begin; create sequence s_tva start with 1000; alter table tva_rate alter tva_id set default nextval('s_tva'); alter table form drop constraint "$1"; alter table form add constraint formdef_fk foreign key (fo_fr_id) references formdef(fr_id) on update cascade on delete cascade; drop function tva_insert(integer,text,numeric,text,text); CREATE or replace FUNCTION tva_insert( text, numeric, text, text) RETURNS integer AS $_$ declare l_tva_id integer; p_tva_label alias for $1; p_tva_rate alias for $2; p_tva_comment alias for $3; p_tva_poste alias for $4; debit text; credit text; nCount integer; begin if length(trim(p_tva_label)) = 0 then return 3; end if; if length(trim(p_tva_poste)) != 0 then if position (',' in p_tva_poste) = 0 then return 4; end if; debit = split_part(p_tva_poste,',',1); credit = split_part(p_tva_poste,',',2); select count(*) into nCount from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val=debit; if nCount = 0 then return 4; end if; select count(*) into nCount from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val=credit; if nCount = 0 then return 4; end if; end if; select into l_tva_id nextval('s_tva') ; insert into tva_rate(tva_id,tva_label,tva_rate,tva_comment,tva_poste) values (l_tva_id,p_tva_label,p_tva_rate,p_tva_comment,p_tva_poste); return 0; end; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TABLE todo_list ( tl_id integer NOT NULL, tl_date date NOT NULL, tl_title text NOT NULL, tl_desc text, use_login text NOT NULL ); COMMENT ON TABLE todo_list IS 'Todo list'; CREATE SEQUENCE todo_list_tl_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE todo_list ALTER COLUMN tl_id SET DEFAULT nextval('todo_list_tl_id_seq'::regclass); ALTER TABLE ONLY todo_list ADD CONSTRAINT todo_list_pkey PRIMARY KEY (tl_id); update version set val=49; commit;