db=$p_cn; $this->id=$p_id; $this->oa_jrnx_id_source=null; $this->oa_positive='Y'; $this->has_data=0; $this->in_div=""; } /*!\brief add a row to the table operation_analytique * \note if $this->oa_group if 0 then a sequence id will be computed for * the oa_group, if $this->j_id=0 then it will be null * */ function add($p_seq=0) { if ( $this->oa_group == 0) { $this->oa_group=$this->db->get_next_seq('s_oa_group'); } if ( $this->j_id == 0 ) { $this->j_id=null; } else { // must be the same side than the operation if ( $this->oa_jrnx_id_source == null) { $side=$this->db->get_value('select j_debit from jrnx where j_id=$1', array($this->j_id)); } else { $side=$this->db->get_value('select j_debit from jrnx where j_id=$1', array($this->oa_jrnx_id_source)); } $this->oa_debit=$side; } // we don't save null operations if ( $this->oa_amount == 0 || $this->po_id==-1) return; if ( $this->oa_amount< 0) { // if negatif must be oa_positive='N' $this->oa_positive='N'; $this->oa_debit=($this->oa_debit=='t')?'f':'t'; } $oa_row=(isset($this->oa_row))?$this->oa_row:null; $sql="insert into operation_analytique ( po_id, oa_amount, oa_description, oa_debit, oa_group, j_id, oa_date, oa_row, oa_jrnx_id_source, oa_positive ) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,to_date($7,'DD.MM.YYYY'),$8,$9,$10)"; $this->db->exec_sql($sql,array( $this->po_id, // 1 abs($this->oa_amount), //2 $this->oa_description, //3 $this->oa_debit, //4 $this->oa_group, //5 $this->j_id, //6 $this->oa_date, //7 $oa_row, //8 $this->oa_jrnx_id_source, //8 $this->oa_positive )); } /*!\brief delete a row from the table operation_analytique * \note be carefull : do not delete a row when we have a group */ function delete() { $sql="delete from operation_analytique where oa_id=$1"; $this->db->exec_sql($sql,array($this->oa_id)); } /*!\brief get a list of row from a certain periode */ function get_list($p_from,$p_to,$p_from_poste="",$p_to_poste="") { $cond=""; $cond_poste=""; if ($p_from!="") $cond="and (jr_date >= to_date('$p_from','DD.MM.YYYY') or oa_date >= to_date('$p_from','DD.MM.YYYY') )"; if ( $p_to!="" ) $cond.="and (jr_date <=to_date('$p_to','DD.MM.YYYY') or oa_date <=to_date('$p_to','DD.MM.YYYY')) "; if ($p_from_poste != "" ) $cond_poste=" and upper(po_name) >= upper('".$p_from_poste."')"; if ($p_to_poste != "" ) $cond_poste.=" and upper(po_name) <= upper('".$p_to_poste."')"; $pa_id_cond=""; if ( isset ( $this->pa_id) && $this->pa_id !='') $pa_id_cond= "pa_id=".$this->pa_id." and"; $sql=" select oa_id, po_name, oa_description, po_description, oa_debit, (case when jr_date is not null then to_char(jr_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') else to_char(oa_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') end ) as oa_date, oa_amount, oa_group, j_id , jr_internal, jr_id, jr_comment, j_poste, jrnx.f_id, ( select ad_value from fiche_Detail where f_id=jrnx.f_id and ad_id=23) as qcode, jr_pj_number from operation_analytique as B join poste_analytique using(po_id) left join jrnx using (j_id) left join jrn on (j_grpt=jr_grpt_id) where $pa_id_cond oa_amount <> 0.0 $cond $cond_poste order by jr_date,oa_group,oa_debit desc,oa_id"; $RetSql=$this->db->exec_sql($sql); $array=Database::fetch_all($RetSql); return $array; } /*\brief show the HTML table for the operation */ function html_table($p_from) { if ($p_from=="") { $from=""; $to=""; } else { $p=new Periode($this->db); list($from,$to)=$p->get_date_limit($p_from); } $array=$this->get_list($from,$to); if ( empty($array) ) return "Pas d'enregistrement trouvé"; // navigation_bar $step=$_SESSION['g_pagesize']; $page=(isset($_GET['offset']))?