cn=$p_cn; $this->id=$p_id; $this->quick_code=''; } /** *@brief used with a usort function, to sort an array of Fiche on the name */ static function cmp_name(Fiche $o1,Fiche $o2) { return strcmp($o1->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME),$o2->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME)); } /** *@brief get the available bank_account filtered by the security *@return array of card */ function get_bk_account() { global $g_user; $sql_ledger=$g_user->get_ledger_sql('FIN',3); $avail=$this->cn->get_array("select jrn_def_id,jrn_def_name," . "jrn_def_bank,jrn_def_description from jrn_def where jrn_def_type='FIN' and $sql_ledger order by jrn_def_name"); if ( count($avail) == 0 ) return null; for ($i=0;$icn,$avail[$i]['jrn_def_bank']); $t->ledger_name=$avail[$i]['jrn_def_name']; $t->ledger_description=$avail[$i]['jrn_def_description']; $t->getAttribut(); $all[$i]=$t; } return $all; } /*! get_by_qcode($p_qcode) * \brief Retrieve a card thx his quick_code * complete the object,, set the id member of the object or set it * to 0 if no card is found * \param $p_qcode quick_code (ad_id=23) * \param $p_all retrieve all the attribut of the card, possible value * are true or false. false retrieves only the f_id. By default true * \return 0 success 1 error not found */ function get_by_qcode($p_qcode=null,$p_all=true) { if ( $p_qcode == null ) $p_qcode=$this->quick_code; $p_qcode=trim($p_qcode); $sql="select f_id from fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and ad_value=upper($1)"; $this->id=$this->cn->get_value($sql,array($p_qcode)); if ( $this->cn->count()==0) { $this->id=0; return 1; } if ( $p_all ) $this->getAttribut(); return 0; } /** *@brief set an attribute by a value, if the attribut array is empty * a call to getAttribut is performed *@param the AD_ID *@param the value *@see constant.php table: attr_def */ function setAttribut($p_ad_id,$p_value) { if ( sizeof($this->attribut)==0 ) $this->getAttribut(); for ($e=0;$e attribut);$e++) { if ( $this->attribut[$e]->ad_id == $p_ad_id ) { $this->attribut[$e]->av_text=$p_value; break; } } } /** *\brief get all the attribute of a card, add missing ones * and sort the array ($this-\>attribut) by ad_id */ function getAttribut() { if ( $this->id == 0) { return; } $sql="select * from fiche natural join fiche_detail join jnt_fic_attr on (jnt_fic_attr.fd_id=fiche.fd_id and fiche_detail.ad_id=jnt_fic_attr.ad_id) join attr_def on (attr_def.ad_id=fiche_detail.ad_id) where f_id=".$this->id. " order by jnt_order"; $Ret=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); if ( ($Max=Database::num_row($Ret)) == 0 ) return ; for ($i=0;$i<$Max;$i++) { $row=Database::fetch_array($Ret,$i); $this->fiche_def=$row['fd_id']; $t=new Fiche_Attr ($this->cn); $t->ad_id=$row['ad_id']; $t->ad_text=$row['ad_text']; $t->av_text=$row['ad_value']; $t->ad_type=$row['ad_type']; $t->ad_size=$row['ad_size']; $t->ad_extra=$row['ad_extra']; $t->jnt_order=$row['jnt_order']; $this->attribut[$i]=$t; } $e=new Fiche_Def($this->cn,$this->fiche_def); $e->GetAttribut(); if ( sizeof($this->attribut) != sizeof($e->attribut ) ) { /* * !! Missing attribute */ foreach ($e->attribut as $f ) { $flag=0; foreach ($this->attribut as $g ) { if ( $g->ad_id == $f->ad_id ) $flag=1; } if ( $flag == 0 ) { // there's a missing one, we insert it $t=new Fiche_Attr ($f->ad_id); $t->av_text=""; $t->ad_text=$f->ad_text; $t->jnt_order=$f->jnt_order; $t->ad_type=$f->ad_type; $t->ad_size=$f->ad_size; $t->ad_id=$f->ad_id; $t->ad_extra=$f->ad_extra; $this->attribut[$Max]=$t; $Max++; } // if flag == 0 }// foreach }//missing attribut } /** * @brief find the card with the p_attribut equal to p_value, it is not case sensitive * @param $p_attribut attribute to find see table attr_def * @param $p_value value in attr_value.av_text * @return return ARRAY OF jft_id,f_id,fd_id,ad_id,av_text */ function seek($p_attribut,$p_value) { $sql="select jft_id,f_id,fd_id,ad_id,ad_value from fiche join fiche_detail using (f_id) where ad_id=$1 and upper(ad_value)=upper($2)"; $res=$this->cn->get_array($sql,array($p_attribut,$p_value)); return $res; } /*! * \brief give the size of a card object * * \return size */ function size() { if ( isset ($this->ad_id)) return sizeof($this->ad_id); else return 0; } /*! ************************************************** * \brief Return array of card from the frd family * * \param $p_frd_id the fiche_def_ref.frd_id * \param $p_search p_search is a filter on the name * \param $p_sql extra sql condition * * \return array of fiche object */ function count_by_modele($p_frd_id,$p_search="",$p_sql="") { $sql="select * from fiche join fiche_Def using (fd_id) where frd_id=".$p_frd_id; if ( $p_search != "" ) { $a=sql_string($p_search); $sql="select * from vw_fiche_attr where frd_id=".$p_frd_id. " and vw_name ~* '$p_search'"; } $Ret=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql.$p_sql); return Database::num_row($Ret) ; } /*! ************************************************** * \brief Return array of card from the frd family * * * \param $p_frd_id the fiche_def_ref.frd_id * \param $p_offset * \param $p_search is an optional filter *\param $p_order : possible values are name, f_id * \return array of fiche object */ function GetByDef($p_frd_id,$p_offset=-1,$p_search="",$p_order='') { switch($p_order) { case 'name' : $order=' order by name'; break; case 'f_id': $order='order by f_id'; break; default: $order=''; } if ( $p_offset == -1 ) { $sql="select * from fiche join fiche_Def using (fd_id) join vw_fiche_name using(f_id) where frd_id=".$p_frd_id." $p_search ".