr_rapt='paid' where jr_id=$1",array($r1)); /* Reconcialiation */ $rec=new Acc_Reconciliation($this->db); $rec->set_jr_id($r1); $rec->insert($r2); /* * save also into quant_fin */ /* get ledger property */ $ledger=new Acc_Ledger_Fin($this->db,$acc_pay->jrn); $prop=$ledger->get_propertie(); /* if ledger is FIN then insert into quant_fin */ if ( $prop['jrn_def_type'] == 'FIN' ) { $ledger->insert_quant_fin($acfiche->id,$mp_jr_id,$cust->id,bcmul($famount,-1)); } } }//end try catch (Exception $e) { echo ''. 'Erreur dans l\'enregistrement '. __FILE__.':'.__LINE__.' '. $e->getMessage().$e->getTraceAsString(); $this->db->rollback(); throw new Exception($e); } $this->db->commit(); return $internal; } /*!\brief display the form for entering data for invoice *\param $p_array is null or you can put the predef operation or the $_POST \code array 'sa' => string 'n' (length=1) 'p_action' => string 'ach' (length=3) 'gDossier' => string '28' (length=2) 'e_client' => string 'ASEKURA' (length=7) 'nb_item' => string '9' (length=1) 'p_jrn' => string '3' (length=1) 'period' => string '126' (length=3) 'e_comm' => string 'descriptio' (length=10) 'e_date' => string '01.05.2010' (length=10) 'e_ech' => string '' (length=0) 'jrn_type' => string 'ACH' (length=3) 'e_pj' => string 'ACH37' (length=5) 'e_pj_suggest' => string 'ACH37' (length=5) 'mt' => string '1273759434.5701' (length=15) 'e_mp' => string '0' (length=1) 'e_march0' => string 'DOC' (length=3) 'e_march0_price' => string '2000' (length=4) 'e_march0_tva_id' => string '3' (length=1) 'e_march0_tva_amount' => string '120' (length=3) 'e_quant0' => string '1' (length=1) 'gen_invoice' => string 'on' (length=2) 'gen_doc' => string '7' (length=1) 'bon_comm' => string '' (length=0) 'other_info' => string '' (length=0) 'correct' => string 'Corriger' (length=8) \endcode *\return HTML string */ public function input($p_array=null,$p_readonly=0) { global $g_parameter,$g_user; if ( $p_array != null ) extract($p_array); $flag_tva=$g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE; /* Add button */ $f_add_button=new IButton('add_card'); $f_add_button->label=_('Créer une nouvelle fiche'); $f_add_button->tabindex=-1; $f_add_button->set_attribute('jrn',$this->id); $f_add_button->javascript=" this.jrn=\$('p_jrn').value;select_card_type(this);"; $str_add_button=""; if ($g_user->check_action(FICADD)==1) { $str_add_button=$f_add_button->input(); } // The first day of the periode $oPeriode=new Periode($this->db); list ($l_date_start,$l_date_end)=$oPeriode->get_date_limit($g_user->get_periode()); if ( $g_parameter->MY_DATE_SUGGEST=='Y' ) $op_date=( ! isset($e_date) ) ?$l_date_start:$e_date; else $op_date=( ! isset($e_date) ) ?'':$e_date; $e_ech=(isset($e_ech))?$e_ech:""; $e_comm=(isset($e_comm))?$e_comm:""; $r=""; $r.=dossier::hidden(); $f_legend_detail=_("Détail articles achetés"); // Date //-- $Date=new IDate(); $Date->setReadOnly(false); $Date->table=1; $Date->tabindex=1; $f_date=$Date->input("e_date",$op_date); // Payment limit //-- $Echeance=new IDate(); $Echeance->setReadOnly(false); $Echeance->tabindex=2; $label=HtmlInput::infobulle(4); $f_echeance=$Echeance->input('e_ech',$e_ech,'Echéance'.$label); $f_periode=""; if ($this->check_periode() == true) { // Periode //-- $l_user_per=$g_user->get_periode(); $def=(isset($periode))?