begin; ALTER TABLE action ALTER COLUMN ac_code TYPE character varying(30); INSERT INTO action(ac_id, ac_description, ac_module, ac_code) VALUES (1110, 'Enlever une pièce justificative', 'compta', 'RMRECEIPT'); INSERT INTO action(ac_id, ac_description, ac_module, ac_code) VALUES (1120, 'Effacer une opération ', 'compta', 'RMOPER'); INSERT INTO action(ac_id, ac_description, ac_module, ac_code) VALUES (1210, 'Partager une note', 'note', 'SHARENOTE'); INSERT INTO action(ac_id, ac_description, ac_module, ac_code) VALUES (1220, 'Créer une note publique', 'note', 'SHARENOTEPUBLIC'); INSERT INTO action(ac_id, ac_description, ac_module, ac_code) VALUES (1230, 'Effacer une note publique', 'note', 'SHARENOTEREMOVE'); CREATE TABLE todo_list_shared (id serial primary key, todo_list_id int4 NOT NULL, use_login text NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT unique_todo_list_id_login UNIQUE (todo_list_id, use_login)); ALTER TABLE todo_list_shared ADD CONSTRAINT fk_todo_list_shared_todo_list FOREIGN KEY (todo_list_id) REFERENCES todo_list (tl_id); comment on table todo_list_shared is 'Note of todo list shared with other users'; comment on column todo_list_shared.todo_list_id is 'fk to todo_list'; comment on column todo_list_shared.use_login is 'user login'; alter table todo_list add is_public char(1) default 'N'; comment on column todo_list.is_public is 'Flag for the public parameter'; ALTER TABLE todo_list ALTER COLUMN is_public SET NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE todo_list ADD CONSTRAINT ck_is_public CHECK (is_public in ('Y','N')); update menu_ref set me_menu = 'Favori ★ ' where me_code='BOOKMARK'; update menu_ref set me_menu = 'Sortie ⎆' where me_code='LOGOUT'; insert into menu_ref(me_code,me_menu,me_file, me_url,me_description,me_parameter,me_javascript,me_type,me_description_etendue) values ('BALAGE','Balance agée','',null,'Balance agée',null,null,'ME','Balance agée pour les clients et fournisseurs') , ('CSV:balance_age','Export Balance agée','export_balance_age_csv.php',null,'Balance agée',null,null,'PR','Balance agée pour les clients et fournisseurs') ; insert into profile_menu (me_code,me_code_dep,p_id,p_order, p_type_display,pm_default) values ('BALAGE','PRINT',1,550,'E',0),('BALAGE','PRINT',2,550,'E',0), ('CSV:balance_age',null,1,null,'P',0),('CSV:balance_age',null,2,null,'P',0); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.account_compute(p_f_id integer) RETURNS account_type AS $BODY$ declare class_base fiche_def.fd_class_base%type; maxcode numeric; sResult text; bAlphanum bool; sName text; begin select fd_class_base into class_base from fiche_def join fiche using (fd_id) where f_id=p_f_id; raise notice 'account_compute class base %',class_base; bAlphanum := account_alphanum(); if bAlphanum = false then raise info 'account_compute : Alphanum is false'; select count (pcm_val) into maxcode from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val_parent = class_base; if maxcode = 0 then maxcode:=class_base::numeric; else select max (pcm_val) into maxcode from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val_parent = class_base; maxcode:=maxcode::numeric; end if; if maxcode::text = class_base then maxcode:=class_base::numeric*1000; end if; maxcode:=maxcode+1; raise notice 'account_compute Max code %',maxcode; sResult:=maxcode::account_type; else raise info 'account_compute : Alphanum is true'; -- if alphanum, use name select ad_value into sName from fiche_detail where f_id=p_f_id and ad_id=1; raise info 'name is %',sName; if sName is null then raise exception 'Cannot compute an accounting without the name of the card for %',p_f_id; end if; sResult := class_base||sName; sResult := substr(sResult,1,40); raise info 'Result is %',sResult; end if; return sResult::account_type; end; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.account_insert(p_f_id integer, p_account text) RETURNS text AS $BODY$ declare nParent tmp_pcmn.pcm_val_parent%type; sName varchar; sNew tmp_pcmn.pcm_val%type; bAuto bool; nFd_id integer; sClass_Base fiche_def.fd_class_base%TYPE; nCount integer; first text; second text; s_account text; begin if p_account is not null and length(trim(p_account)) != 0 then -- if there is coma in p_account, treat normally if position (',' in p_account) = 0 then raise info 'p_account is not empty'; s_account := substr( p_account,1 , 40); select count(*) into nCount from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val=s_account::account_type; raise notice 'found in tmp_pcm %',nCount; if nCount !=0 then raise info 'this account exists in tmp_pcmn '; perform attribut_insert(p_f_id,5,s_account); else -- account doesn't exist, create it select ad_value into sName from fiche_detail where ad_id=1 and f_id=p_f_id; nParent:=account_parent(s_account::account_type); insert into tmp_pcmn(pcm_val,pcm_lib,pcm_val_parent) values (s_account::account_type,sName,nParent); perform attribut_insert(p_f_id,5,s_account); end if; else raise info 'presence of a comma'; -- there is 2 accounts separated by a comma first := split_part(p_account,',',1); second := split_part(p_account,',',2); -- check there is no other coma raise info 'first value % second value %', first, second; if position (',' in first) != 0 or position (',' in second) != 0 then raise exception 'Too many comas, invalid account'; end if; perform attribut_insert(p_f_id,5,p_account); end if; else raise info 'A000 : p_account is empty'; select fd_id into nFd_id from fiche where f_id=p_f_id; bAuto:= account_auto(nFd_id); select fd_class_base into sClass_base from fiche_def where fd_id=nFd_id; raise info 'sClass_Base : %',sClass_base; if bAuto = true and sClass_base similar to '[[:digit:]]*' then raise info 'account generated automatically'; sNew:=account_compute(p_f_id); raise info 'sNew %', sNew; select ad_value into sName from fiche_detail where ad_id=1 and f_id=p_f_id; nParent:=account_parent(sNew); sNew := account_add (sNew,sName); perform attribut_insert(p_f_id,5,sNew); else -- if there is an account_base then it is the default select fd_class_base::account_type into sNew from fiche_def join fiche using (fd_id) where f_id=p_f_id; if sNew is null or length(trim(sNew)) = 0 then raise notice 'count is null'; perform attribut_insert(p_f_id,5,null); else perform attribut_insert(p_f_id,5,sNew); end if; end if; end if; return 0; end; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ; update version set val=118; commit;