$order; } else { $limit=($_SESSION['g_pagesize']!=-1)?"limit ".$_SESSION['g_pagesize']:""; $sql="select * from fiche join fiche_Def using (fd_id) join vw_fiche_name using(f_id) where frd_id=".$p_frd_id." $p_search $order " .$limit." offset ".$p_offset; } $Ret=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); if ( ($Max=Database::num_row($Ret)) == 0 ) return ; $all[0]=new Fiche($this->cn); for ($i=0;$i<$Max;$i++) { $row=Database::fetch_array($Ret,$i); $t=new Fiche($this->cn,$row['f_id']); $t->getAttribut(); $all[$i]=clone $t; } return $all; } function ShowTable() { echo " ". $this->id."". " ". $this->attribut_value."". " ". $this->attribut_def.""; } /*** * @brief return the string of the given attribute * (attr_def.ad_id) * @param $p_ad_id the AD_ID from attr_def.ad_id * @param $p_return 1 return NOTFOUND otherwise an empty string * @see constant.php * @return string */ function strAttribut($p_ad_id,$p_return=1) { $return=($p_return==1)?NOTFOUND:""; if ( sizeof ($this->attribut) == 0 ) { if ($this->id==0) { return $return; } // object is not in memory we need to look into the database $sql="select ad_value from fiche_detail where f_id= $1 and ad_id= $2 "; $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array($this->id,$p_ad_id)); $row=Database::fetch_all($Res); // if not found return error if ( $row == false ) return $return; return $row[0]['ad_value']; } foreach ($this->attribut as $e) { if ( $e->ad_id == $p_ad_id ) return $e->av_text; } return $return; } /** * @brief make an array of attributes of the category of card (FICHE_DEF.FD_ID) *The array can be used with the function insert, it will return a struct like this : * in the first key (av_textX), X is the ATTR_DEF::AD_ID \verbatim Example Array ( [av_text1] => Nom [av_text12] => Personne de contact [av_text5] => Poste Comptable [av_text13] => numéro de tva [av_text14] => Adresse [av_text15] => code postal [av_text24] => Ville [av_text16] => pays [av_text17] => téléphone [av_text18] => email [av_text23] => Quick Code ) \endverbatim *\param $pfd_id FICHE_DEF::FD_ID *\return an array of attribute *\exception Exception if the cat of card doesn't exist, Exception.getCode()=1 *\see fiche::insert() */ function to_array($pfd_id) { $sql="select 'av_text'||to_char(ad_id,'9999') as key,". " ad_text ". " from fiche_def join jnt_fic_attr using (fd_id)". " join attr_def using (ad_id) ". " where fd_id=$1 order by jnt_order"; $ret=$this->cn->get_array($sql,array($pfd_id)); if ( empty($ret)) throw new Exception(_('Cette categorie de card n\'existe pas').' '.$pfd_id,1); $array=array(); foreach($ret as $idx=>$val) { $a=str_replace(' ','',$val['key']); $array[$a]=$val['ad_text']; } return $array; } /*! * \brief insert a new record * show a blank card to be filled * * \param $p_fiche_def is the fiche_def.fd_id * * \return HTML Code */ function blank($p_fiche_def) { // array = array of attribute object sorted on ad_id $f=new Fiche_Def($this->cn,$p_fiche_def); $f->get(); $array=$f->getAttribut(); $r=h2(_('Catégorie').' '.$f->label,""); $r.=''; foreach ($array as $attr) { $table=0; $msg="";$bulle=''; if ( $attr->ad_id == ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT) { $w=new IPoste("av_text".$attr->ad_id); $w->set_attribute('ipopup','ipop_account'); $w->set_attribute('account',"av_text".$attr->ad_id); $w->dbl_click_history(); // account created automatically $sql="select account_auto($p_fiche_def)"; $ret_sql=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); $a=Database::fetch_array($ret_sql,0); $label=new ISpan(); $label->name="av_text".$attr->ad_id."_label"; if ( $a['account_auto'] == 't' ) $msg.=$label->input()." ". _("Rappel: Poste créé automatiquement à partir de ") .$f->class_base." "; else { // if there is a class base in fiche_def_ref, this account will be the // the default one if ( strlen(trim($f->class_base)) != 0 ) { $msg.="".td(_("Poste Comptable"),' class="input_text" ' ).td($w->input().$msg).""; continue; } elseif ( $attr->ad_id == ATTR_DEF_TVA) { $w=new ITva_Popup('popup_tva'); $w->table=1; } else { switch ($attr->ad_type) { case 'text': $w = new IText(); $w->css_size = "100%"; break; case 'numeric': $w = new INum(); $w->prec=($attr->ad_extra=="")?2:$attr->ad_extra; $w->size = $attr->ad_size; break; case 'date': $w = new IDate(); break; case 'zone': $w = new ITextArea(); $w->style=' class="itextarea" style="margin:0px;width:100%"'; break; case 'poste': $w = new IPoste("av_text" . $attr->ad_id); $w->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipop_account'); $w->set_attribute('account', "av_text" . $attr->ad_id); $w->table = 1; $bulle = HtmlInput::infobulle(14); break; case 'select': $w = new ISelect("av_text" . $attr->ad_id); $w->value = $this->cn->make_array($attr->ad_extra); $w->style= 'style="width:100%"'; break; case 'card': $w = new ICard("av_text" . $attr->ad_id); // filter on frd_id $w->extra = $attr->ad_extra; $w->extra2 = 0; $label = new ISpan(); $label->name = "av_text" . $attr->ad_id . "_label"; $w->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipopcard'); $w->set_attribute('typecard', $attr->ad_extra); $w->set_attribute('inp', "av_text" . $attr->ad_id); $w->set_attribute('label', "av_text" . $attr->ad_id . "_label"); $msg = $w->search(); $msg.=$label->input(); break; } $w->table = 0; } $w->table = $table; $w->label = $attr->ad_text; $w->name = "av_text" . $attr->ad_id; if ($attr->ad_id == 21 || $attr->ad_id==22||$attr->ad_id==20||$attr->ad_id==31) { $bulle=HtmlInput::infobulle(21); } $r.="" . td(_($w->label)." $bulle", ' class="input_text" ') . td($w->input()." $msg")." "; } $r.= '