$periode:$l_user_per; $period=new IPeriod("period"); $period->user=$g_user; $period->cn=$this->db; $period->value=$def; $period->type=OPEN; try { $l_form_per=$period->input(); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getCode() == 1 ) { throw new Exception( _("Aucune période ouverte")); } } $r.=""; $label=HtmlInput::infobulle(3); $f_periode=_("Période comptable")." $label ".$l_form_per; } // Ledger (p_jrn) //-- /* if we suggest the next pj, then we need a javascript */ $add_js=""; if ( $g_parameter->MY_PJ_SUGGEST=='Y') { $add_js="update_pj();"; } if ($g_parameter->MY_DATE_SUGGEST == 'Y') { $add_js.='get_last_date();'; } $add_js.='update_name();'; $add_js.='update_pay_method();'; $add_js.='update_row("sold_item");'; $wLedger=$this->select_ledger('ACH',2); if ($wLedger == null) throw new Exception(_('Pas de journal disponible')); $wLedger->javascript="onChange='update_predef(\"ach\",\"f\",\"".$_REQUEST['ac']."\");$add_js'"; $wLedger->table=1; $f_jrn=$wLedger->input(); // Comment //-- $Commentaire=new IText(); $Commentaire->table=0; $Commentaire->setReadOnly(false); $Commentaire->size=60; $Commentaire->tabindex=3; $label=HtmlInput::infobulle(1) ; $f_desc=$Commentaire->input("e_comm",h($e_comm)); // PJ //-- /* suggest PJ ? */ $default_pj=''; if ( $g_parameter->MY_PJ_SUGGEST=='Y') { $default_pj=$this->guess_pj(); } $pj=new IText(); $pj->value=(isset($e_pj))?$e_pj:$default_pj; $pj->table=0; $pj->name="e_pj"; $pj->size=10; $pj->readonly=false; $f_pj=$pj->input().HtmlInput::hidden('e_pj_suggest',$default_pj); // Display the customer //-- $fiche='cred'; // Save old value and set a new one //-- $e_client=( isset ($e_client) )?$e_client:""; $e_client_label=" ";//str_pad("",100,"."); // retrieve e_client_label //-- if ( strlen(trim($e_client)) != 0) { $fClient=new Fiche($this->db); $fClient->get_by_qcode($e_client); $e_client_label=$fClient->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME).' '. ' Adresse : '.$fClient->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ADRESS).' '. $fClient->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_CP).' '. $fClient->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_CITY).' '; } $W1=new ICard(); $W1->label=_("Fournisseur ").HtmlInput::infobulle(0) ; $W1->name="e_client"; $W1->tabindex=3; $W1->value=$e_client; $W1->table=0; $W1->set_dblclick("fill_ipopcard(this);"); $W1->set_attribute('ipopup','ipopcard'); // name of the field to update with the name of the card $W1->set_attribute('label','e_client_label'); // name of the field to update with the name of the card $W1->set_attribute('typecard','cred'); // Add the callback function to filter the card on the jrn $W1->set_callback('filter_card'); $W1->set_function('fill_data'); $W1->javascript=sprintf(' onchange="fill_data_onchange(\'%s\');" ', $W1->name); $f_client_qcode=$W1->input(); $client_label=new ISpan(); $client_label->table=0; $f_client=$client_label->input("e_client_label",$e_client_label); $f_client_bt=$W1->search(); // Record the current number of article $e_comment=(isset($e_comment))?$e_comment:""; $p_article= ( isset ($nb_item))?$nb_item:$this->get_min_row(); $max=($p_article < $this->get_min_row())?$this->get_min_row():$p_article; $Hid=new IHidden(); $r.