category, export in PDF the history of a category or balance * of card */ if ( ! defined ('ALLOWED') ) die('Appel direct ne sont pas permis'); // Security we check if user does exist and his privilege require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class_user.php'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class_database.php'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class_pdf.php'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class_lettering.php'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class_dossier.php'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/ac_common.php'; /* Security */ $gDossier=dossier::id(); $cn=new Database($gDossier); $g_user->Check(); $g_user->check_dossier($gDossier); $name=$cn->get_value('select fd_label from fiche_def where fd_id=$1',array($_GET['cat'])); $pdf=new PDF($cn); $pdf->setDossierInfo(" Periode : ".$_GET['start']." - ".$_GET['end']); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetTitle($name,1); $pdf->SetAuthor('NOALYSS'); /* balance */ $allcard=(isset($_GET['allcard']))?1:0; /* * Balance */ if ( $_GET['histo'] == 4 || $_GET['histo']==5) { $fd=new Fiche_Def($cn,$_REQUEST['cat']); if ($allcard==1 && $fd->hasAttribute(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT) == false ) { $pdf->Cell(0,10, "Cette catégorie n'ayant pas de poste comptable n'a pas de balance"); //Save PDF to file $fDate=date('dmy-Hi'); $pdf->Output("category-$fDate.pdf", 'D'); exit; } // all card if ($allcard==1) { $afiche=$cn->get_array("select fd_id from vw_fiche_def where ad_id=".ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT." order by fd_label asc"); } else { $afiche[0]=array('fd_id'=>$_REQUEST['cat']); } if ( $allcard==0 && empty($afiche)) { $pdf->Cell(0,10, "Aucune fiche trouvée");//Save PDF to file $fDate=date('dmy-Hi'); $pdf->Output("category-$fDate.pdf", 'D'); exit; } for ($e = 0; $e < count($afiche); $e++) { $aCard=$cn->get_array("select f_id,ad_value from fiche join fiche_Detail using (f_id) where ad_id=1 and fd_id=$1 order by 2 ",array($afiche[$e]['fd_id'])); $name=$cn->get_value('select fd_label from fiche_def where fd_id=$1',array($afiche[$e]['fd_id'])); $pdf->SetFont('DejaVu','BI',14); $pdf->Cell(0,8,$name,0,1,'C'); $pdf->SetFont('DejaVuCond','',7); $pdf->LongLine(30,7,'Quick Code',0,'L',0); $pdf->LongLine(80,7,'Libellé',0,'L',0); $pdf->Cell(20,7,'Débit',0,0,'R',0); $pdf->Cell(20,7,'Crédit',0,0,'R',0); $pdf->Cell(20,7,'Solde',0,0,'R',0); $pdf->Cell(20,7,'D/C',0,0,'C',0); $pdf->Ln(); if (empty($aCard)) continue; $idx=0;$sum_deb=0;$sum_cred=0;bcscale(4); for ($i=0;$i < count($aCard);$i++) { if ( isDate($_REQUEST['start']) == null || isDate ($_REQUEST['end']) == null ) exit; $filter= " (j_date >= to_date('".$_REQUEST['start']."','DD.MM.YYYY') ". " and j_date <= to_date('".$_REQUEST['end']."','DD.MM.YYYY')) "; $oCard=new Fiche($cn,$aCard[$i]['f_id']); $solde=$oCard->get_solde_detail($filter); if ( $solde['debit'] == 0 && $solde['credit']==0) continue; /* only not purged card */ if ($_GET['histo'] == 5 && $solde['debit'] == $solde['credit']) continue; if ( $idx % 2 == 0 ) { $pdf->SetFillColor(220,221,255); $fill=1; } else { $pdf->SetFillColor(0,0,0); $fill=0; } $idx++; $side=''; if(bcsub($solde['credit'],$solde['debit']) < 0) $side='Deb.'; if(bcsub($solde['credit'],$solde['debit']) > 0) $side='Cred.'; $sum_cred=bcadd($sum_cred,$solde['credit']); $sum_deb=bcadd($sum_deb,$solde['debit']); $sum_solde=bcsub($sum_deb,$sum_cred); $pdf->Cell(30,7,$oCard->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE),0,0,'L',$fill); $pdf->LongLine(80,7,$oCard->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME)." (".$oCard->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT).")",0,'L',$fill); $pdf->Cell(20,7,nbm($solde['debit']),0,0,'R',$fill); $pdf->Cell(20,7,nbm($solde['credit']),0,0,'R',$fill); $pdf->Cell(20,7,nbm(abs($solde['solde'])),0,0,'R',$fill); $pdf->Cell(20,7,$side,0,0,'C',$fill); $pdf->Ln(); } if ( $idx % 2 == 0 ) { $pdf->SetFillColor(220,221,255); $fill=1; } else { $pdf->SetFillColor(0,0,0); $fill=0; } $idx++; // Sum by category $pdf->Cell(30,7,"",0,0,'L',$fill); $pdf->Cell(80,7,_("Totaux"),0,0,'L',$fill); $pdf->Cell(20,7,nbm($sum_deb),0,0,'R',$fill); $pdf->Cell(20,7,nbm($sum_cred),0,0,'R',$fill); $pdf->Cell(20,7,nbm(abs($sum_solde)),0,0,'R',$fill); $side=" = "; if ( $sum_solde > 0 ) { $side='Deb.'; } else if ( $sum_solde < 0) { $side='Cred.'; } $pdf->Cell(20,7,$side,0,0,'C',$fill); $pdf->Ln(); } } else { // History // all card if ($allcard == 1) { $afiche = $cn->get_array("select fd_id from vw_fiche_def where ad_id=" . ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT . " order by fd_label asc"); } else { $afiche[0] = array('fd_id' => $_REQUEST['cat']); } $fic=new Fiche($cn); for ($e = 0; $e < count($afiche); $e++) { $array = Fiche::get_fiche_def($cn,$afiche[$e]['fd_id'] , 'name_asc'); /* * You show now the result */ if ($array == null) { continue; } $tab = array(12, 20, 20,68, 20, 20, 10, 20); $align = array('L', 'C', 'L', 'L', 'R','R', 'R', 'R'); foreach ($array as $row_fiche) { $fic = new Fiche($cn, $row_fiche['f_id']); $letter = new Lettering_Card($cn); $letter->set_parameter('quick_code', $fic->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE)); $letter->set_parameter('start', $_GET['start']); $letter->set_parameter('end', $_GET['end']); // all if ($_GET['histo'] == 0) { $letter->get_all(); } // lettered if ($_GET['histo'] == 1) { $letter->get_letter(); } // unlettered if ($_GET['histo'] == 2) { $letter->get_unletter(); } if ($_GET['histo'] == 6) { $letter->get_letter_diff(); } /* skip if nothing to display */ if (count($letter->content) == 0) continue; $pdf->SetFont('DejaVuCond', '', 10); $fiche = new Fiche($cn, $row_fiche['f_id']); $pdf->Cell(0, 7, $fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME)." [".$fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE).":".$fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT)."]", 1, 'C'); $pdf->SetFont('DejaVuCond', '', 7); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Cell($tab[0], 7, 'Date'); $pdf->Cell($tab[1], 7, 'ref'); $pdf->Cell($tab[2], 7, 'Internal'); $pdf->Cell($tab[3], 7, 'Comm'); $pdf->Cell($tab[4], 7, 'Montant', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell($tab[5], 7, 'Prog.', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell($tab[6], 7, 'Let.', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell($tab[7], 7, 'Diff. Let.', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->ln(); $amount_deb = 0; $amount_cred = 0; $prog=0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($letter->content); $i++) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { $pdf->SetFillColor(220, 221, 255); $fill = 1; } else { $pdf->SetFillColor(0, 0, 0); $fill = 0; } $pdf->SetFont('DejaVuCond', '', 7); $row = $letter->content[$i]; $str_date = shrink_date($row['j_date_fmt']); $pdf->LongLine($tab[0], 4, $str_date, 0, $align[0], $fill); $pdf->Cell($tab[1], 4, $row['jr_pj_number'], 0, 0, $align[1], $fill); $pdf->LongLine($tab[2], 4, $row['jr_internal'], 0, $align[1], $fill); $pdf->LongLine($tab[3], 4, $row['jr_comment'], 0, $align[2], $fill); if ($row['j_debit'] == 't') { $prog=bcadd($prog,$row['j_montant']); $pdf->Cell($tab[4], 4, sprintf('%s D', nbm($row['j_montant'])), 0, 0, $align[4], $fill); $amount_deb+=$row['j_montant']; $str_prog=sprintf("%s %s",nbm(abs($prog)),$fic->get_amount_side($prog)); $pdf->Cell($tab[5], 4, $str_prog, 0, 0, $align[5], $fill); } else { $prog=bcsub($prog,$row['j_montant']); $pdf->Cell($tab[4], 4, sprintf('%s C', nbm($row['j_montant'])), 0, 0, $align[4], $fill); $amount_cred+=$row['j_montant']; $str_prog=sprintf("%s %s",nbm(abs($prog)),$fic->get_amount_side($prog)); $pdf->Cell($tab[5], 4, $str_prog, 0, 0, $align[5], $fill); } if ($row['letter'] != -1) { $pdf->Cell($tab[6], 4, strtoupper(base_convert($row['letter'],10,36)), 0, 0, $align[6], $fill); // get sum for this lettering $pdf->Cell($tab[7], 4, sprintf('%s', nbm($row['letter_diff'])), '0', '0', $align[7], $fill); } else $pdf->Cell($tab[6], 4, "", 0, 0, 'R', $fill); $pdf->Ln(); } $pdf->SetFillColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont('DejaVuCond', 'B', 8); $debit = sprintf('Debit : %s', nbm($amount_deb)); $credit = sprintf('Credit : %s', nbm($amount_cred)); if ($amount_deb > $amount_cred) $s = 'solde débiteur'; else $s = 'solde crediteur'; $solde = sprintf('%s : %s', $s, nbm(abs(round($amount_cred - $amount_deb, 2)))); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, $debit, 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->ln(4); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, $credit, 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->ln(4); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, $solde, 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->ln(4); $pdf->Ln(); } } } //Save PDF to file $fDate=date('dmy-Hi'); $pdf->Output("category-$fDate.pdf", 'D'); exit;