function h2($p_string, $p_class="",$raw="")
return '
' . $raw.htmlspecialchars($p_string) . '
function h1($p_string, $p_class="")
return '
' . htmlspecialchars($p_string) . '
* \brief surround the string with td
* \param $p_string string to surround by TD
* \param $p_extra extra info (class, style, javascript...)
* \return string surrounded by td
function td($p_string='', $p_extra='')
return '
' . $p_string . '
function tr($p_string, $p_extra='')
return '
' . $p_string . '
* @brief escape correctly php string to javascript
function j($p_string)
$a = preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($p_string));
$a = str_replace("'", '\'', $a);
return $a;
* format the number for the CSV export
* @param $p_number number
function nb($p_number)
$r = sprintf('%.2f', $p_number);
$r = str_replace('.', ',', $r);
return $r;
* format the number with a sep. for the thousand
* @param $p_number number
function nbm($p_number)
if (trim($p_number) == '')
return '';
if ($p_number == 0)
return "0,00";
$a = doubleval($p_number);
$r = number_format($a, 2, ",", ".");
if (trim($r) == '')
return $r;
* \brief log error into the /tmp/noalyss_error.log it doesn't work on windows
* \param p_log message
* \param p_line line number
* \param p_message is the message
* \return nothing
function echo_error($p_log, $p_line="", $p_message="")
echo "ERREUR :" . $p_log . " " . $p_line . " " . $p_message;
$fdebug = fopen($_ENV['TMP'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "noalyss_error.log", "a+");
if ($fdebug != null)
fwrite($fdebug, date("Ymd H:i:s") . $p_log . " " . $p_line . " " . $p_message . "\n");
* \brief Compare 2 dates
* \param p_date
* \param p_date_oth
* \return
* - == 0 les dates sont identiques
* - > 0 date1 > date2
* - < 0 date1 < date2
function cmpDate($p_date, $p_date_oth)
$l_date = isDate($p_date);
$l2_date = isDate($p_date_oth);
if ($l_date == null || $l2_date == null)
throw new Exception("erreur date [$p_date] [$p_date_oth]");
$l_adate = explode(".", $l_date);
$l2_adate = explode(".", $l2_date);
$l_mkdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $l_adate[1], $l_adate[0], $l_adate[2]);
$l2_mkdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $l2_adate[1], $l2_adate[0], $l2_adate[2]);
// si $p_date > $p_date_oth return > 0
return $l_mkdate - $l2_mkdate;
* @brief check if the argument is a number
* \param $p_int number to test
* \return
* - 1 it's a number
* - 0 it is not
function isNumber(&$p_int)
if (strlen(trim($p_int)) == 0)
return 0;
if (is_numeric($p_int) === true)
return 1;
return 0;
* \brief Verifie qu'une date est bien formaté
* en d.m.y et est valable
* \param $p_date
* \return
* - null si la date est invalide ou malformaté
* - $p_date si tout est bon
function isDate($p_date)
if (strlen(trim($p_date)) == 0)
return null;
if (preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}\.20[0-9]{2}$/", $p_date) == 0)
return null;
$l_date = explode(".", $p_date);
if (sizeof($l_date) != 3)
return null;
if ($l_date[2] > COMPTA_MAX_YEAR || $l_date[2] < COMPTA_MIN_YEAR)
return null;
if (checkdate($l_date[1], $l_date[0], $l_date[2]) == false)
return null;
return $p_date;
* \brief Default page header for each page
* \param p_theme default theme
* \param $p_script
* \param $p_script2 another js script
* Must be called only once
* \return none
function html_page_start($p_theme="", $p_script="", $p_script2="")
// check not called twiced
static $already_call=0;
if ( $already_call==1)return;
$cn = new Database();
if ($p_theme != "")
$Res = $cn->exec_sql("select the_filestyle from theme
where the_name='" . $p_theme . "'");
if (Database::num_row($Res) == 0)
$style = "style-classic.css";
$s = Database::fetch_array($Res, 0);
$style = $s['the_filestyle'];
$style = "style-classic.css";
} // end if
if ( isset ($_REQUEST['ac'])) {
if (strpos($_REQUEST['ac'],'/') <> 0)
$m= explode('/',$_REQUEST['ac']);
$title=$m[count($m)-1]." ".$title;
$title=$_REQUEST['ac']." ".$title;
if ($is_msie == 0 )
echo '';
echo '';
else {
echo '';
echo "";
if ($p_script2 != "")
$p_script2 = '';
echo "";
if ( $is_msie == 1 )echo ' ';
echo "
" .