=$Hid->input("nb_item",$p_article); // For each article //-- for ($i=0;$i< $max ;$i++) { // Code id, price & vat code //-- $march=(isset(${"e_march$i"}))?${"e_march$i"}:"" ; $march_price=(isset(${"e_march".$i."_price"}))?${"e_march".$i."_price"}:"" ; /* use vat */ if ( $g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE=='Y') { $march_tva_id=(isset(${"e_march$i"."_tva_id"}))?${"e_march$i"."_tva_id"}:""; $march_tva_amount=(isset(${"e_march$i"."_tva_amount"}))?${"e_march$i"."_tva_amount"}:""; } $march_label=(isset(${"e_march".$i."_label"}))?${"e_march".$i."_label"}:""; // retrieve the tva label and name //-- if ( strlen(trim($march))!=0 && strlen(trim($march_label))==0 ) { $fMarch=new Fiche($this->db); $fMarch->get_by_qcode($march); $march_label=$fMarch->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME); /* vat use */ if ( ! isset($march_tva_id) && $g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE=='Y' ) $march_tva_id=$fMarch->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_TVA); } // Show input //-- $W1=new ICard(); $W1->label=""; $W1->name="e_march".$i; $W1->value=$march; $W1->table=1; $W1->set_dblclick("fill_ipopcard(this);"); $W1->set_attribute('ipopup','ipopcard'); $W1->set_attribute('typecard','deb'); // name of the field to update with the name of the card $W1->set_attribute('label','e_march'.$i.'_label'); // name of the field with the price $W1->set_attribute('purchase','e_march'.$i.'_price'); /* autocomplete */ $W1->set_attribute('price','e_march'.$i.'_price'); /* via search */ // name of the field with the TVA_ID $W1->set_attribute('tvaid','e_march'.$i.'_tva_id'); // Add the callback function to filter the card on the jrn $W1->set_callback('filter_card'); $W1->set_function('fill_data'); $W1->javascript=sprintf(' onchange="fill_data_onchange(\'%s\');" ', $W1->name); $W1->readonly=false; $array[$i]['quick_code']=$W1->input(); $array[$i]['bt']=$W1->search(); $array[$i]['hidden']=''; // For computing we need some hidden field for holding the value if ( $g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE=='Y') { $array[$i]['hidden'].=HtmlInput::hidden('tva_march'.$i,0); } if ( $g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE=='Y') $tvac=new INum('tvac_march'.$i); else $tvac=new IHidden('tvac_march'.$i); $tvac->readOnly=1; $tvac->value=0; $array[$i]['tvac']=$tvac->input(); $htva=new INum('htva_march'.$i); $htva->readOnly=1; $htva->value=0; $array[$i]['htva']=$htva->input(); if ( $g_parameter->MY_UPDLAB == 'Y') { $Span=new IText("e_march".$i."_label"); $Span->css_size="100%"; } else { $Span=new ISpan("e_march".$i."_label"); } $Span->value=$march_label; $Span->setReadOnly(false); // card's name, price //-- $array[$i]['denom']=$Span->input("e_march".$i."_label",$march_label); // price $Price=new INum(); $Price->setReadOnly(false); $Price->size=9; $Price->javascript="onBlur='format_number(this);clean_tva($i);compute_ledger($i)'"; $array[$i]['pu']=$Price->input("e_march".$i."_price",$march_price); if ( $g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE=='Y') { // vat label //-- $Tva=new ITva_Popup($this->db); $Tva->js="onblur=\"format_number(this);onChange=clean_tva($i);compute_ledger($i)\""; $Tva->in_table=true; $Tva->set_attribute('compute',$i); $Tva->value=$march_tva_id; $array[$i]['tva']=$Tva->input("e_march$i"."