"dos_id", "name"=>"dos_name", "desc"=>"dos_description"); * */ require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class_database.php'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/ac_common.php'; class Dossier { private static $variable=array("id"=>"dos_id", "name"=>"dos_name", "desc"=>"dos_description"); function __construct($p_id) { $this->cn=new Database(); // Connect to the repository $this->dos_id=$p_id; } /*!\brief return the $_REQUEST['gDossier'] after a check */ static function id() { self::check(); return $_REQUEST['gDossier']; } /** * @brief Show the folder where user have access. * @param p_type string - A for all dossiers - R for accessible folders - X forbidden folders * @param p_login is the user name * @param p_text is a part of the name where are looking for * @return nothing * */ static function show_dossier($p_type,$p_login="",$p_text="",$limit=0) { $cn=new Database(); $str_limit=($limit==0)?'':' limit '.$limit; if ( $p_type == "A") { $l_sql="select *, 'W' as priv_priv from ac_dossier where dos_name ~* $2 or dos_description ~* $2 ORDER BY dos_name $str_limit "; $a_row=$cn->get_array($l_sql,$p_text); return $a_row; } else if ($p_type == "R") { $l_sql="select * from jnt_use_dos natural join ac_dossier natural join ac_users where use_login=$1 and ( dos_name ~* $2 or dos_description ~* $2) order by dos_name $str_limit "; $a_row=$cn->get_array($l_sql,array($p_login,$p_text)); return $a_row; } else if ($p_type == 'X') { $l_sql=' select * from ac_dossier where dos_id not in (select dos_id from jnt_use_dos where use_id=$1) and ( dos_name ~* $2 or dos_description ~* $2) order by dos_name '.$str_limit; $a_row=$cn->get_array($l_sql,array($p_login,$p_text)); return $a_row; } else { throw new Exception (_("Erreur paramètre")); } } /** * Count the number of folder in the repository * @return integer */ function count() { $nb_folder=$this->cn->get_value('select count(*) from ac_dossier'); return $nb_folder; } /*! * \brief Return all the users * as an array */ function get_user_folder($sql="") { $sql=" select use_id, use_first_name, use_name, use_login, use_active, use_admin, ag_dossier from ac_users as ac left join (select array_to_string(array_agg(dos_name),',') as ag_dossier,jt.use_id as jt_use_id from ac_dossier as ds join jnt_use_dos as jt on (jt.dos_id=ds.dos_id) group by jt.use_id) as dossier_name on (jt_use_id=ac.use_id) where use_login!='phpcompta' $sql "; $res=$this->cn->get_array($sql); return $res; } /*!\brief check if gDossier is set */ static function check() { if ( ! isset ($_REQUEST['gDossier']) ) { echo_error ('Dossier inconnu '); exit('Dossier invalide '); } $id=$_REQUEST['gDossier']; if ( is_numeric ($id) == 0 || strlen($id)> 6 || $id > 999999) exit('gDossier Invalide : '.$id); } /*!\brief return a string to put to gDossier into a GET */ static function get() { self::check(); return "gDossier=".$_REQUEST['gDossier']; } /*!\brief return a string to set gDossier into a FORM */ static function hidden() { self::check(); return ''; } /*!\brief retrieve the name of the current dossier */ static function name($id=0) { self::check(); $cn=new Database(); $id=($id==0)?$_REQUEST['gDossier']:$id; $name=$cn->get_value("select dos_name from ac_dossier where dos_id=$1",array($_REQUEST['gDossier'])); return $name; } public function get_parameter($p_string) { if ( array_key_exists($p_string,self::$variable) ) { $idx=self::$variable[$p_string]; return $this->$idx; } else throw new Exception("Attribut inexistant $p_string"); } public function set_parameter($p_string,$p_value) { if ( array_key_exists($p_string,self::$variable) ) { $idx=self::$variable[$p_string]; $this->$idx=$p_value; } else throw new Exception("Attribut inexistant $p_string"); } public function get_info() { return var_export(self::$variable,true); } public function save() { $this->update(); } public function update() { if ( strlen(trim($this->dos_name))== 0 ) return; if ( $this->cn->get_value("select count(*) from ac_dossier where dos_name=$1 and dos_id<>$2", array($this->dos_name,$this->dos_id)) !=0 ) return ; $sql="update ac_dossier set dos_name=$1,dos_description=$2 ". " where dos_id = $3"; $res=$this->cn->exec_sql( $sql, array(trim($this->dos_name), trim($this->dos_description), $this->dos_id) ); } public function load() { $sql="select dos_name,dos_description from ac_dossier where dos_id=$1"; $res=$this->cn->exec_sql( $sql, array($this->dos_id) ); if ( Database::num_row($res) == 0 ) return; $row=Database::fetch_array($res,0); foreach ($row as $idx=>$value) { $this->$idx=$value; } } static function get_version($p_cn) { return $p_cn->get_value('select val from version'); } static function connect() { $id = Dossier::id(); $cn = new Database($id); return $cn; } /** *connect to folder and give to admin. the profile Admin(builtin) * @param int $p_id dossier::id() */ static function synchro_admin($p_id) { // connect to target $cn=new Database($p_id); if (! $cn->exist_table("profile_menu")) { echo_warning("Dossier invalide"); return; } // connect to repo $repo=new Database(); $a_admin=$repo->get_array("select use_login from ac_users where use_admin=1 and use_active=1"); try { /** * synchro global */ $cn->start(); for ($i=0;$iget_value("select p_id from profile_user where user_name=$1",array($a_admin[$i]['use_login'])); if ( $exist == "") { $cn->exec_sql("insert into profile_user(user_name,p_id) values($1,1)", array($a_admin[$i]['use_login'])); } } $cn->commit(); } catch(Exception $e) { echo_warning($e->getMessage()); $cn->rollback(); } } }