$p_script2 . "
echo '
echo load_all_script();
echo ' ';
echo "";
echo '';
echo '
// language
if (isset($_SESSION['g_lang']))
* \brief Minimal page header for each page, used for small popup window
* \param p_theme default theme
* \param $p_script
* \param $p_script2 another js script
* \return none
function html_min_page_start($p_theme="", $p_script="", $p_script2="")
$cn = new Database();
if ($p_theme != "")
$Res = $cn->exec_sql("select the_filestyle from theme
where the_name='" . $p_theme . "'");
if (Database::num_row($Res) == 0)
$style = "style-classic.css";
$s = Database::fetch_array($Res, 0);
$style = $s['the_filestyle'];
$style = "style-classic.css";
} // end if
echo '';
echo "";
if ($p_script2 != "")
$p_script2 = '';
echo "
" .
$p_script2 . "
echo '
echo "";
/* If we are on the user_login page */
if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'user_login.php')
* \brief end tag
function html_page_stop()
echo "";
echo "";
* \brief Echo no access and stop
* \return nothing
function NoAccess($js=1)
if ($js == 1)
echo "";
echo '
echo '
' . _(' Cette action ne vous est pas autorisée Contactez votre responsable') . '
echo '
exit - 1;
* replaced by sql_string
* @deprecated
function FormatString($p_string)
return sql_string($p_string);
* \brief Fix the problem with the quote char for the database
* \param $p_string
* \return a string which won't let strange char for the database
function sql_string($p_string)
$p_string = trim($p_string);
if (strlen($p_string) == 0)
return null;
$p_string = str_replace("'", "''", $p_string);
$p_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $p_string);
return $p_string;
/* \brief store the string which print
* the content of p_array in a table
* used to display the menu
* \param $p_array array like ( 0=>HREF reference, 1=>visible item (name),2=>Help(opt),
* 3=>selected (opt) 4=>javascript (normally a onclick event) (opt)
* \param $p_dir direction of the menu (H Horizontal V vertical)
* \param $class CSS for TD tag
* \param $class_ref CSS for the A tag
* \param $default selected item
* \param $p_extra extra code for the table tag (CSS or javascript)
/* \return : string */
function ShowItem($p_array, $p_dir='V', $class="mtitle", $class_ref="mtitle", $default="", $p_extra="")
$ret = "
// direction Vertical
if ($p_dir == 'V')
foreach ($p_array as $all => $href)
$javascript = (isset($href[4])) ? $href[4] : "";
$title = "";
$set = "XX";
if (isset($href[2]))
$title = $href[2];
if (isset($href[3]))
$set = $href[3];
if ($set == $default)
* \brief Show the periode which found thanks its id
* \param $p_cn database connection
* \param p_id
* \param pos Start or end
* \return: string
function getPeriodeName($p_cn, $p_id, $pos='p_start')
if ($pos != 'p_start' and
$pos != 'p_end')
echo_error('ac_common.php' . "-" . __LINE__ . ' UNDEFINED PERIODE');
$ret = $p_cn->get_value("select to_char($pos,'Mon YYYY') as t from parm_periode where p_id=$p_id");
return $ret;
* \brief Return the period corresponding to the
* date
* \param p_cn database connection
* \param p_date the month + year 'MM.YYYY'
* \return:
* parm_periode.p_id
function getPeriodeFromMonth($p_cn, $p_date)
$R = $p_cn->get_value("select p_id from parm_periode where
to_char(p_start,'DD.MM.YYYY') = '01.$p_date'");
if ($R == "")
return -1;
return $R;
/**\brief Decode the html for the widegt richtext and remove newline
* \param $p_html string to decode
* \return the html code without new line
function Decode($p_html)
$p_html = str_replace('%0D', '', $p_html);
$p_html = str_replace('%0A', '', $p_html);
$p_html = urldecode($p_html);
return $p_html;
/**\brief Create the condition to filter on the j_tech_per
* thanks a from and to date.