_tva_id"); // Tva_amount // price $Tva_amount=new INum(); $Tva_amount->setReadOnly(false); $Tva_amount->size=9; $Tva_amount->javascript="onBlur='format_number(this);compute_ledger($i)'"; $array[$i]['amount_tva']=$Tva_amount->input("e_march".$i."_tva_amount",$march_tva_amount); } // quantity //-- $quant=(isset(${"e_quant$i"}))?${"e_quant$i"}:"1" ; $Quantity=new INum(); $Quantity->setReadOnly(false); $Quantity->size=9; $Quantity->javascript="onChange=format_number(this);clean_tva($i);compute_ledger($i)"; $array[$i]['quantity']=$Quantity->input("e_quant".$i,$quant); } $f_type=_('Fournisseur'); ob_start(); require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/template/form_ledger_detail.php'; $r.=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // Set correctly the REQUEST param for jrn_type $r.= HtmlInput::hidden('jrn_type','ACH'); $r.= HtmlInput::button('add_item',_('Ajout article'), ' onClick="ledger_add_row()"'); /* if we suggest the pj n# the run the script */ if ( $g_parameter->MY_PJ_SUGGEST=='Y') { $r.=''; } // set focus on date $r.= create_script("$('".$Date->id."').focus()"); return $r; } /*!@brief show the summary of the operation and propose to save it *@param array contains normally $_POST. It proposes also to save * the Analytic accountancy * @param $p_summary true to confirm false, show only the result in RO *@return string */ function confirm($p_array,$p_summary=false) { global $g_parameter; extract ($p_array); // we don't need to verify if we need only a feedback if ( ! $p_summary ) $this->verify($p_array) ; $anc=null; // to show a select list for the analytic // if analytic is op (optionnel) there is a blank line bcscale(4); $client=new Fiche($this->db); $client->get_by_qcode($e_client,true); $client_name=h($client->getName(). ' '.$client->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ADRESS).' '. $client->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_CP).' '. $client->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_CITY)); $lPeriode=new Periode($this->db); if ($this->check_periode() == true) { $lPeriode->p_id=$period; } else { $lPeriode->find_periode($e_date); } $date_limit=$lPeriode->get_date_limit(); $r=""; $r.=''; if ( $p_summary ) { $jr_id=$this->db->get_value('select jr_id from jrn where jr_internal=$1',array($this->internal)); $r.=""; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=""; } $r.=''; if ( ! $p_summary) { $r.=''; } else { if ( strcmp($this->pj,$e_pj) != 0 ) { $r.=''; } else { $r.=''; } } $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.='
'; $r.=_('Détail opération '); $r.=''; $r.=sprintf ('%s', $jr_id,dossier::id(),$this->internal); $r.='
' . _('Numéro Pièce') .''. hb($e_pj) . '' . _('Numéro Pièce') .''. hb($this->pj) . ' '._('Attention numéro pièce existante, elle a du être adaptée').'' . _('Numéro Pièce') .''. hb($this->pj) . '
' . _('Date') . ' ' . hb($e_date) . '
' . _('Echeance') . ' ' . hb($e_ech) . '
' . _('Période Comptable') . ' ' .hb( $date_limit['p_start'] . '-' . $date_limit['p_end']) . '
' . _('Journal') . ' ' . hb($this->get_name()) . '
' . _('Libellé') . ' ' . hb($e_comm) . '
' . _('Fournisseur') . ' ' . hb($e_client . ':' . $client_name) . '
'; $r.='

