cn=$p_cn; $this->id=$p_id; } /*!\brief show the content of the form to create a new Fiche_Def_Ref */ function input () { $ref=$this->cn->get_array("select * from fiche_def_ref order by frd_text"); $iradio=new IRadio(); /* the accounting item */ $class_base=new IPoste('class_base'); $class_base->set_attribute('ipopup','ipop_account'); $class_base->set_attribute('account','class_base'); $class_base->set_attribute('label','acc_label'); $f_class_base=$class_base->input(); $fd_description=new ITextarea('fd_description'); $fd_description->width=80; $fd_description->heigh=4; $fd_description->style='class="itextarea" style="margin-left:0px;vertical-align:text-top"'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/template/fiche_def_input.php'; return; } /*! * \brief Get attribut of a fiche_def * * \return string value of the attribute */ function getAttribut() { $sql="select * from jnt_fic_attr ". " natural join attr_def where fd_id=".$this->id. " order by jnt_order"; $Ret=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); if ( ($Max=Database::num_row($Ret)) == 0 ) return ; for ($i=0;$i < $Max;$i++) { $row=Database::fetch_array($Ret,$i); $t = new Fiche_Attr($this->cn); $t->ad_id=$row['ad_id']; $t->ad_text=$row['ad_text']; $t->jnt_order=$row['jnt_order']; $t->ad_size=$row['ad_size']; $t->ad_type=$row['ad_type']; $t->ad_extra=$row['ad_extra']; $this->attribut[$i]=clone $t; } return $this->attribut; } /*! * \brief Get attribut of the fiche_def * */ function get() { if ( $this->id == 0 ) return 0; /* $this->cn->exec_sql('select fiche_attribut_synchro($1)', array($this->id)); */ $sql="select * from fiche_def ". " where fd_id=".$this->id; $Ret=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); if ( ($Max=Database::num_row($Ret)) == 0 ) return ; $row=Database::fetch_array($Ret,0); $this->label=$row['fd_label']; $this->class_base=$row['fd_class_base']; $this->fiche_def=$row['frd_id']; $this->create_account=$row['fd_create_account']; $this->fd_description=$row['fd_description']; } /*! ************************************************** * \brief Get all the fiche_def * * \return an array of fiche_def object */ function get_all() { $sql="select * from fiche_def "; $Ret=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); if ( ($Max=Database::num_row($Ret)) == 0 ) return ; for ( $i = 0; $i < $Max;$i++) { $row=Database::fetch_array($Ret,$i); $this->all[$i]=new Fiche_Def($this->cn,$row['fd_id']); $this->all[$i]->label=$row['fd_label']; $this->all[$i]->class_base=$row['fd_class_base']; $this->all[$i]->fiche_def=$row['frd_id']; $this->all[$i]->create_account=$row['fd_create_account']; } } /*! ************************************************** * \brief Check in vw_fiche_def if a fiche has * a attribut X * * * \param $p_attr attribut to check * \return true or false */ function HasAttribute($p_attr) { return ($this->cn->count_sql("select * from vw_fiche_def where ad_id=$p_attr and fd_id=".$this->id)>0)?true:false; } /*! ************************************************** * \brief Display category into a table * * \return HTML row */ function Display() { $tab = new Sort_Table(); $url = HtmlInput::get_to_string(array('ac', 'gDossier')); $tab->add(_("Nom de fiche"), $url, "order by fd_label asc", "order by fd_label desc", "na", "nd"); $tab->add(_("Basé sur le poste comptable"), $url, "order by fd_class_base asc", "order by fd_class_base desc", "pa", "pd"); $tab->add(_("Calcul automatique du poste comptable"), $url, "order by fd_create_account asc", "order by fd_create_account desc", "ca", "cd"); $tab->add(_("Basé sur le modèle"), $url, "order by frd_text asc", "order by frd_text desc", "ma", "md"); $order = (isset($_GET['ord'])) ? $tab->get_sql_order($_GET["ord"]) : $tab->get_sql_order("na"); $res = $this->cn->exec_sql("SELECT fd_id, fd_class_base, fd_label, fd_create_account, fiche_def_ref.frd_id, frd_text , fd_description FROM fiche_def join fiche_def_ref on (fiche_def.frd_id=fiche_def_ref.frd_id) $order "); require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/template/fiche_def_list.php'; } /*!