* \param $p_cn database conx
* \param $p_from start date (date)
* \param $p_to end date (date)
* \param $p_form if the p_from and p_to are date or p_id
* \param $p_field column name
* \return a string containg the query
function sql_filter_per($p_cn, $p_from, $p_to, $p_form='p_id', $p_field='jr_tech_per')
if ($p_form != 'p_id' &&
$p_form != 'date')
echo_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Mauvais parametres ');
if ($p_form == 'p_id')
// retrieve the date
$pPeriode = new Periode($p_cn);
$a_start = $pPeriode->get_date_limit($p_from);
$a_end = $pPeriode->get_date_limit($p_to);
if ($a_start == null || $a_end == null)
throw new Exception(__FILE__ . __LINE__ . sprintf(_('Attention periode
non trouvee periode p_from= %s p_to_periode = %s'), $p_from ,
$p_from = $a_start['p_start'];
$p_to = $a_end['p_end'];
if ($p_from == $p_to)
$periode = " $p_field = (select p_id from parm_periode " .
" where " .
" p_start = to_date('$p_from','DD.MM.YYYY')) ";
$periode = "$p_field in (select p_id from parm_periode " .
" where p_start >= to_date('$p_from','DD.MM.YYYY') and p_end <= to_date('$p_to','DD.MM.YYYY')) ";
return $periode;
/**\brief alert in javascript
* \param $p_msg is the message
* \param $buffer if false, echo directly and execute the javascript, if $buffer is true, the alert javascript
* is in the return string
* \return string with alert javascript if $buffer is true
function alert($p_msg, $buffer=false)
$r = '';
if ($buffer)
return $r;
echo $r;
* @brief set the lang thanks the _SESSION['g_lang'] var.
function set_language()
// desactivate local check
if ( defined("LOCALE") && LOCALE==0 ) return;
if ( ! isset ($_SESSION['g_lang'])) return;
$dir = "";
// set differently the language depending of the operating system
if (what_os() == 1)
$dir = setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $_SESSION['g_lang']);
if ($dir == "")
$g_lang = 'fr_FR.utf8';
$dir = setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $g_lang);
// echo '' . $_SESSION['g_lang'] . ' domaine non supporté';
bindtextdomain('messages', './lang');
bind_textdomain_codeset('messages', 'UTF8');
// for windows
putenv('LANG=' . $_SESSION['g_lang']);
$dir = setlocale(LC_ALL, $_SESSION['g_lang']);
bindtextdomain('messages', '.\\lang');
bind_textdomain_codeset('messages', 'UTF8');
* @brief try to determine on what os you are running the pĥpcompte
* server
* @return
* 0 it is a windows
* 1 it is a Unix like
function what_os()
$inc_path = get_include_path();
if (strpos($inc_path, ";") != 0)
$os = 0; /* $os is 0 for windoz */
$os = 1; /* $os is 1 for unix */
return $os;
* @brief shrink the date, make a date shorter for the printing
* @param $p_date format DD.MM.YYYY
* @return date in the format DDMMYY (size = 13 mm in arial 8)
function shrink_date($p_date)
$date = str_replace('.', '', $p_date);
$str_date = substr($date, 0, 4) . substr($date, 6, 2);
return $str_date;
* @brief shrink the date, make a date shorter for the printing
* @param $p_date format DD.MM.YYYY
* @return date in the format DDMMYY (size = 13 mm in arial 8)
function smaller_date($p_date)
$str_date = substr($p_date, 0, 6) . substr($p_date, 8, 2);
return $str_date;
* @brief format the date, when taken from the database the format
* @param $p_date format
* @param
* @return date in the format DD.MM.YYYY
