set_sql_filter(); // sum debit $sql="select m.po_id,sum(deb) as sum_deb,sum(cred) as sum_cred,"; $sql.=" po_name||' '||coalesce(po_description,'') as po_name"; $sql.=" from "; $sql.=" (select po_id,case when oa_debit='t' then oa_amount else 0 end as deb,"; $sql.="case when oa_debit='f' then oa_amount else 0 end as cred "; $sql.=" from operation_analytique join poste_analytique using(po_id)"; $sql.=(empty($filter) == false)?" where ".$filter:""; $sql.=" ) as m join poste_analytique using (po_id)"; $sql.=" where pa_id=".$this->pa_id; $sql.=" group by po_id,po_name,po_description"; $sql.=" order by po_id"; $res=$this->db->exec_sql($sql); if ( Database::num_row($res) == 0 ) { $this->has_data=0; return null; } $a=array(); $count=0; $array=Database::fetch_all($res); foreach ($array as $row) { $a[$count]['po_id']=$row['po_id']; $a[$count]['sum_deb']=$row['sum_deb']; $a[$count]['sum_cred']=$row['sum_cred']; $a[$count]['po_name']=$row['po_name']; $a[$count]['solde']=abs($row['sum_deb']-$row['sum_cred']); $a[$count]['debit']=($row['sum_deb']>$row['sum_cred'])?"debit":"credit"; $count++; } $this->has_data=$count; return $a; } /*! * \brief Set the filter (account_date) * * \return return the string to add to load */ function set_sql_filter() { $sql=""; $and=""; if ( $this->from != "" ) { $sql.=" oa_date >= to_date('".$this->from."','DD.MM.YYYY')"; $and=" and "; } if ( $this->to != "" ) { $sql.=" $and oa_date <= to_date('".$this->to."','DD.MM.YYYY')"; $and=" and "; } if ( $this->from_poste != "" ) { $sql.=" $and upper(po_name)>= upper('".$this->from_poste."')"; $and=" and "; } if ( $this->to_poste != "" ) { $sql.=" $and upper(po_name)<= upper('".$this->to_poste."')"; $and=" and "; } return $sql; } /*! * \brief compute the html display * * * \return string */ function display_html() { $r=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $array=$this->load(); $odd=0; if ( is_array($array) == false ) { return $array; } foreach ( $array as $row) { $odd++; $r.=($odd%2==0)?'':''; // the name and po_id // $r.=sprintf("",$row['po_id']); $r.=sprintf("",h($row['po_name'])); $r.=td(nbm($row['sum_deb']),' class="num"'); $r.=td(nbm($row['sum_cred']),' class="num"'); $r.=td(nbm($row['solde']),' class="num"'); $deb=($row['sum_deb'] > $row['sum_cred'])?"D":"C"; $deb=($row['solde'] == 0 )?'':$deb; $r.=sprintf("",$deb); $r.=""; } $r.="
Poste comptable AnalytiqueDébitCréditSoldeD/C
"; return $r; } /*! * \brief Compute the form to display * \param $p_hidden hidden tag to be included (gDossier,...) * * * \return string containing the data */ function display_form($p_string="") { $r=parent::display_form($p_string); $r.= HtmlInput::submit('Affiche', _('Rechercher')); return $r; } /*! * \brief Display the result in pdf * * \return none */ function display_pdf() { $array=$this->load(); $pdf=new PDFBalance_Simple($this->db); $pdf->set_info($this->from_poste,$this->to_poste,$this->from,$this->to); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->setTitle("Balance analytique",true); $pdf->SetFont('DejaVu','',6); for ($i=0;$iCell(20,6,$row['po_id'],0,0,'L'); $pdf->Cell(90,6,$row['po_name'],0,0,'L'); $pdf->Cell(20,6,sprintf('%s',nbm($row['sum_deb'])),0,0,'R'); $pdf->Cell(20,6,sprintf('%s',nbm($row['sum_cred'])),0,0,'R'); $pdf->Cell(20,6,sprintf('%s',nbm($row['solde'])),0,0,'R'); $pdf->Cell(20,6,$row['debit'],0,0,'R'); $pdf->Ln(); } $fDate=date('dmy-Hi'); $pdf->output('simple-balance-'.$fDate.'.pdf','D'); } /*! * \brief Compute the csv export * \return string with the csv */ function display_csv() { $array=$this->load(); if ( is_array($array) == false ) { return $array; } $r=""; foreach ( $array as $row) { // the name and po_id $solde=($row['sum_cred']>$row['sum_deb'])?'C':'D'; $solde=($row['sum_cred']==$row['sum_deb'])?'':$solde; $r.=sprintf("'%s';",$row['po_id']); $r.=sprintf("'%s';",$row['po_name']); $r.=sprintf("%s;",nb($row['sum_deb'])); $r.=sprintf("%s;",nb($row['sum_cred'])); $r.=sprintf("%s;",nb($row['solde'])); $r.=sprintf("'%s'",$row['debit']); $r.="\r\n"; } return $r; } /*! * \brief Show the button to export in PDF or CSV * \param $url_csv url of the csv * \param $url_pdf url of the pdf * \param $p_string hidden data to include in the form * * * \return string with the button */ function show_button($p_string="") { $r=""; $r.= '
'; $r.= $p_string; $r.= dossier::hidden(); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to",$this->to); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("act","PDF:AncBalSimple"); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from",$this->from); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("pa_id",$this->pa_id); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from_poste",$this->from_poste); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to_poste",$this->to_poste); $r.=HtmlInput::submit('bt_pdf',"Export en PDF"); $r.= '
'; $r.= '
'; $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("act","CSV:AncBalSimple"); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to",$this->to); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from",$this->from); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("pa_id",$this->pa_id); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from_poste",$this->from_poste); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to_poste",$this->to_poste); $r.= $p_string; $r.= dossier::hidden(); $r.=HtmlInput::submit('bt_csv',"Export en CSV"); $r.= '
'; return $r; } /*! * \brief for testing and debuggind the class * it must never be called from production system, it is * intended only for developpers * \param * \param * \param * * * \return none */ static function test_me () { // call the page with ?gDossier=14 $a=new Database(dossier::id()); $bal=new Anc_Balance_Simple($a); $bal->get_request(); echo '
'; echo $bal->display_form(); echo '
'; if ( isset($_GET['result'])) { echo $bal->show_button("",""); echo "


"; echo $bal->display_html(); echo "


"; echo $bal->display_csv(); /* echo "


"; */ /* echo $bal->display_pdf(); */ } } }