name, it is also the name * of the tag hidden in a form * @global $cn Db connxion * @param $p_name */ function __construct($p_name) { $this->name=$p_name; } /** * @brief return a string with a tag hidden and a uniq value * @param $hHidden is the name of the tag hidden * @return string : tag hidden */ function hidden() { global $cn; $this->id=$cn->get_next_seq('uos_pk_seq'); return HtmlInput::hidden($this->name,$this->id); } /** * @brief Try to insert into the table tool_uos * @global $cn Database connx * @throws Exception if the value $p_id is not unique */ function save($p_array=null) { global $cn; if ( $p_array == null ) $p_array=$_POST; $this->id=$p_array[$this->name]; $sql="insert into tool_uos(uos_value) values ($1)"; try { $cn->exec_sql($sql,array($this->id)); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception('Duplicate value'); } } /** * Count how many time we have this->id into the table tool_uos * @global $cn Database connx * @param $p_array is the array where to find the key name, usually it is * $_POST. The default value is $_POST * @return integer : 0 or 1 */ function get_count($p_array=null) { global $cn; if ( $p_array == null ) $p_array=$_POST; $this->id=$p_array[$this->name]; $count=$cn->get_value('select count(*) from tool_uos where uos_value=$1', array($this->id)); return $count; } function check ($p_array=null) { global $cn; if ( $p_array == null ) $p_array=$_POST; $this->id=$p_array[$this->name]; try { $count=$cn->get_value('select count(*) from tool_uos where uos_value=$1', array($this->id)); if ($count != 0 ) throw new Exception ('DUPLICATE',CODE_EXCP_DUPLICATE); }catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } } } ?>