".$label->input()." "._("Rappel: Poste par défaut sera "). $f->class_base. " ! "; $w->value=$f->class_base; } } $r.="
'; return $r; } /*! * \brief Display object instance, getAttribute * sort the attribute and add missing ones * \param $p_readonly true= if can not modify, otherwise false * * * \return string to display or FNT string for fiche non trouvé */ function Display($p_readonly) { $this->GetAttribut(); $attr=$this->attribut; /* show card type here */ $type_card=$this->cn->get_value('select fd_label ' . ' from fiche_def join fiche using (fd_id) where f_id=$1', array($this->id)); $ret=""; $ret.=h2(_("Catégorie")." ".$type_card, 'style="display:inline"'); $ret.=''. _('id fiche').':'.$this->id.""; $ret.=""; if (empty($attr)) { return 'FNT'; } /* for each attribute */ foreach ($attr as $r) { $msg=""; $bulle=""; if ($p_readonly) { $w=new IText(); $w->table=1; $w->readOnly=true; $w->css_size="100%"; } if ($p_readonly==false) { if ($r->ad_id==ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT) { $w=new IPoste("av_text".$r->ad_id); $w->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipop_account'); $w->set_attribute('account', "av_text".$r->ad_id); $w->dbl_click_history(); // account created automatically $w->table=0; $w->value=$r->av_text; // account created automatically $sql="select account_auto($this->fiche_def)"; $ret_sql=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); $a=Database::fetch_array($ret_sql, 0); $bulle=HtmlInput::infobulle(10); if ($a['account_auto']=='t') $bulle.=HtmlInput::warnbulle(11); } elseif ($r->ad_id==ATTR_DEF_TVA) { $w=new ITva_Popup('popup_tva'); $w->table=1; $w->value=$r->av_text; } else { switch ($r->ad_type) { case 'text': $w=new IText('av_text'.$r->ad_id); $w->css_size="100%"; $w->value=$r->av_text; break; case 'numeric': $w=new INum('av_text'.$r->ad_id); $w->size=$r->ad_size; $w->prec=($r->ad_extra=="")?2:$r->ad_extra; $w->value=$r->av_text; break; case 'date': $w=new IDate('av_text'.$r->ad_id); $w->value=$r->av_text; break; case 'zone': $w=new ITextArea('av_text'.$r->ad_id); $w->style=' class="itextarea" style="margin:0px;width:100%"'; $w->value=$r->av_text; break; case 'poste': $w=new IPoste("av_text".$r->ad_id); $w->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipop_account'); $w->set_attribute('account', "av_text".$r->ad_id); $w->dbl_click_history(); $w->width=$r->ad_size; $w->table=0; $bulle=HtmlInput::infobulle(14); $w->value=$r->av_text; break; case 'card': $uniq=rand(0, 1000); $w=new ICard("av_text".$r->ad_id); $w->id="card_".$this->id.$uniq; // filter on ad_extra $filter=$r->ad_extra; $w->width=$r->ad_size; $w->extra=$filter; $w->extra2=0; $label=new ISpan(); $label->name="av_text".$uniq.$r->ad_id."_label"; $fiche=new Fiche($this->cn); $fiche->get_by_qcode($r->av_text); if ($fiche->id==0) { $label->value=(trim($r->av_text)=='')?"":" "._("Fiche non trouvée")." "; $r->av_text=""; } else { $label->value=$fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME). " ". $fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_FIRST_NAME,0); } $w->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipopcard'); $w->set_attribute('typecard', $filter); $w->set_attribute('inp', "av_text".$r->ad_id); $w->set_attribute('label', $label->name); $w->autocomplete=0; $w->dblclick="fill_ipopcard(this);"; $msg=$w->search(); $msg.=$label->input(); $w->value=$r->av_text; break; case 'select': $w=new ISelect(); $w->value=$this->cn->make_array($r->ad_extra); $w->selected=$r->av_text; $w->style=' style="width:100%" '; break; default: var_dump($r); throw new Exception("Type invalide"); } $w->table=0; } } else { switch ($r->ad_type) { case 'select': $x=new ISelect(); $x->value=$this->cn->make_array($r->ad_extra); $x->selected=$r->av_text; $value=$x->display(); $w->value=$value; break; default: $w->value=$r->av_text; } } $w->name="av_text".$r->ad_id; $w->readOnly=$p_readonly; if ($r->ad_id==21||$r->ad_id==22||$r->ad_id==20||$r->ad_id==31) { $bulle=HtmlInput::infobulle(21); } $ret.="".td(_($r->ad_text).$bulle).td($w->input()." ".$msg)." "; } $ret.="
"; return $ret; } /*! * \brief Save a card, call insert or update * * \param p_fiche_def (default 0) */ function Save($p_fiche_def=0) { // new card or only a update ? if ( $this->id == 0 ) $this->insert($p_fiche_def); else $this->update(); } /*! * \brief insert a new record * * \param $p_fiche_def fiche_def.fd_id * \param $p_array is the array containing the data *\param $transation if we want to manage the transaction in this function * true for small insert and false for a larger loading, the BEGIN / COMMIT sql * must be done into the caller av_textX where X is the ad_id *\verb example av_text1=>'name' \endverb */ function insert($p_fiche_def,$p_array=null,$transaction=true) { if ($p_array==null) $p_array=$_POST; $fiche_id=$this->cn->get_next_seq('s_fiche'); $this->id=$fiche_id; // first we create the card if ($transaction) $this->cn->start(); /* * Sort the array for having the name AFTER the quickcode and the * Accounting */ ksort($p_array); try { $sql=sprintf("insert into fiche(f_id,fd_id)". " values (%d,%d)", $fiche_id, $p_fiche_def); $Ret=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); // parse the $p_array array foreach ($p_array as $name=> $value) { /* avoid the button for searching an accounting item */ if (preg_match('/^av_text[0-9]+$/', $name)==0) continue; list ($id)=sscanf($name, "av_text%d"); if ($id==null) continue; // Special traitement // quickcode if ($id==ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE) { $sql=sprintf("select insert_quick_code(%d,'%s')", $fiche_id, sql_string($value)); $this->cn->exec_sql($sql); continue; } // name if ($id==ATTR_DEF_NAME) { if (strlen(trim($value))==0) $value="pas de nom"; } // account if ($id==ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT) { $v=mb_substr(sql_string($value), 0, 40); try { if (strlen(trim($v))!