db=$p_cn; } /*! * \brief return a string with the form for selecting the periode and * the type of bilan * \param $p_filter_year filter on a year * * \return a string */ function display_form($p_filter_year="") { $r=""; $r.=dossier::hidden(); $r.= ''; $r.=''; // filter on the current year $w=new ISelect(); $w->table=1; $periode_start=$this->db->make_array("select p_id,to_char(p_start,'DD-MM-YYYY') from parm_periode $p_filter_year order by p_start,p_end"); $periode_end=$this->db->make_array("select p_id,to_char(p_end,'DD-MM-YYYY') from parm_periode $p_filter_year order by p_end,p_start"); $w->label=_("Depuis"); $w->value=$this->from; $w->selected=$this->from; $r.= td($w->input('from_periode',$periode_start)); $w->label=_(" jusque "); $w->value=$this->to; $w->selected=$this->to; $r.= td($w->input('to_periode',$periode_end)); $r.= ""; $r.=""; $mod=new ISelect(); $mod->table=1; $mod->value=$this->db->make_array("select b_id, b_name from bilan order by b_name"); $mod->label=_("Choix du bilan"); $r.=td($mod->input('b_id')); $r.=""; $r.= '
'; return $r; } /** * @brief check and warn if an accound has the wrong saldo * @param $p_message legend of the fieldset * @param $p_type type of the Acccount ACT actif, ACTINV... * @param $p_type the saldo must debit or credit */ private function warning($p_message,$p_type,$p_deb) { $sql="select pcm_val,pcm_lib from tmp_pcmn where pcm_type='$p_type'"; $res=$this->db->exec_sql($sql); if ( Database::num_row($res) ==0 ) return; $count=0; $nRow=Database::num_row($res); $ret=""; $obj=new Acc_Account_Ledger($this->db,0); for ($i=0;$i<$nRow;$i++) { $line=Database::fetch_array($res,$i); /* set the periode filter */ $sql=sql_filter_per($this->db,$this->from,$this->to,'p_id','j_tech_per'); $obj->id=$line['pcm_val']; $solde=$obj->get_solde_detail($sql); $solde_signed=bcsub($solde['debit'],$solde['credit']); if ( ($solde_signed < 0 && $p_deb == 'D' ) || ($solde_signed > 0 && $p_deb == 'C' ) ) { $ret.= '
  • '.HtmlInput::history_account($line['pcm_val'],'Anomalie pour le compte '.$line['pcm_val'].' '.h($line['pcm_lib']). " D: ".$solde['debit']. " C: ".$solde['credit']." diff ".$solde['solde']); $count++; } } echo '
    '; echo ''.$p_message.''; if ( $count <> 0 ) { echo '
    '; echo ''._("Nbres anomalies").' : '.$count.''; } else echo _("Pas d'anomalie détectée"); echo '
    '; } /*!\brief verify that the saldo is good for the type of account */ function verify() { bcscale(2); echo '

    '._("Comptes normaux").'

    '; $this->warning(_('Actif avec un solde crediteur'),'ACT','D'); $this->warning(_('Passif avec un solde debiteur'),'PAS','C'); $this->warning(_('Compte de resultat : Charge avec un solde crediteur'),'CHA','D'); $this->warning(_('Compte de resultat : produit avec un solde debiteur'),'PRO','C'); echo '
    '; echo '

    '._("Comptes inverses").'

