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mirror of https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/noalyss_ynh.git synced 2024-09-03 19:46:20 +02:00
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2015-09-27 00:42:21 +02:00

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* This file is part of NOALYSS.
* NOALYSS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NOALYSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NOALYSS; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Copyright Author Dany De Bontridder danydb@aevalys.eu
* \brief contains the class for connecting to a postgresql database
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/constant.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/ac_common.php';
* This class allow you to connect to the postgresql database, execute sql, retrieve data
class Database
private $db; /**< database connection */
private $ret; /**< return value */
private $is_open; /*!< true is connected */
/**\brief constructor
* \param $p_database_id is the id of the dossier, or the modele following the
* p_type if = 0 then connect to the repository
* \param $p_type is 'DOS' (defaut) for dossier or 'MOD'
function __construct($p_database_id=0, $p_type='dos')
if (IsNumber($p_database_id)==false||strlen($p_database_id)>5)
die("-->Dossier invalide [$p_database_id]");
$host=(!defined("noalyss_psql_host") )?'':noalyss_psql_host;
if (defined("MULTI")&&MULTI=="0")
if ($p_database_id==0)
{ /* connect to the repository */
$l_dossier=sprintf("%saccount_repository", strtolower(domaine));
else if ($p_type=='dos')
{ /* connect to a folder (dossier) */
$l_dossier=sprintf("%sdossier%d", strtolower(domaine), $p_database_id);
else if ($p_type=='mod')
{ /* connect to a template (modele) */
$l_dossier=sprintf("%smod%d", strtolower(domaine), $p_database_id);
else if ($p_type=='template')
throw new Exception('Connection invalide');
$a=pg_connect("dbname=$l_dossier host='$host' user='$noalyss_user'
password='$password' port=$port");
if ($a==false)
if (DEBUG)
echo '<h2 class="error">Impossible de se connecter &agrave; postgreSql !</h2>';
echo '<p>';
echo "Vos param&egrave;tres sont incorrectes : <br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "base de donn&eacute;e : $l_dossier<br>";
echo "Domaine : ".domaine."<br>";
echo "Port $port <br>";
echo "Utilisateur : $noalyss_user <br>";
echo '</p>';
die("Connection impossible : v&eacute;rifiez vos param&egrave;tres de base
de donn&eacute;es");
echo '<h2 class="error">Erreur de connexion !</h2>';
if ($this->exist_schema('comptaproc'))
pg_exec($this->db, 'set search_path to public,comptaproc;');
pg_exec($this->db, 'set DateStyle to ISO, MDY;');
public function verify()
// Verify that the elt we want to add is correct
function set_encoding($p_charset)
pg_set_client_encoding($this->db, $p_charset);
* \brief send a sql string to the database
* \param $p_string sql string
* \param $p_array array for the SQL string (see pg_query_params)
* \return the result of the query, a resource or false if an
* error occured
function exec_sql($p_string, $p_array=null)
if ( ! $this->is_open ) throw new Exception(' Database is closed');
if ($p_array==null)
if (!DEBUG)
$this->ret=pg_query($this->db, $p_string);
$this->ret=@pg_query($this->db, $p_string);
if (!is_array($p_array))
throw new Exception("Erreur : exec_sql attend un array");
if (!DEBUG)
$this->ret=pg_query_params($this->db, $p_string, $p_array);
$this->ret=@pg_query_params($this->db, $p_string, $p_array);
if (!$this->ret)
throw new Exception(" SQL ERROR $p_string ".$str_error, 1);
catch (Exception $a)
if (DEBUG)
echo $a->getMessage();
echo $a->getTrace();
echo $a->getTraceAsString();
echo pg_last_error($this->db);
throw ($a);
return $this->ret;
/** \brief Count the number of row returned by a sql statement
* \param $p_sql sql string
* \param $p_array if not null we use the safer pg_query_params
function count_sql($p_sql, $p_array=null)
$r_sql=$this->exec_sql($p_sql, $p_array);
return pg_NumRows($r_sql);
/**\brief get the current sequence value
function get_current_seq($p_seq)
$Res=$this->get_value("select currval('$p_seq') as seq");
return $Res;
/**\brief get the next sequence value
function get_next_seq($p_seq)
$Res=$this->exec_sql("select nextval('$p_seq') as seq");
$seq=pg_fetch_array($Res, 0);
return $seq['seq'];
* @ brief : start a transaction
function start()
$Res=$this->exec_sql("start transaction");
* Commit the transaction
function commit()
if ( ! $this->is_open) return;
* rollback the current transaction
function rollback()
if ( ! $this->is_open) return;
* @brief alter the sequence value