$_GET['page']:1; $offset=(isset($_GET['offset']))?$_GET['offset']:0; $bar=navigation_bar($offset+1,count($array),$step,$page); if ( $step !=-1) $view=array_splice($array,$offset,$step); else $view=$array; $gDossier=dossier::id(); $ret=""; $ret.=$bar; $count=0; $group=0; $oldgroup=0; $oldjrid=0; foreach ($view as $row) { $group=$row['oa_group']; if ( $group !=$oldgroup ) { if ( $oldgroup!=0 ) { $efface=new IButton(); $efface->javascript="anc_remove_operation(".$gDossier.",".$oldgroup.")"; $efface->name="Efface"; $efface->label="Efface"; $ret.="".$efface->input().""; $this->oa_group=$oldgroup; $jr_id=$this->get_jrid(); if ( $jr_id != 0) { // get the old jr_id $detail=new IButton(); $detail->javascript="viewOperation($jr_id,$gDossier)"; $detail->name="Detail"; $detail->label="Detail"; $ret.="".$detail->input().""; } $ret.=''; } $ret.=''; $ret.="". td($row['oa_date']). "". td(); $ret.="". $oldgroup=$group; } $class=($count%2==0)?"odd":"even"; $count++; $cred= ( $row['oa_debit'] == 'f')?"CREDIT":"DEBIT"; $ret.=""; $ret.= ""; $ret.=td(h($row['po_description'])); $ret.='". "". ""; } $efface=new IButton(); $efface->javascript="anc_remove_operation("."$gDossier,".$oldgroup.")"; $efface->name="Efface"; $efface->label="Efface"; $ret.=""; // get the old jr_id $this->oa_group=$oldgroup; $jr_id=$this->get_jrid(); if ( $jr_id != 0 ) { $detail=new IButton(); $detail->javascript="modifyOperation($jr_id,'".$gDossier."')"; $detail->name="Detail"; $detail->label="Detail"; $ret.=""; } $ret.='
". HtmlInput::detail_op($row['jr_id'], h($row['oa_description']." ".$row['jr_pj_number'])). "". "Groupe id : ".$row['oa_group']. "
". h($row['po_name']). "'. nbm($row['oa_amount']). "". $cred. "
'; $ret.=$bar; return $ret; } /*!\brief retrieve an operation thanks a jrnx.j_id * \param the jrnx.j_id * \return null if nothing is found other an array */ function get_by_jid($p_jid) { $array=array(); $a_plan=$this->db->get_array('select pa_id from plan_analytique order by pa_id'); $res=array(); /* * For one oa_row */ $a_rowcount=$this->db->get_array("select distinct oa_row " ." from operation_analytique where j_id=$1 order by oa_row", array($p_jid)); for ($i=0; $idb->get_array(' select distinct oa_id, po_id, oa_amount, oa_description, oa_debit, j_id, oa_group, oa_date, pa_id, oa_row, oa_positive from operation_analytique join poste_analytique using (po_id) where j_id=$1 and oa_row = $2 order by j_id,oa_row', array($p_jid, $a_rowcount[$i]['oa_row'])); // the first row we found will be the template $template=$a_existing[0]; /* * For each plan */ for ($j=0; $jdb->get_array(' select distinct oa_id, po_id, oa_amount, oa_description, oa_debit, j_id, oa_group, oa_date, pa_id, oa_row, oa_positive from operation_analytique join poste_analytique using (po_id) where j_id=$1 and oa_row = $2 and pa_id=$3', array($p_jid, $a_rowcount[$i]['oa_row'], $a_plan[$j]['pa_id'] ) ); if (count($a_fetch)==0) { $a_fetch=$template; $a_fetch['pa_id']=$a_plan[$j]['pa_id']; $a_fetch['po_id']=-1; $a_fetch['oa_id']=''; $res[]=$a_fetch; } else if (count($a_fetch)==1) { $res[]=$a_fetch[0]; } } } foreach ($res as $row) { $a=new Anc_Operation($this->db); foreach ($row as $attr=> $value) { $a->$attr=$row[$attr]; } $array[]=clone $a; } return $array; } /*!