/* * This file is part of NOALYSS. * * NOALYSS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * NOALYSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with NOALYSS; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* $Revision$ */ // Copyright Author Dany De Bontridder danydb@aevalys.eu /*!\file * \brief javascript script, always added to every page * */ var ask_reload = 0; var tag_choose = ''; /** * callback function when we just need to update a hidden div with an info * message */ function infodiv(req, json) { try { remove_waiting_box(); var answer = req.responseXML; var a = answer.getElementsByTagName('ctl'); var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code'); if (a.length === 0) { var rec = req.responseText; alert_box('erreur :' + rec); } var name_ctl = a[0].firstChild.nodeValue; var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]); code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); g(name_ctl + "info").innerHTML = code_html; } catch (e) { alert_box("success_box" + e.message); } try { code_html.evalScripts(); } catch (e) { alert_box("answer_box Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message); } } /** *@brief delete a row from a table (tb) the input button send the this as second parameter */ function deleteRow(tb, obj) { smoke.confirm('Confirmez effacement',function (e) { if (e) { var td = obj.parentNode; var tr = td.parentNode; var lidx = tr.rowIndex; g(tb).deleteRow(lidx); } else { return ; } }); } function deleteRowRec(tb, obj) { var tr = obj; var lidx = tr.rowIndex; g(tb).deleteRow(lidx); } /*!\brief remove trailing and heading space * \param the string to modify * \return string without heading and trailing space */ function trim(s) { return s.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); } /** * @brief retrieve an element thanks its ID * @param ID is a string * @return the found object of undefined if not found */ function g(ID) { if (document.getElementById) { return this.document.getElementById(ID); } else if (document.all) { return document.all[ID]; } else { return undefined; } } /** *@brief enable the type of periode */ function enable_type_periode() { if ($("type_periode").options[$("type_periode").selectedIndex].value == 0) { $('from_periode').enable(); $('to_periode').enable(); $('from_date').disable(); $('to_date').disable(); $('p_step').enable(); } else { $('from_periode').disable(); $('to_periode').disable(); $('from_date').enable(); $('to_date').enable(); $('p_step').disable(); } } /** *@brief will reload the window but it is dangerous if we have submitted * a form with POST */ function refresh_window() { window.location.reload(); } /** *@fn encodeJSON(obj) *@brief we receive a json object as parameter and the function returns the string * with the format variable=value&var2=val2... */ function encodeJSON(obj) { if (typeof obj != 'object') { alert_box('encodeParameter obj n\'est pas un objet'); } try { var str = ''; var e = 0; for (i in obj) { if (e !== 0) { str += '&'; } else { e = 1; } str += i; str += '=' + encodeURI(obj[i]); } return str; } catch (e) { alert_box('encodeParameter ' + e.message); return ""; } } function hide(p_param) { g(p_param).style.display = 'none'; } function show(p_param) { g(p_param).style.display = 'block'; } /** *@brief set the focus on the selected field *@param Field id of the control *@param selectIt : the value selected in case of Field is a object select, numeric */ function SetFocus(Field, SelectIt) { var elem = g(Field); if (elem) { elem.focus(); } return true; } /** * @brief set a DOM id with a value in the parent window (the caller), @param p_ctl is the name of the control @param p_value is the value to set in @param p_add if we don't replace the current value but we add something */ function set_inparent(p_ctl, p_value, p_add) { self.opener.set_value(p_ctl, p_value, p_add); } /** * @brief set a DOM id with a value, it will consider if it the attribute value or innerHTML has be used @param p_ctl is the name of the control @param p_value is the value to set in @param p_add if we don't replace the current value but we add something */ function set_value(p_ctl, p_value, p_add) { if (g(p_ctl)) { var g_ctrl = g(p_ctl); if (p_add != undefined && p_add === 1) { if (g_ctrl.value) { p_value = g_ctrl.value + ',' + p_value; } } if (g_ctrl.tagName === 'INPUT') { g(p_ctl).value = p_value; } if (g_ctrl.tagName === 'SPAN') { g(p_ctl).innerHTML = p_value; } if (g_ctrl.tagName === 'SELECT') { g(p_ctl).value = p_value; } } } /** *@brief format the number change comma to point *@param HTML obj */ function format_number(obj, p_prec) { var precision = 2; if (p_prec === undefined) { precision = 2; } else { precision = p_prec; } var value = obj.value; value = value.replace(/,/, '.'); value = parseFloat(value); if (isNaN(value)) { value = 0; } var arrondi = Math.pow(10, precision); value = Math.round(value * arrondi) / arrondi; $(obj).value = value; } /** *@brief check if the object is hidden or show and perform the opposite, * show the hidden obj or hide the shown one *@param name of the object */ function toggleHideShow(p_obj, p_button) { var stat = g(p_obj).style.display; var str = g(p_button).value; if (stat === 'none') { show(p_obj); str = str.replace(/Afficher/, 'Cacher'); g(p_button).value = str; } else { hide(p_obj); str = str.replace(/Cacher/, 'Afficher'); g(p_button).value = str; } } /** *@brief open popup with the search windows *@param p_dossier the dossier where to search *@param p_style style of the detail value are E for expert or S for simple */ function popup_recherche(p_dossier) { var w = window.open("recherche.php?gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&ac=SEARCH", '', 'statusbar=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no'); w.focus(); } /** *@brief replace the special characters (><'") by their HTML representation *@return a string without the offending char. */ function unescape_xml(code_html) { code_html = code_html.replace(/\</, '<'); code_html = code_html.replace(/\>/, '>'); code_html = code_html.replace(/\"/, '"'); code_html = code_html.replace(/\'/, "'"); code_html = code_html.replace(/\&/, '&'); return code_html; } /** *@brief Firefox splits the XML into 4K chunk, so to retrieve everything we need * to get the different parts thanks textContent *@param xmlNode a node (result of var data = =answer.getElementsByTagName('code')) *@return all the content of the XML node */ function getNodeText(xmlNode) { if (!xmlNode) return ''; if (typeof (xmlNode.textContent) != "undefined") { return xmlNode.textContent; } if (xmlNode.firstChild && xmlNode.firstChild.nodeValue) return xmlNode.firstChild.nodeValue; return ""; } /** *@brief change the periode in the calendar of the dashboard *@param object select */ function change_month(obj) { var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: { gDossier : obj.gDossier , op:'cal' ,"per" : obj.value , t: obj.type_display, notitle:obj.notitle}, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: success_misc } ); } /** *@brief basic answer to ajax on success, it will fill the DOMID code with * the code. In that case, you need to create the object before the Ajax.Request *The difference with success box is that *@see add_div removeDiv success_box is that the width and height are not changed ajax_misc.php *@parameter code is the ID of the object containing the html (div, button...) *@parameter value is the html code, with it you fill the ctl element */ function success_misc(req) { try { var answer = req.responseXML; var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code'); if (html.length === 0) { var rec = req.responseText; alert_box('erreur :' + rec); } var nodeXml = html[0]; var code_html = getNodeText(nodeXml); code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); $("user_cal").innerHTML = code_html; } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } try { code_html.evalScripts(); } catch (e) { alert_box("Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message); } } function loading() { var str = '

Un instant ...

