-- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- SET statement_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = off; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET escape_string_warning = off; -- -- Name: comptaproc; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: - -- CREATE SCHEMA comptaproc; -- -- Name: plpgsql; Type: PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE; Schema: -; Owner: - -- CREATE PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql; SET search_path = public, pg_catalog; -- -- Name: account_type; Type: DOMAIN; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE DOMAIN account_type AS character varying(40); -- -- Name: anc_table_account_type; Type: TYPE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TYPE anc_table_account_type AS ( po_id bigint, pa_id bigint, po_name text, po_description text, sum_amount numeric(25,4), card_account text, name text ); -- -- Name: anc_table_card_type; Type: TYPE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TYPE anc_table_card_type AS ( po_id bigint, pa_id bigint, po_name text, po_description text, sum_amount numeric(25,4), f_id bigint, card_account text, name text ); -- -- Name: menu_tree; Type: TYPE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TYPE menu_tree AS ( code text, description text ); SET search_path = comptaproc, pg_catalog; -- -- Name: account_add(public.account_type, character varying); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION account_add(p_id public.account_type, p_name character varying) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare nParent tmp_pcmn.pcm_val_parent%type; nCount integer; sReturn text; begin sReturn:= format_account(p_id); select count(*) into nCount from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val=sReturn; if nCount = 0 then nParent=account_parent(p_id); insert into tmp_pcmn (pcm_val,pcm_lib,pcm_val_parent) values (p_id, p_name,nParent) returning pcm_val into sReturn; end if; return sReturn; end ; $$; -- -- Name: account_alphanum(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION account_alphanum() RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare l_auto bool; begin l_auto := true; select pr_value into l_auto from parameter where pr_id='MY_ALPHANUM'; if l_auto = 'N' or l_auto is null then l_auto:=false; end if; return l_auto; end; $$; -- -- Name: account_auto(integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION account_auto(p_fd_id integer) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare l_auto bool; begin select fd_create_account into l_auto from fiche_def where fd_id=p_fd_id; if l_auto is null then l_auto:=false; end if; return l_auto; end; $$; -- -- Name: account_compute(integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION account_compute(p_f_id integer) RETURNS public.account_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare class_base fiche_def.fd_class_base%type; maxcode numeric; sResult account_type; bAlphanum bool; sName text; begin select fd_class_base into class_base from fiche_def join fiche using (fd_id) where f_id=p_f_id; raise notice 'account_compute class base %',class_base; bAlphanum := account_alphanum(); if bAlphanum = false then select count (pcm_val) into maxcode from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val_parent = class_base; if maxcode = 0 then maxcode:=class_base::numeric; else select max (pcm_val) into maxcode from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val_parent = class_base; maxcode:=maxcode::numeric; end if; if maxcode::text = class_base then maxcode:=class_base::numeric*1000; end if; maxcode:=maxcode+1; raise notice 'account_compute Max code %',maxcode; sResult:=maxcode::account_type; else -- if alphanum, use name select ad_value into sName from fiche_detail where f_id=p_f_id and ad_id=1; if sName is null then raise exception 'Cannot compute an accounting without the name of the card for %',p_f_id; end if; sResult := class_base||sName; end if; return sResult; end; $$; -- -- Name: account_insert(integer, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION account_insert(p_f_id integer, p_account text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare nParent tmp_pcmn.pcm_val_parent%type; sName varchar; sNew tmp_pcmn.pcm_val%type; bAuto bool; nFd_id integer; sClass_Base fiche_def.fd_class_base%TYPE; nCount integer; first text; second text; begin if p_account is not null and length(trim(p_account)) != 0 then -- if there is coma in p_account, treat normally if position (',' in p_account) = 0 then raise info 'p_account is not empty'; select count(*) into nCount from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val=p_account::account_type; raise notice 'found in tmp_pcm %',nCount; if nCount !=0 then raise info 'this account exists in tmp_pcmn '; perform attribut_insert(p_f_id,5,p_account); else -- account doesn't exist, create it select ad_value into sName from fiche_detail where ad_id=1 and f_id=p_f_id; nParent:=account_parent(p_account::account_type); insert into tmp_pcmn(pcm_val,pcm_lib,pcm_val_parent) values (p_account::account_type,sName,nParent); perform attribut_insert(p_f_id,5,p_account); end if; else raise info 'presence of a comma'; -- there is 2 accounts separated by a comma first := split_part(p_account,',',1); second := split_part(p_account,',',2); -- check there is no other coma raise info 'first value % second value %', first, second; if position (',' in first) != 0 or position (',' in second) != 0 then raise exception 'Too many comas, invalid account'; end if; perform attribut_insert(p_f_id,5,p_account); end if; else raise info 'p_account is empty'; select fd_id into nFd_id from fiche where f_id=p_f_id; bAuto:= account_auto(nFd_id); select fd_class_base into sClass_base from fiche_def where fd_id=nFd_id; raise info 'sClass_Base : %',sClass_base; if bAuto = true and sClass_base similar to '[[:digit:]]*' then raise info 'account generated automatically'; sNew:=account_compute(p_f_id); raise info 'sNew %', sNew; select ad_value into sName from fiche_detail where ad_id=1 and f_id=p_f_id; nParent:=account_parent(sNew); sNew := account_add (sNew,sName); perform attribut_insert(p_f_id,5,sNew); else -- if there is an account_base then it is the default select fd_class_base::account_type into sNew from fiche_def join fiche using (fd_id) where f_id=p_f_id; if sNew is null or length(trim(sNew)) = 0 then raise notice 'count is null'; perform attribut_insert(p_f_id,5,null); else perform attribut_insert(p_f_id,5,sNew); end if; end if; end if; return 0; end; $$; -- -- Name: account_parent(public.account_type); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION account_parent(p_account public.account_type) RETURNS public.account_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare sSubParent tmp_pcmn.pcm_val_parent%type; sResult tmp_pcmn.pcm_val_parent%type; nCount integer; begin if p_account is NULL then return NULL; end if; sSubParent:=p_account; while true loop select count(*) into nCount from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val = sSubParent; if nCount != 0 then sResult:= sSubParent; exit; end if; sSubParent:= substr(sSubParent,1,length(sSubParent)-1); if length(sSubParent) <= 0 then raise exception 'Impossible de trouver le compte parent pour %',p_account; end if; raise notice 'sSubParent % % ',sSubParent,length(sSubParent); end loop; raise notice 'account_parent : Parent is %',sSubParent; return sSubParent; end; $$; -- -- Name: account_update(integer, public.account_type); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION account_update(p_f_id integer, p_account public.account_type) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare nMax fiche.f_id%type; nCount integer; nParent tmp_pcmn.pcm_val_parent%type; sName varchar; first text; second text; begin if length(trim(p_account)) != 0 then -- 2 accounts in card separated by comma if position (',' in p_account) = 0 then select count(*) into nCount from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val=p_account; if nCount = 0 then select ad_value into sName from fiche_detail where ad_id=1 and f_id=p_f_id; nParent:=account_parent(p_account); insert into tmp_pcmn(pcm_val,pcm_lib,pcm_val_parent) values (p_account,sName,nParent); end if; else raise info 'presence of a comma'; -- there is 2 accounts separated by a comma first := split_part(p_account,',',1); second := split_part(p_account,',',2); -- check there is no other coma raise info 'first value % second value %', first, second; if position (',' in first) != 0 or position (',' in second) != 0 then raise exception 'Too many comas, invalid account'; end if; -- check that both account are in PCMN end if; else -- account is null update fiche_detail set ad_value=null where f_id=p_f_id and ad_id=5 ; end if; update fiche_detail set ad_value=p_account where f_id=p_f_id and ad_id=5 ; return 0; end; $$; -- -- Name: action_gestion_ins_upd(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION action_gestion_ins_upd() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ begin NEW.ag_title := substr(trim(NEW.ag_title),1,70); NEW.ag_hour := substr(trim(NEW.ag_hour),1,5); return NEW; end; $$; -- -- Name: action_get_tree(bigint); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION action_get_tree(p_id bigint) RETURNS SETOF bigint LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare e bigint; i bigint; begin for e in select ag_id from action_gestion where ag_ref_ag_id=p_id loop for i in select action_get_tree from comptaproc.action_get_tree(e) loop raise notice ' == i %', i; return next i; end loop; raise notice ' = e %', e; return next e; end loop; return; end; $$; -- -- Name: attribut_insert(integer, integer, character varying); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION attribut_insert(p_f_id integer, p_ad_id integer, p_value character varying) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ begin insert into fiche_detail (f_id,ad_id, ad_value) values (p_f_id,p_ad_id,p_value); return; end; $$; -- -- Name: attribute_correct_order(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION attribute_correct_order() RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare crs_correct cursor for select A.jnt_id,A.jnt_order from jnt_fic_attr as A join jnt_fic_attr as B using (fd_id) where A.jnt_order=B.jnt_order and A.jnt_id > B.jnt_id; rec record; begin open crs_correct; loop fetch crs_correct into rec; if NOT FOUND then close crs_correct; return; end if; update jnt_fic_attr set jnt_order=jnt_order + 1 where jnt_id = rec.jnt_id; end loop; close crs_correct; perform attribute_correct_order (); end; $$; -- -- Name: card_after_delete(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION card_after_delete() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ begin delete from action_gestion where f_id_dest = OLD.f_id; return OLD; end; $$; -- -- Name: card_class_base(integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION card_class_base(p_f_id integer) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare n_poste fiche_def.fd_class_base%type; begin select fd_class_base into n_poste from fiche_def join fiche using (fd_id) where f_id=p_f_id; if not FOUND then raise exception 'Invalid fiche card_class_base(%)',p_f_id; end if; return n_poste; end; $$; -- -- Name: check_balance(integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION check_balance(p_grpt integer) RETURNS numeric LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare amount_jrnx_debit numeric; amount_jrnx_credit numeric; amount_jrn numeric; begin select sum (j_montant) into amount_jrnx_credit from jrnx where j_grpt=p_grpt and j_debit=false; select sum (j_montant) into amount_jrnx_debit from jrnx where j_grpt=p_grpt and j_debit=true; select jr_montant into amount_jrn from jrn where jr_grpt_id=p_grpt; if ( amount_jrnx_debit != amount_jrnx_credit ) then return abs(amount_jrnx_debit-amount_jrnx_credit); end if; if ( amount_jrn != amount_jrnx_credit) then return -1*abs(amount_jrn - amount_jrnx_credit); end if; return 0; end; $$; -- -- Name: correct_sequence(text, text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION correct_sequence(p_sequence text, p_col text, p_table text) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare last_sequence int8; max_sequence int8; n integer; begin select count(*) into n from pg_class where relkind='S' and relname=lower(p_sequence); if n = 0 then raise exception ' Unknow sequence % ',p_sequence; end if; select count(*) into n from pg_class where relkind='r' and relname=lower(p_table); if n = 0 then raise exception ' Unknow table % ',p_table; end if; execute 'select last_value from '||p_sequence into last_sequence; raise notice 'Last value of the sequence is %', last_sequence; execute 'select max('||p_col||') from '||p_table into max_sequence; if max_sequence is null then max_sequence := 0; end if; raise notice 'Max value of the sequence is %', max_sequence; max_sequence:= max_sequence +1; execute 'alter sequence '||p_sequence||' restart with '||max_sequence; return 0; end; $$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION correct_sequence(p_sequence text, p_col text, p_table text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION correct_sequence(p_sequence text, p_col text, p_table text) IS ' Often the primary key is a sequence number and sometimes the value of the sequence is not synchronized with the primary key ( p_sequence : sequence name, p_col : col of the pk,p_table : concerned table'; -- -- Name: create_missing_sequence(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION create_missing_sequence() RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare p_sequence text; nSeq integer; c1 cursor for select jrn_def_id from jrn_def; begin open c1; loop fetch c1 into nSeq; if not FOUND THEN close c1; return 0; end if; p_sequence:='s_jrn_pj'||nSeq::text; execute 'create sequence '||p_sequence; end loop; close c1; return 0; end; $$; -- -- Name: drop_index(character varying); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION drop_index(p_constraint character varying) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare nCount integer; begin select count(*) into nCount from pg_indexes where indexname=p_constraint; if nCount = 1 then execute 'drop index '||p_constraint ; end if; end; $$; -- -- Name: drop_it(character varying); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION drop_it(p_constraint character varying) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare nCount integer; begin select count(*) into nCount from pg_constraint where conname=p_constraint; if nCount = 1 then execute 'alter table parm_periode drop constraint '||p_constraint ; end if; end; $$; -- -- Name: extension_ins_upd(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION extension_ins_upd() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare sCode text; sFile text; begin sCode:=trim(upper(NEW.ex_code)); sCode:=replace(sCode,' ','_'); sCode:=substr(sCode,1,15); sCode=upper(sCode); NEW.ex_code:=sCode; sFile:=NEW.ex_file; sFile:=replace(sFile,';','_'); sFile:=replace(sFile,'<','_'); sFile:=replace(sFile,'>','_'); sFile:=replace(sFile,'..',''); sFile:=replace(sFile,'&',''); sFile:=replace(sFile,'|',''); return NEW; end; $$; -- -- Name: fiche_account_parent(integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION fiche_account_parent(p_f_id integer) RETURNS public.account_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare ret tmp_pcmn.pcm_val%TYPE; begin select fd_class_base into ret from fiche_def join fiche using (fd_id) where f_id=p_f_id; if not FOUND then raise exception '% N''existe pas',p_f_id; end if; return ret; end; $$; -- -- Name: fiche_attribut_synchro(integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION fiche_attribut_synchro(p_fd_id integer) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare -- this sql gives the f_id and the missing attribute (ad_id) list_missing cursor for select f_id,fd_id,ad_id,jnt_order from jnt_fic_attr join fiche as A using (fd_id) where fd_id=p_fd_id and ad_id not in (select ad_id from fiche join fiche_detail using (f_id) where fd_id=jnt_fic_attr.fd_id and A.f_id=f_id); rec record; begin open list_missing; loop fetch list_missing into rec; IF NOT FOUND then exit; end if; -- now we insert into attr_value insert into fiche_detail (f_id,ad_id,ad_value) values (rec.f_id,rec.ad_id,null); end loop; close list_missing; end; $$; -- -- Name: fiche_def_ins_upd(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION fiche_def_ins_upd() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ begin if position (',' in NEW.fd_class_base) != 0 then NEW.fd_create_account='f'; end if; return NEW; end;$$; -- -- Name: fill_quant_fin(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION fill_quant_fin() RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare sBank text; sCassa text; sCustomer text; sSupplier text; rec record; recBank record; recSupp_Cust record; nCount integer; nAmount numeric; nBank integer; nOther integer; nSupp_Cust integer; begin select p_value into sBank from parm_code where p_code='BANQUE'; select p_value into sCassa from parm_code where p_code='CAISSE'; select p_value into sSupplier from parm_code where p_code='SUPPLIER'; select p_value into sCustomer from parm_code where p_code='CUSTOMER'; for rec in select jr_id,jr_grpt_id from jrn where jr_def_id in (select jrn_def_id from jrn_def where jrn_def_type='FIN') and jr_id not in (select jr_id from quant_fin) loop -- there are only 2 lines for bank operations -- first debit select count(j_id) into nCount from jrnx where j_grpt=rec.jr_grpt_id; if nCount > 2 then raise notice 'Trop de valeur pour jr_grpt_id % count %',rec.jr_grpt_id,nCount; return; end if; nBank := 0; nOther:=0; for recBank in select j_id, j_montant,j_debit,j_qcode,j_poste from jrnx where j_grpt=rec.jr_grpt_id loop if recBank.j_poste like sBank||'%' then -- retrieve f_id for bank select f_id into nBank from vw_poste_qcode where j_qcode=recBank.j_qcode; if recBank.j_debit = false then nAmount=recBank.j_montant*(-1); else nAmount=recBank.j_montant; end if; else select f_id into nOther from vw_poste_qcode where j_qcode=recBank.j_qcode; end if; end loop; if nBank != 0 and nOther != 0 then insert into quant_fin (jr_id,qf_bank,qf_other,qf_amount) values (rec.jr_id,nBank,nOther,nAmount); end if; end loop; for rec in select jr_id,jr_grpt_id from jrn where jr_def_id in (select jrn_def_id from jrn_def where jrn_def_type='FIN') and jr_id not in (select jr_id from quant_fin) loop -- there are only 2 lines for bank operations -- first debit select count(j_id) into nCount from jrnx where j_grpt=rec.jr_grpt_id; if nCount > 2 then raise notice 'Trop de valeur pour jr_grpt_id % count %',rec.jr_grpt_id,nCount; return; end if; nBank := 0; nOther:=0; for recBank in select j_id, j_montant,j_debit,j_qcode,j_poste from jrnx where j_grpt=rec.jr_grpt_id loop if recBank.j_poste like sCassa||'%' then -- retrieve f_id for bank select f_id into nBank from vw_poste_qcode where j_qcode=recBank.j_qcode; if recBank.j_debit = false then nAmount=recBank.j_montant*(-1); else nAmount=recBank.j_montant; end if; else select f_id into nOther from vw_poste_qcode where j_qcode=recBank.j_qcode; end if; end loop; if nBank != 0 and nOther != 0 then insert into quant_fin (jr_id,qf_bank,qf_other,qf_amount) values (rec.jr_id,nBank,nOther,nAmount); end if; end loop; for rec in select jr_id,jr_grpt_id from jrn where jr_def_id in (select jrn_def_id from jrn_def where jrn_def_type='FIN') and jr_id not in (select jr_id from quant_fin) loop -- there are only 2 lines for bank operations -- first debit select count(j_id) into nCount from jrnx where j_grpt=rec.jr_grpt_id; if nCount > 2 then raise notice 'Trop de valeur pour jr_grpt_id % count %',rec.jr_grpt_id,nCount; return; end if; nSupp_Cust := 0; nOther:=0; for recSupp_Cust in select j_id, j_montant,j_debit,j_qcode,j_poste from jrnx where j_grpt=rec.jr_grpt_id loop if recSupp_Cust.j_poste like sSupplier||'%' then -- retrieve f_id for bank select f_id into nSupp_Cust from vw_poste_qcode where j_qcode=recSupp_Cust.j_qcode; if recSupp_Cust.j_debit = true then nAmount=recSupp_Cust.j_montant*(-1); else nAmount=recSupp_Cust.j_montant; end if; else if recSupp_Cust.j_poste like sCustomer||'%' then select f_id into nSupp_Cust from vw_poste_qcode where j_qcode=recSupp_Cust.j_qcode; if recSupp_Cust.j_debit = false then nAmount=recSupp_Cust.j_montant*(-1); else nAmount=recSupp_Cust.j_montant; end if; else select f_id into nOther from vw_poste_qcode where j_qcode=recSupp_Cust.j_qcode; end if; end if; end loop; if nSupp_Cust != 0 and nOther != 0 then insert into quant_fin (jr_id,qf_bank,qf_other,qf_amount) values (rec.jr_id,nOther,nSupp_Cust,nAmount); end if; end loop; for rec in select jr_id,jr_grpt_id from jrn where jr_def_id in (select jrn_def_id from jrn_def where jrn_def_type='FIN') and jr_id not in (select jr_id from quant_fin) loop -- there are only 2 lines for bank operations -- first debit select count(j_id) into nCount from jrnx where j_grpt=rec.jr_grpt_id; if nCount > 2 then raise notice 'Trop de valeur pour jr_grpt_id % count %',rec.jr_grpt_id,nCount; return; end if; nSupp_Cust := 0; nOther:=0; for recSupp_Cust in select j_id, j_montant,j_debit,j_qcode,j_poste from jrnx where j_grpt=rec.jr_grpt_id loop if recSupp_Cust.j_poste like '441%' then -- retrieve f_id for bank select f_id into nSupp_Cust from vw_poste_qcode where j_qcode=recSupp_Cust.j_qcode; if recSupp_Cust.j_debit = false then nAmount=recSupp_Cust.j_montant*(-1); else nAmount=recSupp_Cust.j_montant; end if; else select f_id into nOther from vw_poste_qcode where j_qcode=recSupp_Cust.j_qcode; end if; end loop; if nSupp_Cust != 0 and nOther != 0 then insert into quant_fin (jr_id,qf_bank,qf_other,qf_amount) values (rec.jr_id,nOther,nSupp_Cust,nAmount); end if; end loop; return; end; $$; -- -- Name: find_pcm_type(public.account_type); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION find_pcm_type(pp_value public.account_type) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare str_type parm_poste.p_type%TYPE; str_value parm_poste.p_type%TYPE; nLength integer; begin str_value:=pp_value; nLength:=length(str_value::text); while nLength > 0 loop select p_type into str_type from parm_poste where p_value=str_value; if FOUND then return str_type; end if; nLength:=nLength-1; str_value:=substring(str_value::text from 1 for nLength)::account_type; end loop; return 'CON'; end; $$; -- -- Name: find_periode(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION find_periode(p_date text) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare n_p_id int4; begin select p_id into n_p_id from parm_periode where p_start <= to_date(p_date,'DD.MM.YYYY') and p_end >= to_date(p_date,'DD.MM.YYYY'); if NOT FOUND then return -1; end if; return n_p_id; end;$$; -- -- Name: format_account(public.account_type); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION format_account(p_account public.account_type) RETURNS public.account_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_$ declare sResult account_type; begin sResult := lower(p_account); sResult := translate(sResult,'éèêëàâäïîüûùöôç','eeeeaaaiiuuuooc'); sResult := translate(sResult,' $€µ£%.+-/\!(){}(),;_&|"#''^<>*',''); return upper(sResult); end; $_$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION format_account(p_account public.account_type); Type: COMMENT; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION format_account(p_account public.account_type) IS 'format the accounting : - upper case - remove space and special char. '; -- -- Name: get_letter_jnt(bigint); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION get_letter_jnt(a bigint) RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare nResult bigint; begin select jl_id into nResult from jnt_letter join letter_deb using (jl_id) where j_id = a; if NOT FOUND then select jl_id into nResult from jnt_letter join letter_cred using (jl_id) where j_id = a; if NOT found then return null; end if; end if; return nResult; end; $$; -- -- Name: get_menu_tree(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION get_menu_tree(p_code text, login text) RETURNS SETOF public.menu_tree LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare i menu_tree; e menu_tree; a text; x v_all_menu%ROWTYPE; begin for x in select * from v_all_menu where me_code_dep=p_code::text and user_name=login::text loop if x.me_code_dep is not null then i.code := x.me_code_dep||'/'||x.me_code; else i.code := x.me_code; end if; i.description := x.me_description; return next i; for e in select * from get_menu_tree(x.me_code,login) loop e.code:=x.me_code_dep||'/'||e.code; return next e; end loop; end loop; return; end; $$; -- -- Name: get_pcm_tree(public.account_type); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION get_pcm_tree(source public.account_type) RETURNS SETOF public.account_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare i account_type; e account_type; begin for i in select pcm_val from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val_parent=source loop return next i; for e in select get_pcm_tree from get_pcm_tree(i) loop return next e; end loop; end loop; return; end; $$; -- -- Name: get_profile_menu(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION get_profile_menu(login text) RETURNS SETOF public.menu_tree LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare a menu_tree; e menu_tree; begin for a in select me_code,me_description from v_all_menu where user_name=login and me_code_dep is null and me_type <> 'PR' and me_type <>'SP' loop return next a; for e in select * from get_menu_tree(a.code,login) loop return next e; end loop; end loop; return; end; $$; -- -- Name: group_analytic_ins_upd(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION group_analytic_ins_upd() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare name text; begin name:=upper(NEW.ga_id); name:=trim(name); name:=replace(name,' ',''); NEW.ga_id:=name; return NEW; end;$$; -- -- Name: group_analytique_del(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION group_analytique_del() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ begin update poste_analytique set ga_id=null where ga_id=OLD.ga_id; return OLD; end;$$; -- -- Name: html_quote(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION html_quote(p_string text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare r text; begin r:=p_string; r:=replace(r,'<','<'); r:=replace(r,'>','>'); r:=replace(r,'''','"'); return r; end;$$; -- -- Name: FUNCTION html_quote(p_string text); Type: COMMENT; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON FUNCTION html_quote(p_string text) IS 'remove harmfull HTML char'; -- -- Name: info_def_ins_upd(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION info_def_ins_upd() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare row_info_def info_def%ROWTYPE; str_type text; begin row_info_def:=NEW; str_type:=upper(trim(NEW.id_type)); str_type:=replace(str_type,' ',''); str_type:=replace(str_type,',',''); str_type:=replace(str_type,';',''); if length(str_type) =0 then raise exception 'id_type cannot be null'; end if; row_info_def.id_type:=str_type; return row_info_def; end; $$; -- -- Name: insert_jrnx(character varying, numeric, public.account_type, integer, integer, boolean, text, integer, text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION insert_jrnx(p_date character varying, p_montant numeric, p_poste public.account_type, p_grpt integer, p_jrn_def integer, p_debit boolean, p_tech_user text, p_tech_per integer, p_qcode text, p_comment text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ begin insert into jrnx ( j_date, j_montant, j_poste, j_grpt, j_jrn_def, j_debit, j_text, j_tech_user, j_tech_per, j_qcode ) values ( to_date(p_date,'DD.MM.YYYY'), p_montant, p_poste, p_grpt, p_jrn_def, p_debit, p_comment, p_tech_user, p_tech_per, p_qcode ); return; end; $$; -- -- Name: insert_quant_purchase(text, numeric, character varying, numeric, numeric, numeric, integer, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, character varying, numeric); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION insert_quant_purchase(p_internal text, p_j_id numeric, p_fiche character varying, p_quant numeric, p_price numeric, p_vat numeric, p_vat_code integer, p_nd_amount numeric, p_nd_tva numeric, p_nd_tva_recup numeric, p_dep_priv numeric, p_client character varying, p_tva_sided numeric) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare fid_client integer; fid_good integer; begin select f_id into fid_client from fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and ad_value=upper(trim(p_client)); select f_id into fid_good from fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and ad_value=upper(trim(p_fiche)); insert into quant_purchase (qp_internal, j_id, qp_fiche, qp_quantite, qp_price, qp_vat, qp_vat_code, qp_nd_amount, qp_nd_tva, qp_nd_tva_recup, qp_supplier, qp_dep_priv, qp_vat_sided) values (p_internal, p_j_id, fid_good, p_quant, p_price, p_vat, p_vat_code, p_nd_amount, p_nd_tva, p_nd_tva_recup, fid_client, p_dep_priv, p_tva_sided); return; end; $$; -- -- Name: insert_quant_sold(text, numeric, character varying, numeric, numeric, numeric, integer, character varying, numeric); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION insert_quant_sold(p_internal text, p_jid numeric, p_fiche character varying, p_quant numeric, p_price numeric, p_vat numeric, p_vat_code integer, p_client character varying, p_tva_sided numeric) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare fid_client integer; fid_good