\brief modify an op from modify_op.php * */ function update_from_jrnx($p_po_id) { $a=$this->get_by_jid($this->j_id); if ( $a == null ) { // retrieve data from jrnx $sql="select jr_date,j_montant,j_debit from jrnx ". " join jrn on (jr_grpt_id = j_grpt) ". "where j_id=".$this->j_id; $res=$this->db->exec_sql($sql); if (Database::num_row($res) == 0 ) return; $row=Database::fetch_array($res,0); $this->oa_amount=$row['j_amount']; $this->oa_date=$row['jr_date']; $this->oa_debit=$row['j_debit']; $this->oa_description=$row['jr_comment']; $this->add(); } else { foreach ($a as $row ) { if ( $row->pa_id == $this->pa_id ) { $row->po_id=$p_po_id; $row->update(); } } } } /*!\brief retrieve the jr_id thanks the oa_group */ function get_jrid() { $sql="select distinct jr_id from jrn join jrnx on (j_grpt=jr_grpt_id) join operation_analytique using (j_id) where j_id is not null and oa_group=".$this->oa_group; $res=$this->db->exec_sql($sql); if ( Database::num_row($res) == 0 ) return 0; $ret=Database::fetch_all($res); return $ret[0]['jr_id']; } /*\brief this function get the balance for a certain period *\param $p_from from date (accountancy period) *\param $p_to to dat (accountancy period) *\param $p_plan_id the plan id */ function get_balance($p_from,$p_to,$p_plan_id) { // for the operation connected to jrnx $cond=sql_filter_per($this->db,$p_from,$p_to,'p_id','j_date'); $sql="select oa_id, po_id, oa_amount, oa_debit, j_date from jrnx join operation_analytique using (j_id) join poste_analytique using (po_id) where $cond and j_id is not null and pa_id=$p_plan_id"; // OD $cond=sql_filter_per($this->db,$p_from,$p_to,'p_id','oa_date'); $sql="union select oa_id, po_id, oa_amount, oa_debit,oa_date from operation_analytique join poste_analytique using (po_id) where j_id is null and $cond and pa_id=$p_plan_id "; try { $res=$this->db->exec_sql($sql); $array=Database::fetch_all($res); } catch (Exception $e) { var_dump($e); } } /*!\brief display the form for PA *\param $p_array contains POST (or GET) data (val[] hplan[][] op[]) * \param $p_null = 1 if PA optional otherwise 0 mandatory * \param $p_mode == form 1 ==> read/write otherwise 0==>readonly * \param $p_seq number of the row * \param $p_amount amount * \param $p_id operation is detailled in a HTML popup, if several * are opened, the tableid MUST be different. So we need to use a new parameter * \param $p_add_button true, show the button, false don't display them * \see save_form_plan @note - op is an array containing the line number - pa_id is an array of the existing array - hplan is an array of the POSTE ANALYTIQUE id used, the size of hplan from 0 to x, x can be bigger than the number of plan id - val contains the amount by row inside the table. One operation (j_id) you can have several rows @code 0 => array 'op' => int 200 'pa_id' => array 0 => string '14' (length=2) 1 => string '15' (length=2) 'hplan' => array 1 => array 0 => string '25' (length=2) 1 => string '26' (length=2) 'val' => array 1 => array 0 => string '100.0000' (length=8) @endcode */ function display_form_plan($p_array,$p_null,$p_mode,$p_seq,$p_amount,$p_id='',$p_add_button=true) { if ( $p_array != null) extract ($p_array); $result=""; $plan=new Anc_Plan($this->db); $a_plan=$plan->get_list(" order by pa_id "); if ( empty ($a_plan) ) return ""; $table_id="t".$p_seq; $hidden=new IHidden(); $readonly=($p_mode==1)?false:true; $result.=$hidden->input('amount_'.$table_id,$p_amount); if ( $p_mode==1 ) $result.=''; else $result.='