\brief Add a fiche category thanks the element from the array * you cannot add twice the same cat. name * table : insert into fiche_def * insert into attr_def * * \param $array array * index FICHE_REF * nom_mod * class_base * fd_description */ function Add($array) { /** * Check needed info */ $p_nom_mod = HtmlInput::default_value('nom_mod', "", $array); $p_fd_description = HtmlInput::default_value('fd_description', "", $array); $p_class_base= HtmlInput::default_value('class_base', "", $array); $p_fiche_def= HtmlInput::default_value('FICHE_REF', "", $array); $p_create= HtmlInput::default_value('create', "off", $array); // If there is no description then add a empty one if ( ! isset ($p_fd_description)) { $p_fd_description=""; } // Format correctly the name of the cat. of card $p_nom_mod=sql_string($p_nom_mod); // Name can't be empty if ( strlen(trim($p_nom_mod)) == 0 ) { alert (_('Le nom de la catégorie ne peut pas être vide')); return 1; } // $p_fiche_def can't be empty if ( strlen(trim($p_fiche_def)) == 0 ) { alert (_('Un modéle de catégorie est obligatoire')); return 1; } /* check if the cat. name already exists */ $sql="select count(*) from fiche_Def where upper(fd_label)=upper($1)"; $count=$this->cn->get_value($sql,array(trim($p_nom_mod))); if ($count != 0 ) { echo alert (_('Catégorie existante')); return 1; } // Set the value of fiche_def.fd_create_account // automatic creation for 'poste comptable' if ( $p_create == "on" && strlen(trim($p_class_base)) != 0) $p_create='true'; else $p_create='false'; // Class is valid ? if ( sql_string($p_class_base) != null || ( $p_class_base !='' && strpos(',',$p_class_base) != 0 )) { // p_class is a valid number $sql="insert into fiche_def(fd_label,fd_class_base,frd_id,fd_create_account,fd_description) values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5) returning fd_id"; $fd_id=$this->cn->get_value($sql,array($p_nom_mod,$p_class_base,$p_fiche_def,$p_create,$p_fd_description)); // p_class must be added to tmp_pcmn if it is a single accounting if ( strpos(',',$p_class_base) ==0) { $sql="select account_add($1,$2)"; $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array($p_class_base,$p_nom_mod)); } // Get the fd_id $fd_id=$this->cn->get_current_seq('s_fdef'); // update jnt_fic_attr $sql=sprintf("insert into jnt_fic_attr(fd_id,ad_id,jnt_order) values (%d,%d,10)",$fd_id,ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT); $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); } else { //There is no class base not even as default $sql="insert into fiche_def(fd_label,frd_id,fd_create_account,fd_description) values ($1,$2,$3,$4) returning fd_id"; $this->id=$this->cn->get_value($sql,array($p_nom_mod,$p_fiche_def,$p_create,$p_fd_description)); // Get the fd_id $fd_id=$this->cn->get_current_seq('s_fdef'); } // Get the default attr_def from attr_min $def_attr=$this->get_attr_min($p_fiche_def); //if defaut attr not null // build the sql insert for the table attr_def if (sizeof($def_attr) != 0 ) { // insert all the mandatory fields into jnt_fiche_attr $jnt_order=10; foreach ( $def_attr as $i=>$v) { $order=$jnt_order; if ( $v['ad_id'] == ATTR_DEF_NAME ) $order=0; $count=$this->cn->get_value("select count(*) from jnt_fic_attr where fd_id=$1 and ad_id=$2",array($fd_id,$v['ad_id'])); if ($count == 0) { $sql=sprintf("insert into jnt_fic_Attr(fd_id,ad_id,jnt_order) values (%d,%s,%d)", $fd_id,$v['ad_id'],$order); $this->cn->exec_sql($sql); $jnt_order+=10; } } } $this->id=$fd_id; return 0; }//--------------end function Add ---------------------------- /*! * \brief Get all the card where the fiche_def.fd_id is given in parameter * \param $step = 0 we don't use the offset, page_size,... * $step = 1 we use the jnr_bar_nav * * \return array ('f_id'=>..,'ad_value'=>..) *\see fiche */ function get_by_type($step=0) { $sql="select f_id,ad_value from fiche join fiche_detail using(f_id) where ad_id=1 and fd_id=$1 order by 2"; // we use navigation_bar if ($step == 1 && $_SESSION['g_pagesize'] != -1 ) { $offset=(isset($_GET['offset']))?$_GET['offset']:0; $step=$_SESSION['g_pagesize']; $sql.=" offset $offset limit $step"; } $Ret=$this->cn->get_array($sql,array($this->id)); return $Ret; } /*! * \brief Get all the card where the fiche_def.frd_id is given in parameter * \return array of fiche or null is nothing is found */ function get_by_category($p_cat) { $sql="select f_id,ad_value from fiche join fiche_def using(fd_id) join fiche_detail using(f_id) where ad_id=1 and frd_id=$1 order by 2 "; $Ret=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array($p_cat)); if ( ($Max=Database::num_row($Ret)) == 0 ) return null; $all[0]=new Fiche($this->cn); for ($i=0;$i<$Max;$i++) { $row=Database::fetch_array($Ret,$i); $t=new Fiche($this->cn,$row['f_id']); $t->getAttribut(); $all[$i]=$t; } return $all; } /*!\brief list the card of a fd_id */ function myList() { $this->get(); echo '

'.$this->id." ".$this->label.'

