'; $sa = (isset($_REQUEST['sa'])) ? $_REQUEST['sa'] : 'list'; /* * ******************************************************************** * Remove a anticipation * * * ******************************************************************** */ if ( $action == 'del' ) { $forecast = new Forecast($cn, $_GET['f_id']); $forecast->delete(); } /* * Cloning */ if ( $action == 'clone' ) { echo "


"; /* * We need to clone the forecast */ $anti = new Forecast($cn, $_REQUEST ['f_id']); $anti->object_clone(); $sa="list"; } /* * ******************************************************************** * Save the modification mod_cat_save * * * ******************************************************************** */ if (isset($_POST['mod_cat_save'])) { /* * We save the forecast */ $anti = new Forecast($cn, $_POST['f_id']); try { $cn->start(); /* Save forecast */ $anti->set_parameter('name', $_POST['an_name']); $anti->set_parameter('start_date', $_POST['start_date']); $anti->set_parameter('end_date', $_POST['end_date']); $anti->save(); /* add new category */ for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_CAT; $i++) { if (isset($_POST['fr_cat_new' . $i])) { if (strlen(trim($_POST['fr_cat_new' . $i])) != 0) { $c = new Forecast_Cat($cn); $c->set_parameter('order', $_POST['fc_order_new' . $i]); $c->set_parameter('desc', $_POST['fr_cat_new' . $i]); $c->set_parameter('forecast', $_POST['f_id']); $c->save(); } } } /* update existing cat */ foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $var = sscanf($key, 'fr_cat%d'); $idx = sprintf("fr_cat%d", $var[0]); if (isset($_POST[$idx])) { $fc = new Forecast_Cat($cn, $var[0]); if (strlen(trim($_POST[$idx])) == 0) { $fc->delete(); } else { $fc->set_parameter('order', $_POST['fc_order' . $var[0]]); $fc->set_parameter('desc', $_POST['fr_cat' . $var[0]]); $fc->set_parameter('forecast', $_POST['f_id']); $fc->save(); } } } $cn->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { alert($e->getMessage()); $cn->rollback(); } $sa = 'vw'; } /* * ******************************************************************** * Save first the data for new * * * ******************************************************************** */ if ($sa == 'new' || isset($_POST['step3'])) { $correct = 0; if (isset($_POST['step3'])) { /* save all the items */ try { $cn->start(); for ($i = 0; $i < $_POST['nbrow']; $i++) { // Delete if needed if (isset($_POST['fi_id' . $i])) { if (strlen(trim($_POST['an_cat_acc' . $i])) == 0 && strlen(trim($_POST['an_qc' . $i])) == 0) { $e = new Forecast_item($cn); $e->set_parameter("id", $_POST['fi_id' . $i]); $e->delete(); } } if (strlen(trim($_POST['an_cat_acc' . $i])) != 0 || strlen(trim($_POST['an_qc' . $i])) != 0) { /* we save only if there is something */ $e = new Forecast_item($cn); if (isset($_POST['fi_id' . $i])) { $e->set_parameter("id", $_POST['fi_id' . $i]); } $e->set_parameter('text', $_POST['an_label' . $i]); $e->set_parameter('amount', $_POST['an_cat_amount' . $i]); $e->set_parameter('debit', $_POST['an_deb' . $i]); $e->set_parameter('cat_id', $_POST['an_cat' . $i]); $e->set_parameter('account', $_POST['an_cat_acc' . $i]); $e->set_parameter('periode', $_POST['month' . $i]); $f = new Fiche($cn); if ($f->get_by_qcode($_POST['an_qc' . $i], false) == 0) $e->set_parameter('card', $f->id); else $e->set_parameter('card', null); $e->set_parameter('order', $i); $e->save(); } } $cn->commit(); $sa = 'vw'; // to avoid to restart the add of new anticipation } catch (Exception $e) { $cn->rollback(); alert($e->getMessage()); $correct = 1; } } /* Second step : we save the name and category * and propose the items we add the item */ if ($correct == 2 || isset($_POST['step2'])) { try { $cn->start(); /* Save forecast */ $a = new Forecast($cn); $a->set_parameter('name', $_POST['an_name']); $a->set_parameter('start_date', $_POST['start_date']); $a->set_parameter('end_date', $_POST['end_date']); $a->save(); $id = $a->get_parameter("id"); /* save cat */ for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_CAT; $i++) { if (strlen(trim($_POST['fr_cat' . $i])) != 0) { $c = new Forecast_Cat($cn); $c->set_parameter('order', $_POST['fr_order' . $i]); $c->set_parameter('desc', $_POST['fr_cat' . $i]); $c->set_parameter('forecast', $id); $c->save(); } } $cn->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { alert($e->getMessage()); $correct = 1; unset($_POST['step2']); $cn->rollback(); } } } /* * ******************************************************************** * Ask for a new anticipation (forecast) * * * ******************************************************************** */ if ($sa == 'new') { /* Second step : we save the name and category * and propose the items we add the item */ if ($correct == 2 || isset($_POST['step2'])) { /* Propose a form for the items */ $anticip = new Anticipation($cn, $a->get_parameter("id")); echo '