integer; begin select f_id into fid_client from fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and ad_value=upper(trim(p_client)); select f_id into fid_good from fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and ad_value=upper(trim(p_fiche)); insert into quant_sold (qs_internal,j_id,qs_fiche,qs_quantite,qs_price,qs_vat,qs_vat_code,qs_client,qs_valid,qs_vat_sided) values (p_internal,p_jid,fid_good,p_quant,p_price,p_vat,p_vat_code,fid_client,'Y',p_tva_sided); return; end; $$; -- -- Name: insert_quick_code(integer, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION insert_quick_code(nf_id integer, tav_text text) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare ns integer; nExist integer; tText text; begin tText := upper(trim(tav_text)); tText := replace(tText,' ',''); loop -- take the next sequence select nextval('s_jnt_fic_att_value') into ns; if length (tText) = 0 or tText is null then tText := 'FID'||ns; end if; -- av_text already used ? select count(*) into nExist from fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and ad_value=upper(tText); if nExist = 0 then exit; end if; tText:='FID'||ns; end loop; insert into fiche_detail(jft_id,f_id,ad_id,ad_value) values (ns,nf_id,23,upper(tText)); return ns; end; $$; -- -- Name: is_closed(integer, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION is_closed(p_periode integer, p_jrn_def_id integer) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare bClosed bool; str_status text; begin select p_closed into bClosed from parm_periode where p_id=p_periode; if bClosed = true then return bClosed; end if; select status into str_status from jrn_periode where p_id =p_periode and jrn_def_id=p_jrn_def_id; if str_status <> 'OP' then return bClosed; end if; return false; end; $$; -- -- Name: jnt_fic_attr_ins(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION jnt_fic_attr_ins() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare r_record jnt_fic_attr%ROWTYPE; i_max integer; begin r_record=NEW; perform comptaproc.fiche_attribut_synchro(r_record.fd_id); select coalesce(max(jnt_order),0) into i_max from jnt_fic_attr where fd_id=r_record.fd_id; i_max := i_max + 10; NEW.jnt_order=i_max; return NEW; end; $$; -- -- Name: jrn_add_note(bigint, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION jrn_add_note(p_jrid bigint, p_note text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare tmp bigint; begin if length(trim(p_note)) = 0 then delete from jrn_note where jr_id= p_jrid; return; end if; select n_id into tmp from jrn_note where jr_id = p_jrid; if FOUND then update jrn_note set n_text=trim(p_note) where jr_id = p_jrid; else insert into jrn_note (jr_id,n_text) values ( p_jrid, p_note); end if; return; end; $$; -- -- Name: jrn_check_periode(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION jrn_check_periode() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare bClosed bool; str_status text; ljr_tech_per jrn.jr_tech_per%TYPE; ljr_def_id jrn.jr_def_id%TYPE; lreturn jrn%ROWTYPE; begin if TG_OP='UPDATE' then ljr_tech_per :=OLD.jr_tech_per ; NEW.jr_tech_per := comptaproc.find_periode(to_char(NEW.jr_date,'DD.MM.YYYY')); ljr_def_id :=OLD.jr_def_id; lreturn :=NEW; if NEW.jr_date = OLD.jr_date then return NEW; end if; if comptaproc.is_closed(NEW.jr_tech_per,NEW.jr_def_id) = true then raise exception 'Periode fermee'; end if; end if; if TG_OP='INSERT' then NEW.jr_tech_per := comptaproc.find_periode(to_char(NEW.jr_date,'DD.MM.YYYY')); ljr_tech_per :=NEW.jr_tech_per ; ljr_def_id :=NEW.jr_def_id; lreturn :=NEW; end if; if TG_OP='DELETE' then ljr_tech_per :=OLD.jr_tech_per; ljr_def_id :=OLD.jr_def_id; lreturn :=OLD; end if; if comptaproc.is_closed (ljr_def_id,ljr_def_id) = true then raise exception 'Periode fermee'; end if; return lreturn; end;$$; -- -- Name: jrn_def_add(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION jrn_def_add() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$begin execute 'insert into jrn_periode(p_id,jrn_def_id,status) select p_id,'||NEW.jrn_def_id||', case when p_central=true then ''CE'' when p_closed=true then ''CL'' else ''OP'' end from parm_periode '; return NEW; end;$$; -- -- Name: jrn_def_delete(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION jrn_def_delete() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare nb numeric; begin select count(*) into nb from jrn where jr_def_id=OLD.jrn_def_id; if nb <> 0 then raise exception 'EFFACEMENT INTERDIT: JOURNAL UTILISE'; end if; return OLD; end;$$; -- -- Name: jrn_del(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION jrn_del() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare row jrn%ROWTYPE; begin row:=OLD; insert into del_jrn ( jr_id, jr_def_id, jr_montant, jr_comment, jr_date, jr_grpt_id, jr_internal, jr_tech_date, jr_tech_per, jrn_ech, jr_ech, jr_rapt, jr_valid, jr_opid, jr_c_opid, jr_pj, jr_pj_name, jr_pj_type, jr_pj_number, del_jrn_date) select jr_id, jr_def_id, jr_montant, jr_comment, jr_date, jr_grpt_id, jr_internal, jr_tech_date, jr_tech_per, jrn_ech, jr_ech, jr_rapt, jr_valid, jr_opid, jr_c_opid, jr_pj, jr_pj_name, jr_pj_type, jr_pj_number ,now() from jrn where jr_id=row.jr_id; return row; end; $$; -- -- Name: jrnx_del(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION jrnx_del() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare row jrnx%ROWTYPE; begin row:=OLD; insert into del_jrnx( j_id, j_date, j_montant, j_poste, j_grpt, j_rapt, j_jrn_def, j_debit, j_text, j_centralized, j_internal, j_tech_user, j_tech_date, j_tech_per, j_qcode, f_id) SELECT j_id, j_date, j_montant, j_poste, j_grpt, j_rapt, j_jrn_def, j_debit, j_text, j_centralized, j_internal, j_tech_user, j_tech_date, j_tech_per, j_qcode, f_id from jrnx where j_id=row.j_id; return row; end; $$; -- -- Name: jrnx_ins(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION jrnx_ins() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare n_fid bigint; begin NEW.j_tech_per := comptaproc.find_periode(to_char(NEW.j_date,'DD.MM.YYYY')); if NEW.j_tech_per = -1 then raise exception 'Période invalide'; end if; if NEW.j_qcode is NULL then return NEW; end if; NEW.j_qcode=trim(upper(NEW.j_qcode)); if length (NEW.j_qcode) = 0 then NEW.j_qcode=NULL; else select f_id into n_fid from fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and ad_value=NEW.j_qcode; if NOT FOUND then raise exception 'La fiche dont le quick code est % n''existe pas',NEW.j_qcode; end if; end if; NEW.f_id:=n_fid; return NEW; end; $$; -- -- Name: jrnx_letter_del(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION jrnx_letter_del() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare row jrnx%ROWTYPE; begin row:=OLD; delete from jnt_letter where (jl_id in (select jl_id from letter_deb) and jl_id not in(select jl_id from letter_cred )) or (jl_id not in (select jl_id from letter_deb ) and jl_id in(select jl_id from letter_cred )); return row; end; $$; -- -- Name: plan_analytic_ins_upd(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION plan_analytic_ins_upd() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare name text; begin name:=upper(NEW.pa_name); name:=trim(name); name:=replace(name,' ',''); NEW.pa_name:=name; return NEW; end; $$; -- -- Name: poste_analytique_ins_upd(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION poste_analytique_ins_upd() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$declare name text; rCount record; begin name:=upper(NEW.po_name); name:=trim(name); name:=replace(name,' ',''); NEW.po_name:=name; if NEW.ga_id is NULL then return NEW; end if; if length(trim(NEW.ga_id)) = 0 then NEW.ga_id:=NULL; return NEW; end if; perform 'select ga_id from groupe_analytique where ga_id='||NEW.ga_id; if NOT FOUND then raise exception' Inexistent Group Analytic %',NEW.ga_id; end if; return NEW; end;$$; -- -- Name: proc_check_balance(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION proc_check_balance() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare diff numeric; tt integer; begin if TG_OP = 'INSERT' or TG_OP='UPDATE' then tt=NEW.jr_grpt_id; diff:=check_balance(tt); if diff != 0 then raise exception 'balance error %',diff ; end if; return NEW; end if; end; $$; -- -- Name: quant_purchase_ins_upd(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION quant_purchase_ins_upd() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ begin if NEW.qp_price < 0 OR NEW.qp_quantite <0 THEN NEW.qp_price := abs (NEW.qp_price)*(-1); NEW.qp_quantite := abs (NEW.qp_quantite)*(-1); end if; return NEW; end; $$; -- -- Name: quant_sold_ins_upd(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION quant_sold_ins_upd() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ begin if NEW.qs_price < 0 OR NEW.qs_quantite <0 THEN NEW.qs_price := abs (NEW.qs_price)*(-1); NEW.qs_quantite := abs (NEW.qs_quantite)*(-1); end if; return NEW; end; $$; -- -- Name: t_document_modele_validate(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION t_document_modele_validate() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare lText text; modified document_modele%ROWTYPE; begin modified:=NEW; modified.md_filename:=replace(NEW.md_filename,' ','_'); return modified; end; $$; -- -- Name: t_document_type_insert(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION t_document_type_insert() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare nCounter integer; BEGIN select count(*) into nCounter from pg_class where relname='seq_doc_type_'||NEW.dt_id; if nCounter = 0 then execute 'create sequence seq_doc_type_'||NEW.dt_id; end if; RETURN NEW; END; $$; -- -- Name: t_document_validate(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION t_document_validate() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare lText text; modified document%ROWTYPE; begin modified:=NEW; modified.d_filename:=replace(NEW.d_filename,' ','_'); return modified; end; $$; -- -- Name: t_jrn_def_sequence(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION t_jrn_def_sequence() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare nCounter integer; BEGIN select count(*) into nCounter from pg_class where relname='s_jrn_'||NEW.jrn_def_id; if nCounter = 0 then execute 'create sequence s_jrn_'||NEW.jrn_def_id; raise notice 'Creating sequence s_jrn_%',NEW.jrn_def_id; end if; RETURN NEW; END; $$; -- -- Name: table_analytic_account(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION table_analytic_account(p_from text, p_to text) RETURNS SETOF public.anc_table_account_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare ret ANC_table_account_type%ROWTYPE; sql_from text:=''; sql_to text:=''; sWhere text:=''; sAnd text:=''; sResult text:=''; begin if p_from <> '' and p_from is not null then sql_from:='oa_date >= to_date('''||p_from::text||''',''DD.MM.YYYY'')'; sWhere:=' where '; end if; if p_to <> '' and p_to is not null then sql_to=' oa_date <= to_date('''||p_to::text||''',''DD.MM.YYYY'')'; sWhere := ' where '; end if; if sql_to <> '' and sql_from <> '' then sAnd:=' and '; end if; sResult := sWhere || sql_from || sAnd || sql_to; for ret in EXECUTE 'SELECT po.po_id, po.pa_id, po.po_name, po.po_description,sum( CASE WHEN operation_analytique.oa_debit = true THEN operation_analytique.oa_amount * (-1)::numeric ELSE operation_analytique.oa_amount END) AS sum_amount, jrnx.j_poste, tmp_pcmn.pcm_lib AS name FROM operation_analytique JOIN poste_analytique po USING (po_id) JOIN jrnx USING (j_id) JOIN tmp_pcmn ON jrnx.j_poste::text = tmp_pcmn.pcm_val::text '|| sResult ||' GROUP BY po.po_id, po.po_name, po.pa_id, jrnx.j_poste, tmp_pcmn.pcm_lib, po.po_description HAVING sum( CASE WHEN operation_analytique.oa_debit = true THEN operation_analytique.oa_amount * (-1)::numeric ELSE operation_analytique.oa_amount END) <> 0::numeric ' loop return next ret; end loop; end; $$; -- -- Name: table_analytic_card(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION table_analytic_card(p_from text, p_to text) RETURNS SETOF public.anc_table_card_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare ret ANC_table_card_type%ROWTYPE; sql_from text:=''; sql_to text:=''; sWhere text:=''; sAnd text:=''; sResult text:=''; begin if p_from <> '' and p_from is not null then sql_from:='oa_date >= to_date('''||p_from::text||''',''DD.MM.YYYY'')'; sWhere:=' where '; end if; if p_to <> '' and p_to is not null then sql_to=' oa_date <= to_date('''||p_to::text||''',''DD.MM.YYYY'')'; sWhere := ' where '; end if; if sql_to <> '' and sql_from <> '' then sAnd :=' and '; end if; sResult := sWhere || sql_from || sAnd || sql_to; for ret in EXECUTE ' SELECT po.po_id, po.pa_id, po.po_name, po.po_description, sum( CASE WHEN operation_analytique.oa_debit = true THEN operation_analytique.oa_amount * (-1)::numeric ELSE operation_analytique.oa_amount END) AS sum_amount, jrnx.f_id, jrnx.j_qcode, ( SELECT fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 1 AND fiche_detail.f_id = jrnx.f_id) AS name FROM operation_analytique JOIN poste_analytique po USING (po_id) JOIN jrnx USING (j_id)'|| sResult ||' GROUP BY po.po_id, po.po_name, po.pa_id, jrnx.f_id, jrnx.j_qcode, ( SELECT fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE fiche_detail.ad_id = 1 AND fiche_detail.f_id = jrnx.f_id), po.po_description HAVING sum( CASE WHEN operation_analytique.oa_debit = true THEN operation_analytique.oa_amount * (-1)::numeric ELSE operation_analytique.oa_amount END) <> 0::numeric;' loop return next ret; end loop; end; $$; -- -- Name: tmp_pcmn_alphanum_ins_upd(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION tmp_pcmn_alphanum_ins_upd() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare r_record tmp_pcmn%ROWTYPE; begin r_record := NEW; r_record.pcm_val:=format_account(NEW.pcm_val); return r_record; end; $$; -- -- Name: tmp_pcmn_ins(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION tmp_pcmn_ins() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare r_record tmp_pcmn%ROWTYPE; begin r_record := NEW; if length(trim(r_record.pcm_type))=0 or r_record.pcm_type is NULL then r_record.pcm_type:=find_pcm_type(NEW.pcm_val); return r_record; end if; return NEW; end; $$; -- -- Name: trim_cvs_quote(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION trim_cvs_quote() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare modified import_tmp%ROWTYPE; begin modified:=NEW; modified.devise=replace(new.devise,'"',''); modified.poste_comptable=replace(new.poste_comptable,'"',''); modified.compte_ordre=replace(NEW.COMPTE_ORDRE,'"',''); modified.detail=replace(NEW.DETAIL,'"',''); modified.num_compte=replace(NEW.NUM_COMPTE,'"',''); return modified; end; $$; -- -- Name: trim_space_format_csv_banque(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION trim_space_format_csv_banque() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare modified format_csv_banque%ROWTYPE; begin modified.name=trim(NEW.NAME); modified.include_file=trim(new.include_file); if ( length(modified.name) = 0 ) then modified.name=null; end if; if ( length(modified.include_file) = 0 ) then modified.include_file=null; end if; return modified; end; $$; -- -- Name: tva_delete(integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION tva_delete(integer) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_$ declare p_tva_id alias for $1; nCount integer; begin nCount=0; select count(*) into nCount from quant_sold where qs_vat_code=p_tva_id; if nCount != 0 then return; end if; select count(*) into nCount from quant_purchase where qp_vat_code=p_tva_id; if nCount != 0 then return; end if; delete from tva_rate where tva_id=p_tva_id; return; end; $_$; -- -- Name: tva_insert(text, numeric, text, text, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION tva_insert(text, numeric, text, text, integer) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_$ declare l_tva_id integer; p_tva_label alias for $1; p_tva_rate alias for $2; p_tva_comment alias for $3; p_tva_poste alias for $4; p_tva_both_side alias for $5; debit text; credit text; nCount integer; begin if length(trim(p_tva_label)) = 0 then return 3; end if; if length(trim(p_tva_poste)) != 0 then if position (',' in p_tva_poste) = 0 then return 4; end if; debit = split_part(p_tva_poste,',',1); credit = split_part(p_tva_poste,',',2); select count(*) into nCount from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val=debit::account_type; if nCount = 0 then return 4; end if; select count(*) into nCount from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val=credit::account_type; if nCount = 0 then return 4; end if; end if; select into l_tva_id nextval('s_tva') ; insert into tva_rate(tva_id,tva_label,tva_rate,tva_comment,tva_poste,tva_both_side) values (l_tva_id,p_tva_label,p_tva_rate,p_tva_comment,p_tva_poste,p_tva_both_side); return 0; end; $_$; -- -- Name: tva_modify(integer, text, numeric, text, text, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION tva_modify(integer, text, numeric, text, text, integer) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_$ declare p_tva_id alias for $1; p_tva_label alias for $2; p_tva_rate alias for $3; p_tva_comment alias for $4; p_tva_poste alias for $5; p_tva_both_side alias for $6; debit text; credit text; nCount integer; begin if length(trim(p_tva_label)) = 0 then return 3; end if; if length(trim(p_tva_poste)) != 0 then if position (',' in p_tva_poste) = 0 then return 4; end if; debit = split_part(p_tva_poste,',',1); credit = split_part(p_tva_poste,',',2); select count(*) into nCount from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val=debit::account_type; if nCount = 0 then return 4; end if; select count(*) into nCount from tmp_pcmn where pcm_val=credit::account_type; if nCount = 0 then return 4; end if; end if; update tva_rate set tva_label=p_tva_label,tva_rate=p_tva_rate,tva_comment=p_tva_comment,tva_poste=p_tva_poste,tva_both_side=p_tva_both_side where tva_id=p_tva_id; return 0; end; $_$; -- -- Name: update_quick_code(integer, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: comptaproc; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION update_quick_code(njft_id integer, tav_text text) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare ns integer; nExist integer; tText text; old_qcode varchar; begin -- get current value select ad_value into old_qcode from fiche_detail where jft_id=njft_id; -- av_text didn't change so no update if tav_text = upper( trim(old_qcode)) then return 0; end if; tText := trim(upper(tav_text)); tText := replace(tText,' ',''); if length ( tText) = 0 or tText is null then return 0; end if; ns := njft_id; loop -- av_text already used ? select count(*) into nExist from fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and ad_value=tText; if nExist = 0 then exit; end if; if tText = 'FID'||ns then -- take the next sequence select nextval('s_jnt_fic_att_value') into ns; end if; tText :='FID'||ns; end loop; update fiche_detail set ad_value = tText where jft_id=njft_id; -- update also the contact update fiche_detail set ad_value = tText where jft_id in ( select jft_id from fiche_detail where ad_id=25 and ad_value=old_qcode); update jrnx set j_qcode=tText where j_qcode = old_qcode; return ns; end; $$; SET search_path = public, pg_catalog; -- -- Name: bud_card_ins_upd(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION bud_card_ins_upd() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$declare sCode text; begin sCode:=trim(upper(NEW.bc_code)); sCode:=replace(sCode,' ','_'); sCode:=substr(sCode,1,10); NEW.bc_code:=sCode; return NEW; end;$$; -- -- Name: bud_detail_ins_upd(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION bud_detail_ins_upd() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$declare mline bud_detail%ROWTYPE; begin mline:=NEW; if mline.po_id = -1 then mline.po_id:=NULL; end if; return mline; end;$$; -- -- Name: correct_quant_purchase(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION correct_quant_purchase() RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare r_invalid quant_purchase; s_QuickCode text; b_j_debit bool; r_new record; r_jrnx record; begin for r_invalid in select * from quant_purchase where qp_valid='A' loop select j_qcode into s_QuickCode from vw_poste_qcode where f_id=r_invalid.qp_fiche; raise notice 'qp_id % Quick code is %',r_invalid.qp_id,s_QuickCode; select j_debit,j_grpt,j_jrn_def,j_montant into r_jrnx from jrnx where j_id=r_invalid.j_id; if NOT FOUND then raise notice 'error not found jrnx %',r_invalid.j_id; update quant_purchase set qp_valid='Y' where qp_id=r_invalid.qp_id; continue; end if; raise notice 'j_debit % , j_grpt % ,j_jrn_def % qp_price %',r_jrnx.j_debit,r_jrnx.j_grpt,r_jrnx.j_jrn_def ,r_invalid.qp_price; select jr_internal,j_id,j_montant into r_new from jrnx join jrn on (j_grpt=jr_grpt_id) where j_jrn_def=r_jrnx.j_jrn_def and j_id not in (select j_id from quant_purchase) and j_qcode=s_QuickCode and j_montant=r_jrnx.j_montant and j_debit != r_jrnx.j_debit; if NOT FOUND then raise notice 'error not found %', r_invalid.j_id; update quant_purchase set qp_valid='Y' where qp_id=r_invalid.qp_id; continue; end if; raise notice 'j_id % found amount %',r_new.j_id,r_new.j_montant; insert into quant_purchase (qp_internal,j_id,qp_fiche,qp_quantite,qp_price,qp_vat,qp_nd_amount,qp_nd_tva_recup,qp_valid,qp_dep_priv,qp_supplier,qp_vat_code) values (r_new.jr_internal,r_invalid.j_id,r_invalid.qp_fiche,(r_invalid.qp_quantite * (-1)),r_invalid.qp_price * (-1),r_invalid.qp_vat*(-1),r_invalid.qp_nd_amount*(-1),r_invalid.qp_nd_tva_recup*(-1) ,'Y',r_invalid.qp_dep_priv*(-1),r_invalid.qp_supplier,r_invalid.qp_vat_code); update quant_purchase set qp_valid='Y' where qp_id=r_invalid.qp_id; end loop; return; end; $$; -- -- Name: correct_quant_sale(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE FUNCTION correct_quant_sale() RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare r_invalid quant_sold; s_QuickCode text; b_j_debit bool; r_new record; r_jrnx record; begin for r_invalid in select * from quant_sold where qs_valid='A' loop select j_qcode into s_QuickCode from vw_poste_qcode where f_id=r_invalid.qs_fiche; raise notice 'qp_id % Quick code is %',r_invalid.qs_id,s_QuickCode; select j_debit,j_grpt,j_jrn_def,j_montant into r_jrnx from jrnx where j_id=r_invalid.j_id; if NOT FOUND then update quant_sold set qs_valid='Y' where qs_id=r_invalid.qs_id; raise notice 'error not found jrnx %',r_invalid.j_id; continue; end if; raise notice 'j_debit % , j_grpt % ,j_jrn_def % qs_price %',r_jrnx.j_debit,r_jrnx.j_grpt,r_jrnx.j_jrn_def ,r_invalid.qs_price; select jr_internal,j_id,j_montant into r_new from jrnx join jrn on (j_grpt=jr_grpt_id) where j_jrn_def=r_jrnx.j_jrn_def and j_id not in (select j_id from quant_sold) and j_qcode=s_QuickCode and j_montant=r_jrnx.j_montant and j_debit != r_jrnx.j_debit; if NOT FOUND then update quant_sold set qs_valid='Y' where qs_id=r_invalid.qs_id; raise notice 'error not found %', r_invalid.j_id; continue; end if; raise notice 'j_id % found amount %',r_new.j_id,r_new.j_montant; insert into quant_sold (qs_internal,j_id,qs_fiche,qs_quantite,qs_price,qs_vat,qs_valid,qs_client,qs_vat_code) values (r_new.jr_internal,r_invalid.j_id,r_invalid.qs_fiche,(r_invalid.qs_quantite * (-1)),r_invalid.qs_price * (-1),r_invalid.qs_vat*(-1),'Y',r_invalid.qs_client,r_invalid.qs_vat_code); update quant_sold set qs_valid='Y' where qs_id=r_invalid.qs_id; end loop; return; end; $$; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_with_oids = true; -- -- Name: action; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE action ( ac_id integer NOT NULL, ac_description text NOT NULL, ac_module text, ac_code character varying(9) ); -- -- Name: TABLE action; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE action IS 'The different privileges'; -- -- Name: COLUMN action.ac_code; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action.ac_code IS 'this code will be used in the code with the function User::check_action '; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: action_detail; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE action_detail ( ad_id integer NOT NULL, f_id bigint, ad_text text, ad_pu numeric(20,4) DEFAULT 0, ad_quant numeric(20,4) DEFAULT 0, ad_tva_id integer DEFAULT 0, ad_tva_amount numeric(20,4) DEFAULT 0, ad_total_amount numeric(20,4) DEFAULT 0, ag_id integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: TABLE action_detail; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE action_detail IS 'Detail of action_gestion, see class Action_Detail'; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_detail.f_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_detail.f_id IS 'the concerned card'; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_detail.ad_text; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_detail.ad_text IS ' Description '; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_detail.ad_pu; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_detail.ad_pu IS ' price per unit '; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_detail.ad_quant; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_detail.ad_quant IS 'quantity '; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_detail.ad_tva_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_detail.ad_tva_id IS ' tva_id '; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_detail.ad_tva_amount; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_detail.ad_tva_amount IS ' tva_amount '; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_detail.ad_total_amount; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_detail.ad_total_amount IS ' total amount'; -- -- Name: action_detail_ad_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE action_detail_ad_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: action_detail_ad_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE action_detail_ad_id_seq OWNED BY action_detail.ad_id; -- -- Name: action_detail_ad_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('action_detail_ad_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: action_gestion_ag_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE action_gestion_ag_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: action_gestion_ag_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('action_gestion_ag_id_seq', 1, false); SET default_with_oids = true; -- -- Name: action_gestion; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE action_gestion ( ag_id integer DEFAULT nextval('action_gestion_ag_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, ag_type integer, f_id_dest integer NOT NULL, ag_title character varying(70), ag_timestamp timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(), ag_cal character(1) DEFAULT 'C'::bpchar, ag_ref_ag_id integer, ag_comment text, ag_ref text, ag_hour text, ag_priority integer DEFAULT 2, ag_dest text, ag_owner text, ag_contact bigint, ag_state integer ); -- -- Name: TABLE action_gestion; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE action_gestion IS 'Contains the details for the follow-up of customer, supplier, administration'; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_gestion.ag_type; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion.ag_type IS ' type of action: see document_type '; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_gestion.f_id_dest; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion.f_id_dest IS ' third party '; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_gestion.ag_title; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion.ag_title IS ' title '; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_gestion.ag_timestamp; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion.ag_timestamp IS ' '; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_gestion.ag_cal; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion.ag_cal IS ' visible in the calendar if = C'; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_gestion.ag_ref_ag_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion.ag_ref_ag_id IS ' concerning the action '; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_gestion.ag_comment; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion.ag_comment IS ' comment of the action'; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_gestion.ag_ref; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion.ag_ref IS 'its reference '; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_gestion.ag_priority; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion.ag_priority IS 'Low, medium, important '; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_gestion.ag_dest; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion.ag_dest IS ' is the person who has to take care of this action '; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_gestion.ag_owner; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion.ag_owner IS ' is the owner of this action '; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_gestion.ag_contact; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion.ag_contact IS ' contact of the third part '; -- -- Name: COLUMN action_gestion.ag_state; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN action_gestion.ag_state IS 'state of the action same as document_state '; -- -- Name: attr_def; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE attr_def ( ad_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_attr_def'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, ad_text text, ad_type text, ad_size text NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: TABLE attr_def; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE attr_def IS 'The available attributs for the cards'; -- -- Name: attr_min; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE attr_min ( frd_id integer NOT NULL, ad_id integer NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: TABLE attr_min; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE attr_min IS 'The value of attributs for the cards'; -- -- Name: bilan_b_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE bilan_b_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: bilan_b_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('bilan_b_id_seq', 4, true); SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: bilan; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE bilan ( b_id integer DEFAULT nextval('bilan_b_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, b_name text NOT NULL, b_file_template text NOT NULL, b_file_form text, b_type text NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: TABLE bilan; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE bilan IS 'contains the template and the data for generating different documents '; -- -- Name: COLUMN bilan.b_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN bilan.b_id IS 'primary key'; -- -- Name: COLUMN bilan.b_name; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN bilan.b_name IS 'Name of the document'; -- -- Name: COLUMN bilan.b_file_template; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN bilan.b_file_template IS 'path of the template (document/...)'; -- -- Name: COLUMN bilan.b_file_form; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN bilan.b_file_form IS 'path of the file with forms'; -- -- Name: COLUMN bilan.b_type; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN bilan.b_type IS 'type = ODS, RTF...'; -- -- Name: bud_card_bc_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE bud_card_bc_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: bud_card_bc_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('bud_card_bc_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: bud_detail_bd_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE bud_detail_bd_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: bud_detail_bd_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('bud_detail_bd_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: bud_detail_periode_bdp_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE bud_detail_periode_bdp_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: bud_detail_periode_bdp_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('bud_detail_periode_bdp_id_seq', 1, false); SET default_with_oids = true; -- -- Name: centralized; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE centralized ( c_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_centralized'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, c_j_id integer, c_date date NOT NULL, c_internal text NOT NULL, c_montant numeric(20,4) NOT NULL, c_debit boolean DEFAULT true, c_jrn_def integer NOT NULL, c_poste account_type, c_description text, c_grp integer NOT NULL, c_comment text, c_rapt text, c_periode integer, c_order integer ); -- -- Name: TABLE centralized; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE centralized IS 'The centralized journal'; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: del_action; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE del_action ( del_id integer NOT NULL, del_name text NOT NULL, del_time timestamp without time zone ); -- -- Name: del_action_del_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE del_action_del_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: del_action_del_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE del_action_del_id_seq OWNED BY del_action.del_id; -- -- Name: del_action_del_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('del_action_del_id_seq', 1, true); -- -- Name: del_jrn; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE del_jrn ( jr_id integer NOT NULL, jr_def_id integer, jr_montant numeric(20,4), jr_comment text, jr_date date, jr_grpt_id integer, jr_internal text, jr_tech_date timestamp without time zone, jr_tech_per integer, jrn_ech date, jr_ech date, jr_rapt text, jr_valid boolean, jr_opid integer, jr_c_opid integer, jr_pj oid, jr_pj_name text, jr_pj_type text, del_jrn_date timestamp without time zone, jr_pj_number text, dj_id integer NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: del_jrn_dj_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE del_jrn_dj_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: del_jrn_dj_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE del_jrn_dj_id_seq OWNED BY del_jrn.dj_id; -- -- Name: del_jrn_dj_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('del_jrn_dj_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: del_jrnx; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE del_jrnx ( j_id integer NOT NULL, j_date date, j_montant numeric(20,4), j_poste account_type, j_grpt integer, j_rapt text, j_jrn_def integer, j_debit boolean, j_text text, j_centralized boolean, j_internal text, j_tech_user text, j_tech_date timestamp without time zone, j_tech_per integer, j_qcode text, djx_id integer NOT NULL, f_id bigint ); -- -- Name: del_jrnx_djx_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE del_jrnx_djx_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: del_jrnx_djx_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE del_jrnx_djx_id_seq OWNED BY del_jrnx.djx_id; -- -- Name: del_jrnx_djx_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('del_jrnx_djx_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: document_d_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE document_d_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: document_d_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('document_d_id_seq', 1, false); SET default_with_oids = true; -- -- Name: document; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE document ( d_id integer DEFAULT nextval('document_d_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, ag_id integer NOT NULL, d_lob oid, d_number bigint NOT NULL, d_filename text, d_mimetype text ); -- -- Name: TABLE document; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE document IS 'This table contains all the documents : summary and lob files'; -- -- Name: document_modele_md_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE document_modele_md_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: document_modele_md_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('document_modele_md_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: document_modele; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE document_modele ( md_id integer DEFAULT nextval('document_modele_md_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, md_name text NOT NULL, md_lob oid, md_type integer NOT NULL, md_filename text, md_mimetype text, md_affect character varying(3) NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: TABLE document_modele; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE document_modele IS ' contains all the template for the documents'; -- -- Name: document_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE document_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: SEQUENCE document_seq; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON SEQUENCE document_seq IS 'Sequence for the sequence bound to the document modele'; -- -- Name: document_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('document_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: document_state_s_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE document_state_s_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: document_state_s_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('document_state_s_id_seq', 3, true); -- -- Name: document_state; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE document_state ( s_id integer DEFAULT nextval('document_state_s_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, s_value character varying(50) NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: TABLE document_state; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE document_state IS 'State of the document'; -- -- Name: document_type_dt_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE document_type_dt_id_seq START WITH 25 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: document_type_dt_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('document_type_dt_id_seq', 25, false); -- -- Name: document_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE document_type ( dt_id integer DEFAULT nextval('document_type_dt_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, dt_value character varying(80) ); -- -- Name: TABLE document_type; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE document_type IS 'Type of document : meeting, invoice,...'; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: extension; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE extension ( ex_id integer NOT NULL, ex_name character varying(30) NOT NULL, ex_code character varying(15) NOT NULL, ex_desc character varying(250), ex_file character varying NOT NULL, ex_enable "char" DEFAULT 'Y'::"char" NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: TABLE extension; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE extension IS 'Content the needed information for the extension'; -- -- Name: COLUMN extension.ex_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN extension.ex_id IS 'Primary key'; -- -- Name: COLUMN extension.ex_name; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN extension.ex_name IS 'code of the extension '; -- -- Name: COLUMN extension.ex_code; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN extension.ex_code IS 'code of the extension '; -- -- Name: COLUMN extension.ex_desc; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN extension.ex_desc IS 'Description of the extension '; -- -- Name: COLUMN extension.ex_file; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN extension.ex_file IS 'path to the extension to include'; -- -- Name: COLUMN extension.ex_enable; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN extension.ex_enable IS 'Y : enabled N : disabled '; -- -- Name: extension_ex_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE extension_ex_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: extension_ex_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE extension_ex_id_seq OWNED BY extension.ex_id; -- -- Name: extension_ex_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('extension_ex_id_seq', 1, false); SET default_with_oids = true; -- -- Name: fiche; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fiche ( f_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_fiche'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, fd_id integer ); -- -- Name: TABLE fiche; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE fiche IS 'Cards'; -- -- Name: fiche_def; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fiche_def ( fd_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_fdef'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, fd_class_base text, fd_label text NOT NULL, fd_create_account boolean DEFAULT false, frd_id integer NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: TABLE fiche_def; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE fiche_def IS 'Cards definition'; -- -- Name: fiche_def_ref; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fiche_def_ref ( frd_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_fiche_def_ref'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, frd_text text, frd_class_base account_type ); -- -- Name: TABLE fiche_def_ref; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE fiche_def_ref IS 'Family Cards definition'; -- -- Name: fiche_detail; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fiche_detail ( jft_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_jnt_fic_att_value'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, f_id integer, ad_id integer, ad_value text ); -- -- Name: TABLE fiche_detail; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE fiche_detail IS 'join between the card and the attribut definition'; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: forecast; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE forecast ( f_id integer NOT NULL, f_name text NOT NULL, f_start_date bigint, f_end_date bigint ); -- -- Name: TABLE forecast; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE forecast IS 'contains the name of the forecast'; -- -- Name: forecast_cat; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE forecast_cat ( fc_id integer NOT NULL, fc_desc text NOT NULL, f_id bigint, fc_order integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: COLUMN forecast_cat.fc_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN forecast_cat.fc_id IS 'primary key'; -- -- Name: COLUMN forecast_cat.fc_desc; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN forecast_cat.fc_desc IS 'text of the category'; -- -- Name: COLUMN forecast_cat.f_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN forecast_cat.f_id IS 'Foreign key, it is the parent from the table forecast'; -- -- Name: COLUMN forecast_cat.fc_order; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN forecast_cat.fc_order IS 'Order of the category, used when displaid'; -- -- Name: forecast_cat_fc_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE forecast_cat_fc_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: forecast_cat_fc_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE forecast_cat_fc_id_seq OWNED BY forecast_cat.fc_id; -- -- Name: forecast_cat_fc_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('forecast_cat_fc_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: forecast_f_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE forecast_f_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: forecast_f_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE forecast_f_id_seq OWNED BY forecast.f_id; -- -- Name: forecast_f_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('forecast_f_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: forecast_item; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE forecast_item ( fi_id integer NOT NULL, fi_text text, fi_account text, fi_card integer, fi_order integer, fc_id integer, fi_amount numeric(20,4) DEFAULT 0, fi_debit "char" DEFAULT 'd'::"char" NOT NULL, fi_pid integer ); -- -- Name: COLUMN forecast_item.fi_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN forecast_item.fi_id IS 'Primary key'; -- -- Name: COLUMN forecast_item.fi_text; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN forecast_item.fi_text IS 'Label of the i tem'; -- -- Name: COLUMN forecast_item.fi_account; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN forecast_item.fi_account IS 'Accountancy entry'; -- -- Name: COLUMN forecast_item.fi_card; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN forecast_item.fi_card IS 'Card (fiche.f_id)'; -- -- Name: COLUMN forecast_item.fi_order; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN forecast_item.fi_order IS 'Order of showing (not used)'; -- -- Name: COLUMN forecast_item.fi_amount; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN forecast_item.fi_amount IS 'Amount'; -- -- Name: COLUMN forecast_item.fi_debit; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN forecast_item.fi_debit IS 'possible values are D or C'; -- -- Name: COLUMN forecast_item.fi_pid; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN forecast_item.fi_pid IS '0 for every month, or the value parm_periode.p_id '; -- -- Name: forecast_item_fi_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE forecast_item_fi_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: forecast_item_fi_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE forecast_item_fi_id_seq OWNED BY forecast_item.fi_id; -- -- Name: forecast_item_fi_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('forecast_item_fi_id_seq', 1, false); SET default_with_oids = true; -- -- Name: form; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE form ( fo_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_form'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, fo_fr_id integer, fo_pos integer, fo_label text, fo_formula text ); -- -- Name: TABLE form; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE form IS 'Forms content'; -- -- Name: formdef; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE formdef ( fr_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_formdef'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, fr_label text ); SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: groupe_analytique; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE groupe_analytique ( ga_id character varying(10) NOT NULL, pa_id integer, ga_description text ); -- -- Name: historique_analytique_ha_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE historique_analytique_ha_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: historique_analytique_ha_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('historique_analytique_ha_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: info_def; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE info_def ( id_type text NOT NULL, id_description text ); -- -- Name: TABLE info_def; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE info_def IS 'Contains the types of additionnal info we can add to a operation'; -- -- Name: s_jnt_id; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jnt_id START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jnt_id; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jnt_id', 53, true); SET default_with_oids = true; -- -- Name: jnt_fic_attr; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE jnt_fic_attr ( fd_id integer, ad_id integer, jnt_id bigint DEFAULT nextval('s_jnt_id'::regclass) NOT NULL, jnt_order integer NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: TABLE jnt_fic_attr; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE jnt_fic_attr IS 'join between the family card and the attribut definition'; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: jnt_letter; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE jnt_letter ( jl_id integer NOT NULL, jl_amount_deb numeric(20,4) ); -- -- Name: jnt_letter_jl_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE jnt_letter_jl_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: jnt_letter_jl_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE jnt_letter_jl_id_seq OWNED BY jnt_letter.jl_id; -- -- Name: jnt_letter_jl_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('jnt_letter_jl_id_seq', 1, false); SET default_with_oids = true; -- -- Name: jrn; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE jrn ( jr_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_jrn'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, jr_def_id integer NOT NULL, jr_montant numeric(20,4) NOT NULL, jr_comment text, jr_date date, jr_grpt_id integer NOT NULL, jr_internal text, jr_tech_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, jr_tech_per integer NOT NULL, jrn_ech date, jr_ech date, jr_rapt text, jr_valid boolean DEFAULT true, jr_opid integer, jr_c_opid integer, jr_pj oid, jr_pj_name text, jr_pj_type text, jr_pj_number text, jr_mt text ); -- -- Name: TABLE jrn; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE jrn IS 'Journal: content one line for a group of accountancy writing'; -- -- Name: jrn_action; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE jrn_action ( ja_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_jrnaction'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, ja_name text NOT NULL, ja_desc text, ja_url text NOT NULL, ja_action text NOT NULL, ja_lang text DEFAULT 'FR'::text, ja_jrn_type character(3) ); -- -- Name: TABLE jrn_action; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE jrn_action IS 'Possible action when we are in journal (menu)'; -- -- Name: jrn_def; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE jrn_def ( jrn_def_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_jrn_def'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, jrn_def_name text NOT NULL, jrn_def_class_deb text, jrn_def_class_cred text, jrn_def_fiche_deb text, jrn_def_fiche_cred text, jrn_deb_max_line integer DEFAULT 1, jrn_cred_max_line integer DEFAULT 1, jrn_def_ech boolean DEFAULT false, jrn_def_ech_lib text, jrn_def_type character(3) NOT NULL, jrn_def_code text NOT NULL, jrn_def_pj_pref text, jrn_def_bank bigint, jrn_def_num_op integer ); -- -- Name: TABLE jrn_def; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE jrn_def IS 'Definition of a journal, his properties'; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: jrn_info; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE jrn_info ( ji_id integer NOT NULL, jr_id integer NOT NULL, id_type text NOT NULL, ji_value text ); -- -- Name: jrn_info_ji_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE jrn_info_ji_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: jrn_info_ji_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE jrn_info_ji_id_seq OWNED BY jrn_info.ji_id; -- -- Name: jrn_info_ji_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('jrn_info_ji_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: jrn_note; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE jrn_note ( n_id integer NOT NULL, n_text text, jr_id bigint NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: TABLE jrn_note; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE jrn_note IS 'Note about operation'; -- -- Name: jrn_note_n_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE jrn_note_n_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: jrn_note_n_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE jrn_note_n_id_seq OWNED BY jrn_note.n_id; -- -- Name: jrn_note_n_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('jrn_note_n_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: jrn_periode; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE jrn_periode ( jrn_def_id integer NOT NULL, p_id integer NOT NULL, status text ); SET default_with_oids = true; -- -- Name: jrn_rapt; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE jrn_rapt ( jra_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_jrn_rapt'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, jr_id integer NOT NULL, jra_concerned integer NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: TABLE jrn_rapt; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE jrn_rapt IS 'Rapprochement between operation'; -- -- Name: jrn_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE jrn_type ( jrn_type_id character(3) NOT NULL, jrn_desc text ); -- -- Name: TABLE jrn_type; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE jrn_type IS 'Type of journal (Sell, Buy, Financial...)'; -- -- Name: jrnx; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE jrnx ( j_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_jrn_op'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, j_date date DEFAULT now(), j_montant numeric(20,4) DEFAULT 0, j_poste account_type NOT NULL, j_grpt integer NOT NULL, j_rapt text, j_jrn_def integer NOT NULL, j_debit boolean DEFAULT true, j_text text, j_centralized boolean DEFAULT false, j_internal text, j_tech_user text NOT NULL, j_tech_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, j_tech_per integer NOT NULL, j_qcode text, f_id bigint ); -- -- Name: TABLE jrnx; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE jrnx IS 'Journal: content one line for each accountancy writing'; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: letter_cred; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE letter_cred ( lc_id integer NOT NULL, j_id bigint NOT NULL, jl_id bigint NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: letter_cred_lc_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE letter_cred_lc_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: letter_cred_lc_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE letter_cred_lc_id_seq OWNED BY letter_cred.lc_id; -- -- Name: letter_cred_lc_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('letter_cred_lc_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: letter_deb; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE letter_deb ( ld_id integer NOT NULL, j_id bigint NOT NULL, jl_id bigint NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: letter_deb_ld_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE letter_deb_ld_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: letter_deb_ld_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE letter_deb_ld_id_seq OWNED BY letter_deb.ld_id; -- -- Name: letter_deb_ld_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('letter_deb_ld_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: menu_ref; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE menu_ref ( me_code text NOT NULL, me_menu text, me_file text, me_url text, me_description text, me_parameter text, me_javascript text, me_type character varying(2) ); -- -- Name: COLUMN menu_ref.me_code; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN menu_ref.me_code IS 'Menu Code '; -- -- Name: COLUMN menu_ref.me_menu; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN menu_ref.me_menu IS 'Label to display'; -- -- Name: COLUMN menu_ref.me_file; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN menu_ref.me_file IS 'if not empty file to include'; -- -- Name: COLUMN menu_ref.me_url; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN menu_ref.me_url IS 'url '; -- -- Name: COLUMN menu_ref.me_type; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN menu_ref.me_type IS 'ME for menu PR for Printing SP for special meaning (ex: return to line) PL for plugin'; -- -- Name: mod_payment; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE mod_payment ( mp_id integer NOT NULL, mp_lib text NOT NULL, mp_jrn_def_id integer NOT NULL, mp_fd_id bigint, mp_qcode text, jrn_def_id bigint ); -- -- Name: TABLE mod_payment; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE mod_payment IS 'Contains the different media of payment and the corresponding ledger'; -- -- Name: COLUMN mod_payment.jrn_def_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN mod_payment.jrn_def_id IS 'Ledger using this payment method'; -- -- Name: mod_payment_mp_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE mod_payment_mp_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: mod_payment_mp_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE mod_payment_mp_id_seq OWNED BY mod_payment.mp_id; -- -- Name: mod_payment_mp_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('mod_payment_mp_id_seq', 10, true); -- -- Name: op_def_op_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE op_def_op_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: op_def_op_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('op_def_op_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: op_predef; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE op_predef ( od_id integer DEFAULT nextval('op_def_op_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, jrn_def_id integer NOT NULL, od_name text NOT NULL, od_item integer NOT NULL, od_jrn_type text NOT NULL, od_direct boolean NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: TABLE op_predef; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE op_predef IS 'predefined operation'; -- -- Name: COLUMN op_predef.jrn_def_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN op_predef.jrn_def_id IS 'jrn_id'; -- -- Name: COLUMN op_predef.od_name; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN op_predef.od_name IS 'name of the operation'; -- -- Name: op_predef_detail_opd_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE op_predef_detail_opd_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: op_predef_detail_opd_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('op_predef_detail_opd_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: op_predef_detail; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE op_predef_detail ( opd_id integer DEFAULT nextval('op_predef_detail_opd_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, od_id integer NOT NULL, opd_poste text NOT NULL, opd_amount numeric(20,4), opd_tva_id integer, opd_quantity numeric(20,4), opd_debit boolean NOT NULL, opd_tva_amount numeric(20,4), opd_comment text, opd_qc boolean ); -- -- Name: TABLE op_predef_detail; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE op_predef_detail IS 'contains the detail of predefined operations'; -- -- Name: s_oa_group; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_oa_group START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_oa_group; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_oa_group', 7, true); -- -- Name: operation_analytique; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE operation_analytique ( oa_id integer DEFAULT nextval('historique_analytique_ha_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, po_id integer NOT NULL, oa_amount numeric(20,4) NOT NULL, oa_description text, oa_debit boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL, j_id integer, oa_group integer DEFAULT nextval('s_oa_group'::regclass) NOT NULL, oa_date date NOT NULL, oa_row integer, CONSTRAINT operation_analytique_oa_amount_check CHECK ((oa_amount >= (0)::numeric)) ); -- -- Name: TABLE operation_analytique; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE operation_analytique IS 'History of the analytic account'; SET