    '; $this->warning(_('Compte inverse : actif avec un solde debiteur'),'ACTINV','C'); $this->warning(_('Compte inverse : passif avec un solde crediteur'),'PASINV','D'); $this->warning(_('Compte inverse : Charge avec un solde debiteur'),'CHAINV','C'); $this->warning(_('Compte inverse : produit avec un solde crediteur'),'PROINV','D'); echo ''; /* set the periode filter */ $sql_periode=sql_filter_per($this->db,$this->from,$this->to,'p_id','j_tech_per'); /* debit Actif */ $sql="select sum(j_montant) from jrnx join tmp_pcmn on (j_poste=pcm_val)". " where j_debit='t' and (pcm_type='ACT' or pcm_type='ACTINV')"; $sql.="and $sql_periode"; $debit_actif=$this->db->get_value($sql); /* Credit Actif */ $sql="select sum(j_montant) from jrnx join tmp_pcmn on (j_poste=pcm_val)". " where j_debit='f' and (pcm_type='ACT' or pcm_type='ACTINV')"; $sql.="and $sql_periode"; $credit_actif=$this->db->get_value($sql); $total_actif=abs(bcsub($debit_actif,$credit_actif)); echo ''; echo tr(td(_('Total actif')).td($total_actif,'style="text-align:right"')); /* debit passif */ $sql="select sum(j_montant) from jrnx join tmp_pcmn on (j_poste=pcm_val)". " where j_debit='t' and (pcm_type='PAS' or pcm_type='PASINV') "; $sql.="and $sql_periode"; $debit_passif=$this->db->get_value($sql); /* Credit Actif */ $sql="select sum(j_montant) from jrnx join tmp_pcmn on (j_poste=pcm_val)". " where j_debit='f' and (pcm_type='PAS' or pcm_type='PASINV') "; $sql.="and $sql_periode"; $credit_passif=$this->db->get_value($sql); $total_passif=abs(bcsub($debit_passif,$credit_passif)); /* diff actif / passif */ echo tr(td(_('Total passif')).td($total_passif,'style="text-align:right"')); if ( $total_actif != $total_passif ) { $diff=bcsub($total_actif,$total_passif); echo tr(td(' Difference Actif - Passif ').td($diff,'style="text-align:right"'),'style="font-weight:bolder"'); } /* debit charge */ $sql="select sum(j_montant) from jrnx join tmp_pcmn on (j_poste=pcm_val)". " where j_debit='t' and (pcm_type='CHA' or pcm_type='CHAINV')"; $sql.="and $sql_periode"; $debit_charge=$this->db->get_value($sql); /* Credit charge */ $sql="select sum(j_montant) from jrnx join tmp_pcmn on (j_poste=pcm_val)". " where j_debit='f' and (pcm_type='CHA' or pcm_type='CHAINV')"; $sql.="and $sql_periode"; $credit_charge=$this->db->get_value($sql); $total_charge=abs(bcsub($debit_charge,$credit_charge)); echo tr(td(_('Total charge ')).td($total_charge,'style="text-align:right"')); /* debit prod */ $sql="select sum(j_montant) from jrnx join tmp_pcmn on (j_poste=pcm_val)". " where j_debit='t' and (pcm_type='PRO' or pcm_type='PROINV')"; $sql.="and $sql_periode"; $debit_pro=$this->db->get_value($sql); /* Credit prod */ $sql="select sum(j_montant) from jrnx join tmp_pcmn on (j_poste=pcm_val)". " where j_debit='f' and (pcm_type='PRO' or pcm_type='PROINV')"; $sql.="and $sql_periode"; $credit_pro=$this->db->get_value($sql); $total_pro=abs(bcsub($debit_pro,$credit_pro)); echo tr(td(_('Total produit')).td($total_pro,'style="text-align:right"')); $diff=bcsub($total_pro,$total_charge); echo tr( td(_("Difference Produit - Charge"),'style="padding-right:20px"').td($diff,'style="text-align:right"'),'style="font-weight:bolder"'); echo '
    '; } /*! * \brief get data from the $_GET * */ function get_request_get() { $this->b_id=(isset($_GET['b_id']))?$_GET['b_id']:""; $this->from=( isset ($_GET['from_periode']))?$_GET['from_periode']:-1; $this->to=( isset ($_GET['to_periode']))?$_GET['to_periode']:-1; } /*!\brief load from the database the document data */ function load() { try { if ( $this->b_id=="") throw new Exception(_("le formulaire id n'est pas donnee")); $sql="select b_name,b_file_template,b_file_form,lower(b_type) as b_type from bilan where". " b_id = ".$this->b_id; $res=$this->db->exec_sql($sql); if ( Database::num_row($res)==0) throw new Exception (_('Aucun enregistrement trouve')); $array=Database::fetch_array($res,0); foreach ($array as $name=>$value) $this->$name=$value; } catch(Exception $Ex) { echo $Ex->getMessage(); throw $Ex; } } /*!\brief open the file of the form */ /*\return an handle to this file */ function file_open_form() { $form=fopen($this->b_file_form,'r'); if ( $form == false) { echo 'Cannot Open'; throw new Exception(_('Echec ouverture fichier '.$this->b_file_form)); } return $form; } /*!\brief open the file with the template */ /*\return an handle to this file */ function file_open_template() { $templ=fopen($this->b_file_template,'r'); if ( $templ == false) { echo 'Cannot Open'; throw new Exception(_('Echec ouverture fichier '.$this->b_file_template)); } return $templ; } /*! * \brief Compute all the formula * \param $p_handle the handle to the file * \param * \param * * * \return */ function compute_formula($p_handle) { while (! feof ($p_handle)) { $buffer=trim(fgets($p_handle)); // $a=(Impress::check_formula($buffer) == true)?"$buffer ok
    ":''.'Pas ok '.$buffer."