'; $step=$_SESSION['g_pagesize']; $sql_limit=""; $sql_offset=""; $bar=""; if ( $step != -1 ) { $page=(isset($_GET['page']))?$_GET['page']:1; $offset=(isset($_GET['offset']))?$_GET['offset']:0; $max_line=$this->cn->count_sql("select f_id,ad_value from fiche join fiche_detail using (f_id) where fd_id='".$this->id."' and ad_id=".ATTR_DEF_NAME." order by f_id"); $sql_limit=" limit ".$step; $sql_offset=" offset ".$offset; $bar=navigation_bar($offset,$max_line,$step,$page); } // Get all name the cards of the select category // 1 for attr_def.ad_id is always the name $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql("select f_id,vw_name,quick_code from ". " vw_fiche_attr ". " where fd_id='".$this->id. "' order by f_id $sql_offset $sql_limit "); $Max=Database::num_row($Res); echo $bar; $str=""; // save the url // with offet &offset=15&step=15&page=2&size=15 if ( $_SESSION['g_pagesize'] != -1) { $str=sprintf("&offset=%s&step=%s&page=%s&size=%s", $offset, $step, $page, $max_line); } echo '
'; echo HtmlInput::hidden('ac',$_REQUEST['ac']); echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden("fiche",$this->id); echo HtmlInput::submit('add','Ajout fiche'); echo '
'; $str_dossier=dossier::get(); echo ''; for ( $i = 0; $i < $Max; $i++) { $l_line=Database::fetch_array($Res,$i); if ( $i%2 == 0) echo ''; else echo ''; $span_mod=''; echo $span_mod.'"; echo ''; } echo '
'.$l_line['quick_code'] .''.h($l_line['vw_name'])."
'; echo '
'; echo HtmlInput::hidden('ac',$_REQUEST['ac']); echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden("fiche",$this->id); echo HtmlInput::submit('add','Ajout fiche'); echo '
'; echo $bar; } /*!\brief show input for the basic attribute : label, class_base, create_account * use only when we want to update * *\return HTML string with the form */ function input_base() { $r=""; $r.=_('Label'); $label=new IText('label',$this->label); $r.=$label->input(); $r.='
'; /* the accounting item */ $class_base=new IPoste('class_base',$this->class_base); $class_base->set_attribute('ipopup','ipop_account'); $class_base->set_attribute('account','class_base'); $class_base->set_attribute('label','acc_label'); $fd_description=new ITextarea('fd_description',$this->fd_description); $fd_description->width=80; $fd_description->heigh=4; $fd_description->style='class="itextarea" style="margin-left:0px;vertical-align:text-top"'; $r.=_('Poste Comptable de base').' : '; $r.=$class_base->input(); $r.='
'; $r.='
'; $r.=" Description ".$fd_description->input(); /* auto Create */ $r.='
'; $ck=new ICheckBox('create'); $ck->selected=($this->create_account=='f')?false:true; $r.=_('Chaque fiche aura automatiquement son propre poste comptable : '); $r.=$ck->input(); return $r; } /*!\brief Display all the attribut of the fiche_def *\param $str give the action possible values are remove, empty */ function DisplayAttribut($str="") { if ( $this->id == 0 ) return ; $this->cn->exec_sql('select fiche_attribut_synchro($1)',array($this->id)); $MaxLine=sizeof($this->attribut); $r=""; $r.="".th('Nom attribut').th('').th('Ordre','style="text-align:right"').''; // Display each attribute $add_action=""; for ($i=0;$i<$MaxLine;$i++) { $class="even"; if ( $i % 2 == 0 ) $class="odd"; $r.=''; } // Show the possible attribute which are not already attribute of the model // of card $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql("select ad_id,ad_text from attr_def where ad_id not in (select ad_id from fiche_def natural join jnt_fic_attr where fd_id=$1) order by ad_text",array($this->id) ); $M=Database::num_row($Res); // Show the unused attribute $r.='