=0) { if (strpos($value, ',')==0) { $v=$this->cn->get_value("select format_account($1)", array($value)); } else { $ac_array=explode(",", $value); if (count($ac_array)<>2) throw new Exception('Désolé, il y a trop de virgule dans le poste comptable '.h($value)); $part1=$ac_array[0]; $part2=$ac_array[1]; $part1=$this->cn->get_value('select format_account($1)', array($part1)); $part2=$this->cn->get_value('select format_account($1)', array($part2)); $v=$part1.','.$part2; } $parameter=array($this->id, $v); } else { $parameter=array($this->id, null); } $v=$this->cn->get_value("select account_insert($1,$2)", $parameter); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception("Erreur : ce compte [$v] n'a pas de compte parent.". "L'opération est annulée", 1); } continue; } // TVA if ($id==ATTR_DEF_TVA) { // Verify if the rate exists, if not then do not update if (strlen(trim($value))!=0) { if (isNumber($value)==0) continue; if ($this->cn->count_sql("select * from tva_rate where tva_id=".$value)==0) { continue; } } } // Normal traitement $value2=sql_string($value); $sql=sprintf("select attribut_insert(%d,%d,'%s')", $fiche_id, $id, strip_tags(trim($value2))); $this->cn->exec_sql($sql); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->cn->rollback(); throw ($e); return; } if ($transaction) $this->cn->commit(); return; } /*!\brief update a card */ function update($p_array=null) { global $g_user; if ($p_array==null) $p_array=$_POST; try { $this->cn->start(); // parse the $p_array array foreach ($p_array as $name=> $value) { if (preg_match('/^av_text[0-9]+$/', $name)==0) continue; list ($id)=sscanf($name, "av_text%d"); if ($id==null) continue; // retrieve jft_id to update table attr_value $sql=" select jft_id from fiche_detail where ad_id=$id and f_id=$this->id"; $Ret=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); if (Database::num_row($Ret)==0) { // we need to insert this new attribut $jft_id=$this->cn->get_next_seq('s_jnt_fic_att_value'); $sql2="insert into fiche_detail(jft_id,ad_id,f_id,ad_value) values ($1,$2,$3,NULL)"; $ret2=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql2, array($jft_id, $id, $this->id)); } else { $tmp=Database::fetch_array($Ret, 0); $jft_id=$tmp['jft_id']; } // Special traitement // quickcode if ($id==ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE) { $sql=sprintf("select update_quick_code(%d,'%s')", $jft_id, sql_string($value)); $this->cn->exec_sql($sql); continue; } // name if ($id==ATTR_DEF_NAME) { if (strlen(trim($value))==0) continue; } // account if ($id==ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT) { $v=sql_string($value); if (trim($v)!='') { if (strpos($v, ',')!=0) { $ac_array=explode(",", $v); if (count($ac_array)<>2) throw new Exception('Désolé, il y a trop de virgule dans le poste comptable '.h($v)); $part1=$ac_array[0]; $part2=$ac_array[1]; $part1=$this->cn->get_value('select format_account($1)', array($part1)); $part2=$this->cn->get_value('select format_account($1)', array($part2)); $v=$part1.','.$part2; } else { $v=$this->cn->get_value('select format_account($1)', array($value)); } $sql=sprintf("select account_update(%d,'%s')", $this->id, $v); try { $this->cn->exec_sql($sql); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception(__LINE__."Erreur : ce compte [$v] n'a pas de compte parent.". "L'opération est annulée"); } continue; } if (strlen(trim($v))==0) { $sql=sprintf("select account_update(%d,null)", $this->id); try { $Ret=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception(__LINE__."Erreur : ce compte [$v] n'a pas de compte parent.". "L'opération est annulée"); } continue; } } // TVA if ($id==ATTR_DEF_TVA) { // Verify if the rate exists, if not then do not update if (strlen(trim($value))!=0) { if ($this->cn->count_sql("select * from tva_rate where tva_id=".$value)==0) { continue; } } } // Normal traitement $sql="update fiche_detail set ad_value=$1 where jft_id=$2"; $this->cn->exec_sql($sql, array(strip_tags($value), $jft_id)); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo ''. $e->getMessage(). ''; $this->cn->rollback(); return; } $this->cn->commit(); return; } /*!\brief remove a card */ function remove($silent=false) { if ( $this->id==0 ) return; // verify if that card has not been used is a ledger // if the card has its own account in PCMN // Get the fiche_def.fd_id from fiche.f_id $this->Get(); $fiche_def=new Fiche_Def($this->cn,$this->fiche_def); $fiche_def->get(); // if the card is used do not removed it $qcode=$this->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE); if ( $this->cn->count_sql("select * from jrnx where j_qcode='".Database::escape_string($qcode)."'") != 0) { if ( ! $silent ) { alert(_('Impossible cette fiche est utilisée dans un journal')); } return 1; } $this->delete(); return 0; } /*!\brief return the name of a card * */ function getName() { $sql="select ad_value from fiche_detail where ad_id=1 and f_id=$1"; $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array($this->id)); $r=Database::fetch_all($Res); if ( sizeof($r) == 0 ) return 1; return $r[0]['ad_value']; } /*!