db=$p_cn; $this->qcode=""; $this->user=$_SESSION['g_user']; $this->periode=$g_user->get_periode(); $this->jr_id=0; } /** *@brief retrieve the grpt_id from jrn for a jr_id *@return jrn.jr_grpt_id or an empty string if not found */ function seek_group() { $ret=$this->db->get_value('select jr_grpt_id from jrn where jr_id=$1', array($this->jr_id)); return $ret; } /** *@brief Insert into the table Jrn *The needed data are : * - this->date * - this->amount * - this->poste * - this->grpt * - this->jrn * - this->type ( debit or credit) * - this->user * - this->periode * - this->qcode * - this->desc optional *@note if the amount is less than 0 then side changes, for example debit becomes *a credit and vice versa *@return jrnx.j_id */ function insert_jrnx() { if ( $this->poste == "") { return false; throw new Exception (__FILE__.':'.__LINE__.' Poste comptable vide');} /* for negative amount the operation is reversed */ if ( $this->amount < 0 ) { $this->type=($this->type=='d')?'c':'d'; } $this->amount=abs($this->amount); $debit=($this->type=='c')?'false':'true'; $this->desc=(isset($this->desc))?$this->desc:''; $Res=$this->db->exec_sql("select insert_jrnx ($1::text,abs($2)::numeric,$3::account_type,$4::integer,$5::integer,$6::bool,$7::text,$8::integer,upper($9),$10::text)", array( $this->date, //$1 round($this->amount,2), //$2 $this->poste, //$3 $this->grpt, //$4 $this->jrn, //$5 $debit, //$6 $this->user, //$7 $this->periode, //$8 $this->qcode, // $9 $this->desc)); //$10 if ( $Res===false) return $Res; $this->jrnx_id=$this->db->get_current_seq('s_jrn_op'); return $this->jrnx_id; } /*!\brief set the pj of a operation in jrn. the jr_id must be set *\note if the jr_id it fails */ function set_pj() { if ( strlen(trim($this->pj)) == 0 ) { $sql="update jrn set jr_pj_number=$1 where jr_id=$2"; $this->db->exec_sql($sql,array(null,$this->jr_id)); return ''; } /* is pj uniq ? */ if ( $this->db->count_sql("select jr_id from jrn where jr_pj_number=$1 and jr_def_id=$2", array($this->pj,$this->jrn) ) == 0 ) { $sql="update jrn set jr_pj_number=$1 where jr_id=$2"; $this->db->exec_sql($sql,array($this->pj,$this->jr_id)); } else { /* get pref */ $pref=$this->db->get_value("select jrn_def_pj_pref from jrn_def where jrn_def_id=$1", array($this->jrn)); /* try another seq */ $flag=0; $limit=100; while ( $flag == 0 ) { /* limit the search to $limit */ if ( $limit < 1 ) { $this->pj=''; $flag=2; break; } $seq=$this->db->get_next_seq('s_jrn_pj'.$this->jrn); $this->pj=$pref.$seq; /* check if the new pj numb exist */ $c=$this->db->count_sql("select jr_id from jrn where jr_pj_number=$1 and jr_def_id=$2", array($this->pj,$this->jrn) ); if ( $c == 0 ) { $flag=1; break; } $limit--; } /* a pj numb is found */ if ( $flag == 1 ) { $sql="update jrn set jr_pj_number=$1 where jr_id=$2"; $this->db->exec_sql($sql,array($this->pj,$this->jr_id)); } } return $this->pj; } /*! *\brief Insert into the table Jrn, the amount is computed from jrnx thanks the * group id ($p_grpt) * * \return sequence of jr_id * */ function insert_jrn() { $p_comment=$this->desc; $diff=$this->db->get_value("select check_balance ($1)",array($this->grpt)); if ( $diff != 0 ) { echo "Erreur : balance incorrecte :diff = $diff"; return false; } $echeance=( isset( $this->echeance) && strlen(trim($this->echeance)) != 0)?