object=new Acc_Account_Ledger($g_connection, 400); } /** * Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection. * This method is called after a test is executed. */ protected function tearDown() { } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get_row * @todo Implement testGet_row(). */ public function testGet_row() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get_row_date * @todo Implement testGet_row_date(). */ public function testGet_row_date() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } function dataGet_Name() { return array( array('10','Capital '), array('01','Poste inconnu') ); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get_name * @todo Implement testGet_name(). * @dataProvider dataGet_Name */ public function testGet_name($id,$result) { $this->object->id=$id; $this->assertEquals($this->object->get_name(),$result); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::do_exist * @todo Implement testDo_exist(). * @dataProvider dataDo_exist */ public function testDo_exist($p_value, $result) { $this->object->id=$p_value; $this->assertEquals($this->object->do_exist(), $result); } function dataDo_exist() { return array( array('400', 1), array('400A', 0), array('550', 1), array('60BXX', 0) ); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::load * @todo Implement testLoad(). */ public function testLoad() { $this->object->load(); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get * @todo Implement testGet(). */ public function testGet() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get_solde * @todo Implement testGet_solde(). */ public function testGet_solde() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get_solde_detail * @todo Implement testGet_solde_detail(). */ public function testGet_solde_detail() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::isTVA * @todo Implement testIsTVA(). */ public function testIsTVA() { $this->object->id="4111"; $this->assertEquals($this->object->isTVA(),1); $this->object->id=10; $this->assertEquals($this->object->isTVA(),0); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::HtmlTable * @todo Implement testHtmlTable(). */ public function testHtmlTable() { $this->assertTrue(true,'Ne peut être testé car vue HTML'); } public function dataGet_amount_side() { return array ( array(0,"="), array(1000,'D'), array(-1000,'C'), ); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get_amount_side * @todo Implement testGet_amount_side(). * @dataProvider dataGet_amount_side */ public function testGet_amount_side($amount,$result) { $this->assertEquals($this->object->get_amount_side($amount),$result); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::HtmlTableHeader * @todo Implement testHtmlTableHeader(). */ public function testHtmlTableHeader() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->assertTrue(true,'Ne peut être testé car vue HTML'); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::belong_ledger * @todo Implement testBelong_ledger(). * @dataProvider DataBelong_ledger */ public function testBelong_ledger($p_jrn, $result) { $this->assertEquals($this->object->belong_ledger($p_jrn), $result); } function DataBelong_ledger() { return array( array(0, -1), array(1, -1), array(3, -1), array(2, 0), array(4, 0) ); } public function dataGet_account_ledger() { return array( array(0,array()), array(1,array('5*','')), array(2,array('4*')), array(3,array('6*')) ); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get_account_ledger * @todo Implement testGet_account_ledger(). * @dataProvider dataGet_account_ledger */ public function testGet_account_ledger($p_jrn,$result) { echo "ledger $p_jrn"; $this->assertEquals($this->object->get_account_ledger($p_jrn),$result); printf ("\n"); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::build_sql_account * @todo Implement testBuild_sql_account(). * @dataProvider DataBuild_Sql_account */ public function testBuild_sql_account($p_jrn, $result) { print "\n--------------------\n"; $value=$this->object->build_sql_account($p_jrn); printf(" ledger %s [%s]", $p_jrn, $value); $this->assertEquals(trim($value), $result); } public function DataBuild_Sql_account() { return array( array(0, ""), array(1, "pcm_val::text like '5%'"), array(2, "pcm_val::text like '4%'"), array(3, "pcm_val::text like '6%'"), array(4, "") ); } function dataFind_Card() { return array( array('6191', '22'), array('6192', '23'), array('4400004', '25') ); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::find_card * @todo Implement testFind_card(). * @dataProvider dataFind_Card() */ public function testFind_card($p_value, $p_card) { $this->object->id=$p_value; $result=$this->object->find_card(); $this->assertEquals($p_card, $result[0]['f_id']); } /** * @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::test_me * @todo Implement testTest_me(). */ public function testTest_me() { $this->assertEquals($this->object->test_me(),0); } }