    "; // echo $a; // blank line are skipped if (strlen(trim($buffer))==0) continue; // skip comment if ( strpos($buffer,'#') === true ) continue; // buffer contains a formula A$=.... // We need to eval it $a=Impress::parse_formula($this->db,"$buffer",$buffer,$this->from,$this->to,false); $b=str_replace("$","\$this->",$a); if ( eval("$b;") === false ) echo_debug(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Code failed with $b"); }// end read form line per line } /*!\brief generate the ods document * \param the handle to the template file * \return the xml *@note * Sur une seule ligne il y a plusieurs données, donc il y a plusieurs boucles, pour les autres documents * cela devrait être fait aussi, actuellement ces documents, n'acceptent qu'une formule par ligne. *@note * Pas de header dans les entêtes car n'est pas compris dans le document qu'on utilise */ function generate_odt() { // create a temp directory in /tmp to unpack file and to parse it $dirname=tempnam($_ENV['TMP'],'bilan_'); unlink($dirname); mkdir ($dirname); chdir($dirname); $file_base=dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->b_file_template; $work_file=basename($file_base); if ( copy ($file_base,$work_file) == false ) { echo _("erreur Ouverture fichier"); throw new Exception(_('Echec ouverture fichier '.$file_base)); } ob_start(); /* unzip the document */ $zip = new Zip_Extended; if ($zip->open($work_file) === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo($dirname.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $zip->close(); } else { echo __FILE__.":".__LINE__."cannot unzip model ".$filename; } ob_end_clean(); unlink($work_file); // remove the zip file $p_file=fopen('content.xml','r'); if ( $p_file == false) { throw new Exception(_('Echec ouverture fichier '.$p_file)); } $r=""; $regex="/<<\\$[A-Z]*[0-9]*>>/"; $lt="<"; $gt=">"; $header_txt=header_txt($this->db); while ( !feof($p_file) ) { $line_rtf=fgets($p_file); /* * replace the header tag, doesn't work if inside header */ $line_rtf=preg_replace('/<<header>>/',$header_txt,$line_rtf); // the line contains the magic << $tmp=""; while (preg_match_all($regex,$line_rtf,$f2) > 0 ) { // the f2 array contains all the magic << in the line foreach ($f2 as $f2_array) { foreach ($f2_array as $f2_str) { $to_remove=$f2_str; $f2_value=str_replace("<","",$f2_str); $f2_value=str_replace(">","",$f2_value); $f2_value=str_replace("$","",$f2_value); // check for missing variables and labels (N vars) if( ! isset($this->$f2_value)) { $a = "!!".$f2_value."!!"; if( substr($f2_value, 0, 1) == "N" ) { $ret = $this->db->get_array("SELECT pcm_lib AS acct_name FROM tmp_pcmn WHERE pcm_val::text LIKE ". " substr($1, 2)||'%' ORDER BY pcm_val ASC LIMIT 1",array($f2_value)); if($ret[0]['acct_name']) { $a = $ret[0]['acct_name']; $a=str_replace('<','<',$a); $a=str_replace('>','>',$a); } } } else { $a=$this->$f2_value; } if ( $a=='-0' ) $a=0; /* allow numeric cel in ODT for the formatting and formula */ if ( is_numeric($a) ) { $searched='office:value-type="string">'.$f2_str; $replaced='office:value-type="float" office:value="'.$a.'">'.$f2_str; $line_rtf=str_replace($searched, $replaced, $line_rtf); } $line_rtf=str_replace($f2_str,$a,$line_rtf); }// foreach end } // foreach } // preg_match_all $r.=$line_rtf; }// odt file is read return $r; } /*! * \brief generate the plain file (rtf,txt, or html) * \param the handle to the template file */ function generate_plain($p_file) { $r=""; if ( $this->b_type=='html') { $lt='<'; $gt='>'; $pattern='/<<header>>/'; } else { $lt='<'; $gt='>'; $pattern='/<
    >/'; } $header_txt=header_txt($this->db); while ( !feof($p_file) ) { $line_rtf=fgets($p_file); $line_rtf=preg_replace($pattern,$header_txt,$line_rtf); // the line contains the magic << if (preg_match_all("/".$lt.$lt."\\$[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]*".$gt.$gt."/",$line_rtf,$f2) > 0) { // DEBUG // echo $r.'