$this->echeance:null; if ( ! isset($this->mt) ) { $this->mt=microtime(true); } // if amount == -1then the triggers will throw an error // $Res=$this->db->exec_sql("insert into jrn (jr_def_id,jr_montant,jr_comment,". "jr_date,jr_ech,jr_grpt_id,jr_tech_per,jr_mt) values (". "$1,$2,$3,". "to_date($4,'DD.MM.YYYY'),to_date($5,'DD.MM.YYYY'),$6,$7,$8)", array ($this->jrn, $this->amount,$p_comment, $this->date,$echeance,$this->grpt,$this->periode,$this->mt) ); if ( $Res == false) return false; $this->jr_id=$this->db->get_current_seq('s_jrn'); return $this->jr_id; } /*! * \brief Return the internal value, the property jr_id must be set before * * \return null si aucune valeur de trouv * */ function get_internal() { if ( ! isset($this->jr_id) ) throw new Exception('jr_id is not set',1); $Res=$this->db->exec_sql("select jr_internal from jrn where jr_id=".$this->jr_id); if ( Database::num_row($Res) == 0 ) return null; $l_line=Database::fetch_array($Res); $this->jr_internal= $l_line['jr_internal']; return $this->jr_internal; } /*!\brief search an operation thankx it internal code * \param internal code * \return 0 ok -1 nok */ function seek_internal($p_internal) { $res=$this->db->exec_sql('select jr_id from jrn where jr_internal=$1', array($p_internal)); if ( Database::num_row($Res) == 0 ) return -1; $this->jr_id=Database::fetch_result($Res,0,0); return 0; } /*!\brief retrieve data from jrnx *\note the data are filtered by the access of the current user * \return an array */ function get_jrnx_detail() { global $g_user; $filter_sql=$g_user->get_ledger_sql('ALL',3); $filter_sql=str_replace('jrn_def_id','jr_def_id',$filter_sql); if ( $this->jr_id==0 ) return; $sql=" select jr_date,j_qcode,j_poste,j_montant,jr_internal,case when j_debit = 'f' then 'C' else 'D' end as debit,jr_comment as description, vw_name,pcm_lib,j_debit,coalesce(comptaproc.get_letter_jnt(j_id),-1) as letter,jr_def_id ". " from jrnx join jrn on (jr_grpt_id=j_grpt) join tmp_pcmn on (j_poste=pcm_val) left join vw_fiche_attr on (j_qcode=quick_code) where jr_id=$1 and $filter_sql order by j_debit desc"; $res=$this->db->exec_sql($sql,array($this->jr_id)); if ( Database::num_row ($res) == 0 ) return array(); $all=Database::fetch_all($res); return $all; } /*!\brief add a comment to the line (jrnx.j_text) */ function update_comment($p_text) { $sql="update jrnx set j_text=$1 where j_id=$2"; $this->db->exec_sql($sql,array($p_text,$this->jrnx_id)); } /*!\brief add a comment to the operation (jrn.jr_text) */ function operation_update_comment($p_text) { $sql="update jrn set jr_comment=$1 where jr_id=$2"; $this->db->exec_sql($sql,array($p_text,$this->jr_id)); } /*!\brief add a limit of payment to the operation (jrn.jr_ech) */ function operation_update_date_limit($p_text) { if ( isDate($p_text) == null ) { $p_text=null; } $sql="update jrn set jr_ech=to_date($1,'DD.MM.YYYY') where jr_id=$2"; $this->db->exec_sql($sql,array($p_text,$this->jr_id)); } /*!\brief return the jrn_def_id from jrn */ function get_ledger() { $sql="select jr_def_id from jrn where jr_id=$1"; $row=$this->db->get_value($sql,array($this->jr_id)); return $row; } /*!