addTable('jrn', dirname(__FILE__)."/jrn.csv"); return $dataSet; } /** * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection. * This method is called before a test is executed. */ protected function setUp() { include 'global.php'; $this->object=new Acc_Ledger($g_connection,0); } /** * Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection. * This method is called after a test is executed. */ protected function tearDown() { } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_last_pj * @todo Implement testGet_last_pj(). */ public function testGet_last_pj() { $this->object->id=1; $array=$this->object->get_last(2); $this->assertEquals(2,count($array)); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_type * @todo Implement testGet_type(). */ public function testGet_type() { $this->object->id=0; $type=$this->object->get_type(); $this->assertEquals('GL',$type); $this->object->id=1; $type=$this->object->get_type(); $this->assertEquals('FIN',$type); $this->object->id=2; $type=$this->object->get_type(); $this->assertEquals('VEN',$type); $this->object->id=3; $type=$this->object->get_type(); $this->assertEquals('ACH',$type); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::delete * @todo Implement testDelete(). */ public function testDelete() { $this->object->delete(); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::display_warning * @todo Implement testDisplay_warning(). */ public function testDisplay_warning() { $this->object->display_warning("Alert", "warning"); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::reverse * @todo Implement testReverse(). */ public function testReverse() { $this->object->reverse('01.01.2014'); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_name * @todo Implement testGet_name(). */ public function testGet_name() { $this->object->id=3; $name=$this->object->get_name(); $this->assertEquals('Achat',$name); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_row * @todo Implement testGet_row(). */ public function testGet_row() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_rowSimple * @todo Implement testGet_rowSimple(). */ public function testGet_rowSimple() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::guess_pj * @todo Implement testGuess_pj(). */ public function testGuess_pj() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::list_operation_to_reconcile * @todo Implement testList_operation_to_reconcile(). */ public function testList_operation_to_reconcile() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::list_operation * @todo Implement testList_operation(). */ public function testList_operation() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_detail * @todo Implement testGet_detail(). */ public function testGet_detail() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_propertie * @todo Implement testGet_propertie(). */ public function testGet_propertie() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::GetDefLine * @todo Implement testGetDefLine(). */ public function testGetDefLine() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_solde * @todo Implement testGet_solde(). */ public function testGet_solde() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::select_ledger * @todo Implement testSelect_ledger(). */ public function testSelect_ledger() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_fiche_def * @todo Implement testGet_fiche_def(). */ public function testGet_fiche_def() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_class_def * @todo Implement testGet_class_def(). */ public function testGet_class_def() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::confirm * @todo Implement testConfirm(). */ public function testConfirm() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_min_row * @todo Implement testGet_min_row(). */ public function testGet_min_row() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::input * @todo Implement testInput(). */ public function testInput() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::is_closed * @todo Implement testIs_closed(). */ public function testIs_closed() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::verify * @todo Implement testVerify(). */ public function testVerify() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::compute_internal_code * @todo Implement testCompute_internal_code(). */ public function testCompute_internal_code() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::save * @todo Implement testSave(). */ public function testSave() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_request * @todo Implement testGet_request(). */ public function testGet_request() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::next_number * @todo Implement testNext_number(). */ public function testNext_number() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_first * @todo Implement testGet_first(). */ public function testGet_first() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::update_paid * @todo Implement testUpdate_paid(). */ public function testUpdate_paid() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::update_internal_code * @todo Implement testUpdate_internal_code(). */ public function testUpdate_internal_code() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_default_card * @todo Implement testGet_default_card(). */ public function testGet_default_card() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_all_fiche_def * @todo Implement testGet_all_fiche_def(). */ public function testGet_all_fiche_def() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_saldo_exercice * @todo Implement testGet_saldo_exercice(). */ public function testGet_saldo_exercice() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::check_strict * @todo Implement testCheck_strict(). */ public function testCheck_strict() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::check_periode * @todo Implement testCheck_periode(). */ public function testCheck_periode() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_last_date * @todo Implement testGet_last_date(). */ public function testGet_last_date() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_id * @todo Implement testGet_id(). */ public function testGet_id() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::create_document * @todo Implement testCreate_document(). */ public function testCreate_document() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::check_payment * @todo Implement testCheck_payment(). */ public function testCheck_payment() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::inc_seq_pj * @todo Implement testInc_seq_pj(). */ public function testInc_seq_pj() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::search_form * @todo Implement testSearch_form(). */ public function testSearch_form() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::build_search_sql * @todo Implement testBuild_search_sql(). */ public function testBuild_search_sql() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::display_search_form * @todo Implement testDisplay_search_form(). */ public function testDisplay_search_form() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_last * @todo Implement testGet_last(). */ public function testGet_last() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::search_group * @todo Implement testSearch_group(). */ public function testSearch_group() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_operation * @todo Implement testGet_operation(). */ public function testGet_operation() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::existing_vat * @todo Implement testExisting_vat(). */ public function testExisting_vat() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_other_amount * @todo Implement testGet_other_amount(). */ public function testGet_other_amount() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::vat_operation * @todo Implement testVat_operation(). */ public function testVat_operation() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::previous_amount * @todo Implement testPrevious_amount(). */ public function testPrevious_amount() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::test_me * @todo Implement testTest_me(). */ public function testTest_me() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::array_cat * @todo Implement testArray_cat(). */ public function testArray_cat() { $array=Acc_Ledger::array_cat(); $this->assertEquals(4,count($array)); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_tiers * @todo Implement testGet_tiers(). */ public function testGet_tiers() { $this->object->get_tiers($p_jrn_type, $jr_id); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::listing * @todo Implement testListing(). */ public function testListing() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::display_ledger * @todo Implement testDisplay_ledger(). */ public function testDisplay_ledger() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::verify_ledger * @todo Implement testVerify_ledger(). */ public function testVerify_ledger() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::update * @todo Implement testUpdate(). */ public function testUpdate() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::input_paid * @todo Implement testInput_paid(). */ public function testInput_paid() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::input_new * @todo Implement testInput_new(). */ public function testInput_new() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::save_new * @todo Implement testSave_new(). */ public function testSave_new() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::delete_ledger * @todo Implement testDelete_ledger(). */ public function testDelete_ledger() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_operation_date * @todo Implement testGet_operation_date(). */ public function testGet_operation_date() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_supplier_now * @todo Implement testGet_supplier_now(). */ public function testGet_supplier_now() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_supplier_late * @todo Implement testGet_supplier_late(). */ public function testGet_supplier_late() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_customer_now * @todo Implement testGet_customer_now(). */ public function testGet_customer_now() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_customer_late * @todo Implement testGet_customer_late(). */ public function testGet_customer_late() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } /** * @covers Acc_Ledger::convert_from_follow * @todo Implement testConvert_from_follow(). */ public function testConvert_from_follow() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test has not been implemented yet.' ); } }