Check(); $g_user->check_dossier($gDossier); $sql="select pcm_val from tmp_pcmn "; extract($_GET); $cond_poste=""; if ($from_poste != '') { $cond_poste = ' where '; $cond_poste .=' pcm_val >= upper (\''.Database::escape_string($from_poste).'\')'; } if ( $to_poste != '') { if ( $cond_poste == '') { $cond_poste = ' where pcm_val <= upper (\''.Database::escape_string($to_poste).'\')'; } else { $cond_poste.=' and pcm_val <= upper (\''.Database::escape_string($to_poste).'\')'; } } $sql=$sql.$cond_poste.' order by pcm_val::text'; $a_poste=$cn->get_array($sql); $pdf = new PDF($cn); $pdf->setDossierInfo(" Periode : ".$from_periode." - ".$to_periode); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->setTitle("Grand Livre",true); $pdf->SetAuthor('NOALYSS'); if ( count($a_poste) == 0 ) { $pdf->Output(); return; } // Header $header = array( "Date", "Référence", "Libellé", "Pièce","Let", "Débit", "Crédit", "Solde" ); // Left or Right aligned $lor = array( "L" , "L" , "L" , "L" , "R", "R" , "R" , "R" ); // Column widths (in mm) $width = array( 13 , 20 , 60 , 15 , 12 , 20 , 20 , 20 ); $l=(isset($_REQUEST['letter']))?2:0; $s=(isset($_REQUEST['solded']))?1:0; foreach ($a_poste as $poste) { $Poste=new Acc_Account_Ledger($cn,$poste['pcm_val']); $array1=$Poste->get_row_date($from_periode,$to_periode,$l,$s); // don't print empty account if ( count($array1) == 0 ) { continue; } $array=$array1[0]; $tot_deb=$array1[1]; $tot_cred=$array1[2]; $pdf->SetFont('DejaVuCond','',10); $Libelle=sprintf("%s - %s ",$Poste->id,$Poste->get_name()); $pdf->Cell(0, 7, $Libelle, 1, 1, 'C'); $pdf->SetFont('DejaVuCond','',6); for($i=0;$iCell($width[$i], 4, $header[$i], 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->SetFont('DejaVuCond','',7); $solde = 0.0; $solde_d = 0.0; $solde_c = 0.0; $current_exercice=""; foreach ($Poste->row as $detail) { /* [0] => 1 [jr_id] => 1 [1] => 01.02.2009 [j_date_fmt] => 01.02.2009 [2] => 2009-02-01 [j_date] => 2009-02-01 [3] => 0 [deb_montant] => 0 [4] => 12211.9100 [cred_montant] => 12211.9100 [5] => Ecriture douverture [description] => Ecriture douverture [6] => Opération Diverses [jrn_name] => Opération Diverses [7] => f [j_debit] => f [8] => 17OD-01-1 [jr_internal] => 17OD-01-1 [9] => ODS1 [jr_pj_number] => ODS1 ) 1 */ /* * separation per exercice */ if ( $current_exercice == "") $current_exercice=$detail['p_exercice']; if ( $current_exercice != $detail['p_exercice']) { $pdf->SetFont('DejaVuCond','B',8); $i=0; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, $current_exercice, 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, '', 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, '', 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, '', 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, 'Total du compte '.$Poste->id, 0, 0, 'R'); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, ($solde_d > 0 ? nbm($solde_d) : ''), 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, ($solde_c > 0 ? nbm( $solde_c) : ''), 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, nbm(abs($solde_c-$solde_d)), 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell(5, 6, ($solde_c > $solde_d ? 'C' : 'D'), 0, 0, 'L'); /* * reset total and current_exercice */ $current_exercice=$detail['p_exercice']; $solde = 0.0; $solde_d = 0.0; $solde_c = 0.0; $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->SetFont('DejaVuCond','',7); } if ($detail['cred_montant'] > 0) { $solde = bcsub ($solde,$detail['cred_montant']); $solde_c = bcadd($solde_c,$detail['cred_montant']); } if ($detail['deb_montant'] > 0) { $solde = bcadd($solde,$detail['deb_montant']); $solde_d = bcadd($solde_d,$detail['deb_montant']); } $i = 0; $side=" ".$Poste->get_amount_side($solde); $pdf->LongLine($width[$i], 6, shrink_date($detail['j_date_fmt']), 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->LongLine($width[$i], 6, $detail['jr_internal'], 0, $lor[$i] ); $i++; /* limit set to 40 for the substring */ $triple_point = (mb_strlen($detail['description']) > 40 ) ? '...':''; $pdf->LongLine($width[$i], 6, mb_substr($detail['description'],0,40).$triple_point, 0,$lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, $detail['jr_pj_number'], 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, ($detail['letter']!=-1)?$detail['letter']:'', 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, ($detail['deb_montant'] > 0 ? nbm( $detail['deb_montant']) : ''), 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, ($detail['cred_montant'] > 0 ? nbm( $detail['cred_montant']) : ''), 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, nbm(abs( $solde)).$side, 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Ln(); } $pdf->SetFont('DejaVuCond','B',8); $i = 0; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, $current_exercice, 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, '', 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, '', 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, '', 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, 'Total du compte '.$Poste->id, 0, 0, 'R'); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, ($solde_d > 0 ? nbm($solde_d) : ''), 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, ($solde_c > 0 ? nbm( $solde_c) : ''), 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell($width[$i], 6, nbm(abs($solde_c-$solde_d)), 0, 0, $lor[$i]); $i++; $pdf->Cell(5, 6, ($solde_c > $solde_d ? 'C' : 'D'), 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Ln(); } //Save PDF to file $pdf->Output("gl_comptes.pdf", 'D'); exit; ?>