\brief return the quick_code of a card * \return null if not quick_code is found */ function get_quick_code() { $sql="select ad_value from fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and f_id=$1"; $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array($this->id)); $r=Database::fetch_all($Res); if ( sizeof($r) == 0 ) return null; return $r[0]['ad_value']; } /*!\brief Synonum of fiche::getAttribut */ function Get() { $this->getAttribut(); } /*!\brief Synonum of fiche::getAttribut */ function load() { $this->getAttribut(); } /*!\brief get all the card thanks the fiche_def_ref * \param $p_offset (default =-1) * \param $p_search sql condition * \return array of fiche object */ function get_by_category($p_offset=-1,$p_search="",$p_order='') { return fiche::GetByDef($this->fiche_def_ref,$p_offset,$p_search,$p_order); } /*!\brief retrieve the frd_id of the fiche it is the type of the * card (bank, purchase...) * (fiche_def_ref primary key) */ function get_fiche_def_ref_id() { $result=$this->cn->get_array("select frd_id from fiche join fiche_Def using (fd_id) where f_id=".$this->id); if ( $result == null ) return null; return $result[0]['frd_id']; } /** *@brief fetch and return and array *@see get_row get_row_date */ private function get_row_result($res) { $array=array(); $tot_cred=0.0; $tot_deb=0.0; $Max=Database::num_row($res); if ( $Max == 0 ) return null; for ($i=0;$i<$Max;$i++) { $array[]=Database::fetch_array($res,$i); if ($array[$i]['j_debit']=='t') { $tot_deb+=$array[$i]['deb_montant'] ; } else { $tot_cred+=$array[$i]['cred_montant'] ; } } $this->row=$array; return array($array,$tot_deb,$tot_cred); } /*! * \brief Get data for poste * * \param $p_from periode from * \param $p_to end periode *\param $op_let 0 all operation, 1 only lettered one, 2 only unlettered one * \return double array (j_date,deb_montant,cred_montant,description,jrn_name,j_debit,jr_internal) * (tot_deb,tot_credit * */ function get_row_date($p_from,$p_to,$op_let=0) { global $g_user; if ( $this->id == 0 ) { echo_error("class_fiche",__LINE__,"id is 0"); return; } $filter_sql=$g_user->get_ledger_sql('ALL',3); $sql_let=''; switch ($op_let) { case 0: break; case 1: $sql_let=' and j_id in (select j_id from letter_cred union select j_id from letter_deb)'; break; case '2': $sql_let=' and j_id not in (select j_id from letter_cred union select j_id from letter_deb) '; break; } $qcode=$this->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE); $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql("select distinct substring(jr_pj_number,'[0-9]+$'),j_id,j_date,to_char(j_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as j_date_fmt,j_qcode,". "case when j_debit='t' then j_montant else 0 end as deb_montant,". "case when j_debit='f' then j_montant else 0 end as cred_montant,". " jr_comment as description,jrn_def_name as jrn_name,". " jr_pj_number,". "j_debit, jr_internal,jr_id,coalesce(comptaproc.get_letter_jnt(j_id),-1) as letter, ". " jr_tech_per,p_exercice,jrn_def_name, jrn_def_code". " from jrnx left join jrn_def on jrn_def_id=j_jrn_def ". " left join jrn on jr_grpt_id=j_grpt". " left join parm_periode on (p_id=jr_tech_per) ". " where j_qcode=$1 and ". " ( to_date($2,'DD.MM.YYYY') <= j_date and ". " to_date($3,'DD.MM.YYYY') >= j_date )". " and $filter_sql $sql_let ". " order by j_date,substring(jr_pj_number,'[0-9]+$')",array($qcode,$p_from,$p_to)); return $this->get_row_result($Res); } /*! * \brief Get data for poste * * \param $p_from periode from * \param $p_to end periode * \return double array (j_date,deb_montant,cred_montant,description,jrn_name,j_debit,jr_internal) * (tot_deb,tot_credit * */ function get_row($p_from,$p_to) { if ( $this->id == 0 ) { echo_error("class_fiche",__LINE__,"id is 0"); return; } $qcode=$this->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE); $periode=sql_filter_per($this->cn,$p_from,$p_to,'p_id','jr_tech_per'); $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql("select j_date,to_char(j_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') as j_date_fmt,j_qcode,". "case when j_debit='t' then j_montant else 0 end as deb_montant,". "case when j_debit='f' then j_montant else 0 end as cred_montant,". " jr_comment as description,jrn_def_name as jrn_name,". "j_debit, jr_internal,jr_id ". " from jrnx left join jrn_def on jrn_def_id=j_jrn_def ". " left join jrn on jr_grpt_id=j_grpt". " where j_qcode='".$qcode."' and ".$periode. " order by j_date::date"); return $this->get_row_result($Res); } /*! * \brief HtmlTable, display a HTML of a card for the asked period *\param $op_let 0 all operation, 1 only lettered one, 2 only unlettered one * \return none */ function HtmlTableDetail($p_array=null,$op_let=0) { if ( $p_array == null) $p_array=$_REQUEST; $name=$this->getName(); list($array,$tot_deb,$tot_cred)=$this->get_row_date( $p_array['from_periode'], $p_array['to_periode'], $op_let ); if ( count($this->row ) == 0 ) return; $qcode=$this->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE); $rep=""; $already_seen=array(); echo '

'.$this->id." ".$name.'

'; echo ""; echo "". "". "". "". "". "". ""; foreach ( $this->row as $op ) { if ( in_array($op['jr_internal'],$already_seen) ) continue; else $already_seen[]=$op['jr_internal']; echo "". "". "". "". "". "". ""; $ac=new Acc_Operation($this->cn); $ac->jr_id=$op['jr_id']; $ac->qcode=$qcode; echo $ac->display_jrnx_detail(1); } $solde_type=($tot_deb>$tot_cred)?_("solde débiteur"):_("solde créditeur"); $diff=round(abs($tot_deb-$tot_cred),2); echo "". "". "". "". "". ""; echo "
"._("n° de pièce / Code interne")." "._("Date").""._("Description")." "._('Montant')." "._('Débit/Crédit')."
".$op['jr_pj_number']." / ".$op['jr_internal']."".$op['j_date']."".h($op['description'])."".""."