'; echo ICard::ipopup('ipopcard'); echo IPoste::ipopup('ipop_account'); $search_card = new IPopup('ipop_card'); $search_card->title = _('Recherche de fiche'); $search_card->value = ''; echo $search_card->input(); echo '
'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('sa', 'new'); echo HtmlInput::hidden('ac', $_REQUEST['ac']); echo HtmlInput::hidden('f_id', $id); echo $anticip->form_item(); echo HtmlInput::submit('step3', _('Sauver')); echo '
'; echo '
'; } /* First step, the name and the category */ if (!isset($_POST['step2']) || $correct == 1) { $anc = new Anticipation($cn); echo '
'; /* display a blank form for name and category */ echo '
'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('sa', 'new'); echo HtmlInput::hidden('ac', $_REQUEST['ac']); echo $anc->form_cat(); echo HtmlInput::submit('step2', _('Sauver')); echo '
'; echo '
'; } } /* * ******************************************************************** * If we request to modify the category or the name * * * ******************************************************************** */ if ( $action == 'mod_cat') { $anc = new Anticipation($cn, $_GET['f_id']); echo '
'; /* display a blank form for name and category */ echo '
'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('sa', 'mod'); echo HtmlInput::hidden('ac', $_REQUEST['ac']); echo $anc->form_cat(); echo HtmlInput::submit('mod_cat_save', _('Sauver')); echo '
'; echo '
'; return; } /* * ******************************************************************** * If we request to modify the items * * * ******************************************************************** */ if ($action == 'mod_item' ) { /* Propose a form for the items */ $anticip = new Anticipation($cn, $_GET['f_id']); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('sa', 'new'); echo HtmlInput::hidden('ac', $_REQUEST['ac']); echo HtmlInput::hidden('f_id', $_GET['f_id']); echo $anticip->form_item(); echo HtmlInput::submit('step3', _('Sauver')); echo '
'; echo '
'; return; } /* * ******************************************************************** * if a forecast is asked we display the result * * * ******************************************************************** */ if (isset($_REQUEST['f_id']) && $sa == "vw") { echo '
'; $forecast = new Anticipation($cn); $forecast->set_parameter("id", $_REQUEST['f_id']); try { echo $forecast->display(); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('action',''); echo HtmlInput::hidden('f_id', $_REQUEST['f_id']); echo HtmlInput::submit('mod_cat_bt', _('Modifier nom ou catégories'),'onclick="$(\'action\').value=\'mod_cat\';"'); echo HtmlInput::submit('mod_item_bt', _('Modifier éléments'),'onclick="$(\'action\').value=\'mod_item\';"'); //echo HtmlInput::submit('cvs',_('Export CVS')); echo HtmlInput::submit('del_bt', _('Effacer'), 'onclick="$(\'action\').value=\'del\';return confirm_box(\'forecast_frm\',\'' . _('Vous confirmez l\\\' effacement') . '\')"'); echo HtmlInput::submit('clone_bt', _('Cloner'), 'onclick="$(\'action\').value=\'clone\';return confirm_box(\'forecast_frm\',\'' . _('Vous confirmez le clonage ') . '\')"'); echo HtmlInput::hidden('ac', $_REQUEST['ac']); $href=http_build_query(array('ac'=>$_REQUEST['ac'],'gDossier'=>$_REQUEST['gDossier'])); echo ''._('Retour').''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; return; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "

" . _("Erreur")." : " . $e->getMessage() . '

' . _('Vous devez corriger') . '

'; $anc = new Anticipation($cn, $_GET['f_id']); echo '
'; /* display a blank form for name and category */ echo '
'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('sa', 'mod'); echo HtmlInput::hidden('ac', $_REQUEST['ac']); echo $anc->form_cat(); echo HtmlInput::submit('mod_cat_save', _('Sauver')); echo '
'; echo '
'; } } /* * ******************************************************************** * Display menu * * * ******************************************************************** */ // display button add and list of forecast to display if ($sa=='list') { $aForecast=Forecast::load_all($cn); $menu=array(); $get_dossier=dossier::get(); echo '
'; echo _('Filtre')." ".HtmlInput::filter_table("forecast_table_id", '0', 1); echo ''; $href="?ac=".$_REQUEST['ac']."&sa=new&".$get_dossier; echo ''; $def=(isset($_REQUEST['f_id']))?$_REQUEST['f_id']:-1; for ($i=0; $i'; } echo "
'._("Ajout d'une prévision").'
"; echo '
'; return; } ?>