function format_date($p_date, $p_from_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD',$p_to_format='DD.MM.YYYY')
if ($p_from_format == 'YYYY-MM-DD')
$date = explode('-', $p_date);
if (count($date) != 3)
return $p_date;
if ($p_from_format == 'DD.MM.YYYY')
$temp_date = explode('.', $p_date);
if (count($temp_date) != 3)
return $p_date;
$date[0] = $temp_date[2]; // 0 is year
$date[1] = $temp_date[1]; // 1 for month
$date[2] = $temp_date[0]; // 2 for day
switch ($p_to_format)
case 'DD.MM.YYYY':
$str_date = $date[2] . '.' . $date[1] . '.' . $date[0];
case 'YYYY-MM-DD':
$str_date = $date[0] . '-' . $date[1] . '-' . $date[2];
case 'YYYYMMDD':
$str_date = $date[0] . $date[1] . $date[2];
case 'YYYY/MM/DD':
$str_date = $date[0] . '/' . $date[1] . '/' . $date[2];
return $str_date;
* Should a dialog box when you are disconnected from an ajax call
* propose to reload or to connect in another tab
function ajax_disconnected($div)
* if $_SESSION['g_user'] is not set : echo a warning
if (!isset($_SESSION['g_user']))
$script = 'var a=$("' . $div . '");a.style.height="70%";a.style.width="60%";';
$script = create_script($script);
$html = $script;
$html.=h2(_('Données non disponibles'), 'class="title" style="width:auto"');
$html.=h2(_('Veuillez vous reconnecter soit dans une autre fenêtre soit '
. ' en cliquant sur le lien'), 'class="error"');
// Reload button
$reload=new IButton("reload");
$reload->value=_("Se reconnecter pour revenir ici");
// Link to log in another tab
if ($file[0]['me_file'] != '')
if ($file[0]['me_parameter'] != "")
// if there are paramter put them in superglobal
// if file is not a plugin, include the file, otherwise
// include the plugin launcher
if ($file[0]['me_type'] != 'PL')
require_once $file[0]['me_file'];
// nothing : direct call to plugin
if ( $file[0]['me_javascript'] != '')
* Find the default module or the first one
* @global $g_user $g_user
* @return default module (string)
function find_default_module()
global $g_user;
$cn = Dossier::connect();
$default_module = $cn->get_array("select me_code
from profile_menu join profile_user using (p_id)
p_type_display='M' and
user_name=$1 and pm_default=1", array($g_user->login));
* Try to find the smallest order for module
if (empty($default_module))
$default_module = $cn->get_array("select me_code
from profile_menu join profile_user using (p_id)
p_type_display='M' and
user_name=$1 order by p_order limit 1", array($g_user->login));
// if no default try to find the default menu
if ( empty ($default_module))
$default_module = $cn->get_array("select me_code
from profile_menu join profile_user using (p_id)
p_type_display='E' and
user_name=$1 and pm_default=1 ", array($g_user->login));
* Try to find a default menu by order
if (empty ($default_module))
$default_module = $cn->get_array("select me_code
from profile_menu join profile_user using (p_id)
user_name=$1 and p_order=(select min(p_order) from profile_menu join profile_user using (p_id)
where user_name=$2) limit 1", array($g_user->login, $g_user->login));
* if nothing found, there is no profile for this user => exit
if (empty ($default_module))
* If administrateur, then we insert a default profile (1)
* for him
if ( $g_user->admin == 1 )
$cn->exec_sql('insert into profile_user(user_name,p_id) values ($1,1) ',array($g_user->login));
return find_default_module();