$solde_type". "$diff$tot_deb$tot_cred
"; return; } /*! * \brief HtmlTable, display a HTML of a card for the asked period * \param $p_array default = null keys = from_periode, to_periode *\param $op_let 0 all operation, 1 only lettered one, 2 only unlettered one *\return -1 if nothing is found otherwise 0 *\see get_row_date */ function HtmlTable($p_array=null,$op_let=0,$from_div=1) { if ( $p_array == null) $p_array=$_REQUEST; $progress=0; // if from_periode is greater than to periode then swap the values if (cmpDate($p_array['from_periode'],$p_array['to_periode']) > 0) { $tmp=$p_array['from_periode']; $p_array['from_periode']=$p_array['to_periode']; $p_array['to_periode']=$tmp; } list($array, $tot_deb, $tot_cred) = $this->get_row_date($p_array['from_periode'], $p_array['to_periode'], $op_let); if ( count($this->row ) == 0 ) return -1; $rep=""; if ( $from_div==1) { echo ""; } else { echo "
"; } echo ''; echo "". "". "". "". "". "". "". th('Prog.','style="text-align:right"'). th('Let.','style="text-align:right"'); "" ; $old_exercice="";$sum_deb=0;$sum_cred=0; bcscale(2); $idx=0; foreach ( $this->row as $op ) { $vw_operation = sprintf('%s', $op['jr_id'], dossier::id(), $op['jr_internal']); $let = ''; $html_let = ""; if ($op['letter'] != -1) { $let = strtoupper(base_convert($op['letter'], 10, 36)); $html_let = HtmlInput::show_reconcile($from_div, $let); } $tmp_diff=bcsub($op['deb_montant'],$op['cred_montant']); /* * reset prog. balance to zero if we change of exercice */ if ( $old_exercice != $op['p_exercice']) { if ($old_exercice != '' ) { $progress=bcsub($sum_deb,$sum_cred); $side=" ".$this->get_amount_side($progress); echo "". "". td(''). "". "". "". "". td(nbm(abs($progress)).$side,'style="text-align:right"'). td(''). ""; $sum_cred=0; $sum_deb=0; $progress=0; } } $progress=bcadd($progress,$tmp_diff); $side=" ".$this->get_amount_side($progress); $sum_cred=bcadd($sum_cred,$op['cred_montant']); $sum_deb=bcadd($sum_deb,$op['deb_montant']); if ($idx%2 == 0) $class='class="odd"'; else $class=' class="even"'; $idx++; echo "" . "". td(h($op['jr_pj_number'])). "". "". "". "". td(nbm(abs($progress)).$side,'style="text-align:right"'). td($html_let, ' style="text-align:right"') . ""; $old_exercice=$op['p_exercice']; } $solde_type=($sum_deb>$sum_cred)?"solde débiteur":"solde créditeur"; $diff=abs(bcsub($sum_deb,$sum_cred)); echo ''; echo "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". ""; echo "". "". "". "". ""; echo ''; echo ''; echo "
"._('Date').""._('n° pièce')." "._('Code interne')." "._('Description')." "._('Débit')." "._('Crédit')."
"; return 0; } /*! * \brief Display HTML Table Header (button) * * \return none */ function HtmlTableHeader($p_array=null) { if ( $p_array == null) $p_array=$_REQUEST; $hid=new IHidden(); echo '
'; echo ""; echo ''; echo '"; $str_ople=(isset($_REQUEST['ople']))?HtmlInput::hidden('ople',$_REQUEST['ople']):''; echo '"; echo '"; echo ""; echo ''; echo "
'. HtmlInput::submit('bt_other',"Autre poste"). HtmlInput::array_to_hidden(array('gDossier','ac'), $_REQUEST). dossier::hidden(). $hid->input("type","poste").$hid->input('p_action','impress')."
'. HtmlInput::submit('bt_pdf',_("Export PDF")). dossier::hidden().$str_ople. HtmlInput::hidden('act','PDF:fichedetail'). $hid->input("type","poste"). $hid->input('p_action','impress'). $hid->input("f_id",$this->id). dossier::hidden(). $hid->input("from_periode",$p_array['from_periode']). $hid->input("to_periode",$p_array['to_periode']); if (isset($p_array['oper_detail'])) echo $hid->input('oper_detail','on'); echo "
'. HtmlInput::submit('bt_csv',_("Export CSV")). HtmlInput::hidden('act','CSV:fichedetail'). dossier::hidden().$str_ople. $hid->input("type","poste"). $hid->input('p_action','impress'). $hid->input("f_id",$this->id). $hid->input("from_periode",$p_array['from_periode']). $hid->input("to_periode",$p_array['to_periode']); if (isset($p_array['oper_detail'])) echo $hid->input('oper_detail','on'); echo "
'; echo HtmlInput::print_window(); echo '
"; echo '
'; } /*! * \brief give the balance of an card * \return * balance of the card * */ function get_solde_detail($p_cond="") { if ( $this->id == 0 ) return array('credit'=>0,'debit'=>0,'solde'=>0); $qcode=$this->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE); if ( $p_cond != "") $p_cond=" and ".$p_cond; $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql("select sum(deb) as sum_deb, sum(cred) as sum_cred from ( select j_poste, case when j_debit='t' then j_montant else 0 end as deb, case when j_debit='f' then j_montant else 0 end as cred from jrnx where j_qcode = ('$qcode'::text) $p_cond ) as m "); $Max=Database::num_row($Res); if ($Max==0) return 0; $r=Database::fetch_array($Res,0); return array('debit'=>$r['sum_deb'], 'credit'=>$r['sum_cred'], 'solde'=>abs($r['sum_deb']-$r['sum_cred'])); } /** *get the bank balance with receipt or not * */ function get_bk_balance($p_cond="") { if ( $this->id == 0 ) throw new Exception('fiche->id est nul'); $qcode=$this->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE); if ( $p_cond != "") $p_cond=" and ".$p_cond; $sql="select sum(deb) as sum_deb, sum(cred) as sum_cred from ( select j_poste, case when j_debit='t' then j_montant else 0 end as deb, case when j_debit='f' then j_montant else 0 end as cred from jrnx join jrn on (jr_grpt_id=j_grpt) where j_qcode = ('$qcode'::text) $p_cond ) as m "; $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); $Max=Database::num_row($Res); if ($Max==0) return 0; $r=Database::fetch_array($Res,0); return array('debit'=>$r['sum_deb'], 'credit'=>$r['sum_cred'], 'solde'=>abs($r['sum_deb']-$r['sum_cred'])); } /*!\brief check if an attribute is empty *\param $p_attr the id of the attribut to check (ad_id) *\return return true is the attribute is empty or missing */ function empty_attribute($p_attr) { $sql="select ad_value from fiche_detail natural join fiche left join attr_def using (ad_id) where f_id=".$this->id. " and ad_id = ".