db=$cn; $this->od_direct='false'; $this->od_id=$p_id; } /** * @brief Propose to save the operation into a predefined operation * @return HTML string */ static function save_propose() { $r=""; $r.= '

'; $r.= _("Donnez un nom pour sauver cette opération comme modèle")."
"; $opd_name = new IText('opd_name'); $r.= "Nom du modèle " . $opd_name->input(); $opd_description=new ITextarea('od_description'); $opd_description->style=' class="itextarea" style="width:30em;height:4em;vertical-align:top"'; $r.='

'; $r.= '

'; $r.= _('Description (max 50 car.)'); $r.='
'; $r.=$opd_description->input(); $r.='

'; return $r; } /*!\brief fill the object with the $_POST variable */ function get_post() { $this->nb_item=$_POST['nb_item']; $this->p_jrn=$_REQUEST['p_jrn']; $this->jrn_type=$_POST['jrn_type']; $this->name=$_POST['opd_name']; $this->name=(trim($this->name)=='')?$_POST['e_comm']:$this->name; $this->description= $_POST['od_description']; if ( $this->name=="") { $n=$this->db->get_next_seq('op_def_op_seq'); $this->name=$this->jrn_type.$n; // common value } } function delete () { $sql="delete from op_predef where od_id=".$this->od_id; $this->db->exec_sql($sql); } /*!\brief save the predef check first is the name is unique * \return true op.success otherwise false */ function save() { if ( $this->db->count_sql("select * from op_predef ". "where upper(od_name)=upper('".Database::escape_string($this->name)."')". "and jrn_def_id=".$this->p_jrn) != 0 ) { $this->name="copy_".$this->name."_".microtime(true); } if ( $this->count() > MAX_PREDEFINED_OPERATION ) { echo ''.("Vous avez atteint le max. d'opération prédéfinie, désolé").''; return false; } $sql='insert into op_predef (jrn_def_id,od_name,od_item,od_jrn_type,od_direct,od_description)'. 'values'. "($1,$2,$3,$4,$5 ,$6 )"; $this->db->exec_sql($sql,array($this->p_jrn, $this->name, $this->nb_item, $this->jrn_type, $this->od_direct, $this->description, )); $this->od_id=$this->db->get_current_seq('op_def_op_seq'); return true; } /*!\brief load the data from the database and return an array * \return an array */ function load() { $sql="select od_id,jrn_def_id,od_name,od_item,od_jrn_type,od_description". " from op_predef where od_id=".$this->od_id. " order by od_name"; $res=$this->db->exec_sql($sql); $array=Database::fetch_all($res); foreach (array('jrn_def_id','od_name','od_item','od_jrn_type','od_description') as $field) { $this->$field=$array[0][$field]; } switch ($this->od_jrn_type) { case 'ACH': $this->detail=new Pre_op_ach($this->db); break; case 'VEN': $this->detail=new Pre_Op_ven($this->db); break; case 'ODS': $this->detail=new Pre_op_advanced($this->db); break; default: throw new Exception('Load PreOperatoin failed'.$this->od_jrn_type); } $this->detail->set_od_id($this->od_id); $this->detail->jrn_def_id=$this->jrn_def_id; return $array; } function compute_array() { $p_array=$this->load(); $array=array( "e_comm"=>$p_array[0]["od_name"], "nb_item"=>(($p_array[0]["od_item"]<10?10:$p_array[0]["od_item"])) , "p_jrn"=>$p_array[0]["jrn_def_id"], "jrn_type"=>$p_array[0]["od_jrn_type"], "od_description"=>$p_array['0']['od_description'] ); return $array; } /*!\brief show the button for selecting a predefined operation */ function show_button() { $select=new ISelect(); $value=$this->db->make_array("select od_id,od_name from op_predef ". " where jrn_def_id=".$this->p_jrn. " and od_direct ='".$this->od_direct."'". " order by od_name"); if ( empty($value)==true) return ""; $select->value=$value; $r=$select->input("pre_def"); return $r; } /*!