'; str = str + 'chargement'; return str; } function ajax_misc_failure() { alert_box('Ajax Misc failed'); } /** *@brief remove a document_modele */ function cat_doc_remove(p_dt_id, p_dossier) { var queryString = "gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&op=rem_cat_doc" + "&dt_id=" + p_dt_id; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", {method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req) { try { var answer = req.responseXML; var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('dtid'); if (html.length === 0) { var rec = req.responseText; alert_box('erreur
' + rec ); return; } nodeXML = html[0]; row_id = getNodeText(nodeXML); if (row_id === 'nok') { var message_node = answer.getElementsByTagName('message'); var message_text = getNodeText(message_node[0]); alert_box('erreur
' + message_text); return; } $('row' + row_id).style.textDecoration = "line-through"; $('X' + row_id).style.display='none'; $('M' + row_id).style.display='none'; } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } } } ); } /** *@brief change a document_modele */ function cat_doc_change(p_dt_id, p_dossier) { var queryString = "gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&op=mod_cat_doc" + "&dt_id=" + p_dt_id; var nTop = calcy(posY); var nLeft = "200px"; var str_style = "top:" + nTop + "px;left:" + nLeft + ";width:50em;height:auto"; removeDiv('change_doc_div'); waiting_box(); var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req) { remove_waiting_box(); add_div({id: 'change_doc_div', style: str_style, cssclass: 'inner_box', drag: "1"}); $('change_doc_div').innerHTML = req.responseText; } } ); } /** *@brief display the popup with vat and explanation *@param obj with 4 attributes gdossier, ctl,popup */ function popup_select_tva(obj) { try { if ($('tva_select')) { removeDiv('tva_select'); } var queryString = "gDossier=" + obj.gDossier + "&op=dsp_tva" + "&ctl=" + obj.ctl + '&popup=' + 'tva_select'; if (obj.jcode) queryString += '&code=' + obj.jcode; if (obj.compute) queryString += '&compute=' + obj.compute; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", {method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req) { try { var answer = req.responseXML; var popup = answer.getElementsByTagName('popup'); if (popup.length === 0) { var rec = req.responseText; alert_box('erreur :' + rec); } var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code'); var name_ctl = popup[0].firstChild.nodeValue; var nodeXml = html[0]; var code_html = getNodeText(nodeXml); code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); var nTop = posY - 200; var nLeft = "15%"; var str_style = "top:" + nTop + "px;left:" + nLeft + ";right:" + nLeft + ";width:55em;height:auto"; var popup = {'id': 'tva_select', 'cssclass': 'inner_box', 'style': str_style, 'html': code_html, 'drag': true}; add_div(popup); $('lk_tva_select_table').focus(); } catch (e) { alert_box("success_popup_select_tva " + e.message); } } } ); } catch (e) { alert_box("popup_select_tva " + e.message); } } /** *@brief display the popup with vat and explanations *@obsolete */ function success_popup_select_tva_obsolete(req) { } /** *@brief display the popup with vat and explanation *@param obj with 4 attributes gdossier, ctl,popup */ function set_tva_label(obj) { try { var queryString = "gDossier=" + obj.gDossier + "&op=label_tva" + "&id=" + obj.value; if (obj.jcode) queryString += '&code=' + obj.jcode; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", {method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: success_set_tva_label } ); } catch (e) { alert_box("set_tva_label " + e.message); } } /** *@brief display the popup with vat and explanations */ function success_set_tva_label(req) { try { var answer = req.responseXML; var code = answer.getElementsByTagName('code'); var value = answer.getElementsByTagName('value'); if (code.length === 0) { var rec = req.responseText; alert_box('erreur :' + rec); } var label_code = code[0].firstChild.nodeValue; var label_value = value[0].firstChild.nodeValue; set_value(label_code, label_value); } catch (e) { alert_box("success_set_tva_label " + e.message); } } /** *@brief set loading for waiting *@param name of ipopup *@see showIPopup *@obsolete */ function set_wait_obsolete(name) { var content = name + "_content"; $(content).innerHTML = 'Un instant...Chargement...'; } /** * Create a div without showing it * @param {type} obj * the attributes are * - style to add style * - id to add an id * - cssclass to add a class * - html is the content * - drag is the div can be moved * @returns html dom element * @see add_div */ function create_div(obj) { try { var top = document; var elt = null; if (!$(obj.id)) { elt = top.createElement('div'); } else { elt = $(obj.id); } if (obj.id) { elt.setAttribute('id', obj.id); } if (obj.style) { if (elt.style.setAttribute) { /* IE7 bug */ elt.style.setAttribute('cssText', obj.style); } else { /* good Browser */ elt.setAttribute('style', obj.style); } } if (obj.cssclass) { elt.setAttribute('class', obj.cssclass); /* FF */ elt.setAttribute('className', obj.cssclass); /* IE */ } if (obj.html) { elt.innerHTML = obj.html; } var bottom_div = document.body; elt.hide(); bottom_div.appendChild(elt); /* if ( obj.effect && obj.effect != 'none' ) { Effect.Grow(obj.id,{direction:'top-right',duration:0.1}); } else if ( ! obj.effect ){ Effect.Grow(obj.id,{direction:'top-right',duration:0.1}); }*/ if (obj.drag) { new Draggable(obj.id, {starteffect: function () { new Effect.Highlight(obj.id, {scroll: window, queue: 'end'}); }} ); } return elt; } catch (e) { error_message("create_div " + e.message); } } /** *@brief add dynamically a object for AJAX *@param obj. * the attributes are * - style to add style * - id to add an id * - cssclass to add a class * - html is the content * - drag is the div can be moved */ function add_div(obj) { try { var elt=create_div(obj); /* elt.setStyle({visibility:'visible'}); */ elt.style.visibility = 'visible'; elt.show(); } catch (e) { alert_box("add_div " + e.message); } } /** * remove a object created with add_div * @param elt id of the elt */ function removeDiv(elt) { if (g(elt)) { document.body.removeChild(g(elt)); } // if reloaded if asked the window will be reloaded when // the box is closed if (ask_reload === 1) { // avoid POST window.location = window.location.href; window.location.reload(); } } function waiting_node() { $('info_div').innerHTML = 'Un instant'; $('info_div').style.display = "block"; } /** *show a box while loading *must be remove when ajax is successfull * the id is wait_box */ function waiting_box() { var obj = { id: 'wait_box', html: '