$p_attr. " order by ad_id"; $res=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); if ( Database::num_row($res) == 0 ) return true; $text=Database::fetch_result($res,0,0); return (strlen(trim($text)) > 0)?false:true; } /*! Summary * \brief show the default screen * * \param $p_search (filter) * \param $p_action used for specific action bank, red if credit < debit * \param $p_sql SQL to filter the number of card must start with AND * \param $p_amount true : only cards with at least one operation default : false * \return: string to display */ function Summary($p_search="",$p_action="",$p_sql="",$p_amount=false) { global $g_user; $bank=new Acc_Parm_Code($this->cn,'BANQUE'); $cash=new Acc_Parm_Code($this->cn,'CAISSE'); $cc=new Acc_Parm_Code($this->cn,'COMPTE_COURANT'); bcscale(4); $gDossier=dossier::id(); $p_search=sql_string($p_search); $script=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; // Creation of the nav bar // Get the max numberRow $filter_amount=''; global $g_user; $filter_year=" j_tech_per in (select p_id from parm_periode ". "where p_exercice='".$g_user->get_exercice()."')"; if ( $p_amount) $filter_amount=' and f_id in (select f_id from jrnx where '.$filter_year.')'; $all_tiers=$this->count_by_modele($this->fiche_def_ref,"",$p_sql.$filter_amount); // Get offset and page variable $offset=( isset ($_REQUEST['offset'] )) ?$_REQUEST['offset']:0; $page=(isset($_REQUEST['page']))?$_REQUEST['page']:1; $bar=navigation_bar($offset,$all_tiers,$_SESSION['g_pagesize'],$page); // set a filter ? $search=$p_sql; $exercice=$g_user->get_exercice(); $tPeriode=new Periode($this->cn); list($max,$min)=$tPeriode->get_limit($exercice); if ( trim($p_search) != "" ) { $search.=" and f_id in (select distinct f_id from fiche_detail where ad_id in (1,32,30,23,18,13) and ad_value ~* '$p_search')"; } // Get The result Array $step_tiers=$this->get_by_category($offset,$search.$filter_amount,'name'); if ( $all_tiers == 0 || count($step_tiers)==0 ) return ""; $r=""; $r.=_("Filtre rapide ").HtmlInput::filter_table("tiers_tb", '0,1,2', 1); $r.=$bar; $r.=''. ''. ''; $r.=''; if ( sizeof ($step_tiers ) == 0 ) return $r; $i=0; $deb=0;$cred=0; foreach ($step_tiers as $tiers ) { $i++; /* Filter on the default year */ $amount=$tiers->get_solde_detail($filter_year); /* skip the tiers without operation */ if ( $p_amount && $amount['debit']==0 && $amount['credit'] == 0 && $amount['solde'] == 0 ) continue; $odd=""; $odd = ($i % 2 == 0 ) ? ' odd ': ' even '; $accounting=$tiers->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT); if ( $p_action == 'bank' && $amount['debit'] < $amount['credit'] ){ if ( strpos($accounting,$bank->p_value)===0 || strpos($accounting,$cash->p_value)===0 || strpos($accounting,$cc->p_value)===0){ //put in red if c>d $odd.=" notice "; } } $odd=' class="'.$odd.'"'; $r.=""; $url_detail=$script.'?'.http_build_query(array('sb'=>'detail','sc'=>'sv','ac'=>$_REQUEST['ac'],'f_id'=>$tiers->id,'gDossier'=>$gDossier)); $e=sprintf(' ', $url_detail); $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $str_deb=(($amount['debit']==0)?0:nbm($amount['debit'])); $str_cred=(($amount['credit']==0)?0:nbm($amount['credit'])); $str_solde=nbm($amount['solde']); $r.=''; $r.=''; $side=($amount['debit'] > $amount['credit'])?'D':'C'; $side=($amount['debit'] == $amount['credit'])?'=':$side; $red=""; if ( $p_action == 'customer' && $amount['debit'] < $amount['credit'] ){ //put in red if d>c $red=" notice "; } if ( $p_action == 'supplier' && $amount['debit'] > $amount['credit'] ){ //put in red if c>d $red=" notice "; } $r.='"; $deb=bcadd($deb,$amount['debit']); $cred=bcadd($cred,$amount['credit']); $r.=""; } $r.=""; $solde=abs(bcsub($deb,$cred)); $side=($deb > $cred)?'Débit':'Crédit'; $r.=''; $r.=td("").td("").td("").td("Totaux").td(nbm($deb),'class="num"').td(nbm($cred),'class="num"').td(" $side ".nbm($solde),'class="num"'); $r.=''; $r.=""; $r.="
'._('Quick Code').HtmlInput::infobulle(17).''._('Poste comptable').''._('Nom').' ▴'.' '._('Adresse').' '._('Total débit').' '._('Total crédit').' '._('Solde').'
$e".$tiers->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE)." $e".$accounting."".h($tiers->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME))."".h($tiers->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ADRESS). " ".$tiers->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_CP). " ".$tiers->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_PAYS)). " '.$str_deb.' '.$str_cred.' '.$str_solde."$side
"; $r.=$bar; return $r; } /*! * \brief get the fd_id of the card : fd_id, it set the attribute fd_id */ function get_categorie() { if ( $this->id == 0 ) throw new Exception('class_fiche : f_id = 0 '); $sql='select fd_id from fiche where f_id='.$this->id; $R=$this->cn->get_value($sql); if ( $R == "" ) $this->fd_id=0; else $this->fd_id=$R; } /*! *************************************************** * \brief Check if a fiche is used by a jrn * return 1 if the fiche is in the range otherwise 0, the quick_code * or the id must be set * * * \param $p_jrn journal_id * \param $p_type : deb or cred default empty * * \return 1 if the fiche is in the range otherwise < 1 * -1 the card doesn't exist * -2 the ledger has no card to check * */ function belong_ledger($p_jrn,$p_type="") { // check if we have a quick_code or a f_id if (($this->quick_code==null || $this->quick_code == "" ) && $this->id == 0 ) { throw new Exception( 'erreur ni quick_code ni f_id ne sont donnes'); } //retrieve the quick_code if ( $this->quick_code=="") $this->quick_code=$this->get_quick_code(); if ( $this->quick_code==null) return -1; if ( $this->id == 0 ) if ( $this->get_by_qcode(null,false) == 1) return -1; $get=""; if ( $p_type == 'deb' ) { $get='jrn_def_fiche_deb'; } if ( $p_type == 'cred' ) { $get='jrn_def_fiche_cred'; } if ( $get != "" ) { $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql("select $get as fiche from jrn_def where jrn_def_id=$p_jrn"); } else { // Get all the fiche type (deb and cred) $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql(" select jrn_def_fiche_cred as fiche from jrn_def where jrn_def_id=$p_jrn union select jrn_def_fiche_deb from jrn_def where jrn_def_id=$p_jrn" ); } $Max=Database::num_row($Res); if ( $Max==0) { return -2; } /* convert the array to a string */ $list=Database::fetch_all($Res); $str_list=""; $comma=''; foreach ($list as $row) { if ( $row['fiche'] != '' ) { $str_list.