'; $result.="".$plan->header().""; /* compute the number of rows */ $nb_row=(isset($val[$p_seq]))?count($val[$p_seq]):1; $count=0; $remain=abs($p_amount); $ctrl_remain="remain".$this->in_div.$table_id; for ( $i=0; $i < $nb_row;$i++) { $result.=''; foreach ($a_plan as $r_plan) { $array=$this->db->make_array( "select po_id as value,". " html_quote(po_name) as label from poste_analytique ". " where pa_id = ".$r_plan['id']. " order by po_name",$p_null); $select =new ISelect("hplan[".$p_seq."][]",$array); $select->table=0; // view only or editables if ( $p_mode==1 ) { // editable $select->readonly=false; if ( isset($hplan) && isset($hplan[$p_seq][$count]) ){ $select->selected=$hplan[$p_seq][$count]; } } else { if ( isset($hplan) && isset($hplan[$p_seq][$count]) ){ $select->selected=$hplan[$p_seq][$count]; } // view only $select->readOnly=true; } if ($p_mode==1) $result.=''; else $result.=''; $count++; } $value=new INum(); $value->javascript='onchange="format_number(this);anc_refresh_remain(\''.$this->in_div.$table_id.'\',\''.$p_seq.'\')"'; $value->name="val[".$p_seq."][]"; $value->size=6; $value->value=(isset($val[$p_seq][$i]))?$val[$p_seq][$i]:abs($p_amount); $value->readOnly=($p_mode==1)?false:true; $remain=bcsub($remain,$value->value); $result.=''; $result.=""; } $result.="
"; if ($p_add_button && $p_mode == 1) { $style_remain=($remain==0)?'style="color:green"':' style="color:red"'; $result.=" Reste à imputer = ". ''. $remain.''; // add a button to add a row $button=new IButton(); $button->javascript="add_row('".$p_id."$table_id',$p_seq);"; $button->name="js".$p_id.$p_seq; $button->label=_("Nouvelle ligne"); $result.="
".$button->input(); /** * Add a button for distribution key * */ $ledger=HtmlInput::default_value_post("p_jrn", 0); if ($ledger==0) { $ledger=$this->db->get_value('select j_jrn_def from jrnx where j_id=$1',array($this->j_id)); } $gDossier=Dossier::id(); $button_key=new IButton(); $button_key->javascript="anc_key_choice(".$gDossier.",'".$p_id."$table_id',$p_amount,'".$ledger."');"; $button_key->name="js".$p_id.$p_seq; $button_key->label=_("Clef"); $result .= $button_key->input(); } return $result; } /** * Save the ND VAT with prorata * * @param $p_array usually $_POST * @param $p_item item of the form * @param $p_j_id jrnx.j_id concerned writing * @param $p_nd amount nd vat * @see Anc_Operation::save_form_plan_vat_nd * @return type */ function save_form_plan_vat_nd($p_array,$p_item,$p_j_id,$p_nd) { bcscale(4); extract($p_array); if (! isset ($hplan) ) return; if ( ! isset(${'amount_t'.$p_item}) ) throw new Exception ('amount not set'); $tot=0; /* variable for in array pa_id array of existing pa_id hplan double array with the pa_id (column) val double array by row with amount op contains sequence p_item is used to identify what op is concerned */ /* echo "j_id = $j_id p_item = $p_item hplan=".var_export($hplan[$p_item],true)." val = ".var_export($val[$p_item],true).'