' . _('Détail articles achetés') . '

'; $r.='

'; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; if ($g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE == 'Y') { $r.=""; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; } else { $r.=''; } /* if we use the AC */ if ($g_parameter->MY_ANALYTIC!='nu') { $anc=new Anc_Plan($this->db); $a_anc=$anc->get_list(); $x=count($a_anc); /* set the width of the col */ $r.=''; /* add hidden variables pa[] to hold the value of pa_id */ $r.=Anc_Plan::hidden($a_anc); } $r.=''; $tot_amount=0.0; $tot_tva=0.0; //-- // For each item //-- for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_item;$i++) { $tot_row=0; if ( strlen(trim(${"e_march".$i})) == 0 ) continue; /* retrieve information for card */ $fiche=new Fiche($this->db); $fiche->get_by_qcode(${"e_march".$i}); if ( $g_parameter->MY_UPDLAB=='Y') $fiche_name=h(${"e_march".$i."_label"}); else $fiche_name=$fiche->strAttribut (ATTR_DEF_NAME); $amount=bcmul(${"e_march".$i."_price"},${'e_quant'.$i}); if ( $g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE=='Y') { $idx_tva=${"e_march".$i."_tva_id"}; $oTva=new Acc_Tva($this->db); $oTva->set_parameter('id',$idx_tva); $oTva->load(); $op=new Acc_Compute(); $op->set_parameter("amount",$amount); $op->set_parameter('amount_vat_rate',$oTva->get_parameter('rate')); $op->compute_vat(); $tva_computed=$op->get_parameter('amount_vat'); //----- if tva_amount is not given we compute the vat ---- if ( strlen (trim (${'e_march'.$i.'_tva_amount'})) == 0) { $tva_item=$op->get_parameter('amount_vat'); } else $tva_item=round(${'e_march'.$i.'_tva_amount'},2); if (isset($tva[$idx_tva] ) ) $tva[$idx_tva]=bcadd($tva_item,$tva[$idx_tva]); else $tva[$idx_tva]=$tva_item; } $tot_amount=round(bcadd($tot_amount,$amount),2); $tot_row=round(bcadd($tot_row,$amount),2); $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $both_side=0; if ($g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE == 'Y') { $r.=''; /* warning if tva_computed and given are not the same */ $css_void_tva=($both_side == 1)?'style="text-decoration:line-through"':''; if ( bcsub($tva_item,$tva_computed) != 0 && ! ($tva_item == 0 && $both_side == 1)) { $r.=''; $r.=''; } $r.=''; // encode the pa if ( $g_parameter->MY_ANALYTIC!='nu') // use of AA { // show form $anc_op=new Anc_Operation($this->db); $null=($g_parameter->MY_ANALYTIC=='op')?1:0; $r.=''; } $r.=''; } // Add the sum $decalage=($g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE == 'Y')?'':''; $tot = round(bcadd($tot_amount, $tot_tva), 2); $tot_tva=nbm($tot_tva); $tot=nbm($tot); $str_tot=_('Totaux'); $tot_amount=nbm($tot_amount); $r.=<< {$decalage} EOF; $r.='
" . _('Code') . "" . _('Dénomination') . "" . _('prix') . "" . _('quantité') . "" . _('tva') . " ' . _('Montant TVA') . '' . _('Montant HTVA') . '' . _('Montant TVAC') . '' . _('Montant') . ''._('Compt. Analytique').'
'; $r.=${"e_march".$i}; $r.=''; $r.=$fiche_name; $r.=''; $r.=nbm(${"e_march".$i."_price"}); $r.=''; $r.=nbm(${"e_quant".$i}); $r.=''; $r.=$oTva->get_parameter('label'); $both_side=$oTva->get_parameter("both_side"); if ( $both_side == 0) { $tot_row=bcadd($tot_row,$tva_item); $tot_tva=round(bcadd($tva_item,$tot_tva),2); } $r.=''; $r.=HtmlInput::infobulle(28); $r.='' .nbm($tva_item).''; } else{ $r.=''; $r.=nbm($tva_item); } $r.=' '; $r.=nbm(round($amount,2)); $r.=''; $r.=nbm(round($tot_row,2)); $r.=''; $p_mode=($p_summary==false)?1:0; $p_array['pa_id']=$a_anc; /* op is the operation it contains either a sequence or a jrnx.j_id */ $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('op[]=',$i); $r.=$anc_op->display_form_plan($p_array,$null,$p_mode,$i,$amount); $r.='
{$str_tot} {$tot_tva} {$tot_amount} {$tot}
'; $r.='