=$comma.$row['fiche']; $comma=','; } } // Normally Max must be == 1 if ( $str_list=="") { return -3; } $sql="select * from fiche where fd_id in (".$str_list.") and f_id= ".$this->id; $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); $Max=Database::num_row($Res); if ($Max==0 ) return 0; else return 1; } /*!\brief get all the card from a categorie *\param $p_cn database connx *\param $pFd_id is the category id *\param $p_order for the sort, possible values is name_asc,name_desc or nothing *\return an array of card, but only the fiche->id is set */ static function get_fiche_def($p_cn,$pFd_id,$p_order='') { switch ($p_order) { case 'name_asc': $sql='select f_id,ad_value from fiche join fiche_detail using (f_id) where ad_id=1 and fd_id=$1 order by 2 asc'; break; case 'name_desc': $sql='select f_id,ad_value from fiche join fiche_detail using (f_id) where ad_id=1 and fd_id=$1 order by 2 desc'; break; default: $sql='select f_id from fiche where fd_id=$1 '; } $array=$p_cn->get_array($sql,array($pFd_id)); return $array; } /*!\brief check if a card is used *\return return true is a card is used otherwise false */ function is_used() { /* retrieve first the quickcode */ $qcode=$this->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE); $sql='select count(*) as c from jrnx where j_qcode=$1'; $count=$this->cn->get_value($sql,array($qcode)); if ( $count == 0 ) return false; return true; } /*\brief remove a card without verification */ function delete() { // Remove from attr_value $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql("delete from fiche_detail where f_id=".$this->id); // Remove from fiche $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql("delete from fiche where f_id=".$this->id); } /*!\brief create the sql statement for retrieving all * the card *\return string with sql statement *\param $array contains the condition \verbatim [jrn] => 2 [typecard] => cred / deb / filter or list [query] => string \endverbatim *\note the typecard cred, deb or filter must be used with jrn, the value of list means a list of fd_id *\see ajax_card.php cards.js */ function build_sql($array) { if (!empty($array)) extract($array); $and=''; $filter_fd_id='true'; $filter_query=''; if (isset($typecard)) { if (strpos($typecard, "sql")==false) { switch ($typecard) { case 'cred': if (!isset($jrn)) throw ('Erreur pas de valeur pour jrn'); $filter_jrn=$this->cn->make_list("select jrn_def_fiche_cred from jrn_Def where jrn_def_id=$1", array($jrn)); $filter_fd_id=" fd_id in (".$filter_jrn.")"; $and=" and "; break; case 'deb': if (!isset($jrn)) throw ('Erreur pas de valeur pour jrn'); $filter_jrn=$this->cn->make_list("select jrn_def_fiche_deb from jrn_Def where jrn_def_id=$1", array($jrn)); $filter_fd_id=" fd_id in (".$filter_jrn.")"; $and=" and "; break; case 'filter': if (!isset($jrn)) throw ('Erreur pas de valeur pour jrn'); $filter_jrn=$this->cn->make_list("select jrn_def_fiche_deb from jrn_Def where jrn_def_id=$1", array($jrn)); if (trim($filter_jrn)!='') $fp1=" fd_id in (".$filter_jrn.")"; else $fp1="fd_id < 0"; $filter_jrn=$this->cn->make_list("select jrn_def_fiche_cred from jrn_Def where jrn_def_id=$1", array($jrn)); if (trim($filter_jrn)!='') $fp2=" fd_id in (".$filter_jrn.")"; else $fp2="fd_id < 0"; $filter_fd_id='('.$fp1.' or '.$fp2.')'; $and=" and "; break; case 'all': $filter_fd_id=' true'; break; default: if (trim($typecard)!='') $filter_fd_id=' fd_id in ('.$typecard.')'; else $filter_fd_id=' fd_id < 0'; } } else { $filter_fd_id=str_replace('[sql]', '', $typecard); } } $and=" and "; if (isset($query)) { $query=sql_string($query); if (strlen(trim($query))>1) { $filter_query=$and."(vw_name ilike '%$query%' or quick_code ilike ('%$query%') " ." or vw_description ilike '%$query%' or tva_num ilike '%$query%' or accounting like upper('$query%'))"; } else { $filter_query=''; } } $sql="select * from vw_fiche_attr where ".$filter_fd_id.$filter_query; return $sql; } /** *@brief move a card to another cat. The properties will changed * and be removed *@param $p_fdid the fd_id of destination */ function move_to($p_fdid) { $this->cn->start(); $this->cn->exec_sql('update fiche set fd_id=$1 where f_id=$2',array($p_fdid,$this->id)); // add missing $this->cn->exec_sql('select fiche_attribut_synchro($1)',array($p_fdid)); // add to the destination missing fields $this->cn->exec_sql("insert into jnt_fic_attr (fd_id,ad_id,jnt_order) select $1,ad_id,100 from fiche_detail where f_id=$2 and ad_id not in (select ad_id from jnt_fic_attr where fd_id=$3)",array($p_fdid,$this->id,$p_fdid)); $this->cn->commit(); } /** * return the letter C if amount is > 0, D if < 0 or = * @param type $p_amount * @return string */ function get_amount_side($p_amount) { if ($p_amount == 0) return "="; if ($p_amount < 0) return "C"; if ($p_amount > 0) return "D"; } static function test_me() { $cn=new Database(dossier::id()); $a=new Fiche($cn); $select_cat=new ISelect('fd_id'); $select_cat->value=$cn->make_array('select fd_id,fd_label from fiche_def where frd_id='. FICHE_TYPE_CLIENT); echo '
'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('test_select',$_GET['test_select']); echo 'Choix de la catégorie'; echo $select_cat->input(); echo HtmlInput::submit('go_card','Afficher'); echo '
'; if ( isset ($_GET['go_card'])) { $empty=$a->to_array($_GET['fd_id']); print_r($empty); } } function get_gestion_title() { $r = "

" . h($this->getName()) . " " . h($this->getAttribut(ATTR_DEF_FIRST_NAME)) . '[' . $this->get_quick_code() . ']

'; return $r; } function get_all_account() { } } ?>