'; // Can change the name if ( $this->attribut[$i]->ad_id == ATTR_DEF_NAME ) { continue; } else { if ( $str == "remove" ) { //Only for the not mandatory attribute (not defined in attr_min) if ( $this->cn->count_sql("select * from attr_min where frd_id=". $this->fiche_def." and ad_id = ".$this->attribut[$i]->ad_id) == 0 && $this->attribut[$i]->ad_id != ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE && $this->attribut[$i]->ad_id != ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT ) { $add_action=sprintf( ' Supprimer ', $this->attribut[$i]->ad_id); } else $add_action=""; } // The attribut. $a=sprintf('%s ', $this->attribut[$i]->ad_text); $r.=$a.$add_action; /*---------------------------------------- */ /* ORDER OF THE CARD */ /*---------------------------------------- */ $order=new IText(); $order->name='jnt_order'.$this->attribut[$i]->ad_id; $order->size=3; $order->value=$this->attribut[$i]->jnt_order; $r.=' '.$order->input(); } $r.= '
'; $r.= ''; $r.="
"; return $r; } /*!\brief Save the label of the fiche_def * \param $p_label label */ function SaveLabel($p_label) { if ( $this->id == 0 ) return; $p_label=sql_string($p_label); if (strlen(trim ($p_label)) == 0 ) { return; } $sql=sprintf("update fiche_def set fd_label='%s' ". "where fd_id=%d", $p_label,$this->id); $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); } /*!\brief set the auto create accounting item for each card and * save it into the database * \param $p_label true or false */ function set_autocreate($p_label) { if ( $this->id == 0 ) return; if ($p_label==true) $t='t'; if ($p_label==false) $t='f'; $sql="update fiche_def set fd_create_account=$1 ". "where fd_id=$2"; $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array($t,$this->id)); } /*!\brief Save the class base * \param $p_label label */ function save_class_base($p_label) { if ( $this->id == 0 ) return; $p_label=sql_string($p_label); $sql="update fiche_def set fd_class_base=$1 ". "where fd_id=$2"; $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array($p_label,$this->id)); } function save_description($p_description) { if ( $this->id == 0) return; $this->cn->exec_sql("update fiche_def set fd_description=$1 where fd_id=$2",array($p_description,$this->id)); } /*!\brief insert a new attribut for this fiche_def * \param $p_ad_id id of the attribut */ function InsertAttribut($p_ad_id) { if ( $this->id == 0 ) return; /* ORDER */ $this->GetAttribut(); $max=sizeof($this->attribut)*15; // Insert a new attribute for the model // it means insert a row in jnt_fic_attr $sql=sprintf("insert into jnt_fic_attr (fd_id,ad_id,jnt_order) values (%d,%d,%d)", $this->id,$p_ad_id,$max); $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql); } /*!\brief remove an attribut for this fiche_def * \param array of ad_id to remove * \remark you can't remove the attribut defined in attr_min */ function RemoveAttribut($array) { foreach ($array as $ch) { $this->cn->start(); $sql="delete from jnt_fic_attr where fd_id=$1 ". " and ad_id=$2"; $this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array($this->id,$ch)); $sql="delete from fiche_detail where jft_id in ( select ". " jft_id from fiche_Detail ". " join fiche using(f_id) ". " where ". "fd_id = $1 and ". "ad_id=$2)"; $this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array($this->id,$ch)); $this->cn->commit(); } } /*!\brief save the order of a card, update the column jnt_fic_attr.jnt_order *\param $p_array containing the order */ function save_order($p_array) { extract($p_array); $this->GetAttribut(); foreach ($this->attribut as $row) { if ( $row->ad_id == 1 ) continue; if ( ${'jnt_order'.$row->ad_id} <= 0 ) continue; $sql='update jnt_fic_attr set jnt_order=$1 where fd_id=$2 and ad_id=$3'; $this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array(${'jnt_order'.$row->ad_id}, $this->id, $row->ad_id)); } /* correct the order */ $this->cn->exec_sql('select attribute_correct_order()'); } /*!