'; */ /* for each row */ // for ($i=0;$idb); $op->po_id=$hplan[$p_item][$e]; $op->oa_group=$this->oa_group; $op->j_id=$p_j_id; $ratio=bcdiv($val[$p_item][$row],${"amount_t".$p_item}); $amount= bcmul($p_nd, $ratio); $op->oa_amount=round($amount,2); $op->oa_debit=$this->oa_debit; $op->oa_date=$this->oa_date; $op->oa_description=$this->oa_description; $op->oa_row=$row; $op->oa_jrnx_id_source=$this->oa_jrnx_id_source; $a_Anc_Operation[]=clone $op; } $idx_pa_id++; } $nb_op=count($a_Anc_Operation); bcscale(2); for ($i=0;$i<$nb_op;$i++) { $tot=bcadd($tot,$a_Anc_Operation[$i]->oa_amount); } if ( $tot != $p_nd ) { $diff= bcsub($tot, $p_nd); $a_Anc_Operation[0]->oa_amount=bcsub($a_Anc_Operation[0]->oa_amount,$diff); } for ($i=0;$i<$nb_op;$i++) { $a_Anc_Operation[$i]->add(); } } /*!\brief it called for each item, the data are taken from $p_array * data and set before in this. * \param $p_item if the item nb for each item (purchase or selling * merchandise) * \param $p_array structure * \verbatim nb_tA A is the number of the item it contains the number of rows of CA for this card valAlR amount for the CA (item A row R) ta_AoCrow_R contains the value of the pa_id and po_id for this row with the form pa_id_po_id %d_%d *\endverbatim * \attention The idea is one j_id matches several oa_id, * serveral data are set before the call : * -j_id * -oa_debit * -oa_group * -oa_date * -oa_description * */ function save_form_plan($p_array,$p_item,$p_j_id) { extract($p_array); if (! isset ($hplan) ) return; /* variable for in array pa_id array of existing pa_id hplan double array with the pa_id (column) val double array by row with amount op contains sequence p_item is used to identify what op is concerned */ /* echo "j_id = $j_id p_item = $p_item hplan=".var_export($hplan[$p_item],true)." val = ".var_export($val[$p_item],true).'
'; */ /* for each row */ // for ($i=0;$idb); $op->po_id=$hplan[$p_item][$e]; $op->oa_group=$this->oa_group; $op->j_id=$p_j_id; $op->oa_amount=$val[$p_item][$row]; $op->oa_debit=$this->oa_debit; $op->oa_date=$this->oa_date; $op->oa_description=$this->oa_description; $op->oa_row=$row; $op->add(); } $idx_pa_id++; } // } } /** *@brief save a whole form from a update box *@param $p_array for ALL j_id *@return *@note *@see save_form_plan to_request @code @endcode */ function save_update_form($p_array) { extract($p_array); for ($i = 0; $i < count($op); $i++) { /* clean operation_analytique */ $this->db->exec_sql('delete from operation_analytique where j_id=$1', array($op[$i])); /* get missing data for adding */ $a_missing = $this->db->get_array("select to_char(jr_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as mdate,j_montant,j_debit,jr_comment ,j_poste from jrnx join jrn on (j_grpt=jr_grpt_id) where j_id=$1", array($op[$i])); $missing = $a_missing[0]; $this->oa_description = $missing['jr_comment']; $this->j_id = $op[$i]; $group = $this->db->get_next_seq("s_oa_group"); /* for analytic */ $this->oa_group = $group; $this->oa_date = $missing['mdate']; $this->save_form_plan($p_array, $i, $op[$i]); // There is ND VAT amount $a_nd = $this->db->get_array('select j_id from operation_analytique where oa_jrnx_id_source=$1', array($op[$i])); if (count($a_nd) > 0) { // for each ND VAT amount for ($e=0;$edb->exec_sql('delete from operation_analytique where j_id=$1', array($a_nd[$e]['j_id'])); /* get missing data for