'; if ( $g_parameter->MY_ANALYTIC!='nu' && !$p_summary) // use of AA $r.=''; $r.=(! $p_summary )?'
'; $r.='


'; /* use VAT */ if ($g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE == 'Y') { $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=td(hb($tot_amount ),'class="num"'); foreach ($tva as $i => $value) { $oTva->set_parameter('id', $i); $oTva->load(); $r.=''; $r.=td(hb(nbm($tva[$i])),'class="num"'); } $r.=''.td(_('Total TVA')).td(hb($tot_tva),'class="num"'); $r.=''.td(_('Total TVAC')).td(hb($tot),'class="num"'); $r.='
Total HTVA
TVA ' . $oTva->get_parameter('label').'
'; } else { $r.='
Total '.hb($tot); } $r.='
'; /* Add hidden */ $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('e_client',$e_client); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('nb_item',$nb_item); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('p_jrn',$p_jrn); if ( isset($period)) $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('period',$period); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('e_comm',$e_comm); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('e_date',$e_date); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('e_ech',$e_ech); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('jrn_type',$jrn_type); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('e_pj',$e_pj); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('e_pj_suggest',$e_pj_suggest); $mt=microtime(true); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('mt',$mt); $e_mp=(isset($e_mp))?$e_mp:0; $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('e_mp',$e_mp); /* Paid by */ /* if the paymethod is not 0 and if a quick code is given */ for ($i=0;$i < $nb_item;$i++) { $r.=HtmlInput::hidden("e_march".$i,${"e_march".$i}); if (isset (${"e_march".$i."_label"})) $r.=HtmlInput::hidden("e_march".$i."_label",${"e_march".$i."_label"}); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden("e_march".$i."_price",${"e_march".$i."_price"}); if ( $g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE=='Y' ) { $r.=HtmlInput::hidden("e_march".$i."_tva_id",${"e_march".$i."_tva_id"}); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('e_march'.$i.'_tva_amount', ${'e_march'.$i.'_tva_amount'}); } $r.=HtmlInput::hidden("e_quant".$i,${"e_quant".$i}); } /** * */ if ( $e_mp!=0 && strlen (trim (${'e_mp_qcode_'.$e_mp})) != 0 ) { $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('e_mp_qcode_'.$e_mp,${'e_mp_qcode_'.$e_mp}); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('acompte',$acompte); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('e_comm_paiement',$e_comm_paiement); /* needed for generating a invoice */ $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('qcode_benef', ${'e_mp_qcode_' . $e_mp}); $fname = new Fiche($this->db); $fname->get_by_qcode(${'e_mp_qcode_' . $e_mp}); $r.='

' . _("Payé par")." " . ${'e_mp_qcode_' . $e_mp} . " " . $fname->getName() . '

' . '

' . _('Déduction acompte ') . h($acompte) . '

' . _('Libellé :') . h($e_comm_paiement) ; $r.='
'; $r.='
'; } // check for upload piece return $r; } /*!\brief the function extra info allows to * - add a attachment * - generate an invoice * - insert extra info *\return html string */ public function extra_info() { $r=""; $r = '
'; $r.='

'; // check for upload piece $file=new IFile(); $file->table=0; $r.=_("Ajoutez une pièce justificative "); $r.=$file->input("pj",""); if ( $this->db->count_sql("select md_id,md_name from document_modele where md_affect='ACH'") > 0 ) { $r.=_('ou générer un document').' '; // We propose to generate the fee note $doc_gen=new ISelect(); $doc_gen->name="gen_doc"; $doc_gen->value=$this->db->make_array( "select md_id,md_name ". " from document_modele where md_affect='ACH'"); $r.=$doc_gen->input().'
'; } $r.='
'; $obj=new IText(); $r.=_('Numero de bon de commande : ').$obj->input('bon_comm').'
'; $r.=_('Autre information : ').$obj->input('other_info').'
'; $r.='