default_with_oids = true; -- -- Name: parameter; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE parameter ( pr_id text NOT NULL, pr_value text ); -- -- Name: TABLE parameter; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE parameter IS 'parameter of the company'; -- -- Name: parm_code; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE parm_code ( p_code text NOT NULL, p_value text, p_comment text ); -- -- Name: parm_money; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE parm_money ( pm_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_currency'::text)::regclass), pm_code character(3) NOT NULL, pm_rate numeric(20,4) ); -- -- Name: TABLE parm_money; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE parm_money IS 'Currency conversion'; -- -- Name: parm_periode; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE parm_periode ( p_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_periode'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, p_start date NOT NULL, p_end date NOT NULL, p_exercice text DEFAULT to_char(now(), 'YYYY'::text) NOT NULL, p_closed boolean DEFAULT false, p_central boolean DEFAULT false, CONSTRAINT parm_periode_check CHECK ((p_end >= p_start)) ); -- -- Name: TABLE parm_periode; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE parm_periode IS 'Periode definition'; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: parm_poste; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE parm_poste ( p_value account_type NOT NULL, p_type text NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: TABLE parm_poste; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE parm_poste IS 'Contains data for finding is the type of the account (asset)'; -- -- Name: plan_analytique_pa_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE plan_analytique_pa_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: plan_analytique_pa_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('plan_analytique_pa_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: plan_analytique; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE plan_analytique ( pa_id integer DEFAULT nextval('plan_analytique_pa_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, pa_name text DEFAULT 'Sans Nom'::text NOT NULL, pa_description text ); -- -- Name: TABLE plan_analytique; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE plan_analytique IS 'Plan Analytique (max 5)'; -- -- Name: poste_analytique_po_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE poste_analytique_po_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: poste_analytique_po_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('poste_analytique_po_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: poste_analytique; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE poste_analytique ( po_id integer DEFAULT nextval('poste_analytique_po_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, po_name text NOT NULL, pa_id integer NOT NULL, po_amount numeric(20,4) DEFAULT 0.0 NOT NULL, po_description text, ga_id character varying(10) ); -- -- Name: TABLE poste_analytique; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE poste_analytique IS 'Poste Analytique'; -- -- Name: profile; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE profile ( p_name text NOT NULL, p_id integer NOT NULL, p_desc text, with_calc boolean DEFAULT true, with_direct_form boolean DEFAULT true ); -- -- Name: TABLE profile; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE profile IS 'Available profile '; -- -- Name: COLUMN profile.p_name; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN profile.p_name IS 'Name of the profile'; -- -- Name: COLUMN profile.p_desc; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN profile.p_desc IS 'description of the profile'; -- -- Name: COLUMN profile.with_calc; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN profile.with_calc IS 'show the calculator'; -- -- Name: COLUMN profile.with_direct_form; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN profile.with_direct_form IS 'show the direct form'; -- -- Name: profile_menu; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE profile_menu ( pm_id integer NOT NULL, me_code text, me_code_dep text, p_id integer, p_order integer, p_type_display text NOT NULL, pm_default integer ); -- -- Name: TABLE profile_menu; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE profile_menu IS 'Join between the profile and the menu '; -- -- Name: COLUMN profile_menu.me_code_dep; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN profile_menu.me_code_dep IS 'menu code dependency'; -- -- Name: COLUMN profile_menu.p_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN profile_menu.p_id IS 'link to profile'; -- -- Name: COLUMN profile_menu.p_order; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN profile_menu.p_order IS 'order of displaying menu'; -- -- Name: COLUMN profile_menu.p_type_display; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN profile_menu.p_type_display IS 'M is a module E is a menu S is a select (for plugin)'; -- -- Name: COLUMN profile_menu.pm_default; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN profile_menu.pm_default IS 'default menu'; -- -- Name: profile_menu_pm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE profile_menu_pm_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: profile_menu_pm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE profile_menu_pm_id_seq OWNED BY profile_menu.pm_id; -- -- Name: profile_menu_pm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('profile_menu_pm_id_seq', 778, true); -- -- Name: profile_menu_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE profile_menu_type ( pm_type text NOT NULL, pm_desc text ); -- -- Name: profile_p_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE profile_p_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: profile_p_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE profile_p_id_seq OWNED BY profile.p_id; -- -- Name: profile_p_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('profile_p_id_seq', 11, true); -- -- Name: profile_user; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE profile_user ( user_name text NOT NULL, pu_id integer NOT NULL, p_id integer ); -- -- Name: TABLE profile_user; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE profile_user IS 'Contains the available profile for users'; -- -- Name: COLUMN profile_user.user_name; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN profile_user.user_name IS 'fk to available_user : login'; -- -- Name: COLUMN profile_user.p_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN profile_user.p_id IS 'fk to profile'; -- -- Name: profile_user_pu_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE profile_user_pu_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: profile_user_pu_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE profile_user_pu_id_seq OWNED BY profile_user.pu_id; -- -- Name: profile_user_pu_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('profile_user_pu_id_seq', 6, true); -- -- Name: quant_fin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE quant_fin ( qf_id bigint NOT NULL, qf_bank bigint, jr_id bigint, qf_other bigint, qf_amount numeric(20,4) DEFAULT 0 ); -- -- Name: TABLE quant_fin; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE quant_fin IS 'Simple operation for financial'; -- -- Name: quant_fin_qf_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE quant_fin_qf_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: quant_fin_qf_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE quant_fin_qf_id_seq OWNED BY quant_fin.qf_id; -- -- Name: quant_fin_qf_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('quant_fin_qf_id_seq', 1, false); -- -- Name: quant_purchase; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE quant_purchase ( qp_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_quantity'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, qp_internal text, j_id integer NOT NULL, qp_fiche integer NOT NULL, qp_quantite numeric(20,4) NOT NULL, qp_price numeric(20,4), qp_vat numeric(20,4) DEFAULT 0.0, qp_vat_code integer, qp_nd_amount numeric(20,4) DEFAULT 0.0, qp_nd_tva numeric(20,4) DEFAULT 0.0, qp_nd_tva_recup numeric(20,4) DEFAULT 0.0, qp_supplier integer NOT NULL, qp_valid character(1) DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar NOT NULL, qp_dep_priv numeric(20,4) DEFAULT 0.0, qp_vat_sided numeric(20,4) DEFAULT 0.0 ); -- -- Name: COLUMN quant_purchase.qp_vat_sided; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN quant_purchase.qp_vat_sided IS 'amount of the VAT which avoid VAT, case of the VAT which add the same amount at the deb and cred'; SET default_with_oids = true; -- -- Name: quant_sold; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE quant_sold ( qs_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_quantity'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, qs_internal text, qs_fiche integer NOT NULL, qs_quantite numeric(20,4) NOT NULL, qs_price numeric(20,4), qs_vat numeric(20,4), qs_vat_code integer, qs_client integer NOT NULL, qs_valid character(1) DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar NOT NULL, j_id integer NOT NULL, qs_vat_sided numeric(20,4) DEFAULT 0.0 ); -- -- Name: TABLE quant_sold; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE quant_sold IS 'Contains about invoice for customer'; -- -- Name: s_attr_def; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_attr_def START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_attr_def; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_attr_def', 9001, false); -- -- Name: s_cbc; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_cbc START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_cbc; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_cbc', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_central; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_central START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_central; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_central', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_central_order; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_central_order START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_central_order; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_central_order', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_centralized; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_centralized START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_centralized; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_centralized', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_currency; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_currency START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_currency; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_currency', 1, true); -- -- Name: s_fdef; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_fdef START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_fdef; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_fdef', 6, true); -- -- Name: s_fiche; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_fiche START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_fiche; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_fiche', 79, true); -- -- Name: s_fiche_def_ref; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_fiche_def_ref START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_fiche_def_ref; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_fiche_def_ref', 18, true); -- -- Name: s_form; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_form START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_form; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_form', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_formdef; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_formdef START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_formdef; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_formdef', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_grpt; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_grpt START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_grpt; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_grpt', 102, true); -- -- Name: s_idef; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_idef START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_idef; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_idef', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_internal; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_internal START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_internal; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_internal', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_invoice; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_invoice START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_invoice; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_invoice', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_isup; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_isup START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_isup; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_isup', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_jnt_fic_att_value; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jnt_fic_att_value START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jnt_fic_att_value; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jnt_fic_att_value', 875, true); -- -- Name: s_jrn; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jrn START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jrn; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jrn', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_jrn_1; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jrn_1 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jrn_1; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jrn_1', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_jrn_2; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jrn_2 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jrn_2; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jrn_2', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_jrn_3; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jrn_3 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jrn_3; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jrn_3', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_jrn_4; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jrn_4 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jrn_4; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jrn_4', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_jrn_def; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jrn_def START WITH 5 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jrn_def; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jrn_def', 5, false); -- -- Name: s_jrn_op; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jrn_op START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jrn_op; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jrn_op', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_jrn_pj1; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jrn_pj1 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jrn_pj1; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jrn_pj1', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_jrn_pj2; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jrn_pj2 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jrn_pj2; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jrn_pj2', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_jrn_pj3; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jrn_pj3 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jrn_pj3; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jrn_pj3', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_jrn_pj4; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jrn_pj4 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jrn_pj4; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jrn_pj4', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_jrn_rapt; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jrn_rapt START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jrn_rapt; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jrn_rapt', 20, true); -- -- Name: s_jrnaction; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jrnaction START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jrnaction; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jrnaction', 5, true); -- -- Name: s_jrnx; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_jrnx START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_jrnx; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_jrnx', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_periode; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_periode START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_periode; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_periode', 117, true); -- -- Name: s_quantity; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_quantity START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_quantity; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_quantity', 13, true); -- -- Name: s_stock_goods; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_stock_goods START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_stock_goods; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_stock_goods', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_tva; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_tva START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_tva; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_tva', 1000, false); -- -- Name: s_user_act; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_user_act START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_user_act; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_user_act', 1, false); -- -- Name: s_user_jrn; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE s_user_jrn START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: s_user_jrn; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('s_user_jrn', 8, true); -- -- Name: seq_bud_hypothese_bh_id; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE seq_bud_hypothese_bh_id START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: seq_bud_hypothese_bh_id; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_bud_hypothese_bh_id', 1, false); -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_1; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE seq_doc_type_1 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_1; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_doc_type_1', 1, false); -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_10; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE seq_doc_type_10 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_10; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_doc_type_10', 1, false); -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_2; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE seq_doc_type_2 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_2; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_doc_type_2', 1, false); -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_20; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE seq_doc_type_20 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_20; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_doc_type_20', 1, false); -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_21; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE seq_doc_type_21 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_21; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_doc_type_21', 1, false); -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_22; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE seq_doc_type_22 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_22; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_doc_type_22', 1, false); -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_3; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE seq_doc_type_3 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_3; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_doc_type_3', 1, false); -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_4; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE seq_doc_type_4 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_4; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_doc_type_4', 1, false); -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_5; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE seq_doc_type_5 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_5; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_doc_type_5', 1, false); -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_6; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE seq_doc_type_6 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_6; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_doc_type_6', 1, false); -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_7; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE seq_doc_type_7 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_7; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_doc_type_7', 1, false); -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_8; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE seq_doc_type_8 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_8; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_doc_type_8', 1, false); -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_9; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE seq_doc_type_9 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: seq_doc_type_9; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_doc_type_9', 1, false); -- -- Name: stock_goods; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE stock_goods ( sg_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_stock_goods'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, j_id integer, f_id integer, sg_code text, sg_quantity numeric(8,4) DEFAULT 0, sg_type character(1) DEFAULT 'c'::bpchar NOT NULL, sg_date date, sg_tech_date date DEFAULT now(), sg_tech_user text, sg_comment character varying(80), sg_exercice character varying(4), CONSTRAINT stock_goods_sg_type CHECK (((sg_type = 'c'::bpchar) OR (sg_type = 'd'::bpchar))) ); -- -- Name: TABLE stock_goods; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE stock_goods IS 'About the goods'; -- -- Name: tmp_pcmn; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tmp_pcmn ( pcm_val account_type NOT NULL, pcm_lib text, pcm_val_parent account_type DEFAULT 0, pcm_type text ); -- -- Name: TABLE tmp_pcmn; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE tmp_pcmn IS 'Plan comptable minimum normalisé'; -- -- Name: todo_list_tl_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE todo_list_tl_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: todo_list_tl_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('todo_list_tl_id_seq', 1, false); SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: todo_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE todo_list ( tl_id integer DEFAULT nextval('todo_list_tl_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, tl_date date NOT NULL, tl_title text NOT NULL, tl_desc text, use_login text NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: TABLE todo_list; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE todo_list IS 'Todo list'; SET default_with_oids = true; -- -- Name: tva_rate; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tva_rate ( tva_id integer DEFAULT nextval('s_tva'::regclass) NOT NULL, tva_label text NOT NULL, tva_rate numeric(8,4) DEFAULT 0.0 NOT NULL, tva_comment text, tva_poste text, tva_both_side integer DEFAULT 0 ); -- -- Name: TABLE tva_rate; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE tva_rate IS 'Rate of vat'; -- -- Name: user_local_pref; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE user_local_pref ( user_id text NOT NULL, parameter_type text NOT NULL, parameter_value text ); -- -- Name: TABLE user_local_pref; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE user_local_pref IS 'The user''s local parameter '; -- -- Name: COLUMN user_local_pref.user_id; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN user_local_pref.user_id IS 'user''s login '; -- -- Name: COLUMN user_local_pref.parameter_type; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN user_local_pref.parameter_type IS 'the type of parameter '; -- -- Name: COLUMN user_local_pref.parameter_value; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON COLUMN user_local_pref.parameter_value IS 'the value of parameter '; -- -- Name: user_sec_act; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE user_sec_act ( ua_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_user_act'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, ua_login text, ua_act_id integer ); SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: user_sec_extension; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE user_sec_extension ( use_id integer NOT NULL, ex_id integer NOT NULL, use_login text NOT NULL, use_access character(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: TABLE user_sec_extension; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TABLE user_sec_extension IS 'Security for extension'; -- -- Name: user_sec_extension_use_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE user_sec_extension_use_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: user_sec_extension_use_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE user_sec_extension_use_id_seq OWNED BY user_sec_extension.use_id; -- -- Name: user_sec_extension_use_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: - -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('user_sec_extension_use_id_seq', 1, false); SET default_with_oids = true; -- -- Name: user_sec_jrn; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE user_sec_jrn ( uj_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('s_user_jrn'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL, uj_login text, uj_jrn_id integer, uj_priv text ); -- -- Name: v_all_menu; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW v_all_menu AS SELECT pm.me_code, pm.pm_id, pm.me_code_dep, pm.p_order, pm.p_type_display, pu.user_name, pu.pu_id, p.p_name, p.p_desc, mr.me_menu, mr.me_file, mr.me_url, mr.me_parameter, mr.me_javascript, mr.me_type, pm.p_id, mr.me_description FROM (((profile_menu pm JOIN profile_user pu ON ((pu.p_id = pm.p_id))) JOIN profile p ON ((p.p_id = pm.p_id))) JOIN menu_ref mr USING (me_code)) ORDER BY pm.p_order; -- -- Name: version; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE version ( val integer ); -- -- Name: vw_client; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW vw_client AS SELECT fiche.f_id, a1.ad_value AS name, a.ad_value AS quick_code, b.ad_value AS tva_num, c.ad_value AS poste_comptable, d.ad_value AS rue, e.ad_value AS code_postal, f.ad_value AS pays, g.ad_value AS telephone, h.ad_value AS email FROM (((((((((((fiche JOIN fiche_def USING (fd_id)) JOIN fiche_def_ref USING (frd_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 1)) a1 USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 13)) b USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 23)) a USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 5)) c USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 14)) d USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 15)) e USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 16)) f USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 17)) g USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 18)) h USING (f_id)) WHERE (fiche_def_ref.frd_id = 9); -- -- Name: vw_fiche_attr; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW vw_fiche_attr AS SELECT a.f_id, a.fd_id, a.ad_value AS vw_name, k.ad_value AS vw_first_name, b.ad_value AS vw_sell, c.ad_value AS vw_buy, d.ad_value AS tva_code, tva_rate.tva_id, tva_rate.tva_rate, tva_rate.tva_label, e.ad_value AS vw_addr, f.ad_value AS vw_cp, j.ad_value AS quick_code, h.ad_value AS vw_description, i.ad_value AS tva_num, fiche_def.frd_id FROM ((((((((((((SELECT fiche.f_id, fiche.fd_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM (fiche LEFT JOIN fiche_detail USING (f_id)) WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 1)) a LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 6)) b ON ((a.f_id = b.f_id))) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 7)) c ON ((a.f_id = c.f_id))) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 2)) d ON ((a.f_id = d.f_id))) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 14)) e ON ((a.f_id = e.f_id))) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 15)) f ON ((a.f_id = f.f_id))) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 23)) j ON ((a.f_id = j.f_id))) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 9)) h ON ((a.f_id = h.f_id))) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 13)) i ON ((a.f_id = i.f_id))) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 32)) k ON ((a.f_id = k.f_id))) LEFT JOIN tva_rate ON ((d.ad_value = (tva_rate.tva_id)::text))) JOIN fiche_def USING (fd_id)); -- -- Name: vw_fiche_def; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW vw_fiche_def AS SELECT