set_title('Choix de la tva'); echo $a->input(); $tva=new ITva_Popup("tva1"); $tva->with_button(true); // You must add the attributes gDossier, popup $tva->set_attribute('popup','popup_tva'); $tva->set_attribute('gDossier',dossier::id()); // We can add a label for the code $tva->add_label('code'); $tva->js='onchange="set_tva_label(this);"'; echo $tva->input(); @endcode */ class ITva_Popup extends HtmlInput { /** *@brief by default, the p_name is the name/id of the input type * the this->button is false (control if a button is visible) and * this->in_table=false (return the widget inside a table) * this->code is a span widget to display the code (in this case, you will * to set this->cn as database connexion) * to have its own javascript for the button you can use this->but_javascript) * by default it is 'popup_select_tva(this)'; */ public function __construct($p_name=null,$p_value="",$p_id="") { $this->name=$p_name; $this->button=true; $this->in_table=false; $this->value=$p_value; $this->id=$p_id; } function with_button($p) { if ($p == true ) $this->button=true; else $this->button=false; } /*!\brief show the html input of the widget*/ public function input($p_name=null,$p_value=null) { $this->name=($p_name==null)?$this->name:$p_name; $this->value=($p_value==null)?$this->value:$p_value; $this->js=(isset($this->js))?$this->js:'onchange="format_number(this);"'; $this->id=($this->id=="")?$this->name:$this->id; if ( $this->readOnly==true) return $this->display(); $str=''; $r=sprintf($str,$this->name,$this->value,$this->id,$this->js); if ($this->in_table) $table=''.''.td($r); if ( $this->button==true && ! $this->in_table) $r.=$this->dbutton(); if ( $this->button==true && $this->in_table) $r=$$this->dbutton()).'
'; if ( isset($this->code)) { if ( $this->cn != NULL) { /* check if tva_id == integer */ if (trim($this->value)!='' && isNumber($this->value)==1 && strpos($this->value,',') === false) $this->code->value=$this->cn->get_value('select tva_label from tva_rate where tva_id=$1', array($this->value)); ; } $r.=$this->code->input(); if ($this->table==1) $r=td($r); $this->set_attribute('jcode',$this->code->name); $this->set_attribute('gDossier',dossier::id()); $this->set_attribute('ctl',$this->name); $r.=$this->get_js_attr(); } return $r; } /** *@brief show a button, if it is pushed show a popup to select the need vat *@note * - a ipopup must be created before with the name popup_tva * - the javascript scripts.js must be loaded *@return string with html code */ function dbutton() { if( trim($this->name)=='') throw new Exception (_('Le nom ne peut ĂȘtre vide')); $this->id=($this->id=="")?$this->name:$this->id; // button $bt=new ISmallButton('bt_'.$this->id); $bt->tabindex="-1"; $bt->label=_(' TVA '); $bt->set_attribute('gDossier',dossier::id()); $bt->set_attribute('ctl',$this->id); $bt->set_attribute('popup','popup_tva'); if ( isset($this->code)) $bt->set_attribute('jcode',$this->code->name); if ( isset($this->compute)) $bt->set_attribute('compute',$this->compute); $bt->javascript=(isset($this->but_javascript))?$this->but_javascript:'popup_select_tva(this)'; $r=$bt->input(); return $r; } /*!\brief print in html the readonly value of the widget*/ public function display() { $cn= new Database(Dossier::id()); $tva=new Acc_Tva($cn, $this->value); $comment=($tva->load() != "-1")? $tva->tva_label:""; $res=sprintf('%s',$this->name,$this->value,$this->name,$comment); return $res; } /** *@brief add a field to show the selected tva's label *@param $p_code is the name of the label where you can see the label of VAT *@param $p_cn is a database connection if NULL it doesn't seek in the database */ public function add_label($p_code,$p_cn=null) { $this->cn=$p_cn; $this->code=new ISpan($p_code); } static public function test_me() { $a=new IPopup('popup_tva'); $a->set_title('Choix de la tva'); echo $a->input(); $tva=new ITva_Popup("tva1"); $tva->with_button(true); // We can add a label for the code $tva->add_label('code'); $tva->js='onchange="set_tva_label(this);"'; echo $tva->input(); echo $tva->dbutton(); } }