echo_warning(_("Utilisateur n'a pas de profil, votre administrateur doit en configurer un dans CFGSEC"));
return $default_module[0]['me_code'];
if (count($default_module) > 1)
// return the first module found
return $default_module[0]['me_code'];
elseif (count($default_module) == 1)
return $default_module[0]['me_code'];
* show the module
* @global $g_user
* @param $module the $_REQUEST['ac'] exploded into an array
* @param $idx the index of the array : the AD code is splitted into an array thanks the slash
function show_menu($module)
if ($module == 0)return;
static $level=0;
global $g_user;
$cn = Dossier::connect();
* Show the submenus
$amenu = $cn->get_array("
from profile_menu
join menu_ref using (me_code)
where pm_id_dep=$1 and p_id=$2
order by p_order", array($module, $g_user->get_profile()));
// There are submenuS, so show them
if (!empty($amenu) && count($amenu) > 1)
if ( $level > count($a_style_menu))
else {
require 'template/menu.php';
} // there is only one submenu so we include the code or javascript
// or we show the submenu
elseif (count($amenu) == 1)
if ( trim($amenu[0]['me_url']) != "" ||
trim ($amenu[0]['me_file']) != "" ||
trim ($amenu[0]['me_javascript']) != "" )
echo '
echo h2info(_($amenu[0]['me_menu']));
echo '
$module = $amenu[0]['pm_id'];
} else {
echo '';
echo _($amenu[0]['me_menu']);
echo '';
// There is no submenu or only one
if (empty($amenu) || count($amenu) == 1)
$file = $cn->get_array("select me_file,me_parameter,me_javascript,me_type
from menu_ref
join profile_menu using (me_code)
join profile_user using (p_id)
pm_id=$1 and
user_name=$2 and
(me_file is not null or trim(me_file) <>'' or
me_javascript is not null or trim (me_javascript) <> '')", array($module,$g_user->login));
if (count($file)==0)
if ($file[0]['me_file'] != "")
if ($file[0]['me_parameter'] !== "")
// if there are paramter put them in superglobal
if ( DEBUG ) echo $file[0]['me_file']," param : ",$file[0]['me_parameter'] ;
* Log the file we input to put in the folder test-noalyss for replaying it
fwrite($file_loginput, "include '".$file[0]['me_file']."';");
// if file is not a plugin, include the file, otherwise
// include the plugin launcher
if ( $file[0]['me_type'] != 'PL')
require_once $file[0]['me_file'];
require 'extension_get.inc.php';
if ( $file[0]['me_javascript'] != '')
$js= str_replace('', dossier::id(), $file[0]['me_javascript']);
echo create_script($js);
* Put in superglobal (get,post,request) the value contained in
* the parameter field (me_parameter)
* @param $array [key] [value]
function put_global($array)
for ($i=0;$i$p_code$html
* @brief Display a box with the contains
* @param type $p_array Data to display
* @param type $p_title Title of the box
* @param type $p_div id of the box
function display_dashboard_operation($p_array,$p_title,$p_div)
0) :?>
switch ($type)
case 'VEN':
$obj=new Acc_Ledger_Sold($p_cn, $ledger_id);
case 'ACH':
$obj=new Acc_Ledger_Purchase($p_cn, $ledger_id);
case 'FIN':
$obj= new Acc_Ledger_Fin($p_cn, $ledger_id);
case 'ODS':
throw new Exception('Ledger type not found');
return $obj;
* Check if we use IE 8 or 9
* @return int 1 for IE8-9;0 otherwise
function is_msie()
if ( strpos ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'MSIE 8.0') != 0 ||
strpos ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'MSIE 9.0') != 0 )
return $is_msie;