\brief count the number of pred operation for a ledger */ function count() { $a=$this->db->count_sql("select od_id,od_name from op_predef ". " where jrn_def_id=".$this->p_jrn. " and od_direct ='".$this->od_direct."'". " order by od_name"); return $a; } /*!\brief get the list of the predef. operation of a ledger * \return string */ function get_list_ledger() { $sql="select od_id,od_name,od_description from op_predef ". " where jrn_def_id=".$this->p_jrn. " and od_direct ='".$this->od_direct."'". " order by od_name"; $res=$this->db->exec_sql($sql); $all=Database::fetch_all($res); return $all; } /*!\brief set the ledger * \param $p_jrn is the ledger (jrn_id) */ function set_jrn($p_jrn) { $this->p_jrn=$p_jrn; } /** * * @brief display the detail of predefined operation, normally everything * is loaded */ function display() { $array=$this->detail->compute_array(); echo $this->detail->display($array); } } /*!\brief mother of the pre_op_XXX, it contains only one data : an * object Pre_Operation. The child class contains an array of * Pre_Operation object */ class Pre_operation_detail { var $operation; function __construct($p_cn,$p_id=0) { $this->db=$p_cn; $this->operation=new Pre_operation($this->db); $this->valid=array('ledger'=>'jrn_def_id','ledger_type'=>'jrn_type','direct'=>'od_direct'); $this->jrn_def_id=-1; } /*!\brief show a form to use pre_op */ function form_get ($p_url) { $r=HtmlInput::button_action(_("Modèle d'opérations"), ' $(\'modele_op_div\').style.display=\'block\';$(\'lk_modele_op_tab\').focus();'); $r.='
'; $r.=HtmlInput::title_box(_("Modèle d'opérations"), 'modele_op_div', 'hide'); $hid=new IHidden(); $r.=$hid->input("action","use_opd"); $r.=$hid->input("jrn_type",$this->get("ledger_type")); $r.= $this->show_button($p_url); $r.='
'; return $r; } /*!\brief count the number of pred operation for a ledger */ function count() { $a=$this->db->count_sql("select od_id,od_name from op_predef ". " where jrn_def_id=".$this->jrn_def_id. " and od_direct ='".$this->od_direct."'". " order by od_name"); return $a; } /*!\brief show the button for selecting a predefined operation */ function show_button($p_url) { $value=$this->db->get_array("select od_id,od_name,od_description from op_predef ". " where jrn_def_id=$1". " and od_direct =$2". " order by od_name", array($this->jrn_def_id,$this->od_direct )); if ( $this->jrn_def_id=='') $value=array(); $r=""; $r.='

'._("Choisissez un modèle").'

'; $r.=_('Filtrer').' '.HtmlInput::filter_table('modele_op_tab', '0', '0'); $r.=''; for ($i=0;$i'; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; } $r.='
'; $r.=sprintf('%s ', $p_url,$value[$i]['od_id'],$value[$i]['od_name']); $r.=''.h($value[$i]['od_description']).'
'; return $r; } public function get_operation() { if ( $this->jrn_def_id=='') return array(); $value=$this->db->make_array("select od_id,od_name from op_predef ". " where jrn_def_id=".sql_string($this->jrn_def_id). " and od_direct ='".sql_string($this->od_direct)."'". " order by od_name",1); return $value; } function set($p_param,$value) { if ( ! isset ($this->valid[$p_param] ) ) { $msg=_(" le parametre $p_param n'existe pas ".__FILE__.':'.__LINE__); throw new Exception($msg); } $attr=$this->valid[$p_param]; $this->$attr=$value; } function get($p_param) { if ( ! isset ($this->valid[$p_param] ) ) { $msg=_(" le parametre $p_param n'existe pas ".__FILE__.':'.__LINE__); throw new Exception($msg); } $attr=$this->valid[$p_param]; return $this->$attr; } function get_post() { $this->operation->get_post(); } }