table = "schema.table"; $this->primary_key = "o_id"; $this->name=array( "id"=>"o_id", "dolibarr"=>"o_doli", "date"=>"o_date", "qcode"=>"o_qcode", "fiche"=>"f_id", ); $this->type = array( "o_id"=>"numeric", "o_doli"=>"numeric", "o_date"=>"date", "o_qcode"=>"text", "f_id"=>"numeric", ); $this->default = array( "o_id" => "auto", ); $this->date_format = "DD.MM.YYYY"; global $cn; parent::__construct($cn,$p_id); } } * @endcode * */ abstract class Noalyss_SQL { function __construct(&$p_cn, $p_id=-1) { $this->cn=$p_cn; $pk=$this->primary_key; $this->$pk=$p_id; /* Initialize an empty object */ foreach ($this->name as $key) { $this->$key=null; } $this->$pk=$p_id; /* load it */ if ($p_id != -1 )$this->load(); } /** * Insert or update : if the row already exists, update otherwise insert */ public function save() { $pk=$this->primary_key; $count=$this->cn->get_value('select count(*) from '.$this->table.' where '.$this->primary_key.'=$1',array($this->$pk)); if ($count == 0) $this->insert(); else $this->update(); } public function getp($p_string) { if (array_key_exists($p_string, $this->name)) { $idx=$this->name[$p_string]; return $this->$idx; } else throw new Exception(__FILE__.":".__LINE__.$p_string.'Erreur attribut inexistant '.$p_string); } public function setp($p_string, $p_value) { if (array_key_exists($p_string, $this->name)) { $idx=$this->name[$p_string]; $this->$idx=$p_value; } else throw new Exception(__FILE__.":".__LINE__.$p_string.'Erreur attribut inexistant '.$p_string); } public function insert() { $this->verify(); $sql="insert into ".$this->table." ( "; $sep=""; $par=""; $idx=1; $array=array(); foreach ($this->name as $key=> $value) { if (isset($this->default[$value])&&$this->default[$value]=="auto"&&$this->$value==null) continue; if ($value==$this->primary_key&&$this->$value==-1) continue; $sql.=$sep.$value; switch ($this->type[$value]) { case "date": if ($this->date_format=="") throw new Exception('Format Date invalide'); $par .=$sep.'to_date($'.$idx.",'".$this->date_format."')"; break; default: $par .= $sep."$".$idx; } $array[]=$this->$value; $sep=","; $idx++; } $sql.=") values (".$par.") returning ".$this->primary_key; $pk=$this->primary_key; $this->$pk=$this->cn->get_value($sql, $array); } public function delete() { $pk=$this->primary_key; $sql=" delete from ".$this->table." where ".$this->primary_key."= $1"; $this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array($this->$pk)); } public function update() { $this->verify(); $pk=$this->primary_key; $sql="update ".$this->table." "; $sep=""; $idx=1; $array=array(); $set=" set "; foreach ($this->name as $key=> $value) { if (isset($this->default[$value])&&$this->default[$value]=="auto") continue; switch ($this->type[$value]) { case "date": $par=$value.'=to_date($'.$idx.",'".$this->date_format."')"; break; default: $par=$value."= $".$idx; } $sql.=$sep." $set ".$par; $array[]=$this->$value; $sep=","; $set=""; $idx++; } $array[]=$this->$pk; $sql.=" where ".$this->primary_key." = $".$idx; $this->cn->exec_sql($sql, $array); } public function load() { $sql=" select "; $sep=""; foreach ($this->name as $key) { switch ($this->type[$key]) { case "date": $sql .= $sep.'to_char('.$key.",'".$this->date_format."') as ".$key; break; default: $sql.=$sep.$key; } $sep=","; } $pk=$this->primary_key; $sql.=" from ".$this->table; $sql.=" where ".$this->primary_key." = $1"; $result=$this->cn->get_array($sql,array ($this->$pk)); if ($this->cn->count()==0) { $this->$pk=-1; return; } foreach ($result[0] as $key=> $value) { $this->$key=$value; } } public function get_info() { return var_export($this, true); } /** * @todo ajout vérification type (date, text ou numeric) * @return int */ public function verify() { foreach ($this->name as $key) { if (trim($this->$key)=='') $this->$key=null; } return 0; } /** * Transform an array into object * @param type $p_array * @return object */ public function from_array($p_array) { foreach ($this->name as $key=> $value) { if (isset($p_array[$value])) { $this->$value=$p_array[$value]; } else { $this->$value=null; } } return $this; } /** * @brief retrieve array of object thanks a condition * @param $cond condition (where clause) (optional by default all the rows are fetched) * you can use this parameter for the order or subselect * @param $p_array array for the SQL stmt * @see Database::exec_sql get_object Database::num_row * @return the return value of exec_sql */ function seek($cond='', $p_array=null) { $sql="select * from ".$this->table." $cond"; $ret=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql, $p_array); return $ret; } /** * get_seek return the next object, the return of the query must have all the column * of the object * @param $p_ret is the return value of an exec_sql * @param $idx is the index * @see seek * @return object */ public function next($ret, $i) { $array=$this->cn->fetch_array($ret, $i); return $this->from_array($array); } /** * @see next */ public function get_object($p_ret, $idx) { return $this->next($p_ret, $idx); } /** * @brief return an array of objects. Do not use this function if they are too many objects, it takes a lot of memory, * and could slow down your application. * @param $cond condition, order... * @param $p_array array to use for a condition * @note this function could slow down your application. */ function collect_objects($cond='', $p_array=null) { if ($p_array != null && ! is_array($p_array) ) { throw new Exception(_("Erreur : exec_sql attend un array")); } $ret=$this->seek($cond, $p_array); $max=Database::num_row($ret); $a_return=array(); for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++) { $a_return[$i]=clone $this->next($ret, $i); } return $a_return; } public function count($p_where="",$p_array=null) { $count=$this->cn->get_value("select count(*) from $this->table".$p_where,$p_array); return $count; } } ?>