\brief remove all the card from a categorie after having verify *that the card is not used and then remove also the category *\return the remains items, not equal to 0 if a card remains and *then the category is not removed */ function remove() { if ( $this->id >= 500000 ) { throw new Exception(_('Catégorie verrouillée ')); } $remain=0; /* get all the card */ $aFiche=fiche::get_fiche_def($this->cn,$this->id); if ( $aFiche != null ) { /* check if the card is used */ foreach ($aFiche as $dfiche) { $fiche=new Fiche($this->cn,$dfiche['f_id']); /* if the card is not used then remove it otherwise increment remains */ if ( $fiche->is_used() == false ) { $fiche->delete(); } else $remain++; } } /* if remains == 0 then remove cat */ if ( $remain == 0 ) { $sql='delete from jnt_fic_attr where fd_id=$1'; $this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array($this->id)); $sql='delete from fiche_def where fd_id=$1'; $this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array($this->id)); } return $remain; } /*! * \brief retrieve the mandatory field of the card model * * \param $p_fiche_def_ref * \return array of ad_id (attr_min.ad_id) and labels (attr_def.ad_text) */ function get_attr_min($p_fiche_def_ref) { // find the min attr for the fiche_def_ref $Sql="select ad_id,ad_text from attr_min natural join attr_def natural join fiche_def_ref where frd_id= $1"; $Res=$this->cn->exec_sql($Sql,array($p_fiche_def_ref)); $Num=Database::num_row($Res); // test the number of returned rows if ($Num == 0 ) return null; // Get Results & Store them in a array for ($i=0;$i<$Num;$i++) { $f=Database::fetch_array($Res,$i); $array[$i]['ad_id']=$f['ad_id']; $array[$i]['ad_text']=$f['ad_text']; } return $array; } /*!\brief count the number of fiche_def (category) which has the frd_id (type of category) *\param $p_frd_id is the frd_id in constant.php the FICHE_TYPE_ *\return the number of cat. of card of the given type *\see constant.php */ function count_category($p_frd_id) { $ret=$this->cn->count_sql("select fd_id from fiche_def where frd_id=$1",array($p_frd_id)); return $ret; } function input_detail() { $r = ""; // Save the label $this->get(); $this->GetAttribut(); $r.= '

' . $this->id . " " . h($this->label) . '

'; $r.='
'._('Données générales').''; /* show the values label class_base and create account */ $r.='
'; $r.=dossier::hidden(); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden("fd_id", $this->id); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden("p_action", "fiche"); $r.= $this->input_base(); $r.='
'; $r.=HtmlInput::submit('change_name', _('Sauver')); $r.='
'; $r.='
'; /* attributes */ $r.='
'._('Détails').''; $r.= '
'; $r.=dossier::hidden(); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden("fd_id", $this->id); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden("action", ""); $r.= $this->DisplayAttribut("remove"); $r.= HtmlInput::submit('add_line_bt', _('Ajoutez cet élément'), 'onclick="$(\'action\').value=\'add_line\'"'); $r.= HtmlInput::submit("save_line_bt", _("Sauvez"), 'onclick="$(\'action\').value=\'save_line\'"'); $r.=HtmlInput::submit('remove_cat_bt', _('Effacer cette catégorie'), 'onclick="$(\'action\').value=\'remove_cat\';return confirm_box(\'input_detail_frm\',\'' . _('Vous confirmez ?') . '\')"'); // if there is nothing to remove then hide the button if (strpos($r, "chk_remove") != 0) { $r.=HtmlInput::submit('remove_line_bt', _("Enleve les éléments cochés"), 'onclick="$(\'action\').value=\'remove_line\';return confirm_box(\'input_detail_frm\',\'' . _('Vous confirmez ?') . '\')"'); } $r.= "
"; $r.="

" . _("Attention : il n'y aura pas de demande de confirmation pour enlever les attributs sélectionnés. Il ne sera pas possible de revenir en arrière") . "

"; $r.='
'; return $r; } function input_new() { $single=new Tool_Uos("dup"); echo '
'; echo $single->hidden(); echo HtmlInput::hidden("p_action","fiche"); echo dossier::hidden(); echo $this->input(); // CreateCategory($cn,$search); echo HtmlInput::submit("add_modele" ,_("Sauve")); echo '
'; } } ?>