    '; // the f2 array contains all the magic << in the line foreach ($f2 as $f2_str) { // DEBUG // echo "single_f2 = $f2_str
    "; // replace single_f2 by its value $f2_value=str_replace($lt,"",$f2_str); $f2_value=str_replace($gt,"",$f2_value); $f2_value=str_replace("$","",$f2_value); $f2_value=$f2_value[0]; // check for missing variables and labels (N vars) if( ! isset($this->$f2_value)) { $a = "!!".$f2_value."!!"; if( substr($f2_value, 0, 1) == "N" ) { $ret = $this->db->get_array("SELECT pcm_lib AS acct_name FROM tmp_pcmn WHERE ". " pcm_val::text LIKE substr($1, 2)||'%' ORDER BY pcm_val ASC LIMIT 1", array($f2_value)); if($ret[0]['acct_name']) { /* for rtf we have the string to put it in latin1 */ $a = utf8_decode($ret[0]['acct_name']); } } } else { // DEBUG //echo "f2_value=$f2_value"; // $a=${"$f2_value"}; $a=$this->$f2_value; } // DEBUG echo " a = $a"; if ( $a=='-0' ) $a=0; $line_rtf=str_replace($f2_str,$a,$line_rtf); }// foreach end } $r.=$line_rtf; }// rtf file is read // DEBUG // fwrite($out,$r); return $r; } /*!\brief generate the document and send it to the browser */ function generate() { // Load the data $this->load(); // Open the files $form=$this->file_open_form(); // Compute all the formula and add the value to this $this->compute_formula($form); fclose($form); // open the form $templ=$this->file_open_template(); switch ($this->b_type) { case 'rtf': $result=$this->generate_plain($templ); $this->send($result); break; case 'txt': $result=$this->generate_plain($templ); $this->send($result); case 'html': $result=$this->generate_plain($templ); $this->send($result); break; case 'odt': case 'ods': $result=$this->generate_odt($templ); $this->send($result); break; } fclose($templ); } /*!\brief send the result of generate plain to the browser * \param $p_result is the string returned by generate_... */ function send($p_result) { switch ($this->b_type) { case 'rtf': // A rtf file is generated header('Content-type: application/rtf'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$this->b_name.'.rtf"'); echo $p_result; break; case 'txt': // A txt file is generated header('Content-type: application/txt'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$this->b_name.'.txt"'); echo $p_result; break; case 'html': // A txt file is generated header('Content-type: application/html'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$this->b_name.'.html"'); echo $p_result; break; case 'odt': case 'ods': header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate"); if ( $this->b_type == 'odt' ) { header('Content-type: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="'.$this->b_name.'.odt"',FALSE); } if ( $this->b_type == 'ods' ) { header('Content-type: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="'.$this->b_name.'.ods"',FALSE); } header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); ob_start(); // save the file in a temp folder // create a temp directory in /tmp to unpack file and to parse it $dirname=tempnam($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'tmp','bilan_'); unlink($dirname); mkdir ($dirname); chdir($dirname); // create a temp directory in /tmp to unpack file and to parse it $file_base=dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->b_file_template; $work_file=basename($file_base); if ( copy ($file_base,$work_file) == false ) { throw new Exception ( _("Ouverture fichier impossible")); } /* * unzip the document */ ob_start(); $zip = new Zip_Extended; if ($zip->open($work_file) === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo($dirname.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $zip->close(); } else { echo __FILE__.":".__LINE__."cannot unzip model ".$filename; } // Remove the file we do not need anymore unlink ($work_file); // replace the file $p_file=fopen($dirname.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'content.xml','wb'); if ( $p_file == false ) { throw new Exception ( _("erreur Ouverture fichier").' content.xml'); } $a=fwrite($p_file,$p_result); if ( $a==false) { throw new Exception ( _("erreur écriture fichier").' content.xml'); } // repack $zip = new Zip_Extended; $res = $zip->open($this->b_name.".".$this->b_type, ZipArchive::CREATE); if($res !== TRUE) { throw new Exception (__FILE__.":".__LINE__."cannot recreate zip"); } $zip->add_recurse_folder($dirname.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $zip->close(); ob_end_clean(); fclose($p_file); $fdoc=fopen($dirname.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->b_name.'.'.$this->b_type,'r'); if ( $fdoc == false ) { throw new Exception (_("erreur Ouverture fichier")); } $buffer=fread ($fdoc,filesize($dirname.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->b_name.'.'.$this->b_type)); echo $buffer; break; // and send } } static function test_me() { if ( isset($_GET['result'])) { ob_start(); $cn=new Database(dossier::id()); $a=new Acc_Bilan($cn); $a->get_request_get(); $a->load(); $form=$a->file_open_form(); $a->compute_formula($form); fclose($form); // open the form $templ=$a->file_open_template(); $r=$a->generate_odt($templ); fclose($templ); ob_end_clean(); $a->send($r); } else { $cn=new Database(dossier::id()); $a=new Acc_Bilan($cn); $a->get_request_get(); echo '
    '; echo $a->display_form(); echo HtmlInput::hidden('test_select',$_GET['test_select']).dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::submit('result','Sauve'); echo '
    '; } } }