adding */ $a_missing_vat = $this->db->get_array("select to_char(jr_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as mdate,j_montant,j_debit,jr_comment from jrnx join jrn on (j_grpt=jr_grpt_id) where j_id=$1", array($a_nd[$e]['j_id'])); $missing_vat = $a_missing_vat[0]; $this->oa_debit = 't'; $this->oa_description = $missing_vat['jr_comment']; $this->j_id = $op[$i]; $group = $this->db->get_next_seq("s_oa_group"); /* for analytic */ $this->oa_group = $group; $this->oa_date = $missing_vat['mdate']; $this->oa_jrnx_id_source=$op[$i]; $p_array['amount_t'.$i]=$missing['j_montant']; $this->save_form_plan_vat_nd($p_array, $i, $a_nd[$e]['j_id'],$missing_vat['j_montant']); } } } } /*\brief transform a array of operation into a array usage by *display_form_plan & save_form_plan *\param $p_array array of operation *\param $p_line line *\return an array complying with \see save_form_plan */ function to_request ($p_array,$p_line) { $result=array(); $result[]=array('op'=>$this->j_id); $pa_id=array(); /* First add the pa_id */ for ($i=0;$i < count($p_array);$i++) { if ( in_array($p_array[$i]->pa_id,$pa_id)==false) $pa_id[]=$p_array[$i]->pa_id; } $result['pa_id']=$pa_id; /* add the hplan */ $seq=0; for ($i=0;$i < count($p_array);$i++) { $hplan[$p_line][$i]=$p_array[$i]->po_id; } $result['hplan']=$hplan; /* Add the amount */ $idx_pa=0; $jrn_def=$this->db->get_value('select jrn_def_type from jrnx join jrn_def on (j_jrn_def=jrn_def_id) where j_id=$1',array($this->j_id)); for ($i=0;$i < count($p_array);$i++) { /* * For the bank, negatif are always on the debit and positif on the credit */ if ( $jrn_def != 'FIN') { $val[$p_line][$p_array[$i]->oa_row]=($p_array[$i]->oa_positive=='Y')?$p_array[$i]->oa_amount:($p_array[$i]->oa_amount*(-1)); } else { $val[$p_line][$p_array[$i]->oa_row]=$p_array[$i]->oa_amount; } } $result['val']=$val; return $result; } /*! * \brief delete from operation_analytique * \param $p_jid the operation_analytique.j_id field * * \return none */ function delete_by_jid($p_jid) { $sql="delete from operation_analytique where j_id=$p_jid"; $this->db->exec_sql($sql); } /*\brief Display a table with analytic accounting in * detail of operation *@note $this->j_id must be set *\param $p_mode 0 = readonly or 1=writable *\param $p_amount amount *\param $p_id unique id *@see display_form_plan *\return string to display */ function display_table($p_mode,$p_amount,$p_id) { static $seq=-1; /* first seq == 0 */ $seq++; $array=$this->get_by_jid($this->j_id) ; if ( $array != null ) { $request=$this->to_request($array,$seq); return "".$this->display_form_plan($request,1,$p_mode,$seq,$p_amount,$p_id).""; } else { return ''.$this->display_form_plan(null,1,$p_mode,$seq,$p_amount,$p_id).""; } return ""; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEST /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*\brief test the class *\param *\param *\return */ function test_me() { $cn=new Database(dossier::id()); $anco=new Anc_Operation($cn); $j_id=200; $anco->j_id=$j_id; $array=$anco->get_by_jid($j_id); $a=$anco->to_request($array,1); echo '
'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('j_id',$j_id); echo HtmlInput::hidden('test_select',$_REQUEST['test_select']); echo $anco->display_table(1,15002,0); echo ''; echo '
'; if ( isset($_REQUEST['save'])) { echo "to_save"; var_dump($_REQUEST); } var_dump($a); } }