jnt_fic_attr.fd_id, jnt_fic_attr.ad_id, attr_def.ad_text, fiche_def.fd_class_base, fiche_def.fd_label, fiche_def.fd_create_account, fiche_def.frd_id FROM ((fiche_def JOIN jnt_fic_attr USING (fd_id)) JOIN attr_def ON ((attr_def.ad_id = jnt_fic_attr.ad_id))); -- -- Name: VIEW vw_fiche_def; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON VIEW vw_fiche_def IS 'all the attributs for card family'; -- -- Name: vw_fiche_min; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW vw_fiche_min AS SELECT attr_min.frd_id, attr_min.ad_id, attr_def.ad_text, fiche_def_ref.frd_text, fiche_def_ref.frd_class_base FROM ((attr_min JOIN attr_def USING (ad_id)) JOIN fiche_def_ref USING (frd_id)); -- -- Name: vw_fiche_name; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW vw_fiche_name AS SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value AS name FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 1); -- -- Name: vw_poste_qcode; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW vw_poste_qcode AS SELECT c.f_id, a.ad_value AS j_poste, b.ad_value AS j_qcode FROM ((fiche c LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 5)) a USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 23)) b USING (f_id)); -- -- Name: vw_supplier; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW vw_supplier AS SELECT fiche.f_id, a1.ad_value AS name, a.ad_value AS quick_code, b.ad_value AS tva_num, c.ad_value AS poste_comptable, d.ad_value AS rue, e.ad_value AS code_postal, f.ad_value AS pays, g.ad_value AS telephone, h.ad_value AS email FROM (((((((((((fiche JOIN fiche_def USING (fd_id)) JOIN fiche_def_ref USING (frd_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 1)) a1 USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 13)) b USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 23)) a USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 5)) c USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 14)) d USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 15)) e USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 16)) f USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 17)) g USING (f_id)) LEFT JOIN (SELECT fiche_detail.jft_id, fiche_detail.f_id, fiche_detail.ad_id, fiche_detail.ad_value FROM fiche_detail WHERE (fiche_detail.ad_id = 18)) h USING (f_id)) WHERE (fiche_def_ref.frd_id = 8); -- -- Name: ad_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY action_detail ALTER COLUMN ad_id SET DEFAULT nextval('action_detail_ad_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: del_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY del_action ALTER COLUMN del_id SET DEFAULT nextval('del_action_del_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: dj_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY del_jrn ALTER COLUMN dj_id SET DEFAULT nextval('del_jrn_dj_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: djx_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY del_jrnx ALTER COLUMN djx_id SET DEFAULT nextval('del_jrnx_djx_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: ex_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY extension ALTER COLUMN ex_id SET DEFAULT nextval('extension_ex_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: f_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY forecast ALTER COLUMN f_id SET DEFAULT nextval('forecast_f_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: fc_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY forecast_cat ALTER COLUMN fc_id SET DEFAULT nextval('forecast_cat_fc_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: fi_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY forecast_item ALTER COLUMN fi_id SET DEFAULT nextval('forecast_item_fi_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: jl_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jnt_letter ALTER COLUMN jl_id SET DEFAULT nextval('jnt_letter_jl_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: ji_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_info ALTER COLUMN ji_id SET DEFAULT nextval('jrn_info_ji_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: n_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_note ALTER COLUMN n_id SET DEFAULT nextval('jrn_note_n_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: lc_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY letter_cred ALTER COLUMN lc_id SET DEFAULT nextval('letter_cred_lc_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: ld_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY letter_deb ALTER COLUMN ld_id SET DEFAULT nextval('letter_deb_ld_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: mp_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY mod_payment ALTER COLUMN mp_id SET DEFAULT nextval('mod_payment_mp_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: p_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY profile ALTER COLUMN p_id SET DEFAULT nextval('profile_p_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: pm_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_menu ALTER COLUMN pm_id SET DEFAULT nextval('profile_menu_pm_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: pu_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_user ALTER COLUMN pu_id SET DEFAULT nextval('profile_user_pu_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: qf_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY quant_fin ALTER COLUMN qf_id SET DEFAULT nextval('quant_fin_qf_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: use_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY user_sec_extension ALTER COLUMN use_id SET DEFAULT nextval('user_sec_extension_use_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Data for Name: action; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO action VALUES (800, 'Ajout de fiche', 'fiche', 'FICADD'); INSERT INTO action VALUES (805, 'Création, modification et effacement de fiche', 'fiche', 'FIC'); INSERT INTO action VALUES (910, 'création, modification et effacement de catégorie de fiche', 'fiche', 'FICCAT'); INSERT INTO action VALUES (1020, 'Effacer les documents du suivi', 'followup', 'RMDOC'); INSERT INTO action VALUES (1010, 'Voir les documents du suivi', 'followup', 'VIEWDOC'); INSERT INTO action VALUES (1050, 'Modifier le type de document', 'followup', 'PARCATDOC'); -- -- Data for Name: action_detail; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: action_gestion; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: attr_def; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (20, 'Partie fiscalement non déductible', 'numeric', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (10, 'Date début', 'date', '8'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (6, 'Prix vente', 'numeric', '6'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (7, 'Prix achat', 'numeric', '6'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (8, 'Durée Amortissement', 'numeric', '6'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (11, 'Montant initial', 'numeric', '6'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (21, 'TVA non déductible', 'numeric', '6'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (22, 'TVA non déductible récupérable par l''impôt', 'numeric', '6'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (1, 'Nom', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (2, 'Taux TVA', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (3, 'Numéro de compte', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (4, 'Nom de la banque', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (5, 'Poste Comptable', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (9, 'Description', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (12, 'Personne de contact ', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (13, 'numéro de tva ', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (14, 'Adresse ', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (16, 'pays ', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (17, 'téléphone ', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (18, 'email ', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (19, 'Gestion stock', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (23, 'Quick Code', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (24, 'Ville', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (25, 'Société', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (26, 'Fax', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (27, 'GSM', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (15, 'code postal', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (30, 'Numero de client', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (32, 'Prénom', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (31, 'Dépense charge du grant (partie privé) ', 'text', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (50, 'Contrepartie pour TVA récup par impot', 'poste', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (51, 'Contrepartie pour TVA non Ded.', 'poste', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (52, 'Contrepartie pour dépense à charge du gérant', 'poste', '22'); INSERT INTO attr_def VALUES (53, 'Contrepartie pour dépense fiscal. non déd.', 'poste', '22'); -- -- Data for Name: attr_min; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (1, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (1, 2); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (2, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (2, 2); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (3, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (3, 2); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (4, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (4, 3); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (4, 4); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (4, 12); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (4, 13); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (4, 14); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (4, 15); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (4, 16); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (4, 17); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (4, 18); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (8, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (8, 12); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (8, 13); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (8, 14); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (8, 15); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (8, 16); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (8, 17); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (8, 18); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (9, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (9, 12); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (9, 13); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (9, 14); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (9, 16); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (9, 17); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (9, 18); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (1, 6); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (1, 7); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (2, 6); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (2, 7); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (3, 7); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (1, 19); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (2, 19); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (14, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (5, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (5, 4); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (5, 10); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (5, 12); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (6, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (6, 4); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (6, 10); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (6, 12); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (10, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (10, 12); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (11, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (11, 12); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (12, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (12, 12); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (13, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (13, 9); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (7, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (7, 8); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (7, 9); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (7, 10); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (5, 11); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (6, 11); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (1, 15); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (9, 15); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (15, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (15, 9); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (1, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (2, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (3, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (4, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (5, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (6, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (8, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (9, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (10, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (11, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (12, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (13, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (14, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (15, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (7, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (9, 24); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (8, 24); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (14, 24); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (16, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (16, 17); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (16, 18); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (16, 25); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (16, 26); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (16, 27); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (16, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (17, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (17, 9); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (18, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (18, 9); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (25, 1); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (25, 4); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (25, 3); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (25, 5); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (25, 15); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (25, 16); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (25, 24); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (25, 23); INSERT INTO attr_min VALUES (2, 30); -- -- Data for Name: bilan; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO bilan VALUES (5, 'Comptes de résultat', 'document/fr_fr/fr_plan_abrege_perso_cr1000.rtf', 'document/fr_fr/fr_plan_abrege_perso_cr1000.form', 'rtf'); INSERT INTO bilan VALUES (1, 'Bilan français', 'document/fr_fr/fr_plan_abrege_perso_bil10000.ods', 'document/fr_fr/fr_plan_abrege_perso_bil10000.form', 'ods'); -- -- Data for Name: centralized; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: del_action; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: del_jrn; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: del_jrnx; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: document; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: document_modele; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: document_state; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO document_state VALUES (1, 'Clôturé'); INSERT INTO document_state VALUES (2, 'A suivre'); INSERT INTO document_state VALUES (3, 'A faire'); INSERT INTO document_state VALUES (4, 'Abandonné'); -- -- Data for Name: document_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO document_type VALUES (1, 'Document Interne'); INSERT INTO document_type VALUES (2, 'Bons de commande client'); INSERT INTO document_type VALUES (3, 'Bon de commande Fournisseur'); INSERT INTO document_type VALUES (4, 'Facture'); INSERT INTO document_type VALUES (5, 'Lettre de rappel'); INSERT INTO document_type VALUES (6, 'Courrier'); INSERT INTO document_type VALUES (7, 'Proposition'); INSERT INTO document_type VALUES (8, 'Email'); INSERT INTO document_type VALUES (9, 'Divers'); INSERT INTO document_type VALUES (10, 'Note de frais'); INSERT INTO document_type VALUES (20, 'Réception commande Fournisseur'); INSERT INTO document_type VALUES (21, 'Réception commande Client'); INSERT INTO document_type VALUES (22, 'Réception magazine'); -- -- Data for Name: extension; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: fiche; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: fiche_def; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO fiche_def VALUES (2, '400', 'Client', true, 9); INSERT INTO fiche_def VALUES (1, '604', 'Marchandises', true, 2); INSERT INTO fiche_def VALUES (3, '5500', 'Banque', true, 4); INSERT INTO fiche_def VALUES (4, '440', 'Fournisseur', true, 8); INSERT INTO fiche_def VALUES (5, '61', 'S & B D', true, 3); INSERT INTO fiche_def VALUES (6, '700', 'Vente', true, 1); -- -- Data for Name: fiche_def_ref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (13, 'Dépenses non admises', '674'); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (14, 'Administration des Finances', NULL); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (15, 'Autres fiches', NULL); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (4, 'Banque', '51'); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (5, 'Prêt > a un an', '27'); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (8, 'Fournisseurs', '400'); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (6, 'Prêt < a un an', NULL); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (16, 'Contact', NULL); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (1, 'Vente Service', '706'); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (2, 'Achat Marchandises', '603'); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (9, 'Clients', '410'); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (10, 'Salaire Administrateur', '644'); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (11, 'Salaire Ouvrier', '641'); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (12, 'Salaire Employé', '641'); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (7, 'Matériel à amortir, immobilisation corporelle', '21'); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (3, 'Achat Service et biens divers', '61'); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (17, 'Escomptes accordées', '66'); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (18, 'Produits Financiers', '76'); INSERT INTO fiche_def_ref VALUES (25, 'Compte Salarié / Administrateur', NULL); -- -- Data for Name: fiche_detail; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: forecast; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: forecast_cat; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: forecast_item; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: form; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO form VALUES (3000398, 3000000, 1, 'Prestation [ case 03 ]', '[700%]-[7000005]'); INSERT INTO form VALUES (3000399, 3000000, 2, 'Prestation intra [ case 47 ]', '[7000005]'); INSERT INTO form VALUES (3000400, 3000000, 3, 'Tva due [case 54]', '[4513]+[4512]+[4511] FROM=01.2005'); INSERT INTO form VALUES (3000401, 3000000, 4, 'Marchandises, matière première et auxiliaire [case 81 ]', '[60%]'); INSERT INTO form VALUES (3000402, 3000000, 7, 'Service et bien divers [case 82]', '[61%]'); INSERT INTO form VALUES (3000403, 3000000, 8, 'bien d''invest [ case 83 ]', '[2400%]'); INSERT INTO form VALUES (3000404, 3000000, 9, 'TVA déductible [ case 59 ]', 'abs([4117]-[411%])'); INSERT INTO form VALUES (3000405, 3000000, 8, 'TVA non ded -> voiture', '[610022]*0.21/2'); INSERT INTO form VALUES (3000406, 3000000, 9, 'Acompte TVA', '[4117]'); -- -- Data for Name: formdef; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO formdef VALUES (3000000, 'TVA déclaration Belge'); -- -- Data for Name: groupe_analytique; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: info_def; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO info_def VALUES ('BON_COMMANDE', 'Numero de bon de commande'); INSERT INTO info_def VALUES ('OTHER', 'Info diverses'); -- -- Data for Name: jnt_fic_attr; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (1, 2, 3, 1); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (2, 12, 8, 1); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (3, 3, 17, 1); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (4, 12, 28, 1); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (5, 2, 37, 1); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (6, 2, 41, 1); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (1, 6, 4, 120); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (6, 6, 42, 120); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (1, 7, 5, 130); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (5, 7, 38, 130); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (6, 7, 43, 130); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (2, 14, 10, 40); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (3, 14, 21, 40); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (4, 14, 30, 40); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (2, 16, 12, 70); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (3, 16, 23, 70); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (4, 16, 32, 70); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (2, 17, 13, 80); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (3, 17, 24, 80); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (4, 17, 33, 80); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (2, 18, 14, 90); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (3, 18, 25, 90); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (4, 18, 34, 90); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (2, 23, 45, 400); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (1, 23, 46, 400); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (3, 23, 47, 400); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (4, 23, 48, 400); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (5, 23, 49, 400); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (6, 23, 50, 400); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (2, 24, 51, 60); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (4, 24, 52, 60); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (2, 15, 11, 50); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (3, 15, 22, 50); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (4, 15, 31, 50); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (1, 5, 1, 30); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (2, 5, 6, 30); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (3, 5, 15, 30); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (4, 5, 26, 30); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (5, 5, 35, 30); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (6, 5, 39, 30); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (1, 1, 2, 0); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (2, 1, 7, 0); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (3, 1, 16, 0); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (4, 1, 27, 0); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (5, 1, 36, 0); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (6, 1, 40, 0); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (3, 4, 18, 2); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (3, 12, 19, 3); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (6, 19, 44, 2); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (2, 13, 9, 31); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (3, 13, 20, 31); INSERT INTO jnt_fic_attr VALUES (4, 13, 29, 31); -- -- Data for Name: jnt_letter; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: jrn; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: jrn_action; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO jrn_action VALUES (2, 'Voir', 'Voir toutes les factures', 'user_jrn.php', 'action=voir_jrn', 'FR', 'VEN'); INSERT INTO jrn_action VALUES (4, 'Voir Impayés', 'Voir toutes les factures non payées', 'user_jrn.php', 'action=voir_jrn_non_paye', 'FR', 'VEN'); INSERT INTO jrn_action VALUES (1, 'Nouvelle', 'Création d''une facture', 'user_jrn.php', 'action=insert_vente&blank', 'FR', 'VEN'); INSERT INTO jrn_action VALUES (10, 'Nouveau', 'Encode un nouvel achat (matériel, marchandises, services et biens divers)', 'user_jrn.php', 'action=new&blank', 'FR', 'ACH'); INSERT INTO jrn_action VALUES (12, 'Voir', 'Voir toutes les factures', 'user_jrn.php', 'action=voir_jrn', 'FR', 'ACH'); INSERT INTO jrn_action VALUES (14, 'Voir Impayés', 'Voir toutes les factures non payées', 'user_jrn.php', 'action=voir_jrn_non_paye', 'FR', 'ACH'); INSERT INTO jrn_action VALUES (20, 'Nouveau', 'Encode un nouvel achat (matériel, marchandises, services et biens divers)', 'user_jrn.php', 'action=new&blank', 'FR', 'FIN'); INSERT INTO jrn_action VALUES (22, 'Voir', 'Voir toutes les factures', 'user_jrn.php', 'action=voir_jrn', 'FR', 'FIN'); INSERT INTO jrn_action VALUES (40, 'Soldes', 'Voir les soldes des comptes en banques', 'user_jrn.php', 'action=solde', 'FR', 'FIN'); INSERT INTO jrn_action VALUES (30, 'Nouveau', NULL, 'user_jrn.php', 'action=new&blank', 'FR', 'ODS'); INSERT INTO jrn_action VALUES (32, 'Voir', 'Voir toutes les factures', 'user_jrn.php', 'action=voir_jrn', 'FR', 'ODS'); -- -- Data for Name: jrn_def; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO jrn_def VALUES (4, 'Opération Diverses', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, 5, false, NULL, 'ODS', 'O01', 'ODS', NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO jrn_def VALUES (2, 'Vente', '', '', '2', '6', 10, 10, true, '''echeance''', 'VEN', 'V01', 'VEN', NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO jrn_def VALUES (3, 'Achat', '', '', '5', '4', 10, 10, true, '''echeance''', 'ACH', 'A01', 'ACH', NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO jrn_def VALUES (1, 'Financier', '', '', '3,2,4,5', '3,2,4,5', 10, 10, true, '''echeance''', 'FIN', 'F01', 'FIN', NULL, NULL); -- -- Data for Name: jrn_info; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: jrn_note; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: jrn_periode; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (4, 105, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (2, 105, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (3, 105, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (1, 105, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (4, 106, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (2, 106, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (3, 106, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (1, 106, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (4, 107, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (2, 107, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (3, 107, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (1, 107, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (4, 108, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (2, 108, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (3, 108, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (1, 108, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (4, 109, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (2, 109, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (3, 109, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (1, 109, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (4, 110, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (2, 110, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (3, 110, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (1, 110, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (4, 111, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (2, 111, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (3, 111, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (1, 111, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (4, 112, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (2, 112, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (3, 112, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (1, 112, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (4, 113, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (2, 113, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (3, 113, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (1, 113, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (4, 114, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (2, 114, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (3, 114, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (1, 114, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (4, 115, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (2, 115, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (3, 115, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (1, 115, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (4, 116, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (2, 116, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (3, 116, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (1, 116, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (4, 117, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (2, 117, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (3, 117, 'OP'); INSERT INTO jrn_periode VALUES (1, 117, 'OP'); -- -- Data for Name: jrn_rapt; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: jrn_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO jrn_type VALUES ('VEN', 'Vente'); INSERT INTO jrn_type VALUES ('ACH', 'Achat'); INSERT INTO jrn_type VALUES ('ODS', 'Opérations Diverses'); INSERT INTO jrn_type VALUES ('FIN', 'Banque'); -- -- Data for Name: jrnx; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: letter_cred; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: letter_deb; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: menu_ref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ACH', 'Achat', 'compta_ach.inc.php', NULL, 'Nouvel achat ou dépense', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ANCHOP', 'Historique', 'anc_history.inc.php', NULL, 'Historique des imputations analytiques', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ANCGL', 'Grand''Livre', 'anc_great_ledger.inc.php', NULL, 'Grand livre d''plan analytique', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ANCBS', 'Balance simple', 'anc_balance_simple.inc.php', NULL, 'Balance simple des imputations analytiques', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ANCBC2', 'Balance croisée double', 'anc_balance_double.inc.php', NULL, 'Balance double croisées des imputations analytiques', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ANCTAB', 'Tableau', 'anc_acc_table.inc.php', NULL, 'Tableau lié à la comptabilité', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ANCBCC', 'Balance Analytique/comptabilité', 'anc_acc_balance.inc.php', NULL, 'Lien entre comptabilité et Comptabilité analytique', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ANCGR', 'Groupe', 'anc_group_balance.inc.php', NULL, 'Balance par groupe', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:AncGrandLivre', 'Impression Grand-Livre', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:AncBalGroup', 'Export Balance groupe analytique', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('OTH:Bilan', 'Export Bilan', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PDF:ledger', 'Export Journaux', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:postedetail', 'Export Poste détail', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PDF:postedetail', 'Export Poste détail', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:fichedetail', 'Export Fiche détail', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('SEARCH', 'Recherche', NULL, NULL, 'Recherche', NULL, 'popup_recherche()', 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('DIVPARM', 'Divers', NULL, NULL, 'Paramètres divers', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CFGTVA', 'TVA', 'tva.inc.php', NULL, 'Config. de la tva', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CARD', 'Fiche', 'fiche.inc.php', NULL, 'Fiche', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('STOCK', 'Stock', 'stock.inc.php', NULL, 'Stock', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('MOD', 'Menu et profile', NULL, NULL, 'Menu ', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CFGPRO', 'Profile', 'profile.inc.php', NULL, 'Configuration profile', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CFGPAY', 'Moyen de paiement', 'payment_middle.inc.php', NULL, 'Config. des méthodes de paiement', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CFGACC', 'Poste', 'poste.inc.php', NULL, 'Config. poste comptable de base', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('VEN', 'Vente', 'compta_ven.inc.php', NULL, 'Nouvelle vente ou recette', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CFGMENU', 'Config. Menu', 'menu.inc.php', NULL, 'Configuration des menus et plugins', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('COMPANY', 'Sociétés', 'company.inc.php', NULL, 'Parametre societe', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PERIODE', 'Période', 'periode.inc.php', NULL, 'Gestion des périodes', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PDF:fichedetail', 'Export Fiche détail', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:fiche_balance', 'Export Fiche balance', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PDF:fiche_balance', 'Export Fiche balance', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:report', 'Export report', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PDF:report', 'Export report', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:fiche', 'Export Fiche', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PDF:fiche', 'Export Fiche', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:glcompte', 'Export Grand Livre', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PDF:glcompte', 'Export Grand Livre', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PDF:sec', 'Export Sécurité', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:AncList', 'Export Comptabilité analytique', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:AncBalSimple', 'Export Comptabilité analytique balance simple', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PDF:AncBalSimple', 'Export Comptabilité analytique', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:AncBalDouble', 'Export Comptabilité analytique balance double', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PDF:AncBalDouble', 'Export Comptabilité analytique balance double', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:balance', 'Export Balance comptable', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PDF:balance', 'Export Balance comptable', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:histo', 'Export Historique', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:ledger', 'Export Journaux', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:AncTable', 'Export Tableau Analytique', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CSV:AncAccList', 'Export Historique Compt. Analytique', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'PR'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('SUPPL', 'Fournisseur', 'supplier.inc.php', NULL, 'Suivi fournisseur', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('LET', 'Lettrage', NULL, NULL, 'Lettrage', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ANCODS', 'Opérations diverses', 'anc_od.inc.php', NULL, 'OD analytique', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('VERIFBIL', 'Vérification ', 'verif_bilan.inc.php', NULL, 'Vérification de la comptabilité', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('REPORT', 'Création de rapport', 'report.inc.php', NULL, 'Création de rapport', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('OPEN', 'Ecriture Ouverture', 'opening.inc.php', NULL, 'Ecriture d''ouverture', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ACHIMP', 'Historique achat', 'history_operation.inc.php', NULL, 'Historique achat', 'ledger_type=ACH', NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('FOLLOW', 'Courrier', 'action.inc.php', NULL, 'Suivi, courrier, devis', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('FORECAST', 'Prévision', 'forecast.inc.php', NULL, 'Prévision', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('EXT', 'Extension', 'extension_choice.inc.php', NULL, 'Extensions (plugins)', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CFGDOC', 'Document', 'document_modele.inc.php', NULL, 'Config. modèle de document', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CFGLED', 'journaux', 'cfgledger.inc.php', NULL, 'Configuration des journaux', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PREDOP', 'Ecriture prédefinie', 'preod.inc.php', NULL, 'Gestion des opérations prédéfinifies', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ADV', 'Avancé', NULL, NULL, 'Menu avancé', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ANC', 'Compta Analytique', NULL, NULL, 'Module comptabilité analytique', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CFGSEC', 'Sécurité', 'param_sec.inc.php', NULL, 'configuration de la sécurité', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PLANANC', 'Plan Compt. analytique', 'anc_pa.inc.php', NULL, 'Plan analytique', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ANCGROUP', 'Groupe', 'anc_group.inc.php', NULL, 'Groupe analytique', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ODSIMP', 'Historique opérations diverses', 'history_operation.inc.php', NULL, 'Historique opérations diverses', 'ledger_type=ODS', NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('VENMENU', 'Vente / Recette', NULL, NULL, 'Menu ventes et recettes', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PREFERENCE', 'Préférence', 'pref.inc.php', NULL, 'Préférence', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('HIST', 'Historique', 'history_operation.inc.php', NULL, 'Historique', 'ledger_type=ALL', NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('MENUFIN', 'Financier', NULL, NULL, 'Menu Financier', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('FIMP', 'Historique financier', 'history_operation.inc.php', NULL, 'Historique financier', 'ledger_type=FIN', NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('MENUACH', 'Achat', NULL, NULL, 'Menu achat', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('MENUODS', 'Opérations diverses', NULL, NULL, 'Menu opérations diverses', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ODS', 'Opérations Diverses', 'compta_ods.inc.php', NULL, 'Nouvelle opérations diverses', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('FREC', 'Rapprochement', 'compta_fin_rec.inc.php', NULL, 'Rapprochement bancaire', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ADM', 'Administration', 'adm.inc.php', NULL, 'Suivi administration, banque', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('FIN', 'Nouvel extrait', 'compta_fin.inc.php', NULL, 'Nouvel extrait bancaire', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CFGATCARD', 'Attribut de fiche', 'card_attr.inc.php', NULL, 'Gestion des modèles de fiches', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('FSALDO', 'Soldes', 'compta_fin_saldo.inc.php', NULL, 'Solde des comptes en banques, caisse...', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('JSSEARCH', 'Recherche', NULL, NULL, 'Recherche', NULL, 'search_reconcile()', 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('LETACC', 'Lettrage par Poste', 'lettering.account.inc.php', NULL, 'lettrage par poste comptable', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CARDBAL', 'Balance', 'balance_card.inc.php', NULL, 'Balance par catégorie de fiche', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CUST', 'Client', 'client.inc.php', NULL, 'Suivi client', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CFGCARDCAT', 'Catégorie de fiche', 'fiche_def.inc.php', NULL, 'Gestion catégorie de fiche', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CFGCATDOC', 'Catégorie de documents', 'cat_document.inc.php', NULL, 'Config. catégorie de documents', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('VENIMP', 'Historique vente', 'history_operation.inc.php', NULL, 'Historique des ventes', 'ledger_type=VEN', NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('LETCARD', 'Lettrage par Fiche', 'lettering.card.inc.php', NULL, 'Lettrage par fiche', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('CFGPCMN', 'Plan Comptable', 'param_pcmn.inc.php', NULL, 'Config. du plan comptable', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('LOGOUT', 'Sortie', NULL, 'logout.php', 'Sortie', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('DASHBOARD', 'Tableau de bord', 'dashboard.inc.php', NULL, 'Tableau de bord', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('COMPTA', 'Comptabilité', NULL, NULL, 'Module comptabilité', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('GESTION', 'Gestion', NULL, NULL, 'Module gestion', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PARAM', 'Paramètre', NULL, NULL, 'Module paramètre', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PRINTJRN', 'Historique', 'impress_jrn.inc.php', NULL, 'Impression historique', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PRINTREC', 'Rapprochement', 'impress_rec.inc.php', NULL, 'Impression des rapprochements', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PRINTPOSTE', 'Poste', 'impress_poste.inc.php', NULL, 'Impression du détail d''un poste comptable', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PRINTREPORT', 'Rapport', 'impress_rapport.inc.php', NULL, 'Impression de rapport', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PRINTBILAN', 'Bilan', 'impress_bilan.inc.php', NULL, 'Impression de bilan', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PRINTGL', 'Grand Livre', 'impress_gl_comptes.inc.php', NULL, 'Impression du grand livre', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PRINTBAL', 'Balance', 'balance.inc.php', NULL, 'Impression des balances comptables', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PRINTCARD', 'Catégorie de Fiches', 'impress_fiche.inc.php', NULL, 'Impression catégorie de fiches', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('PRINT', 'Impression', NULL, NULL, 'Menu impression', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ACCESS', 'Accueil', NULL, 'user_login.php', 'Accueil', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('ANCIMP', 'Impression', NULL, NULL, 'Impression compta. analytique', NULL, NULL, 'ME'); INSERT INTO menu_ref VALUES ('new_line', 'saut de ligne', NULL, NULL, 'Saut de ligne', NULL, NULL, 'SP'); -- -- Data for Name: mod_payment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO mod_payment VALUES (2, 'Caisse', 1, NULL, NULL, 2); INSERT INTO mod_payment VALUES (1, 'Paiement électronique', 1, NULL, NULL, 2); INSERT INTO mod_payment VALUES (4, 'Caisse', 1, NULL, NULL, 3); INSERT INTO mod_payment VALUES (3, 'Par gérant ou administrateur', 2, NULL, NULL, 3); -- -- Data for Name: op_predef; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: op_predef_detail; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: operation_analytique; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: parameter; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_NAME', 'LaMule'); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_TVA', 'FR33 123 456 789'); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_STREET', ''); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_NUMBER', ''); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_CP', ''); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_TEL', ''); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_PAYS', ''); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_COMMUNE', ''); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_FAX', ''); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_ANALYTIC', 'nu'); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_COUNTRY', 'FR'); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_STRICT', 'Y'); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_TVA_USE', 'Y'); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_PJ_SUGGEST', 'Y'); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_DATE_SUGGEST', 'Y'); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_ALPHANUM', 'N'); INSERT INTO parameter VALUES ('MY_CHECK_PERIODE', 'N'); -- -- Data for Name: parm_code; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO parm_code VALUES ('BANQUE', '51', 'Poste comptable par défaut pour les banques'); INSERT INTO parm_code VALUES ('CAISSE', '53', 'Poste comptable par défaut pour les caisses'); INSERT INTO parm_code VALUES ('CUSTOMER', '410', 'Poste comptable par défaut pour les clients'); INSERT INTO parm_code VALUES ('VENTE', '707', 'Poste comptable par défaut pour les ventes'); INSERT INTO parm_code VALUES ('VIREMENT_INTERNE', '58', 'Poste comptable par défaut pour les virements internes'); INSERT INTO parm_code VALUES ('DEP_PRIV', '4890', 'Depense a charge du gerant'); INSERT INTO parm_code VALUES ('SUPPLIER', '400', 'Poste par défaut pour les fournisseurs'); -- -- Data for Name: parm_money; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO parm_money VALUES (1, 'EUR', 1.0000); -- -- Data for Name: parm_periode; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO parm_periode VALUES (105, '2009-01-01', '2009-01-31', '2009', false, false); INSERT INTO parm_periode VALUES (106, '2009-02-01', '2009-02-28', '2009', false, false); INSERT INTO parm_periode VALUES (107, '2009-03-01', '2009-03-31', '2009', false, false); INSERT INTO parm_periode VALUES (108, '2009-04-01', '2009-04-30', '2009', false, false); INSERT INTO parm_periode VALUES (109, '2009-05-01', '2009-05-31', '2009', false, false); INSERT INTO parm_periode VALUES (110, '2009-06-01', '2009-06-30', '2009', false, false); INSERT INTO parm_periode VALUES (111, '2009-07-01', '2009-07-31', '2009', false, false); INSERT INTO parm_periode VALUES (112, '2009-08-01', '2009-08-31', '2009', false, false); INSERT INTO parm_periode VALUES (113, '2009-09-01', '2009-09-30', '2009', false, false); INSERT INTO parm_periode VALUES (114, '2009-10-01', '2009-10-31', '2009', false, false); INSERT INTO parm_periode VALUES (115, '2009-11-01', '2009-11-30', '2009', false, false); INSERT INTO parm_periode VALUES (116, '2009-12-01', '2009-12-30', '2009', false, false); INSERT INTO parm_periode VALUES (117, '2009-12-31', '2009-12-31', '2009', false, false); -- -- Data for Name: parm_poste; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('1', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('12', 'CON'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('2', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('3', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('41', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('42', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('43', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('44', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('45', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('46', 'CON'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('47', 'CON'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('481', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('482', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('483', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('484', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('485', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('486', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('487', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('49', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('5', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO parm_poste VALUES ('40', 'ACT'); -- -- Data for Name: plan_analytique; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: poste_analytique; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: profile; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO profile VALUES ('Administrateur', 1, 'Profil par défaut pour les adminstrateurs', true, true); INSERT INTO profile VALUES ('Utilisateur', 2, 'Profil par défaut pour les utilisateurs', true, true); -- -- Data for Name: profile_menu; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (59, 'CFGPAY', 'DIVPARM', 1, 4, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (68, 'CFGATCARD', 'DIVPARM', 1, 9, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (61, 'CFGACC', 'DIVPARM', 1, 6, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (54, 'COMPANY', 'PARAM', 1, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (651, 'ANCHOP', 'ANCIMP', 1, 10, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (173, 'COMPTA', NULL, 1, 40, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (55, 'PERIODE', 'PARAM', 1, 2, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (56, 'DIVPARM', 'PARAM', 1, 3, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (652, 'ANCGL', 'ANCIMP', 1, 20, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (60, 'CFGTVA', 'DIVPARM', 1, 5, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (653, 'ANCBS', 'ANCIMP', 1, 30, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (654, 'ANCBC2', 'ANCIMP', 1, 40, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (655, 'ANCTAB', 'ANCIMP', 1, 50, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (656, 'ANCBCC', 'ANCIMP', 1, 60, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (657, 'ANCGR', 'ANCIMP', 1, 70, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (658, 'CSV:AncGrandLivre', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (662, 'new_line', NULL, 1, 35, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (67, 'CFGCATDOC', 'DIVPARM', 1, 8, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (69, 'CFGPCMN', 'PARAM', 1, 4, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (526, 'PRINTGL', 'PRINT', 1, 20, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (23, 'LET', 'COMPTA', 1, 8, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (523, 'PRINTBAL', 'PRINT', 1, 50, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (529, 'PRINTREPORT', 'PRINT', 1, 85, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (72, 'PREDOP', 'PARAM', 1, 7, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (75, 'PLANANC', 'ANC', 1, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (65, 'CFGCARDCAT', 'DIVPARM', 1, 7, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (76, 'ANCODS', 'ANC', 1, 2, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (77, 'ANCGROUP', 'ANC', 1, 3, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (78, 'ANCIMP', 'ANC', 1, 4, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (45, 'PARAM', NULL, 1, 20, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (527, 'PRINTJRN', 'PRINT', 1, 10, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (530, 'PRINTREC', 'PRINT', 1, 100, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (524, 'PRINTBILAN', 'PRINT', 1, 90, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (79, 'PREFERENCE', NULL, 1, 15, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (37, 'CUST', 'GESTION', 1, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (38, 'SUPPL', 'GESTION', 1, 2, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (39, 'ADM', 'GESTION', 1, 3, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (36, 'CARD', 'GESTION', 1, 6, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (40, 'STOCK', 'GESTION', 1, 5, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (41, 'FORECAST', 'GESTION', 1, 7, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (42, 'FOLLOW', 'GESTION', 1, 8, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (29, 'VERIFBIL', 'ADV', 1, 21, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (30, 'STOCK', 'ADV', 1, 22, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (31, 'PREDOP', 'ADV', 1, 23, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (32, 'OPEN', 'ADV', 1, 24, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (33, 'REPORT', 'ADV', 1, 25, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (5, 'CARD', 'COMPTA', 1, 7, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (43, 'HIST', 'COMPTA', 1, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (28, 'ADV', 'COMPTA', 1, 20, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (53, 'ACCESS', NULL, 1, 25, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (123, 'CSV:histo', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (20, 'LOGOUT', NULL, 1, 30, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (35, 'PRINT', 'GESTION', 1, 4, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (124, 'CSV:ledger', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (125, 'PDF:ledger', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (6, 'PRINT', 'COMPTA', 1, 6, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (126, 'CSV:postedetail', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (3, 'MENUACH', 'COMPTA', 1, 3, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (86, 'ACHIMP', 'MENUACH', 1, 2, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (34, 'GESTION', NULL, 1, 45, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (18, 'MENUODS', 'COMPTA', 1, 5, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (88, 'ODS', 'MENUODS', 1, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (89, 'ODSIMP', 'MENUODS', 1, 2, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (2, 'ANC', NULL, 1, 50, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (4, 'VENMENU', 'COMPTA', 1, 2, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (90, 'VEN', 'VENMENU', 1, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (91, 'VENIMP', 'VENMENU', 1, 2, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (19, 'FIN', 'MENUFIN', 1, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (73, 'CFGDOC', 'PARAM', 1, 8, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (74, 'CFGLED', 'PARAM', 1, 9, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (71, 'CFGSEC', 'PARAM', 1, 6, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (82, 'EXT', NULL, 1, 55, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (95, 'FREC', 'MENUFIN', 1, 4, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (94, 'FSALDO', 'MENUFIN', 1, 3, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (27, 'LETACC', 'LET', 1, 2, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (24, 'LETCARD', 'LET', 1, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (167, 'MOD', 'PARAM', 1, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (92, 'MENUFIN', 'COMPTA', 1, 4, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (93, 'FIMP', 'MENUFIN', 1, 2, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (151, 'SEARCH', NULL, 1, 60, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (85, 'ACH', 'MENUACH', 1, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (127, 'PDF:postedetail', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (128, 'CSV:fichedetail', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (129, 'PDF:fichedetail', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (130, 'CSV:fiche_balance', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (131, 'PDF:fiche_balance', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (132, 'CSV:report', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (133, 'PDF:report', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (134, 'CSV:fiche', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (135, 'PDF:fiche', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (136, 'CSV:glcompte', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (137, 'PDF:glcompte', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (138, 'PDF:sec', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (139, 'CSV:AncList', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (140, 'CSV:AncBalSimple', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (141, 'PDF:AncBalSimple', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (142, 'CSV:AncBalDouble', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (143, 'PDF:AncBalDouble', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (144, 'CSV:balance', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (145, 'PDF:balance', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (146, 'CSV:AncTable', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (147, 'CSV:AncAccList', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (148, 'CSV:AncBalGroup', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (149, 'OTH:Bilan', NULL, 1, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (528, 'PRINTPOSTE', 'PRINT', 1, 30, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (525, 'PRINTCARD', 'PRINT', 1, 40, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (1, 'DASHBOARD', NULL, 1, 10, 'M', 1); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (172, 'CFGPRO', 'MOD', 1, NULL, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (171, 'CFGMENU', 'MOD', 1, NULL, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (663, 'CFGPAY', 'DIVPARM', 2, 4, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (664, 'CFGATCARD', 'DIVPARM', 2, 9, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (665, 'CFGACC', 'DIVPARM', 2, 6, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (668, 'ANCHOP', 'ANCIMP', 2, 10, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (669, 'COMPTA', NULL, 2, 40, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (672, 'ANCGL', 'ANCIMP', 2, 20, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (673, 'CFGTVA', 'DIVPARM', 2, 5, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (674, 'ANCBS', 'ANCIMP', 2, 30, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (675, 'ANCBC2', 'ANCIMP', 2, 40, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (676, 'ANCTAB', 'ANCIMP', 2, 50, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (677, 'ANCBCC', 'ANCIMP', 2, 60, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (678, 'ANCGR', 