'; $r.='
'; return $r; } /** * @brief update the payment * @todo to remove, obsolete * @deprecated */ function show_unpaid_deprecated() { // Show list of unpaid sell // Date - date of payment - Customer - amount // Nav. bar $step=$_SESSION['g_pagesize']; $page=(isset($_GET['offset']))?$_GET['page']:1; $offset=(isset($_GET['offset']))?$_GET['offset']:0; $sql=SQL_LIST_UNPAID_INVOICE_DATE_LIMIT." and jr_def_id=".$this->id ; list($max_line,$list)=$this->list_operation($sql,null,$offset,1); $sql=SQL_LIST_UNPAID_INVOICE." and jr_def_id=".$this->id ; list($max_line2,$list2)=$this->list_operation($sql,null,$offset,1); // Get the max line $m=($max_line2>$max_line)?$max_line2:$max_line; $bar2=navigation_bar($offset,$m,$step,$page); echo $bar2; echo '

'._('Echeance dépassée').'

'; echo $list; echo '

'._('Non Payée').'

'; echo $list2; echo $bar2; // Add hidden parameter $hid=new IHidden(); echo '
'; if ( $m != 0 ) echo HtmlInput::submit('paid',_('Mise à jour paiement')); } /** * Retrieve data from the view v_detail_purchase * @global $g_user connected user * @param $p_from jrn.jr_tech_per from * @param type $p_end jrn.jr_tech_per to * @return type */ function get_detail_purchase($p_from,$p_end) { global $g_user; // Journal valide if ( $this->id == 0 ) die (__FILE__.":".__LINE__." Journal invalide"); // Securite if ( $g_user->get_ledger_access($this->id) == 'X' ) return null; // get the data from the view $sql = "select * from v_detail_purchase where jr_def_id = $1 and jr_date >= (select p_start from parm_periode where p_id = $2) and jr_date <= (select p_end from parm_periode where p_id = $3) " .' order by jr_date,substring(jr_pj_number,\'[0-9]+$\')::numeric asc '; $ret = $this->db->exec_sql($sql, array($this->id,$p_from, $p_end)); return $ret; } /** * @brief compute an array with the heading cells for the * details, used for the export in CSV * @return array */ static function heading_detail_purchase() { $array['jr_id'] = _('Numéro opération'); $array['jr_date'] = _('Date'); $array['jr_date_paid'] = _('Date paiement'); $array['jr_ech'] = _('Date échéance'); $array['jr_tech_per'] = _('Période'); $array['jr_comment'] = _('Libellé'); $array['jr_pj_number'] = _('Pièce'); $array['jr_internal'] = _('Interne'); $array['jr_def_id'] = _('Code journal'); $array['j_poste'] = _('Poste'); $array['j_text'] = _('Commentaire'); $array['j_qcode'] = _('Code Item'); $array['item_card'] = _('N° fiche'); $array['item_name'] = _('Nom fiche'); $array['qp_supplier'] = _('N° fiche fournisseur'); $array['tiers_name'] = _('Nom fournisseur'); $array['quick_code'] = _('Code fournisseur'); $array['tva_label'] = _('Nom TVA'); $array['tva_comment'] = _('Commentaire TVA'); $array['tva_both_side'] = _('TVA annulée'); $array['vat_sided'] = _('TVA Non Payé'); $array['vat_code'] = _('Code TVA'); $array['vat'] = _('Montant TVA'); $array['price'] = _('Total HTVA'); $array['quantity'] = _('quantité'); $array['price_per_unit'] = _('PU'); $array['non_ded_amount'] = _('Montant ND'); $array['non_ded_tva'] = _('Montant TVA ND'); $array['non_ded_tva_recup'] = _('TVA récup.'); $array['htva'] = _('HTVA Opération'); $array['tot_vat'] = _('TVA Opération'); $array['tot_tva_np'] = _('TVA NP opération'); return $array; } }