\brief display_jrnx_detail : get the data from get_jrnx_data and return a string with HTML code * \param table(=0 no code for table,1 code for table,2 code for CSV) */ function display_jrnx_detail($p_table) { $show=$this->get_jrnx_detail(); $r=''; $r_notable=''; $csv=""; foreach ($show as $l) { $border=""; if ( $l['j_poste'] == $this->poste || ($l['j_qcode']==$this->qcode && trim($this->qcode) != '')) $border=' class="highlight"'; $r.=''; $r.=''; $a=$l['j_qcode']; $r_notable.=$a; $r.=$a; $csv.='"'.$a.'";'; $r.=''; $r.=''; $a=$l['j_poste']; $r_notable.=$a; $r.=$a; $csv.='"'.$a.'";'; $r.=''; $r.=''; // $a=($l['vw_name']=="")?$l['j_qcode']:$l['pcm_lib']; $a=(strlen(trim($l['j_qcode']))==0)?$l['pcm_lib']:$l['vw_name']; $r_notable.=$a; $r.=h($a); $csv.='"'.$a.'";'; $r.=''; $r.=''; $a=$l['j_montant']; $r_notable.=$a; $r.=$a; $csv.=$a.';'; $r.=''; $r.=''; $a=$l['debit']; $r_notable.=$a; $r.=$a; $csv.='"'.$a.'"'; $csv.="\r\n"; $r.=''; $r.=''; $a=($l['letter']!=-1)?$l['letter']:''; $r_notable.=$a; $r.=$a; $csv.='"'.$a.'"'; $csv.="\r\n"; $r.=''; $r.=''; } switch ($p_table) { case 1: return $r; break; case 0: return $r_notable; break; case 2: return $csv; } return "ERROR PARAMETRE"; } /*! * @brief Get data from jrnx where p_grpt=jrnx(j_grpt) * * @param connection * @return array of 3 elements * - First Element is an array @verbatim Array ( [op_date] => 01.12.2009 [class_cred0] => 7000008 [mont_cred0] => 8880.0000 [op_cred0] => 754 [text_cred0] => [jr_internal] => 23VEN-01-302 [comment] => [ech] => [jr_id] => 302 [jr_def_id] => 2 [class_deb0] => 4000005 [mont_deb0] => 10744.8000 [text_deb0] => [op_deb0] => 755 [class_cred1] => 4511 [mont_cred1] => 1864.8000 [op_cred1] => 756 [text_cred1] => ) @endverbatim * - Second : number of line with debit * - Third : number of line with credit */ function get_data ($p_grpt) { $Res=$this->db->exec_sql("select to_char(j_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as j_date, j_text, j_debit, j_poste, coalesce(j_qcode,'-') as qcode, j_montant, j_id, jr_comment, to_char(jr_ech,'DD.MM.YYYY') as jr_ech, to_char(jr_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as jr_date, jr_id,jr_internal,jr_def_id,jr_pj from jrnx inner join jrn on j_grpt=jr_grpt_id where j_grpt=$1",array($p_grpt)); $MaxLine=Database::num_row($Res); if ( $MaxLine == 0 ) return null; $deb=0; $cred=0; for ( $i=0; $i < $MaxLine; $i++) { $l_line=Database::fetch_array($Res,$i); $l_array['op_date']=$l_line['j_date']; if ( $l_line['j_debit'] == 't' ) { $l_class=sprintf("class_deb%d",$deb); $l_montant=sprintf("mont_deb%d",$deb); $l_text=sprintf("text_deb%d",$deb); $l_qcode=sprintf("qcode_deb%d",$deb); $l_array[$l_class]=$l_line['j_poste']; $l_array[$l_montant]=$l_line['j_montant']; $l_array[$l_text]=$l_line['j_text']; $l_array[$l_qcode]=$l_line['qcode']; $l_id=sprintf("op_deb%d",$deb); $l_array[$l_id]=$l_line['j_id']; $deb++; } if ( $l_line['j_debit'] == 'f' ) { $l_class=sprintf("class_cred%d",$cred); $l_montant=sprintf("mont_cred%d",$cred); $l_array[$l_class]=$l_line['j_poste']; $l_array[$l_montant]=$l_line['j_montant']; $l_id=sprintf("op_cred%d",$cred); $l_array[$l_id]=$l_line['j_id']; $l_text=sprintf("text_cred%d",$cred); $l_array[$l_text]=$l_line['j_text']; $l_qcode=sprintf("qcode_cred%d",$cred); $l_array[$l_qcode]=$l_line['qcode']; $cred++; } $l_array['jr_internal']=$l_line['jr_internal']; $l_array['comment']=$l_line['jr_comment']; $l_array['ech']=$l_line['jr_ech']; $l_array['jr_id']=$l_line['jr_id']; $l_array['jr_def_id']=$l_line['jr_def_id']; } return