'; $fiche=new Fiche($cn); $array=$fiche->get_bk_account(); echo '
'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo _('Filtre :').HtmlInput::filter_table("fin_saldo_tb", '0,1,2,3', '1'); echo ''; echo tr(th('Quick Code',' class=" sorttable_sorted_reverse"',HtmlInput::infobulle(17).' ▴') .th('Compte en banque',' style="text-align:left"') .th('Journal',' style="text-align:center"') .th('Description',' style="text-align:center"') .th('solde opération',' style="text-align:right" class="sorttable_numeric"') .th('solde extrait/relevé',' style="text-align:right" class="sorttable_numeric"') .th('différence',' style="text-align:right" class="sorttable_numeric"') ); // Filter the saldo // on the current year $filter_year=" j_tech_per in (select p_id from parm_periode where p_exercice='".$g_user->get_exercice()."')"; // for highligting tje line $idx=0; bcscale(2); $tot_extrait=0;$tot_diff=0;$tot_operation=0; // for each account for ( $i = 0; $i < count($array);$i++) { if ( $array[$i]->id==0) { echo ''; echo td(h2("Journal mal configuré",' class="error" '),' colspan="5" style="width:auto" '); echo ''; continue; } // get the saldo $m=$array[$i]->get_solde_detail($filter_year); $solde=$m['debit']-$m['credit']; // print the result if the saldo is not equal to 0 if ( $m['debit'] != 0.0 || $m['credit'] != 0.0) { /* get saldo for not reconcilied operations */ $saldo_not_reconcilied=$array[$i]->get_bk_balance($filter_year." and (trim(jr_pj_number) ='' or jr_pj_number is null)" ); /* get saldo for reconcilied operation */ $saldo_reconcilied=$array[$i]->get_bk_balance($filter_year." and ( trim(jr_pj_number) != '' and jr_pj_number is not null)" ); if ( $idx%2 != 0 ) $odd="odd"; else $odd="even"; $idx++; echo ""; echo ""; $saldo_rec=bcsub($saldo_reconcilied['debit'],$saldo_reconcilied['credit']); $diff=bcsub($saldo_not_reconcilied['debit'],$saldo_not_reconcilied['credit']); echo "". td(h($array[$i]->ledger_name)). td(h($array[$i]->ledger_description)). '". '". '". ""; $tot_extrait=bcadd($tot_extrait,$solde); $tot_operation=bcadd($tot_operation,$saldo_rec); $tot_diff=bcadd($tot_diff,$diff); } }// for echo ''; echo ''; echo td(''); echo td(''); echo td(''); echo td(' TOTAUX ','style="font-weight:bold"'); echo td(nbm($tot_extrait),'style="font-weight:bold" class="num"'); echo td(nbm($tot_operation),' style="font-weight:bold" class="num"'); echo td(nbm($tot_diff),' style="font-weight:bold" class="num"'); echo ''; echo ''; echo "
". IButton::history_card($array[$i]->id,$array[$i]->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE)). "". $array[$i]->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME). "'. nbm($solde). "'. nbm($saldo_rec). "'. nbm($diff). "
"; echo "
"; return; ?>