db=$p_db; $this->id=$p_id; $this->ga_id=null; } /*! \brief retrieve data from the database and * fill the object * \param $p_where the where clause */ private function fetch_from_db($p_where) { $sql="select po_id, po_name , pa_id, po_amount, po_description, ga_id from poste_analytique where ". $p_where; $ret=$this->db->exec_sql($sql); if ( Database::num_row($ret) == 0 )return null; $line=Database::fetch_array($ret); $this->id=$line['po_id']; $this->name=$line['po_name']; $this->pa_id=$line['pa_id']; $this->amount=$line['po_amount']; $this->description=$line['po_description']; $this->ga_id=$line['ga_id']; } function get_by_id() { $this->fetch_from_db("po_id=".$this->id); } /*! * \brief retrieve data thanks the name * \param $p_name name of the analytic account * */ function get_by_name($p_name) { $p_name=sql_string($p_name); if ( $p_name == null ) $p_name=$this->name; $this->fetch_from_db("po_name='".$p_name."'"); echo "id = ".$this->id; } function add() { $this->format_data(); if ( strlen($this->name) == 0) return; if ( $this->ga_id == null || strlen(trim($this->ga_id)) == 0 ) $ga_id=NULL; else $ga_id=$this->ga_id; $sql="insert into poste_analytique ( po_name , pa_id, po_amount, po_description, ga_id ) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)"; try { $this->db->exec_sql($sql,array($this->name,$this->pa_id,$this->amount,$this->description,$ga_id)); } catch (Exception $e) { if ( DEBUG ) print_r($e); echo "

Doublon : l'enregistrement n'est pas sauve

"; } } static function make_array_name($cn,$pa_id) { $a=$cn->make_array("select po_name,po_name from poste_analytique ". " where ". " pa_id = $1 order by po_name ",0,array($pa_id)); return $a; } function update() { $this->format_data(); if ( strlen($this->name) == 0) return; $sql="update poste_analytique ". " set po_name=$1". " ,pa_id=$2". " ,po_amount=$3". " ,po_description=$4". " ,ga_id=$5". " where po_id=$6"; try { $this->db->exec_sql($sql,array($this->name,$this->pa_id,$this->amount, $this->description,$this->ga_id,$this->id)); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "

Doublon : l'enregistrement n'est pas sauve

"; } } private function format_data() { $this->name=$this->name; $this->pa_id=$this->pa_id; $this->amount=$this->amount; if (strlen($this->amount) == 0 ) $this->amount=0.0; if ( isNumber($this->amount) ==0 ) $this->amount=0; $this->description=$this->description; } function delete() { $sql="delete from poste_analytique where po_id=".$this->id; $this->db->exec_sql($sql); } /*! * \brief return an array of object Poste_Analytique * */ function get_list() { $sql="select po_id, po_name , pa_id, po_amount, po_description, ga_id from poste_analytique ". " order by po_name"; $ex=$this->db->exec_sql($sql); $ret=Database::fetch_all($ex); if ( $ret == null ) return null; $array=array(); foreach ($ret as $line) { $object=new Anc_Account($this->db); $object->id=$line['po_id']; $object->name=$line['po_name']; $object->pa_id=$line['pa_id']; $object->amount=$line['po_amount']; $object->description=$line['po_description']; $object->ga_id=$line['ga_id']; $array[]=clone $object; } return $array; } function display_list() { $array=$this->get_list(); if ( empty($array) ) { echo "Vide"; return; } foreach ($array as $line) { echo $line->id." / ".$line->name." / ".$line->description."/". $line->amount." / ".$line->pa_id."/".$line->ga_id."
"; } } function debug() { echo "id ".$this->id."
"; echo "name ".$this->name."
"; echo "pa_id ".$this->pa_id."
"; echo "amount ".$this->amount."
"; echo "description ".$this->description."
"; echo "ga_id ".$this->ga_id."
"; } function form() { $r=''; $wName=new IText("po_name",$this->name); $wAmount=new INum("po_amount",$this->amount); $wDescription=new IText("po_description",$this->description); $aGroup_analytic=$this->db->make_array("select ga_id,ga_id from groupe_analytique where pa_id=".$this->pa_id,1); if ( count($aGroup_analytic) > 1 ) { $wGa_id=new ISelect("ga_id"); $wGa_id->value=$aGroup_analytic; $wGa_id->selected=$this->ga_id; $wGa_id->table=1; } else { $wGa_id=new ISpan(); } $pa=new Anc_Plan($this->db,$this->pa_id); $pa->get(); $wPaName=new IText("",$pa->name); $wPaName->table=1; $wPaName->readOnly=true; $wName->table=1; $wAmount->table=1; $wDescription->table=1; $r.=HtmlInput::hidden("pa_id",$this->pa_id); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden("po_id",$this->id); $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=td(_('Nom')); $r.=$wName->input(); $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=td(_('Montant')); $r.=$wAmount->input(); $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=td(_('Description')); $r.=$wDescription->input(); $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=td(_('Plan Analytique')); $r.=$wPaName->input(); $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=td(_('Groupe')); $r.=$wGa_id->input(); $r.=""; $r.="
"; return $r; } function get_from_array($p_array) { $this->name=(isset ($p_array['po_name']))?$p_array['po_name']:""; $this->description=(isset ($p_array['po_description']))?$p_array['po_description']:""; $this->pa_id=(isset ($p_array['pa_id']))?$p_array['pa_id']:""; $this->amount=(isset ($p_array['po_amount']))?$p_array['po_amount']:0; $this->id=(isset ($p_array['po_id']))?$p_array['po_id']:-1; // $this->ga_id=(isset($p_array['ga_id']) && $p_array['ga_id'] == "-1" )?null:2; $this->ga_id=(isset($p_array['ga_id']) && $p_array['ga_id'] != "-1" )?$p_array['ga_id']:null; } static function test_me() { $cn=new Database(dossier::id()); $pa_id=$cn->get_value("select max(pa_id) from plan_analytique"); $o=new Anc_Account($cn); echo "


"; echo "


"; $ee=$o->get_list(); print_r($ee); //var_dump($ee); echo "

Add some

"; $o->pa_id=$pa_id; $o->name="test1"; $o->add(); $o->name="test2"; $o->add(); $o->name="test3"; $o->add(); $o->name="test4"; $o->add(); $o->name="test5"; $o->add(); echo "

remove test1

"; $o->get_by_name("test1"); $o->delete(); $o->display_list(); $o->get_by_name("test4"); echo "
"; $o->name="Test Four"; $o->update(); $o->display_list(); $o->delete(); $o->display_list(); } } ?>