' + loading() }; var y = fixed_position(10, 250) obj.style = y + ";width:20%;margin-left:40%;"; if ($('wait_box')) { removeDiv('wait_box'); } waiting_node(); add_div(obj); $('wait_box').setOpacity(0.7); } /** *@brief call add_div to add a DIV and after call the ajax * the queryString, the callback for function for success and error management * the method is always GET *@param obj, the mandatory attributes are * - obj.qs querystring * - obj.js_success callback function in javascript for handling the xml answer * - obj.js_error callback function for error * - obj.callback the php file to call * - obj.fixed optional let you determine the position, otherwise works like IPopup *@see add_div IBox */ function show_box(obj) { add_div(obj); if (!obj.fixed) { var sx = 0; if (window.scrollY) { sx = window.scrollY + 40; } else { sx = document.body.scrollTop + 40; } g(obj.id).style.top = sx + "px"; show(obj.id); } else { show(obj.id); } var action = new Ajax.Request( obj.callback, { method: 'GET', parameters: obj.qs, onFailure: eval(obj.js_error), onSuccess: eval(obj.js_success) }); } /** *@brief receive answer from ajax and just display it into the IBox * XML must contains at least 2 fields : ctl is the ID of the IBOX and * code is the HTML to put in it *@see fill_box */ function success_box(req, json) { try { var answer = req.responseXML; var a = answer.getElementsByTagName('ctl'); var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code'); if (a.length === 0) { var rec = req.responseText; alert_box('erreur :' + rec); } var name_ctl = a[0].firstChild.nodeValue; var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]); code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); g(name_ctl).innerHTML = code_html; g(name_ctl).style.height = 'auto'; if (name_ctl == 'popup') g(name_ctl).style.width = 'auto'; } catch (e) { alert_box("success_box" + e.message); } try { code_html.evalScripts(); } catch (e) { alert_box("answer_box Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message); } } function error_box() { alert_box('[error_box] ajax not implemented'); } /** * show the ledger choice */ function show_ledger_choice(json_obj) { try { waiting_box(); var i = 0; var query = "gDossier=" + json_obj.dossier + '&type=' + json_obj.type + '&div=' + json_obj.div + '&op=ledger_show'; query = query + '&nbjrn=' + $(json_obj.div + 'nb_jrn').value; query = query + '&all_type=' + json_obj.all_type; for (i = 0; i < $(json_obj.div + 'nb_jrn').value; i++) { query = query + "&r_jrn[]=" + $(json_obj.div + 'r_jrn[' + i + ']').value; } var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", {method: 'get', parameters: query, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req, json) { try { var obj = { id: json_obj.div + 'jrn_search', cssclass: 'inner_box', style: ';position:absolute;width:60%;z-index:20;margin-left:20%', drag: 1 }; //var y=calcy(posY); var y = posY; if (json_obj.div != '') obj.cssclass = ""; obj.style = "top:" + y + 'px;' + obj.style; /* if ( json_obj.class ) { obj.cssclass=json_obj.class; }*/ add_div(obj); var answer = req.responseXML; var a = answer.getElementsByTagName('ctl'); var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code'); if (a.length === 0) { var rec = req.responseText; alert_box('erreur :' + rec); } var name_ctl = a[0].firstChild.nodeValue; var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]); code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); remove_waiting_box(); g(obj.id).innerHTML = code_html; } catch (e) { alert_box("show_ledger_callback" + e.message); } try { code_html.evalScripts(); } catch (e) { alert_box("answer_box Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message); } } } ); } catch (e) { alert_box('show_ledger_choice' + e.message); } } /** * hide the ledger choice */ function hide_ledger_choice(p_frm_search) { try { var nb = $(p_frm_search).nb_jrn.value; var div = $(p_frm_search).div.value; var i = 0; var str = ""; var name = ""; var n_name = ""; var sel = 0; for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) { n_name = div + "r_jrn[" + sel + "]"; name = div + "r_jrn" + i; if ($(name).checked) { str += ''; sel++; } } str += ''; $('ledger_id' + div).innerHTML = str; removeDiv(div + 'jrn_search'); return false; } catch (e) { alert_box('hide_ledger_choice' + e.message); return false; } } /** * show the cat of ledger choice */ function show_cat_choice() { g('div_cat').style.visibility = 'visible'; } /** * hide the cat of ledger choice */ function hide_cat_choice() { g('div_cat').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } /** * add a row for the forecast item */ function for_add_row(tableid) { style = 'class="input_text"'; var mytable = g(tableid).tBodies[0]; var nNumberRow = mytable.rows.length; var oRow = mytable.insertRow(nNumberRow); var rowToCopy = mytable.rows[1]; var nNumberCell = rowToCopy.cells.length; var nb = g("nbrow"); var oNewRow = mytable.insertRow(nNumberRow); for (var e = 0; e < nNumberCell; e++) { var newCell = oRow.insertCell(e); var tt = rowToCopy.cells[e].innerHTML; new_tt = tt.replace(/an_cat0/g, "an_cat" + nb.value); new_tt = new_tt.replace(/an_cat_acc0/g, "an_cat_acc" + nb.value); new_tt = new_tt.replace(/an_qc0/g, "an_qc" + nb.value); new_tt = new_tt.replace(/an_label0/g, "an_label" + nb.value); new_tt = new_tt.replace(/month0/g, "month" + nb.value); new_tt = new_tt.replace(/an_cat_amount0/g, "an_cat_amount" + nb.value); new_tt = new_tt.replace(/an_deb0/g, "an_deb" + nb.value); newCell.innerHTML = new_tt; new_tt.evalScripts(); } $("an_cat_acc" + nb.value).value = ""; $("an_qc" + nb.value).value = ""; $("an_label" + nb.value).value = ""; $("an_cat_amount" + nb.value).value = "0"; nb.value++; } /** * toggle all the checkbox in a given form * @param form_id id of the form */ function toggle_checkbox(form_id) { var form = g(form_id); for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++) { var e = form.elements[i]; if (e.type === 'checkbox') { if (e.checked === true) { e.checked = false; } else { e.checked = true; } } } } /** * select all the checkbox in a given form * @param form_id id of the form */ function select_checkbox(form_id) { var form = $(form_id); for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++) { var e = form.elements[i]; if (e.type === 'checkbox') { e.checked = true; } } } /** * unselect all the checkbox in a given form * @param form_id id of the form */ function unselect_checkbox(form_id) { var form = $(form_id); for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++) { var e = form.elements[i]; if (e.type === 'checkbox') { e.checked = false; } } } /** * show the calculator */ function show_calc() { if (g('calc1')) { this.document.getElementById('inp').value = ""; this.document.getElementById('inp').focus(); return; } var sid = 'calc1'; var shtml = ''; shtml += '
'; shtml += '


'; shtml += '
Calculatrice simplifiée: écrivez simplement les opérations que vous voulez puis la touche retour. exemple : 1+2+3*(1/5) '; shtml += '

Taper une formule (ex 20*5.1) puis enter
'; var obj = {id: sid, html: shtml, drag: true, style: '' }; add_div(obj); this.document.getElementById('inp').focus(); } function display_periode(p_dossier, p_id) { try { var queryString = "gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&op=input_per" + "&p_id=" + p_id; var popup = {'id': 'mod_periode', 'cssclass': 'inner_box', 'html': loading(), 'style': 'width:30em', 'drag': true}; if (!