'ANCIMP', 2, 70, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (679, 'CSV:AncGrandLivre', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (680, 'new_line', NULL, 2, 35, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (681, 'CFGCATDOC', 'DIVPARM', 2, 8, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (683, 'PRINTGL', 'PRINT', 2, 20, 'E', 0); 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INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (725, 'ODS', 'MENUODS', 2, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (726, 'ODSIMP', 'MENUODS', 2, 2, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (727, 'ANC', NULL, 2, 50, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (728, 'VENMENU', 'COMPTA', 2, 2, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (729, 'VEN', 'VENMENU', 2, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (730, 'VENIMP', 'VENMENU', 2, 2, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (731, 'FIN', 'MENUFIN', 2, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (735, 'EXT', NULL, 2, 55, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (736, 'FREC', 'MENUFIN', 2, 4, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (737, 'FSALDO', 'MENUFIN', 2, 3, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (738, 'LETACC', 'LET', 2, 2, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (691, 'ANCGROUP', 'ANC', 2, 3, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (692, 'ANCIMP', 'ANC', 2, 4, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (694, 'PRINTJRN', 'PRINT', 2, 10, 'E', 0); 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INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (709, 'REPORT', 'ADV', 2, 25, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (710, 'CARD', 'COMPTA', 2, 7, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (711, 'HIST', 'COMPTA', 2, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (712, 'ADV', 'COMPTA', 2, 20, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (713, 'ACCESS', NULL, 2, 25, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (714, 'CSV:histo', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (715, 'LOGOUT', NULL, 2, 30, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (716, 'PRINT', 'GESTION', 2, 4, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (739, 'LETCARD', 'LET', 2, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (742, 'MENUFIN', 'COMPTA', 2, 4, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (743, 'FIMP', 'MENUFIN', 2, 2, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (744, 'SEARCH', NULL, 2, 60, 'M', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (745, 'ACH', 'MENUACH', 2, 1, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (746, 'PDF:postedetail', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (747, 'CSV:fichedetail', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (748, 'PDF:fichedetail', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (749, 'CSV:fiche_balance', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (750, 'PDF:fiche_balance', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (751, 'CSV:report', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (752, 'PDF:report', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (753, 'CSV:fiche', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (754, 'PDF:fiche', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (755, 'CSV:glcompte', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (756, 'PDF:glcompte', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (757, 'PDF:sec', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (758, 'CSV:AncList', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (759, 'CSV:AncBalSimple', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (760, 'PDF:AncBalSimple', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (761, 'CSV:AncBalDouble', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (762, 'PDF:AncBalDouble', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (763, 'CSV:balance', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (764, 'PDF:balance', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (765, 'CSV:AncTable', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (766, 'CSV:AncAccList', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (767, 'CSV:AncBalGroup', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (768, 'OTH:Bilan', NULL, 2, NULL, 'P', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (769, 'PRINTPOSTE', 'PRINT', 2, 30, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (770, 'PRINTCARD', 'PRINT', 2, 40, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (777, 'CFGPRO', 'MOD', 2, NULL, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (778, 'CFGMENU', 'MOD', 2, NULL, 'E', 0); INSERT INTO profile_menu VALUES (772, 'DASHBOARD', NULL, 2, 10, 'M', 1); -- -- Data for Name: profile_menu_type; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO profile_menu_type VALUES ('P', 'Impression'); INSERT INTO profile_menu_type VALUES ('S', 'Extension'); INSERT INTO profile_menu_type VALUES ('E', 'Menu'); INSERT INTO profile_menu_type VALUES ('M', 'Module'); -- -- Data for Name: profile_user; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO profile_user VALUES ('phpcompta', 1, 1); -- -- Data for Name: quant_fin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: quant_purchase; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: quant_sold; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: stock_goods; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: tmp_pcmn; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('1', 'comptes de capitaux', '0', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('101', 'Capital', '1', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('105', 'Ecarts de réévaluation', '1', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('1061', 'Réserve légale', '1', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('1063', 'Réserves statutaires ou contractuelles', '1', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('1064', 'Réserves réglementées', '1', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('1068', 'Autres réserves', '1', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('108', 'Compte de l''exploitant', '1', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('12', 'résultat de l''exercice (bénéfice ou perte)', '1', 'CON'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('145', 'Amortissements dérogatoires', '1', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('146', 'Provision spéciale de réévaluation', '1', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('147', 'Plus-values réinvesties', '1', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('148', 'Autres provisions réglementées', '1', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('15', 'Provisions pour risques et charges', '1', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('16', 'emprunts et dettes assimilees', '1', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('2', 'comptes d''immobilisations', '0', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('20', 'immobilisations incorporelles', '2', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('201', 'Frais d''établissement', '20', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('206', 'Droit au bail', '20', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('207', 'Fonds commercial', '20', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('208', 'Autres immobilisations incorporelles', '20', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('21', 'immobilisations corporelles', '2', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('23', 'immobilisations en cours', '2', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('27', 'autres immobilisations financieres', '2', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('280', 'Amortissements des immobilisations incorporelles', '2', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('281', 'Amortissements des immobilisations corporelles', '2', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('290', 'Provisions pour dépréciation des immobilisations incorporelles', '2', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('291', 'Provisions pour dépréciation des immobilisations corporelles (même ventilation que celle du compte 21)', '2', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('297', 'Provisions pour dépréciation des autres immobilisations financières', '2', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('3', 'comptes de stocks et en cours', '0', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('31', 'matieres premières (et fournitures)', '3', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('32', 'autres approvisionnements', '3', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('33', 'en-cours de production de biens', '3', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('34', 'en-cours de production de services', '3', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('35', 'stocks de produits', '3', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('37', 'stocks de marchandises', '3', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('391', 'Provisions pour dépréciation des matières premières (et fournitures)', '3', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('392', 'Provisions pour dépréciation des autres approvisionnements', '3', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('393', 'Provisions pour dépréciation des en-cours de production de biens', '3', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('394', 'Provisions pour dépréciation des en-cours de production de services', '3', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('395', 'Provisions pour dépréciation des stocks de produits', '3', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('397', 'Provisions pour dépréciation des stocks de marchandises', '3', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4', 'comptes de tiers', '0', 'CON'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('400', 'Fournisseurs et Comptes rattachés', '4', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('409', 'Fournisseurs débiteurs', '4', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('410', 'Clients et Comptes rattachés', '4', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('419', 'Clients créditeurs', '4', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('421', 'Personnel - Rémunérations dues', '4', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('428', 'Personnel - Charges à payer et produits à recevoir', '4', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('43', 'Sécurité sociale et autres organismes sociaux', '4', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('444', 'Etat - Impôts sur les bénéfices', '4', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('445', 'Etat - Taxes sur le chiffre d''affaires', '4', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('447', 'Autres impôts, taxes et versements assimilés', '4', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('45', 'Groupe et associes', '4', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('455', 'Associés - Comptes courants', '45', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('46', 'Débiteurs divers et créditeurs divers', '4', 'CON'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('47', 'comptes transitoires ou d''attente', '4', 'CON'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('481', 'Charges à répartir sur plusieurs exercices', '4', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('486', 'Charges constatées d''avance', '4', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('487', 'Produits constatés d''avance', '4', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('491', 'Provisions pour dépréciation des comptes de clients', '4', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('496', 'Provisions pour dépréciation des comptes de débiteurs divers', '4', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('5', 'comptes financiers', '0', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('50', 'valeurs mobilières de placement', '5', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('51', 'banques, établissements financiers et assimilés', '5', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('53', 'Caisse', '5', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('54', 'régies d''avance et accréditifs', '5', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('58', 'virements internes', '5', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('590', 'Provisions pour dépréciation des valeurs mobilières de placement', '5', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('6', 'comptes de charges', '0', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('60', 'Achats (sauf 603)', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('603', 'variations des stocks (approvisionnements et marchandises)', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('61', 'autres charges externes - Services extérieurs', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('62', 'autres charges externes - Autres services extérieurs', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('63', 'Impôts, taxes et versements assimiles', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('641', 'Rémunérations du personnel', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('644', 'Rémunération du travail de l''exploitant', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('645', 'Charges de sécurité sociale et de prévoyance', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('646', 'Cotisations sociales personnelles de l''exploitant', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('65', 'Autres charges de gestion courante', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('66', 'Charges financières', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('67', 'Charges exceptionnelles', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('681', 'Dotations aux amortissements et aux provisions - Charges d''exploitation', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('686', 'Dotations aux amortissements et aux provisions - Charges financières', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('687', 'Dotations aux amortissements et aux provisions - Charges exceptionnelles', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('691', 'Participation des salariés aux résultats', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('695', 'Impôts sur les bénéfices', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('697', 'Imposition forfaitaire annuelle des sociétés', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('699', 'Produits - Reports en arrière des déficits', '6', 'CHA'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('7', 'comptes de produits', '0', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('701', 'Ventes de produits finis', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('706', 'Prestations de services', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('707', 'Ventes de marchandises', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('708', 'Produits des activités annexes', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('709', 'Rabais, remises et ristournes accordés par l''entreprise', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('713', 'Variation des stocks (en-cours de production, produits)', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('72', 'Production immobilisée', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('73', 'Produits nets partiels sur opérations à long terme', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('74', 'Subventions d''exploitation', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('75', 'Autres produits de gestion courante', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('753', 'Jetons de présence et rémunérations d''administrateurs, gérants,...', '75', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('754', 'Ristournes perçues des coopératives (provenant des excédents)', '75', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('755', 'Quotes-parts de résultat sur opérations faites en commun', '75', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('76', 'Produits financiers', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('77', 'Produits exceptionnels', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('781', 'Reprises sur amortissements et provisions (à inscrire dans les produits d''exploitation)', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('786', 'Reprises sur provisions pour risques (à inscrire dans les produits financiers)', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('787', 'Reprises sur provisions (à inscrire dans les produits exceptionnels)', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('79', 'Transferts de charges', '7', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('8', 'Comptes spéciaux', '0', 'CON'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('9', 'Comptes analytiques', '0', 'CON'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4456601', 'TVA 19,6% - France métropolitaine - Taux immobilisations Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('445701', 'TVA 19,6% - France métropolitaine - Taux immobilisations Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4456602', 'TVA x% - France métropolitaine - Taux anciens Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('445702', 'TVA x% - France métropolitaine - Taux anciens Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4456603', 'TVA 8,5% - DOM - Taux normal Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('445703', 'TVA 8,5% - DOM - Taux normal Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4456604', 'TVA 8,5% - DOM - Taux normal NPR Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('445704', 'TVA 8,5% - DOM - Taux normal NPR Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4456605', 'TVA 2,1% - DOM - Taux réduit Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('445705', 'TVA 2,1% - DOM - Taux réduit Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4456606', 'TVA 1,75% - DOM - Taux I Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('445706', 'TVA 1,75% - DOM - Taux I Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4456607', 'TVA 1,05% - DOM - Taux publications de presse Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('445707', 'TVA 1,05% - DOM - Taux publications de presse Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4456608', 'TVA x% - DOM - Taux octroi de mer Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('445708', 'TVA x% - DOM - Taux octroi de mer Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4456609', 'TVA x% - DOM - Taux immobilisations Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('445709', 'TVA x% - DOM - Taux immobilisations Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('44566010', 'TVA 13% - Corse - Taux I Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4457010', 'TVA 13% - Corse - Taux I Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('44566011', 'TVA 8% - Corse - Taux II Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4457011', 'TVA 8% - Corse - Taux II Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('44566012', 'TVA 2,1% - Corse - Taux III Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4457012', 'TVA 2,1% - Corse - Taux III Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('44566013', 'TVA 0,9% - Corse - Taux IV Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4457013', 'TVA 0,9% - Corse - Taux IV Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('44566014', 'TVA x% - Corse - Taux immobilisations Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4457014', 'TVA x% - Corse - Taux immobilisations Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('44566015', 'TVA x% - Acquisitions intracommunautaires/Pays Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4457015', 'TVA x% - Acquisitions intracommunautaires/Pays Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('44566016', 'TVA x% - Acquisitions intracommunautaires immobilisations/Pays Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4457016', 'TVA x% - Acquisitions intracommunautaires immobilisations/Pays Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('44566017', 'TVA x% - Non imposable : Achats en franchise Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4457017', 'TVA x% - Non imposable : Achats en franchise Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('44566018', 'TVA x% - Non imposable : Exports hors CE/Pays Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4457018', 'TVA x% - Non imposable : Exports hors CE/Pays Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('44566019', 'TVA x% - Non imposable : Autres opérations Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4457019', 'TVA x% - Non imposable : Autres opérations Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('44566020', 'TVA x% - Non imposable : Livraisons intracommunautaires/Pays Déductible', '4456', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('4457020', 'TVA x% - Non imposable : Livraisons intracommunautaires/Pays Collectée ', '4457', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('445661', 'TVA 19,6% - France métropolitaine - Taux normal', '445', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('445662', 'TVA 5,5% - France métropolitaine - Taux réduit', '445', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('445663', 'TVA 2,1% - France métropolitaine - Taux super réduit', '445', 'PAS'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('44571', 'TVA 19,6% - France métropolitaine - Taux normal', '445', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('44572', 'TVA 5,5% - France métropolitaine - Taux réduit', '445', 'ACT'); INSERT INTO tmp_pcmn VALUES ('44573', 'TVA 2,1% - France métropolitaine - Taux super réduit', '445', 'ACT'); -- -- Data for Name: todo_list; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: tva_rate; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (101, 'FR_NOR', 0.1960, 'TVA 19,6% - France métropolitaine - Taux normal', '445661,44571', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (102, 'FR_RED', 0.0550, 'TVA 5,5% - France métropolitaine - Taux réduit', '445662,44572', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (103, 'FR_SRED', 0.0210, 'TVA 2,1% - France métropolitaine - Taux super réduit', '445663,44573', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (104, 'FR_IMMO', 0.1960, 'TVA 19,6% - France métropolitaine - Taux immobilisations', '4456601,445701', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (105, 'FR_ANC', 0.0000, 'TVA x% - France métropolitaine - Taux anciens', '4456602,445702', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (201, 'DOM', 0.0850, 'TVA 8,5% - DOM - Taux normal', '4456603,445703', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (202, 'DOM_NPR', 0.0850, 'TVA 8,5% - DOM - Taux normal NPR', '4456604,445704', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (203, 'DOM_REDUIT', 0.0210, 'TVA 2,1% - DOM - Taux réduit', '4456605,445705', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (204, 'DOM_I', 0.0175, 'TVA 1,75% - DOM - Taux I', '4456606,445706', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (205, 'DOM_PRESSE', 0.0105, 'TVA 1,05% - DOM - Taux publications de presse', '4456607,445707', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (206, 'DOM_OCTROI', 0.0000, 'TVA x% - DOM - Taux octroi de mer', '4456608,445708', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (207, 'DOM_IMMO', 0.0000, 'TVA x% - DOM - Taux immobilisations', '4456609,445709', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (301, 'COR_I', 0.1300, 'TVA 13% - Corse - Taux I', '44566010,4457010', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (302, 'COR_II', 0.0800, 'TVA 8% - Corse - Taux II', '44566011,4457011', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (303, 'COR_III', 0.0210, 'TVA 2,1% - Corse - Taux III', '44566012,4457012', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (304, 'COR_IV', 0.0090, 'TVA 0,9% - Corse - Taux IV', '44566013,4457013', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (305, 'COR_IMMO', 0.0000, 'TVA x% - Corse - Taux immobilisations', '44566014,4457014', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (401, 'INTRA', 0.0000, 'TVA x% - Acquisitions intracommunautaires/Pays', '44566015,4457015', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (402, 'INTRA_IMMMO', 0.0000, 'TVA x% - Acquisitions intracommunautaires immobilisations/Pays', '44566016,4457016', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (501, 'FRANCH', 0.0000, 'TVA x% - Non imposable : Achats en franchise', '44566017,4457017', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (502, 'EXPORT', 0.0000, 'TVA x% - Non imposable : Exports hors CE/Pays', '44566018,4457018', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (503, 'AUTRE', 0.0000, 'TVA x% - Non imposable : Autres opérations', '44566019,4457019', 0); INSERT INTO tva_rate VALUES (504, 'INTRA_LIV', 0.0000, 'TVA x% - Non imposable : Livraisons intracommunautaires/Pays', '44566020,4457020', 0); -- -- Data for Name: user_local_pref; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO user_local_pref VALUES ('1', 'MINIREPORT', '0'); INSERT INTO user_local_pref VALUES ('1', 'PERIODE', '105'); -- -- Data for Name: user_sec_act; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: user_sec_extension; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: user_sec_jrn; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- -- -- Data for Name: version; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: - -- INSERT INTO version VALUES (99); -- -- Name: action_detail_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY action_detail ADD CONSTRAINT action_detail_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ad_id); -- -- Name: action_gestion_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY action_gestion ADD CONSTRAINT action_gestion_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ag_id); -- -- Name: action_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY action ADD CONSTRAINT action_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ac_id); -- -- Name: attr_def_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY attr_def ADD CONSTRAINT attr_def_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ad_id); -- -- Name: bilan_b_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY bilan ADD CONSTRAINT bilan_b_name_key UNIQUE (b_name); -- -- Name: bilan_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY bilan ADD CONSTRAINT bilan_pkey PRIMARY KEY (b_id); -- -- Name: centralized_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY centralized ADD CONSTRAINT centralized_pkey PRIMARY KEY (c_id); -- -- Name: del_action_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY del_action ADD CONSTRAINT del_action_pkey PRIMARY KEY (del_id); -- -- Name: dj_id; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY del_jrn ADD CONSTRAINT dj_id PRIMARY KEY (dj_id); -- -- Name: djx_id; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY del_jrnx ADD CONSTRAINT djx_id PRIMARY KEY (djx_id); -- -- Name: document_modele_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY document_modele ADD CONSTRAINT document_modele_pkey PRIMARY KEY (md_id); -- -- Name: document_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY document ADD CONSTRAINT document_pkey PRIMARY KEY (d_id); -- -- Name: document_state_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY document_state ADD CONSTRAINT document_state_pkey PRIMARY KEY (s_id); -- -- Name: document_type_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY document_type ADD CONSTRAINT document_type_pkey PRIMARY KEY (dt_id); -- -- Name: fiche_def_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fiche_def ADD CONSTRAINT fiche_def_pkey PRIMARY KEY (fd_id); -- -- Name: fiche_def_ref_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fiche_def_ref ADD CONSTRAINT fiche_def_ref_pkey PRIMARY KEY (frd_id); -- -- Name: fiche_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fiche ADD CONSTRAINT fiche_pkey PRIMARY KEY (f_id); -- -- Name: forecast_cat_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY forecast_cat ADD CONSTRAINT forecast_cat_pk PRIMARY KEY (fc_id); -- -- Name: forecast_item_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY forecast_item ADD CONSTRAINT forecast_item_pkey PRIMARY KEY (fi_id); -- -- Name: forecast_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY forecast ADD CONSTRAINT forecast_pk PRIMARY KEY (f_id); -- -- Name: form_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY form ADD CONSTRAINT form_pkey PRIMARY KEY (fo_id); -- -- Name: formdef_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY formdef ADD CONSTRAINT formdef_pkey PRIMARY KEY (fr_id); -- -- Name: frd_ad_attr_min_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY attr_min ADD CONSTRAINT frd_ad_attr_min_pk PRIMARY KEY (frd_id, ad_id); -- -- Name: historique_analytique_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY operation_analytique ADD CONSTRAINT historique_analytique_pkey PRIMARY KEY (oa_id); -- -- Name: idx_ex_code; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY extension ADD CONSTRAINT idx_ex_code UNIQUE (ex_code); -- -- Name: info_def_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY info_def ADD CONSTRAINT info_def_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_type); -- -- Name: jnt_fic_att_value_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fiche_detail ADD CONSTRAINT jnt_fic_att_value_pkey PRIMARY KEY (jft_id); -- -- Name: jnt_letter_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jnt_letter ADD CONSTRAINT jnt_letter_pk PRIMARY KEY (jl_id); -- -- Name: jrn_action_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_action ADD CONSTRAINT jrn_action_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ja_id); -- -- Name: jrn_def_jrn_def_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_def ADD CONSTRAINT jrn_def_jrn_def_name_key UNIQUE (jrn_def_name); -- -- Name: jrn_def_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_def ADD CONSTRAINT jrn_def_pkey PRIMARY KEY (jrn_def_id); -- -- Name: jrn_info_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_info ADD CONSTRAINT jrn_info_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ji_id); -- -- Name: jrn_periode_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_periode ADD CONSTRAINT jrn_periode_pk PRIMARY KEY (jrn_def_id, p_id); -- -- Name: jrn_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn ADD CONSTRAINT jrn_pkey PRIMARY KEY (jr_id, jr_def_id); -- -- Name: jrn_rapt_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_rapt ADD CONSTRAINT jrn_rapt_pkey PRIMARY KEY (jra_id); -- -- Name: jrn_type_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_type ADD CONSTRAINT jrn_type_pkey PRIMARY KEY (jrn_type_id); -- -- Name: jrnx_note_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_note ADD CONSTRAINT jrnx_note_pkey PRIMARY KEY (n_id); -- -- Name: jrnx_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrnx ADD CONSTRAINT jrnx_pkey PRIMARY KEY (j_id); -- -- Name: letter_cred_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY letter_cred ADD CONSTRAINT letter_cred_pk PRIMARY KEY (lc_id); -- -- Name: letter_deb_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY letter_deb ADD CONSTRAINT letter_deb_pk PRIMARY KEY (ld_id); -- -- Name: menu_ref_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY menu_ref ADD CONSTRAINT menu_ref_pkey PRIMARY KEY (me_code); -- -- Name: mod_payment_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY mod_payment ADD CONSTRAINT mod_payment_pkey PRIMARY KEY (mp_id); -- -- Name: op_def_op_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY op_predef ADD CONSTRAINT op_def_op_name_key UNIQUE (od_name, jrn_def_id); -- -- Name: op_def_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY op_predef ADD CONSTRAINT op_def_pkey PRIMARY KEY (od_id); -- -- Name: op_predef_detail_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY op_predef_detail ADD CONSTRAINT op_predef_detail_pkey PRIMARY KEY (opd_id); -- -- Name: parameter_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY parameter ADD CONSTRAINT parameter_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pr_id); -- -- Name: parm_code_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY parm_code ADD CONSTRAINT parm_code_pkey PRIMARY KEY (p_code); -- -- Name: parm_money_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY parm_money ADD CONSTRAINT parm_money_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pm_code); -- -- Name: parm_periode_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY parm_periode ADD CONSTRAINT parm_periode_pkey PRIMARY KEY (p_id); -- -- Name: parm_poste_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY parm_poste ADD CONSTRAINT parm_poste_pkey PRIMARY KEY (p_value); -- -- Name: pk_extension; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY extension ADD CONSTRAINT pk_extension PRIMARY KEY (ex_id); -- -- Name: pk_ga_id; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY groupe_analytique ADD CONSTRAINT pk_ga_id PRIMARY KEY (ga_id); -- -- Name: pk_jnt_fic_attr; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jnt_fic_attr ADD CONSTRAINT pk_jnt_fic_attr PRIMARY KEY (jnt_id); -- -- Name: pk_user_local_pref; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY user_local_pref ADD CONSTRAINT pk_user_local_pref PRIMARY KEY (user_id, parameter_type); -- -- Name: plan_analytique_pa_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY plan_analytique ADD CONSTRAINT plan_analytique_pa_name_key UNIQUE (pa_name); -- -- Name: plan_analytique_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY plan_analytique ADD CONSTRAINT plan_analytique_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pa_id); -- -- Name: poste_analytique_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY poste_analytique ADD CONSTRAINT poste_analytique_pkey PRIMARY KEY (po_id); -- -- Name: profile_menu_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_menu ADD CONSTRAINT profile_menu_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pm_id); -- -- Name: profile_menu_type_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_menu_type ADD CONSTRAINT profile_menu_type_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pm_type); -- -- Name: profile_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY profile ADD CONSTRAINT profile_pkey PRIMARY KEY (p_id); -- -- Name: profile_user_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_user ADD CONSTRAINT profile_user_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pu_id); -- -- Name: profile_user_user_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_user ADD CONSTRAINT profile_user_user_name_key UNIQUE (user_name, p_id); -- -- Name: qp_id_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY quant_purchase ADD CONSTRAINT qp_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (qp_id); -- -- Name: qs_id_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY quant_sold ADD CONSTRAINT qs_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (qs_id); -- -- Name: quant_fin_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY quant_fin ADD CONSTRAINT quant_fin_pk PRIMARY KEY (qf_id); -- -- Name: stock_goods_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY stock_goods ADD CONSTRAINT stock_goods_pkey PRIMARY KEY (sg_id); -- -- Name: tmp_pcmn_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY tmp_pcmn ADD CONSTRAINT tmp_pcmn_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pcm_val); -- -- Name: todo_list_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY todo_list ADD CONSTRAINT todo_list_pkey PRIMARY KEY (tl_id); -- -- Name: tva_id_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY tva_rate ADD CONSTRAINT tva_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (tva_id); -- -- Name: user_sec_act_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY user_sec_act ADD CONSTRAINT user_sec_act_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ua_id); -- -- Name: user_sec_extension_ex_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY user_sec_extension ADD CONSTRAINT user_sec_extension_ex_id_key UNIQUE (ex_id, use_login); -- -- Name: user_sec_extension_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY user_sec_extension ADD CONSTRAINT user_sec_extension_pkey PRIMARY KEY (use_id); -- -- Name: user_sec_jrn_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY user_sec_jrn ADD CONSTRAINT user_sec_jrn_pkey PRIMARY KEY (uj_id); -- -- Name: ux_internal; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn ADD CONSTRAINT ux_internal UNIQUE (jr_internal); -- -- Name: fd_id_ad_id_x; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX fd_id_ad_id_x ON jnt_fic_attr USING btree (fd_id, ad_id); -- -- Name: fiche_detail_f_id_ad_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX fiche_detail_f_id_ad_id ON fiche_detail USING btree (f_id, ad_id); -- -- Name: fk_stock_goods_f_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX fk_stock_goods_f_id ON stock_goods USING btree (f_id); -- -- Name: fk_stock_goods_j_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX fk_stock_goods_j_id ON stock_goods USING btree (j_id); -- -- Name: fki_f_end_date; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX fki_f_end_date ON forecast USING btree (f_end_date); -- -- Name: fki_f_start_date; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX fki_f_start_date ON forecast USING btree (f_start_date); -- -- Name: fki_jrnx_f_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX fki_jrnx_f_id ON jrnx USING btree (f_id); -- -- Name: fki_profile_menu_me_code; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX fki_profile_menu_me_code ON profile_menu USING btree (me_code); -- -- Name: fki_profile_menu_profile; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX fki_profile_menu_profile ON profile_menu USING btree (p_id); -- -- Name: fki_profile_menu_type_fkey; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX fki_profile_menu_type_fkey ON profile_menu USING btree (p_type_display); -- -- Name: idx_qs_internal; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX idx_qs_internal ON quant_sold USING btree (qs_internal); -- -- Name: jnt_fic_att_value_fd_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX jnt_fic_att_value_fd_id_idx ON fiche_detail USING btree (f_id); -- -- Name: jnt_fic_attr_fd_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX jnt_fic_attr_fd_id_idx ON jnt_fic_attr USING btree (fd_id); -- -- Name: k_ag_ref; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX k_ag_ref ON action_gestion USING btree (ag_ref); -- -- Name: qcode_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX qcode_idx ON fiche_detail USING btree (ad_value) WHERE (ad_id = 23); -- -- Name: qf_jr_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX qf_jr_id ON quant_fin USING btree (jr_id); -- -- Name: qp_j_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX qp_j_id ON quant_purchase USING btree (j_id); -- -- Name: qs_j_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX qs_j_id ON quant_sold USING btree (j_id); -- -- Name: uj_login_uj_jrn_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uj_login_uj_jrn_id ON user_sec_jrn USING btree (uj_login, uj_jrn_id); -- -- Name: ux_po_name; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ux_po_name ON poste_analytique USING btree (po_name); -- -- Name: x_jrn_jr_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX x_jrn_jr_id ON jrn USING btree (jr_id); -- -- Name: x_mt; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX x_mt ON jrn USING btree (jr_mt); -- -- Name: x_periode; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX x_periode ON parm_periode USING btree (p_start, p_end); -- -- Name: x_poste; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX x_poste ON jrnx USING btree (j_poste); -- -- Name: action_gestion_t_insert_update; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER action_gestion_t_insert_update BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON action_gestion FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.action_gestion_ins_upd(); -- -- Name: TRIGGER action_gestion_t_insert_update ON action_gestion; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TRIGGER action_gestion_t_insert_update ON action_gestion IS 'Truncate the column ag_title to 70 char'; -- -- Name: document_modele_validate; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER document_modele_validate BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON document_modele FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.t_document_modele_validate(); -- -- Name: document_validate; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER document_validate BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON document FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.t_document_validate(); -- -- Name: fiche_def_ins_upd; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER fiche_def_ins_upd BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON fiche_def FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.fiche_def_ins_upd(); -- -- Name: info_def_ins_upd_t; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER info_def_ins_upd_t BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON info_def FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.info_def_ins_upd(); -- -- Name: quant_sold_ins_upd_tr; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER quant_sold_ins_upd_tr AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON quant_purchase FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.quant_purchase_ins_upd(); -- -- Name: quant_sold_ins_upd_tr; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER quant_sold_ins_upd_tr AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON quant_sold FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.quant_sold_ins_upd(); -- -- Name: remove_action_gestion; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER remove_action_gestion AFTER DELETE ON fiche FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.card_after_delete(); -- -- Name: t_check_balance; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_check_balance AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON jrn FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.proc_check_balance(); -- -- Name: t_check_jrn; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_check_jrn BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON jrn FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.jrn_check_periode(); -- -- Name: t_group_analytic_del; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_group_analytic_del BEFORE DELETE ON groupe_analytique FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.group_analytique_del(); -- -- Name: t_group_analytic_ins_upd; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_group_analytic_ins_upd BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON groupe_analytique FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.group_analytic_ins_upd(); -- -- Name: t_jnt_fic_attr_ins; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_jnt_fic_attr_ins AFTER INSERT ON jnt_fic_attr FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.jnt_fic_attr_ins(); -- -- Name: t_jrn_def_add_periode; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_jrn_def_add_periode AFTER INSERT ON jrn_def FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.jrn_def_add(); -- -- Name: t_jrn_def_delete; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_jrn_def_delete BEFORE DELETE ON jrn_def FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.jrn_def_delete(); -- -- Name: t_jrn_del; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_jrn_del BEFORE DELETE ON jrn FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.jrn_del(); -- -- Name: t_jrnx_del; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_jrnx_del BEFORE DELETE ON jrnx FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.jrnx_del(); -- -- Name: t_jrnx_ins; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_jrnx_ins BEFORE INSERT ON jrnx FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.jrnx_ins(); -- -- Name: TRIGGER t_jrnx_ins ON jrnx; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TRIGGER t_jrnx_ins ON jrnx IS 'check that the qcode used by the card exists and format it : uppercase and trim the space'; -- -- Name: t_jrnx_upd; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_jrnx_upd BEFORE UPDATE ON jrnx FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.jrnx_ins(); -- -- Name: t_letter_del; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_letter_del AFTER DELETE ON jrnx FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.jrnx_letter_del(); -- -- Name: TRIGGER t_letter_del ON jrnx; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- COMMENT ON TRIGGER t_letter_del ON jrnx IS 'Delete the lettering for this row'; -- -- Name: t_plan_analytique_ins_upd; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_plan_analytique_ins_upd BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON plan_analytique FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.plan_analytic_ins_upd(); -- -- Name: t_poste_analytique_ins_upd; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_poste_analytique_ins_upd BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON poste_analytique FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.poste_analytique_ins_upd(); -- -- Name: t_tmp_pcm_alphanum_ins_upd; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_tmp_pcm_alphanum_ins_upd BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON tmp_pcmn FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.tmp_pcmn_alphanum_ins_upd(); -- -- Name: t_tmp_pcmn_ins; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER t_tmp_pcmn_ins BEFORE INSERT ON tmp_pcmn FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.tmp_pcmn_ins(); -- -- Name: trg_extension_ins_upd; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER trg_extension_ins_upd BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON extension FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.extension_ins_upd(); -- -- Name: trigger_document_type_i; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER trigger_document_type_i AFTER INSERT ON document_type FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.t_document_type_insert(); -- -- Name: trigger_jrn_def_sequence_i; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: - -- CREATE TRIGGER trigger_jrn_def_sequence_i AFTER INSERT ON jrn_def FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.t_jrn_def_sequence(); -- -- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY centralized ADD CONSTRAINT "$1" FOREIGN KEY (c_jrn_def) REFERENCES jrn_def(jrn_def_id); -- -- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY user_sec_act ADD CONSTRAINT "$1" FOREIGN KEY (ua_act_id) REFERENCES action(ac_id); -- -- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fiche_def ADD CONSTRAINT "$1" FOREIGN KEY (frd_id) REFERENCES fiche_def_ref(frd_id); -- -- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY attr_min ADD CONSTRAINT "$1" FOREIGN KEY (frd_id) REFERENCES fiche_def_ref(frd_id); -- -- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fiche ADD CONSTRAINT "$1" FOREIGN KEY (fd_id) REFERENCES fiche_def(fd_id); -- -- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fiche_detail ADD CONSTRAINT "$1" FOREIGN KEY (f_id) REFERENCES fiche(f_id); -- -- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jnt_fic_attr ADD CONSTRAINT "$1" FOREIGN KEY (fd_id) REFERENCES fiche_def(fd_id); -- -- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn ADD CONSTRAINT "$1" FOREIGN KEY (jr_def_id) REFERENCES jrn_def(jrn_def_id); -- -- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_action ADD CONSTRAINT "$1" FOREIGN KEY (ja_jrn_type) REFERENCES jrn_type(jrn_type_id); -- -- Name: $1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_def ADD CONSTRAINT "$1" FOREIGN KEY (jrn_def_type) REFERENCES jrn_type(jrn_type_id); -- -- Name: $2; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrnx ADD CONSTRAINT "$2" FOREIGN KEY (j_jrn_def) REFERENCES jrn_def(jrn_def_id); -- -- Name: $2; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY attr_min ADD CONSTRAINT "$2" FOREIGN KEY (ad_id) REFERENCES attr_def(ad_id); -- -- Name: $2; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fiche_detail ADD CONSTRAINT "$2" FOREIGN KEY (ad_id) REFERENCES attr_def(ad_id); -- -- Name: $2; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jnt_fic_attr ADD CONSTRAINT "$2" FOREIGN KEY (ad_id) REFERENCES attr_def(ad_id); -- -- Name: action_detail_ag_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY action_detail ADD CONSTRAINT action_detail_ag_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (ag_id) REFERENCES action_gestion(ag_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: card; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY forecast_item ADD CONSTRAINT card FOREIGN KEY (fi_card) REFERENCES fiche(f_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: fk_card; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY quant_fin ADD CONSTRAINT fk_card FOREIGN KEY (qf_bank) REFERENCES fiche(f_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: fk_card_other; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY quant_fin ADD CONSTRAINT fk_card_other FOREIGN KEY (qf_other) REFERENCES fiche(f_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: fk_forecast; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY forecast_item ADD CONSTRAINT fk_forecast FOREIGN KEY (fc_id) REFERENCES forecast_cat(fc_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: fk_info_def; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_info ADD CONSTRAINT fk_info_def FOREIGN KEY (id_type) REFERENCES info_def(id_type) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: fk_jrn; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_info ADD CONSTRAINT fk_jrn FOREIGN KEY (jr_id) REFERENCES jrn(jr_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: fk_jrn; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY quant_fin ADD CONSTRAINT fk_jrn FOREIGN KEY (jr_id) REFERENCES jrn(jr_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: fk_pa_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY groupe_analytique ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pa_id FOREIGN KEY (pa_id) REFERENCES plan_analytique(pa_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: fk_pcmn_val; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrnx ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pcmn_val FOREIGN KEY (j_poste) REFERENCES tmp_pcmn(pcm_val); -- -- Name: fk_pcmn_val; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY centralized ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pcmn_val FOREIGN KEY (c_poste) REFERENCES tmp_pcmn(pcm_val); -- -- Name: fk_stock_good_f_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY stock_goods ADD CONSTRAINT fk_stock_good_f_id FOREIGN KEY (f_id) REFERENCES fiche(f_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: forecast_child; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY forecast_cat ADD CONSTRAINT forecast_child FOREIGN KEY (f_id) REFERENCES forecast(f_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: forecast_f_end_date_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY forecast ADD CONSTRAINT forecast_f_end_date_fkey FOREIGN KEY (f_end_date) REFERENCES parm_periode(p_id) ON UPDATE SET NULL ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: forecast_f_start_date_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY forecast ADD CONSTRAINT forecast_f_start_date_fkey FOREIGN KEY (f_start_date) REFERENCES parm_periode(p_id) ON UPDATE SET NULL ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Name: formdef_fk; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY form ADD CONSTRAINT formdef_fk FOREIGN KEY (fo_fr_id) REFERENCES formdef(fr_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: jnt_cred_fk; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY letter_cred ADD CONSTRAINT jnt_cred_fk FOREIGN KEY (jl_id) REFERENCES jnt_letter(jl_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: jnt_deb_fk; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY letter_deb ADD CONSTRAINT jnt_deb_fk FOREIGN KEY (jl_id) REFERENCES jnt_letter(jl_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: jrn_def_id_fk; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY op_predef ADD CONSTRAINT jrn_def_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (jrn_def_id) REFERENCES jrn_def(jrn_def_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: jrn_per_jrn_def_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_periode ADD CONSTRAINT jrn_per_jrn_def_id FOREIGN KEY (jrn_def_id) REFERENCES jrn_def(jrn_def_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: jrn_periode_p_id; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_periode ADD CONSTRAINT jrn_periode_p_id FOREIGN KEY (p_id) REFERENCES parm_periode(p_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: jrn_rapt_jr_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_rapt ADD CONSTRAINT jrn_rapt_jr_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (jr_id) REFERENCES jrn(jr_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: jrn_rapt_jra_concerned_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_rapt ADD CONSTRAINT jrn_rapt_jra_concerned_fkey FOREIGN KEY (jra_concerned) REFERENCES jrn(jr_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: jrnx_f_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrnx ADD CONSTRAINT jrnx_f_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (f_id) REFERENCES fiche(f_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE; -- -- Name: jrnx_note_j_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY jrn_note ADD CONSTRAINT jrnx_note_j_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (jr_id) REFERENCES jrn(jr_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: letter_cred_fk; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY letter_cred ADD CONSTRAINT letter_cred_fk FOREIGN KEY (j_id) REFERENCES jrnx(j_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: letter_deb_fk; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY letter_deb ADD CONSTRAINT letter_deb_fk FOREIGN KEY (j_id) REFERENCES jrnx(j_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: md_type; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY document_modele ADD CONSTRAINT md_type FOREIGN KEY (md_type) REFERENCES document_type(dt_id); -- -- Name: mod_payment_jrn_def_id_fk; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY mod_payment ADD CONSTRAINT mod_payment_jrn_def_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (jrn_def_id) REFERENCES jrn_def(jrn_def_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: mod_payment_mp_fd_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY mod_payment ADD CONSTRAINT mod_payment_mp_fd_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (mp_fd_id) REFERENCES fiche_def(fd_id); -- -- Name: mod_payment_mp_jrn_def_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY mod_payment ADD CONSTRAINT mod_payment_mp_jrn_def_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (mp_jrn_def_id) REFERENCES jrn_def(jrn_def_id); -- -- Name: operation_analytique_j_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY operation_analytique ADD CONSTRAINT operation_analytique_j_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (j_id) REFERENCES jrnx(j_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: operation_analytique_po_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY operation_analytique ADD CONSTRAINT operation_analytique_po_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (po_id) REFERENCES poste_analytique(po_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: poste_analytique_pa_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY poste_analytique ADD CONSTRAINT poste_analytique_pa_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (pa_id) REFERENCES plan_analytique(pa_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: profile_menu_me_code_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_menu ADD CONSTRAINT profile_menu_me_code_fkey FOREIGN KEY (me_code) REFERENCES menu_ref(me_code) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: profile_menu_p_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_menu ADD CONSTRAINT profile_menu_p_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (p_id) REFERENCES profile(p_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: profile_menu_type_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_menu ADD CONSTRAINT profile_menu_type_fkey FOREIGN KEY (p_type_display) REFERENCES profile_menu_type(pm_type); -- -- Name: profile_user_p_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY profile_user ADD CONSTRAINT profile_user_p_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (p_id) REFERENCES profile(p_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: qp_vat_code_fk; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY quant_purchase ADD CONSTRAINT qp_vat_code_fk FOREIGN KEY (qp_vat_code) REFERENCES tva_rate(tva_id); -- -- Name: qs_vat_code_fk; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY quant_sold ADD CONSTRAINT qs_vat_code_fk FOREIGN KEY (qs_vat_code) REFERENCES tva_rate(tva_id); -- -- Name: quant_purchase_j_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY quant_purchase ADD CONSTRAINT quant_purchase_j_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (j_id) REFERENCES jrnx(j_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: quant_purchase_qp_internal_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY quant_purchase ADD CONSTRAINT quant_purchase_qp_internal_fkey FOREIGN KEY (qp_internal) REFERENCES jrn(jr_internal) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: quant_sold_j_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY quant_sold ADD CONSTRAINT quant_sold_j_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (j_id) REFERENCES jrnx(j_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: quant_sold_qs_internal_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY quant_sold ADD CONSTRAINT quant_sold_qs_internal_fkey FOREIGN KEY (qs_internal) REFERENCES jrn(jr_internal) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: stock_goods_j_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY stock_goods ADD CONSTRAINT stock_goods_j_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (j_id) REFERENCES jrnx(j_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Name: uj_priv_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY user_sec_jrn ADD CONSTRAINT uj_priv_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (uj_jrn_id) REFERENCES jrn_def(jrn_def_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete -- commit;