array($l_array,$deb,$cred); } /** *@brief retrieve data from jrnx and jrn *@return return an object *@note *@see @code @endcode */ function get() { $ret=new Acc_Misc($this->db,$this->jr_id); $ret->get(); return $ret; } /** *@brief retrieve data from the table QUANT_* *@return return an object or null if there is no * data from the QUANT table *@see Acc_Sold Acc_Purchase Acc_Fin Acc_Detail Acc_Misc */ function get_quant() { $ledger_id=$this->get_ledger(); if ( $ledger_id=='') throw new Exception(_('Journal non trouvé')); $oledger=new Acc_Ledger($this->db,$ledger_id); // retrieve info from jrn_info switch($oledger->get_type()) { case 'VEN': $ret=new Acc_Sold($this->db,$this->jr_id); break; case 'ACH': $ret=new Acc_Purchase($this->db,$this->jr_id); break; case 'FIN': $ret=new Acc_Fin($this->db,$this->jr_id); break; default: $ret=new Acc_Misc($this->db,$this->jr_id); break; } $ret->get(); if ( empty($ret->det->array)) { $ret=new Acc_Misc($this->db,$this->jr_id); $ret->get(); } $ret->get_info(); return $ret; } /** * @brief retrieve info from the jrn_info, create 2 new arrays * obj->info->command and obj->info->other * the columns are the idx */ function get_info() { $this->info=new stdClass(); // other info $array=$this->db->get_value("select ji_value from jrn_info where jr_id=$1 and id_type=$2",array($this->jr_id,'OTHER')); $this->info->other= $array; // Bon de commande $array=$this->db->get_value("select ji_value from jrn_info where jr_id=$1 and id_type=$2",array($this->jr_id,'BON_COMMANDE')); $this->info->command= $array; } /** * Save into jrn_info * @param $p_info msg to save * @param $p_type is OTHER or BON_COMMAND */ function save_info($p_info,$p_type) { if ( ! in_array($p_type,array('OTHER','BON_COMMANDE'))) return; if (trim($p_info)=="") { $this->db->exec_sql('delete from jrn_info where jr_id=$1 and id_type=$2',array($this->jr_id,$p_type)); return; } $exist=$this->db->get_value('select count(ji_id) from jrn_info where jr_id=$1 and id_type=$2',array($this->jr_id,$p_type)); if ( $exist == "0" ) { //insert into jrn_info $this->db->exec_sql('insert into jrn_info(jr_id,id_type,ji_value) values ($1,$2,$3)', array($this->jr_id,$p_type,$p_info)); } elseif ( $exist == 1) { //update $this->db->exec_sql('update jrn_info set ji_value=$3 where jr_id=$1 and id_type=$2', array($this->jr_id,$p_type,$p_info)); } } function insert_related_action($p_string) { if ($p_string == "") return; $a_action=explode(',',$p_string); for ($i=0;$idb,$a_action[$i]); $action->operation=$this->jr_id; $action->insert_operation(); } } static function test_me() { $_SESSION['g_user']='phpcompta'; $_SESSION['g_pass']='dany'; global $g_user; $cn=new Database(dossier::id()); $g_user=new User($cn); $a=new Acc_Operation($cn); $a->jr_id=1444; $b=$a->get_quant(); var_dump($b); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Acc_Detail extends Acc_Operation { function __construct($p_cn,$p_jrid=0) { parent::__construct($p_cn); $this->jr_id=$p_jrid; $this->det=new stdClass(); } /** *@brief retrieve some common data from jrn as * the datum, the comment,payment limit... */ function get() { $sql="SELECT jr_id, jr_def_id, jr_montant, jr_comment, jr_date, jr_grpt_id, jr_internal, jr_tech_date, jr_tech_per, jrn_ech, jr_ech, jr_rapt,jr_ech, jr_valid, jr_opid, jr_c_opid, jr_pj, jr_pj_name, jr_pj_type, jr_pj_number, jr_mt,jr_rapt,jr_date_paid FROM jrn where jr_id=$1"; $array=$this->db->get_array($sql,array($this->jr_id)); if ( count($array) == 0 ) throw new Exception('Aucune ligne trouvée'); foreach ($array[0] as $key=>$val) { $this->det->$key=$val; } $sql="select n_text from jrn_note where jr_id=$1"; $this->det->note=$this->db->get_value($sql,array($this->jr_id)); $this->det->note=strip_tags($this->det->note); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** *@brief this class manage data from the JRNX and JRN * table *@note Data member are the column of the table */ class Acc_Misc extends Acc_Detail { var $signature; /*!< signature of the obj ODS */ var $array; /*!< an array containing the data from JRNX */ function __construct($p_cn,$p_jrid=0) { parent::__construct($p_cn,$p_jrid); $this->signature='ODS'; $this->det=new stdClass(); } function get() { parent::get(); $sql="SELECT j_id, j_date, j_montant, j_poste, j_grpt, j_rapt, j_jrn_def, j_debit, j_text, j_centralized, j_internal, j_tech_user, j_tech_date, j_tech_per, j_qcode FROM jrnx where j_grpt = $1 order by j_debit desc,j_poste"; $this->det->array=$this->db->get_array($sql,array($this->det->jr_grpt_id)); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** *@brief this class manage data from the QUANT_SOLD * table *@note Data member are the column of the table */ class Acc_Sold extends Acc_Detail { function __construct($p_cn,$p_jrid=0) { parent::__construct($p_cn,$p_jrid); $this->signature='VEN'; $this->det=new stdClass(); } function get() { parent::get(); $sql="SELECT qs_id, qs_internal, qs_fiche, qs_quantite, qs_price, qs_vat, qs_vat_code, qs_client, qs_valid, j_id,j_text,qs_vat_sided FROM quant_sold join jrnx using(j_id) where j_grpt=$1"; $this->det->array=$this->db->get_array($sql,array($this->det->jr_grpt_id)); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** *@brief this class manage data from the QUANT_PURCHASE * table *@note Data member are the column of the table */ class Acc_Purchase extends Acc_Detail { function __construct($p_cn,$p_jrid=0) { parent::__construct($p_cn,$p_jrid); $this->signature='ACH'; } function get() { parent::get(); $sql="SELECT qp_id, qp_internal, j_id, qp_fiche, qp_quantite, qp_price, qp_vat, qp_vat_code, qp_nd_amount, qp_nd_tva, qp_nd_tva_recup, qp_supplier, qp_valid, qp_dep_priv,j_text,qp_vat_sided FROM quant_purchase join jrnx using(j_id) where j_grpt=$1"; $this->det->array=$this->db->get_array($sql,array($this->det->jr_grpt_id)); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** *@brief this class manage data from the QUANT_FIN * table *@note Data member are the column of the table */ class Acc_Fin extends Acc_Detail { function __construct($p_cn,$p_jrid=0) { parent::__construct($p_cn,$p_jrid); $this->signature='FIN'; } function get() { parent::get(); $sql="SELECT qf_id, qf_bank, jr_id, qf_other, qf_amount FROM quant_fin where jr_id = $1"; $this->det->array=$this->db->get_array($sql,array($this->jr_id)); } }