$('mod_periode')) { add_div(popup); } var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", {method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: success_display_periode } ); $('mod_periode').style.top = (posY - 70) + "px"; $('mod_periode').style.left = (posX - 70) + "px"; } catch (e) { alert_box("display_periode " + e.message); } } function success_display_periode(req) { try { var answer = req.responseXML; var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('data'); if (html.length === 0) { var rec = req.responseText; alert_box('erreur :' + rec); } var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]); code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); $('mod_periode').innerHTML = code_html; } catch (e) { alert_box("success_display_periode".e.message); } try { code_html.evalScripts(); } catch (e) { alert_box("success_display_periode Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message); } } function save_periode(obj) { try { var queryString = $(obj).serialize() + "&op=save_per"; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", {method: 'post', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: success_display_periode } ); } catch (e) { alert_box("display_periode " + e.message); } return false; } /** *@brief basic answer to ajax on success, it will fill the ctl with * the code. In that case, you need to create the object before the Ajax.Request *The difference with success box is that *@see add_div removeDiv success_box is that the width and height are not changed *@parameter ctl is the ID of the object containing the html (div, button...) *@parameter code is the html code, with it you fill the ctl element */ function fill_box(req) { try { remove_waiting_box(); var answer = req.responseXML; var a = answer.getElementsByTagName('ctl'); var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code'); if (a.length === 0) { var rec = req.responseText; alert_box('erreur :' + rec); } var name_ctl = a[0].firstChild.nodeValue; var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]); // Firefox ne prend que les 4096 car. code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); $(name_ctl).innerHTML = code_html; } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } try { code_html.evalScripts(); } catch (e) { alert_box("Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message); } } /** *display a popin to let you modified a predefined operation *@param dossier_id *@param od_id from table op_predef */ function mod_predf_op(dossier_id, od_id) { var target = "mod_predf_op"; removeDiv(target); var sx = '20%'; var sy = '10%'; var str_style = "top:" + sx + ";left:" + sy + ";"; var div = {id: target, cssclass: 'inner_box', style: str_style, html: loading(), drag: 1}; add_div(div); var qs = "gDossier=" + dossier_id + '&op=mod_predf&id=' + od_id; var action = new Ajax.Request('ajax_misc.php', { method: 'get', parameters: qs, onFailure: null, onSuccess: fill_box } ); } function save_predf_op(obj) { waiting_box(); var querystring = $(obj).serialize() + '&op=save_predf'; // Create a ajax request to get all the person var action = new Ajax.Request('ajax_misc.php', { method: 'post', parameters: querystring, onFailure: null, onSuccess: refresh_window } ); return false; } /** *ctl_concern is the widget to update *amount_id is either a html obj. or an amount and the field tiers if given * @param {type} dossier * @param {type} ctl_concern * @param {type} amount_id * @param {type} ledger * @param {type} p_id_target * @returns {undefined} */ function search_reconcile(dossier, ctl_concern, amount_id, ledger, p_id_target) { var dossier = g('gDossier').value; if (amount_id === undefined) { amount_id = 0; } else if ($(amount_id)) { if ($(amount_id).value) { amount_id = $(amount_id).value; } else if ($(amount_id).innerHTML) { amount_id = $(amount_id).innerHTML; } } var target = "search_op"; removeDiv(target); var str_style = fixed_position(77, 99); str_style += ";width:92%;overflow:auto;"; waiting_box(); var target = {gDossier: dossier, ctlc: ctl_concern, op: 'search_op', ctl: target, ac: 'JSSEARCH', amount_id: amount_id, ledger: ledger, target: p_id_target}; var qs = encodeJSON(target); var action = new Ajax.Request('ajax_misc.php', { method: 'get', parameters: qs, onFailure: null, onSuccess: function (req) { remove_waiting_box(); var div = {id: 'search_op', cssclass: 'inner_box', style: str_style, drag: 1}; add_div(div); $('search_op').innerHTML = req.responseText; req.responseText.evalScripts(); } } ); } /** * search in a popin obj if the object form */ function search_operation(obj) { try { var dossier = g('gDossier').value; waiting_box(); var target = "search_op"; var qs = Form.serialize('search_form_ajx') + "&op=search_op&ctl=search_op"; var action = new Ajax.Request('ajax_misc.php', { method: 'get', parameters: qs, onFailure: null, onSuccess: function (req) { remove_waiting_box(); $('search_op').innerHTML = req.responseText; req.responseText.evalScripts(); } } ); } catch (e) { remove_waiting_box(); alert_box(e.message); } } /** * Update the field e_concerned, from class_iconcerned * Value is the field where to put the quick-code but only if one checkbox has been * selected * @param {type} obj * @returns {undefined} */ function set_reconcile(obj) { try { var ctlc = obj.elements['ctlc']; if ( ! obj.elements['target']) return; var target = obj.elements['target'].value; for (var e = 0; e < obj.elements.length; e++) { var elmt = obj.elements[e]; if (elmt.type === "checkbox") { if (elmt.checked === true) { var str_name = elmt.name; var nValue = str_name.replace("jr_concerned", ""); if ($(ctlc.value).value != '') { $(ctlc.value).value += ','; } else { if (target != "" && $(target).value == "") { $(target).value = elmt.value; } } $(ctlc.value).value += nValue; } } } removeDiv('search_op'); } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message) } } function remove_waiting_node() { $('info_div').innerHTML = ""; $('info_div').style.display = "none"; } function remove_waiting_box() { removeDiv('wait_box'); remove_waiting_node(); } /** * Show all the detail of a profile : Menu, Management, Repository and * let the user to modify it * @param {type} gDossier * @param {type} profile_id * @returns {undefined} */ function get_profile_detail(gDossier, profile_id) { waiting_box(); var qs = "op=display_profile&gDossier=" + gDossier + "&p_id=" + profile_id + "&ctl=detail_profile"; var action = new Ajax.Request('ajax_misc.php', { method: 'get', parameters: qs, onFailure: null, onSuccess: function (req) { remove_waiting_box(); $('list_profile').hide(); $('detail_profile').innerHTML = req.responseText; req.responseText.evalScripts(); $('detail_profile').show(); if (profile_id != "-1") profile_show('profile_gen_div'); } } ); } function get_profile_detail_success_obsolete(xml) { remove_waiting_box(); } /** * @brief compute the string to position a div in a fixed way * @return string */ function fixed_position(p_sx, p_sy) { var sx = p_sx; var sy = calcy(p_sy); var str_style = "top:" + sy + "px;left:" + sx + "px;position:absolute"; return str_style; } /** *@brief compute Y even if the windows has scrolled down or up *@return the correct Y position */ function calcy(p_sy) { var sy = p_sy; if (window.scrollY) { sy = window.scrollY + p_sy; } else { sy = document.body.scrollTop + p_sy; } return sy; } /** * @brief display a box with the menu option * @param {type} gdossier * @param {type} pm_id * @returns {undefined} */ function mod_menu(gdossier, pm_id) { waiting_box(); removeDiv('divdm' + pm_id); var qs = "op=det_menu&gDossier=" + gdossier + "&pm_id=" + pm_id + "&ctl=divdm" + pm_id; var pos = fixed_position(50, 250); var action = new Ajax.Request('ajax_misc.php', { method: 'get', parameters: qs, onFailure: null, onSuccess: function (req) { try { remove_waiting_box(); add_div({id: "divdm" + pm_id, drag: 1, cssclass: "inner_box", style: pos}); $('divdm' + pm_id).innerHTML = req.responseText; } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } } } ); } /** * Display the submenu of a menu or a module, used in setting the menu * * @param {type} p_dossier * @param {type} p_profile * @param {type} p_dep * @returns {undefined} */ function display_sub_menu(p_dossier,p_profile,p_dep,p_level) { waiting_box(); new Ajax.Request('ajax_misc.php', { method:'get', parameters : { op:'display_submenu', gDossier:p_dossier, dep:p_dep, p_profile:p_profile , p_level : p_level }, onSuccess : function (req) { try { remove_waiting_box(); if ( $('menu_table').rows.length > p_level ) { $('menu_table').rows[1].remove(); } var new_row = document.createElement('TR'); new_row.innerHTML = req.responseText; $('menu_table').appendChild(new_row); } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } } }) } /** * in CFGPRO, ask to confirm before removing a submenu and its children * @param {type} p_dossier * @param {type} profile_menu_id * @returns {undefined} */ function remove_sub_menu(p_dossier,profile_menu_id) { confirm_box(null,'Confirme ?', function () { waiting_box(); new Ajax.Request('ajax_misc.php', { method:'get', parameters: { op:'remove_submenu',gDossier:p_dossier, p_profile_menu_id:profile_menu_id}, onSuccess:function (req) { try { remove_waiting_box(); $('sub'+profile_menu_id).remove(); if ( $('menu_table').rows.length > 1 ) { $('menu_table').rows[1].remove(); } } catch(e) { alert_box(e.message); } } } ) }); } /** * @brief add a menu to a profile, propose only the available menu * @param obj json object * - dossier : , * - p_id : profile id , * - type : Type of menu are "pr" for Printing "me" for plain menu * - p_level : level of menu (0 -> module,1-> top menu, 2->submenu) * - dep : the parent menu id (pm_id) * */ function add_menu(obj) { var pdossier = obj.dossier; var p_id = obj.p_id; var p_type = obj.type; waiting_box(); removeDiv('divdm' + p_id); var pos = fixed_position(250, 150)+";width:50%;"; var action = new Ajax.Request('ajax_misc.php', { method: 'get', parameters: { op:'add_menu', 'gDossier':pdossier , 'p_id' :p_id , 'ctl' : 'divdm' + p_id , 'type' : p_type, 'dep':obj.dep, 'p_level':obj.p_level}, onFailure: null, onSuccess: function (req) { try { remove_waiting_box(); add_div({id: "divdm" + p_id, drag: 1, "cssclass": "inner_box", "style": pos}); $('divdm' + p_id).innerHTML = req.responseText; } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } } } ); } /** * @brief Display a box to enter data for adding a new plugin from * the CFGMENU * @param {type} p_dossier * @returns {undefined} */ function add_plugin(p_dossier) { waiting_box(); removeDiv('divplugin'); var qs = "op=add_plugin&gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&ctl=divplugin"; var action = new Ajax.Request('ajax_misc.php', { method: 'get', parameters: qs, onFailure: null, onSuccess: function (req) { try { remove_waiting_box(); var pos = fixed_position(250, 150) + ";width:30%"; add_div({id: "divplugin", drag: 1, cssclass: "inner_box", style: pos}); $('divplugin').innerHTML = req.responseText; } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } } } ); } /** * Modify a menu * @param {type} p_dossier * @param {type} me_code * @returns {undefined} */ function mod_plugin(p_dossier, me_code) { waiting_box(); removeDiv('divplugin'); var qs = "op=mod_plugin&gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&ctl=divplugin&me_code=" + me_code; var action = new Ajax.Request('ajax_misc.php', { method: 'get', parameters: qs, onFailure: null, onSuccess: function (req) { try { remove_waiting_box(); var pos = fixed_position(250, 150) + ";width:30%"; add_div({id: "divplugin", drag: 1, cssclass: "inner_box", style: pos}); $('divplugin').innerHTML = req.responseText; } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } } } ); } function create_menu(p_dossier) { waiting_box(); removeDiv('divmenu'); var qs = "op=create_menu&gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&ctl=divmenu"; var action = new Ajax.Request('ajax_misc.php', { method: 'get', parameters: qs, onFailure: null, onSuccess: function (req) { try { remove_waiting_box(); var pos = fixed_position(250, 150) + ";width:30%"; add_div({ id: "divmenu", drag: 1, cssclass: "inner_box", style: pos }); $('divmenu').innerHTML = req.responseText; } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } } } ); } function modify_menu(p_dossier, me_code) { waiting_box(); removeDiv('divmenu'); var qs = "op=modify_menu&gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&ctl=divmenu&me_code=" + me_code; var action = new Ajax.Request('ajax_misc.php', { method: 'get', parameters: qs, onFailure: null, onSuccess: function (req) { try { remove_waiting_box(); var pos = fixed_position(250, 150) + ";width:30%"; add_div({ id: "divmenu", drag: 1, cssclass: "inner_box", style: pos }); $('divmenu').innerHTML = req.responseText; } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } } } ); } function get_properties(obj) { var a_array = []; var s_type = "[" + typeof obj + "]"; for (var m in obj) { a_array.push(m); } alert_box(s_type + a_array.join(",")); } /** * @brief add a line in the form for the report * @param p_dossier dossier id to connect */ function rapport_add_row(p_dossier) { style = 'style="border: 1px solid blue;"'; var table = $("rap1"); var line = table.rows.length; var row = table.insertRow(line); // left cell var cellPos = row.insertCell(0); cellPos.innerHTML = ''; // right cell var cellName = row.insertCell(1); cellName.innerHTML = ''; // button + formula var cellbutton = row.insertCell(2); var but_html = table.rows[1].cells[2].innerHTML; but_html = but_html.replace(/form0/g, "form" + line); cellbutton.innerHTML = but_html; but_html.evalScripts(); g('form' + line).value = ''; } /** * Search an action in an inner box */ function search_action(dossier, ctl_concern) { try { var dossier = g('gDossier').value; var target = "search_action_div"; removeDiv(target); var str_style = fixed_position(77, 99); var div = {id: target, cssclass: 'inner_box', style: str_style, html: loading(), drag: 1}; add_div(div); var target = {gDossier: dossier, ctlc: ctl_concern, op: 'search_action', ctl: target }; var qs = encodeJSON(target); var action = new Ajax.Request('ajax_misc.php', { method: 'get', parameters: qs, onFailure: null, onSuccess: function (req) { try { remove_waiting_box(); $('search_action_div').innerHTML = req.responseText; req.responseText.evalScripts(); } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } } } ); } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } } function result_search_action(obj) { try { var queryString = $(obj).serialize() + "&op=search_action"; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", {method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req) { try { remove_waiting_box(); $('search_action_div').innerHTML = req.responseText; req.responseText.evalScripts(); } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } } } ) } catch (e) { alert_box("display_periode " + e.message); } return false; } function set_action_related(p_obj) { try { var obj = $(p_obj); var ctlc = obj.elements['ctlc']; for (var e = 0; e < obj.elements.length; e++) { var elmt = obj.elements[e]; if (elmt.type === "checkbox") { if (elmt.checked === true) { var str_name = elmt.name; var nValue = elmt.value; if ($(ctlc.value).value != '') { $(ctlc.value).value += ','; } $(ctlc.value).value += nValue; } } } removeDiv('search_action_div'); return false; } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); return false; } } /** *@brief change a document_modele */ function stock_repo_change(p_dossier, r_id) { var queryString = "gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&op=mod_stock_repo" + "&r_id=" + r_id; var nTop = calcy(posY); var nLeft = "200px"; var str_style = "top:" + nTop + "px;left:" + nLeft + ";height:auto"; removeDiv('change_stock_repo_div'); waiting_box(); var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req) { remove_waiting_box(); add_div({id: 'change_stock_repo_div', style: str_style, cssclass: 'inner_box', drag: "1"}); $('change_stock_repo_div').innerHTML = req.responseText; } } ); } function stock_inv_detail(p_dossier, p_id) { var queryString = "gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&op=view_mod_stock" + "&c_id=" + p_id + "&ctl=view_mod_stock_div"; var nTop = calcy(posY); var nLeft = "10%"; var str_style = "top:" + nTop + "px;left:" + nLeft + ";width:80%;"; removeDiv('view_mod_stock_div'); waiting_box(); var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req) { remove_waiting_box(); add_div({id: 'view_mod_stock_div', style: str_style, cssclass: 'inner_box', drag: "1"}); $('view_mod_stock_div').innerHTML = req.responseText; req.responseText.evalScripts(); } } ); } function show_fin_chdate(obj_id) { try { var ch = $(obj_id).options[$(obj_id).selectedIndex].value; if (ch == 2) { $('chdate_ext').hide(); $('thdate').show(); } if (ch == 1) { $('chdate_ext').show(); $('thdate').hide(); } var nb = $('nb_item').value; for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) { if ($('tdchdate' + i)) { if (ch == 2) { $('tdchdate' + i).show(); } if (ch == 1) { $('tdchdate' + i).hide(); } } } } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } } /** * tab menu for the profile parameter */ function profile_show(p_div) { try { var div = ['profile_gen_div', 'profile_menu_div', 'profile_print_div', 'profile_gestion_div', 'profile_repo_div']; for (var r = 0; r < div.length; r++) { $(div[r]).hide(); } $(p_div).show(); } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message) } } function detail_category_show(p_div, p_dossier, p_id) { $(p_div).show(); waiting_box(); $('detail_category_div').innerHTML = ""; var queryString = "gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&id=" + p_id + "&op=fddetail"; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req) { remove_waiting_box(); $('list_cat_div').hide(); $('detail_category_div').innerHTML = req.responseText; $('detail_category_div').show(); req.responseText.evalScripts(); } } ); } /** * @brief check if the parameter is a valid a valid date or not, returns true if it is valid otherwise * false * @parameter p_str_date the string of the date (format DD.MM.YYYY) */ function check_date(p_str_date) { var format = /^\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{4}$/; if (!format.test(p_str_date)) { return false; } else { var date_temp = p_str_date.split('.'); var nMonth = parseFloat(date_temp[1]) - 1; var ma_date = new Date(date_temp[2], nMonth, date_temp[0]); if (ma_date.getFullYear() == date_temp[2] && ma_date.getMonth() == nMonth && ma_date.getDate() == date_temp[0]) { return true; } else { return false; } } } /** * @brief get the string in the id and check if the date is valid * @parameter p_id_date is the id of the element to check * @return true if the date is valid * @see check_date */ function check_date_id(p_id_date) { var str_date = $(p_id_date).value; return check_date(str_date); } /** * * @param ag_id to view * @param dossier is the folder * @param modify : show the modify button values : 0 for no 1 for yes */ function view_action(ag_id, dossier, modify) { waiting_box(); layer++; id = 'action' + layer; querystring = 'gDossier=' + dossier + '&op=vw_action&ag_id=' + ag_id + '&div=' + id + '&mod=' + modify; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: querystring, onFailure: error_box, onSuccess: function (req) { try { remove_waiting_box(); var answer = req.responseXML; var ctl = answer.getElementsByTagName('ctl'); if ( ctl.length == 0) { throw 'ajax failed ctl view_action'; } var ctl_txt=getNodeText(ctl[0]); var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code'); if (html.length === 0) { var rec = req.responseText; throw 'ajax failed html view_action'; } var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]); code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); var pos = fixed_position(0, 50) + ";width:90%;left:5%;"; add_div({ id: id, drag: 1, cssclass: "inner_box", style: pos }); $(id).innerHTML = code_html; if ( ctl_txt == 'ok') { compute_all_ledger();} } catch (e) { alert_box('view_action' + e.message); } } } ); } /** * @brief filter quickly a table * @param phrase : phrase to seach * @param _id : id of the table * @param colnr : string containing the column number where you're searching separated by a comma * @param start_row : first row (1 if you have table header) * @returns nothing * @see HtmlInput::filter_table */ function filter_table(phrase, _id, colnr, start_row) { $('info_div').innerHTML = "Un instant"; $('info_div').style.display = "block"; var words = $(phrase).value.toLowerCase(); var table = document.getElementById(_id); // if colnr contains a comma then check several columns var aCol = new Array(); if (colnr.indexOf(',') >= 0) { aCol = colnr.split(','); } else { aCol[0] = colnr; } var ele; var tot_found = 0; for (var r = start_row; r < table.rows.length; r++) { var found = 0; for (var col = 0; col < aCol.length; col++) { var idx = aCol[col]; if (table.rows[r].cells[idx]) { ele = table.rows[r].cells[idx].innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, ""); //var displayStyle = 'none'; if (ele.toLowerCase().indexOf(words) >= 0) { found = 1; } } } if (found === 1) { tot_found++; table.rows[r].style.display = ''; } else { table.rows[r].style.display = 'none'; } $('info_div').style.display = "none"; $('info_div').innerHTML = ""; } if (tot_found == 0) { if ($('info_' + _id)) { $('info_' + _id).innerHTML = " Aucun résultat "; } } else { if ($('info_' + _id)) { $('info_' + _id).innerHTML = " "; } } } /** * @brief * Display the task late or for today in dashboard */ function display_task(p_id) { new Draggable(p_id, {starteffect: function () { new Effect.Highlight(obj.id, {scroll: window, queue: 'end'}); }} ); $(p_id).style.top = posY + 'px'; $(p_id).style.left = "10%"; $(p_id).style.width = "80%"; $(p_id).style.display = 'block'; } /** * @brief * Set a message in the info */ function info_message(p_message) { $('info_div').innerHTML = p_message; $('info_div').style.display = "block"; } /** * @brief hide the info box */ function info_hide() { $('info_div').style.display = "none"; } /** * Show the navigator in a internal window * @returns {undefined} */ function ask_navigator(p_dossier) { try { waiting_box(); removeDiv('navi_div') var queryString = "gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&op=navigator"; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req) { remove_waiting_box(); add_div({id: 'navi_div', style: 'top:2em;left:2em;width:90%', cssclass: 'inner_box'}); $('navi_div').innerHTML = req.responseText; try { req.responseText.evalScripts(); sorttable.makeSortable($("navi_tb")); } catch (e) { alert_box("answer_box Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message); } } } ); } catch (e) { info_message(e.getMessage); } } /** * @brief Display an internal windows to set the user's preference * */ function set_preference(p_dossier) { try { waiting_box(); removeDiv('preference_div') var queryString = "gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&op=preference"; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req) { remove_waiting_box(); add_div({id: 'preference_div', drag: 1}); $('preference_div').innerHTML = req.responseText; try { req.responseText.evalScripts(); } catch (e) { alert_box("answer_box Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message); } } } ); } catch (e) { info_message(e.getMessage); } } /** * @brief Display user's bookmark * */ function show_bookmark(p_dossier) { try { waiting_box(); removeDiv('bookmark_div'); var param = window.location.search; param = param.gsub('?', ''); var queryString = "gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&op=bookmark&" + param; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req) { remove_waiting_box(); add_div({id: 'bookmark_div', cssclass: 'inner_box', drag: 1}); $('bookmark_div').innerHTML = req.responseText; try { req.responseText.evalScripts(); } catch (e) { alert_box("answer_box Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message); } } } ); } catch (e) { info_message(e.getMessage); } } /** * @brief save the bookmark */ function save_bookmark() { try { waiting_box(); var queryString = "op=bookmark&" + $("bookmark_frm").serialize(); var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req) { remove_waiting_box(); // removeDiv('bookmark_div'); // $('bookmark_div').innerHTML = req.responseText; try { req.responseText.evalScripts(); } catch (e) { alert_box("answer_box Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message); } } } ); } catch (e) { info_message(e.getMessage); } } /** * @brief remove selected bookmark */ function remove_bookmark() { try { waiting_box(); var queryString = "op=bookmark&" + $("bookmark_del_frm").serialize(); var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req) { remove_waiting_box(); $('bookmark_div').innerHTML = req.responseText; try { req.responseText.evalScripts(); } catch (e) { alert_box("answer_box Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message); } } } ); } catch (e) { error_message(e.getMessage); } } /** *@brief display the error message into the div error_content_div (included into error_div) *@param message message to display *@note there is no protection */ function error_message(message) { $('error_content_div').innerHTML = message; $('error_div').style.visibility = 'visible'; } /** * @brief show the detail of a tag and propose to save it */ function show_tag(p_dossier, p_ac, p_tag_id, p_post) { try { waiting_box(); var queryString = "op=tag_detail&tag=" + p_tag_id + "&gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&ac=" + p_ac + '&form=' + p_post; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req) { var answer = req.responseXML; var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code'); if (html.length === 0) { var rec = req.responseText; alert_box('erreur :' + rec); } var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]); code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); remove_waiting_box(); add_div({id: 'tag_div', cssclass: 'inner_box', drag: 1}); $('tag_div').innerHTML = code_html; try { code_html.evalScripts(); } catch (e) { alert_box("answer_box Impossible executer script de la reponse\n" + e.message); } } } ); } catch (e) { error_message(e.getMessage); } } /** * @brief save the modified tag */ function save_tag() { try { waiting_box(); var queryString = "op=tag_save&" + $("tag_detail_frm").serialize(); var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req, j) { remove_waiting_box(); removeDiv('tag_div'); } } ); } catch (e) { error_message(e.getMessage); return false; } return false; } /** * Show a list of tag which can be added to the current followup document * @param {type} p_dossier * @param {type} ag_id * @returns {undefined} */ function action_tag_select(p_dossier, ag_id) { try { waiting_box(); var queryString = "ag_id=" + ag_id + "&op=tag_list&gDossier=" + p_dossier; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req, j) { var answer = req.responseXML; var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code'); if (html.length === 0) { var rec = unescape_xml(req.responseText); error_message('erreur :' + rec); } var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]); code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); pos = fixed_position(35, 229); add_div({id: 'tag_div', style: pos, cssclass: 'inner_box tag', drag: 1}); remove_waiting_box(); $('tag_div').innerHTML = code_html; } } ); } catch (e) { error_message(e.getMessage); } } /** * @brief Add the current tag to the current ag_id * @param {type} p_dossier * @param {type} ag_id * @returns {undefined} */ function action_tag_add(p_dossier, ag_id, t_id) { try { waiting_box(); var queryString = "t_id=" + t_id + "&ag_id=" + ag_id + "&op=tag_add&gDossier=" + p_dossier; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req, j) { var answer = req.responseXML; var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code'); if (html.length === 0) { var rec = unescape_xml(req.responseText); error_message('erreur :' + rec); } var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]); code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); remove_waiting_box(); $('action_tag_td').innerHTML = code_html; removeDiv('tag_div'); } } ); } catch (e) { error_message(e.getMessage); } } /** * @brief remove the current tag to the current ag_id * @param {type} p_dossier * @param {type} ag_id * @returns {undefined} */ function action_tag_remove(p_dossier, ag_id, t_id) { if (confirm('Enlevez ce tags ?') === false) return; try { waiting_box(); var queryString = "t_id=" + t_id + "&ag_id=" + ag_id + "&op=tag_remove&gDossier=" + p_dossier; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req, j) { var answer = req.responseXML; var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code'); if (html.length === 0) { var rec = unescape_xml(req.responseText); error_message('erreur :' + rec); } var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]); code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); remove_waiting_box(); $('action_tag_td').innerHTML = code_html; } } ); } catch (e) { error_message(e.getMessage); } } /** * Display a div with available tags, this div can update the cell * tag_choose_td * @param {type} p_dossier * @returns {undefined} */ function search_display_tag(p_dossier, p_prefix) { try { waiting_box(); var queryString = "op=search_display_tag&gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&pref=" + p_prefix; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req, j) { var answer = req.responseXML; var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('code'); if (html.length === 0) { var rec = unescape_xml(req.responseText); error_message('erreur :' + rec); } var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]); code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); remove_waiting_box(); add_div({id: p_prefix + 'tag_div', style: '', cssclass: 'inner_box', drag: 1}); $(p_prefix + 'tag_div').style.top = posY - 80 + "px"; $(p_prefix + 'tag_div').style.left = posX - 200 + "px"; remove_waiting_box(); $(p_prefix + 'tag_div').innerHTML = code_html; } } ); } catch (e) { error_message(e.getMessage); } } /** * @brief Add the selected tag (p_tag_id) to the cell of tag_choose_td in the search screen * in the search screen * @param {type} p_dossier * @param {type} p_tag_id */ function search_add_tag(p_dossier, p_tag_id, p_prefix) { try { var clear_button = 0; if (tag_choose === '' && p_prefix === 'search') { tag_choose = $(p_prefix + 'tag_choose_td').innerHTML; clear_button = 1; } waiting_box(); var queryString = "op=search_add_tag&gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&id=" + p_tag_id + "&clear=" + clear_button + '&pref=' + p_prefix; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req, j) { var answer = req.responseXML; var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('html'); if (html.length === 0) { var rec = unescape_xml(req.responseText); error_message('erreur :' + rec); } var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]); code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); remove_waiting_box(); $(p_prefix + 'tag_choose_td').innerHTML = $(p_prefix + 'tag_choose_td').innerHTML + code_html; removeDiv(p_prefix + 'tag_div'); } } ); } catch (e) { error_message(e.getMessage); } } /** * Clear the tags in the cell tag_choose_td of the search screen * @returns {undefined} */ function search_clear_tag(p_dossier, p_prefix) { if (p_prefix != 'search') { $(p_prefix + 'tag_choose_td').innerHTML = ""; return; } try { var queryString = "op=search_clear_tag&gDossier=" + p_dossier + "&pref=" + p_prefix; var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: queryString, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req, j) { var answer = req.responseXML; var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('html'); if (html.length === 0) { var rec = unescape_xml(req.responseText); error_message('erreur :' + rec); } var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]); code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); $(p_prefix + 'tag_choose_td').innerHTML = code_html; tag_choose = ""; } } ); } catch (e) { error_message(e.getMessage); } } function action_show_checkbox() { var a = document.getElementsByName('ag_id_td'); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i].style.display = 'block'; } } function action_hide_checkbox() { var a = document.getElementsByName('ag_id_td'); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i].style.display = 'none'; } } /** * * @param {type} obj * object attribute : g * - Dossier dossier_id, * - invalue DOM Element where you can find the periode to zoom * - outdiv ID of the target (DIV) * */ function calendar_zoom(obj) { try { waiting_box(); var per_periode=null; var notitle=0; var from=0; if ( $(obj.invalue) ) { per_periode=$(obj.invalue).value;} if ( obj.notitle && obj.notitle==1 ) { notitle=1;} var action = new Ajax.Request( "ajax_misc.php", { method: 'get', parameters: { "notitle":notitle,"op":'calendar_zoom','from':from,'gDossier':obj.gDossier,'in':per_periode ,'out' : obj.outdiv,'distype':obj.distype}, onFailure: ajax_misc_failure, onSuccess: function (req, j) { var answer = req.responseXML; var html = answer.getElementsByTagName('html'); if (html.length === 0) { var rec = unescape_xml(req.responseText); error_message('erreur :' + rec); } var code_html = getNodeText(html[0]); code_html = unescape_xml(code_html); // if the target doesn't exist // then create it if (obj.outdiv === undefined) { obj.outdiv = 'calendar_zoom_div'; } if ($(obj.outdiv) == undefined) { var str_style = fixed_position(0, 20); add_div({id: obj.outdiv, style: 'margin-left:3%;width:94%;' + str_style, cssclass: "inner_box", drag: 1}); } remove_waiting_box(); $(obj.outdiv).innerHTML = code_html; $(obj.outdiv).show(); } } ); } catch (e) { error_message('calendar_zoom ' + e.getMessage); } } /** * @brief add a line in the form for the stock */ function stock_add_row() { try { style = 'class="input_text"'; var mytable = g("stock_tb").tBodies[0]; var ofirstRow = mytable.rows[1]; var line = mytable.rows.length; var nCell = mytable.rows[1].cells.length; var row = mytable.insertRow(line); var nb = g("row"); for (var e = 0; e < nCell; e++) { var newCell = row.insertCell(e); if (mytable.rows[1].cells[e].hasClassName('num')) { newCell.addClassName("num"); } var tt = ofirstRow.cells[e].innerHTML; var new_tt = tt.replace(/sg_code0/g, "sg_code" + nb.value); new_tt = new_tt.replace(/sg_quantity0/g, "sg_quantity" + nb.value); new_tt = new_tt.replace(/label0/g, "label" + nb.value); newCell.innerHTML = new_tt; new_tt.evalScripts(); } g("sg_code" + nb.value).innerHTML = ' '; g("sg_code" + nb.value).value = ''; g("label" + nb.value).innerHTML = ''; g("sg_quantity" + nb.value).value = '0'; nb.value++; new_tt.evalScripts(); } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } } function show_description(p_id) { $('print_desc' + p_id).hide(); $('input_desc' + p_id).show(); } /** * Hightlight the row we select and restore previous one * @param {type} x * @returns {undefined} */ var old_class = null; var old_select = null; function select_cat(x) { if (old_select != null) { $(old_select).className = old_class; } old_select = $('select_cat_row_' + x); old_class = old_select.className; $(old_select).className = "highlight"; $('fd_id').value = x; } /** * Show the DIV and hide the other, the array of possible DIV are * in a_tabs, * @param {array} a_tabs name of possible tabs * @param {strng} p_display_tab tab to display */ function show_tabs(a_tabs, p_display_tab) { try { if (a_tabs.length == 0) trow('a_tabs in empty'); var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < a_tabs.length; i++) { $(a_tabs[i]).hide(); } $(p_display_tab).show(); } catch (e) { alert_box(e.message); } } /** * Change the class of all the "LI" element of a UL or OL * @param node of ul (this) */ function unselect_other_tab(p_tab) { try { var other = p_tab.getElementsByTagName("li"); var i = 0; var tab = null; for (i = 0; i < other.length; i++) { tab = other[i]; tab.className = "tabs"; } } catch (e) { if (console) console.log(e.message); } } /** * logout function call from ajax * @see ajax_disconnected * @returns {undefined} */ function logout() { var tmp_place = window.location.href var tmp_b = tmp_place.split('/') var tmp_last = tmp_b.length - 1 var place_logout = tmp_place.replace(tmp_b[tmp_last], 'logout.php'); window.location.href = place_logout; } /** * Create a div which can be used in a anchor * @returns {undefined} */ function create_anchor_up() { if ( $('up_top')) return; var newElt = new Element('div'); newElt.setAttribute('id', 'up_top'); newElt.innerHTML=''; var parent = $('info_div').parentNode; parent.insertBefore(newElt, $('info_div')); } /** * Initialize the window to show the button "UP" if the window is scrolled * vertically * @returns {undefined} */ function init_scroll() { var up=new Element('div',{"class":"inner_box", "style":"padding:10px;left:auto;width:30px;height: auto;display:none;position:fixed;top:25px;right:20px;text-align:center", id:"go_up" }); up.innerHTML=' '; document.body.appendChild(up); window.onscroll=function () { if ( document.viewport.getScrollOffsets().top> 0) { if ($('go_up').visible() == false) { $('go_up').setOpacity(0.85); $('go_up').show(); } } else { $('go_up').hide(); } } } /** * Confirm a form thanks a modal dialog Box, it returns true if we agree otherwise * false * @code
* @endcode * @param p_obj form element (object) or element id (string) * @param p_message message to display * @returns true or false */ function confirm_box(p_obj, p_message,p_callback_true) { waiting_box(); try { // Find id of the end var name=""; if ( p_obj != null ) { if ( typeof (p_obj) === "object") { name=p_obj.id; } else { name=p_obj; } } // execute the callback function or submit the form if ( p_callback_true == undefined || p_callback_true==null) { smoke.confirm(p_message,function (e) { if ( e ) { $(name).submit(); } }); } else { smoke.confirm(p_message,function (e) { if ( e ) { p_callback_true.apply();} }); } } catch (e) { alert_box(e.getMessage); } remove_waiting_box(); return false; } /** * Alert box in CSS and HTML to replace the common javascript alert * @param p_message message to display * @returns void */ function alert_box(p_message) { smoke.alert(p_message,false , {ok:'ok',classname:"inner_box"}); } /** * All the onload must be here otherwise the other will overwritten * @returns {undefined} */ window.onload=function () { create_anchor_up(); init_scroll(); sorttable.init }