* @param $p_name name of the sequence
* @param $min the start value of the sequence
function alter_seq($p_name, $min)
if ($min<1)
$Res=$this->exec_sql("alter sequence $p_name restart $min");
* \brief Execute a sql script
* \param $script script name
function execute_script($script)
if (!DEBUG)
$hf=fopen($script, 'r');
if ($hf==false)
throw new Exception ( 'Ne peut ouvrir '.$script);
while (!feof($hf))
$buffer=str_replace("$", "\$", $buffer);
print $buffer."<br>";
// comment are not execute
if (substr($buffer, 0, 2)=="--")
//echo "comment $buffer";
// Blank Lines Are Skipped
If (Strlen($buffer)==0)
//echo "Blank $buffer";
if (strpos(strtolower($buffer), "create function")===0)
echo "found a function";
if (strpos(strtolower($buffer), "create or replace function")===0)
echo "found a function";
// No semi colon -> multiline command
if ($flag_function==false&&strpos($buffer, ';')==false)
if ($flag_function)
if (strpos(strtolower($buffer), "language plpgsql")===false&&
strpos(strtolower($buffer), "language 'plpgsql'")===false)
// cut the semi colon
$buffer=str_replace(';', '', $buffer);
if ($this->exec_sql($sql)==false)
if (!DEBUG)
print "ERROR : $sql";
throw new Exception("ERROR : $sql");
print "<hr>";
} // while (feof)
if (!DEBUG)
* \brief Get version of a database, the content of the
* table version
* \return version number
function get_version()
$Res=$this->get_value("select val from version");
return $Res;
* @brief fetch the $p_indice array from the last query
* @param $p_indice index
function fetch($p_indice)
if ($this->ret==false)
throw new Exception('this->ret is empty');
return pg_fetch_array($this->ret, $p_indice);
* @brief return the number of rows found by the last query, or the number
* of rows from $p_ret
* @param $p_ret is the result of a query, the default value is null, in that case
* it is related to the last query
* @note synomym for count()
function size($p_ret=null)
if ($p_ret==null)
return pg_NumRows($this->ret);
return pg_NumRows($p_ret);
* @brief synomym for size()
function count($p_ret=null)
return $this->size($p_ret);
* \brief loop to apply all the path to a folder or
* a template
* \param $p_name database name
* \param $from_setup == 1 if called from setup.php
function apply_patch($p_name, $from_setup=1)
if ( ! $this->exist_table('version')) {
echo _('Base de donnée vide');
$succeed="<span style=\"font-size:18px;color:green\">&#x2713;</span>";
echo '<ul style="list-type-style:square">';
for ($i=4; $i<=$MaxVersion; $i++)
if ($this->get_version()<=$i)
if ($this->get_version()==97)
if ($this->exist_schema("amortissement"))
$this->exec_sql('ALTER TABLE amortissement.amortissement_histo
ADD CONSTRAINT internal_fk FOREIGN KEY (jr_internal) REFERENCES jrn (jr_internal)
echo "<li>Patching ".$p_name.
" from the version ".$this->get_version()." to $to ";
echo $succeed;
if (!DEBUG)
// specific for version 4
if ($i==4)
$sql="select jrn_def_id from jrn_def ";
for ($seq=0; $seq<$Max; $seq++)
$row=pg_fetch_array($Res, $seq);
$sql=sprintf("create sequence s_jrn_%d", $row['jrn_def_id']);
// specific to version 7
if ($i==7)
// now we use sequence instead of computing a max
$Res2=$this->exec_sql('select coalesce(max(jr_grpt_id),1) as l from jrn');
if ($Max2==1)
$Row=pg_fetch_array($Res2, 0);
$this->exec_sql("select setval('s_grpt',$M,true)");
// specific to version 17
if ($i==17)
$max=$this->get_value('select last_value from s_jnt_fic_att_value');
$this->alter_seq($p_cn, 's_jnt_fic_att_value', $max+1);
} // version
// reset sequence in the modele
if ($i==30&&$p_name=="mod")
$a_seq=array('s_jrn', 's_jrn_op', 's_centralized',
's_stock_goods', 'c_order', 's_central');
foreach ($a_seq as $seq)
$sql=sprintf("select setval('%s',1,false)", $seq);
$sql="select jrn_def_id from jrn_def ";
for ($seq=0; $seq<$Max; $seq++)
$row=pg_fetch_array($Res, $seq);
$sql=sprintf("select setval('s_jrn_%d',1,false)", $row['jrn_def_id']);
if ($i==36)
/* check the country and apply the path */
$res=$this->exec_sql("select pr_value from parameter where pr_id='MY_COUNTRY'");
$country=pg_fetch_result($res, 0, 0);
$this->exec_sql('update tmp_pcmn set pcm_type=find_pcm_type(pcm_val)');
if ($i==59)
$res=$this->exec_sql("select pr_value from parameter where pr_id='MY_COUNTRY'");
$country=pg_fetch_result($res, 0, 0);
if ($country=='BE')
$this->exec_sql("insert into parm_code values ('SUPPLIER',440,'Poste par défaut pour les fournisseurs')");
if ($country=='FR')
$this->exec_sql("insert into parm_code values ('SUPPLIER',400,'Poste par défaut pour les fournisseurs')");
if ($i==61)
$country=$this->get_value("select pr_value from parameter where pr_id='MY_COUNTRY'");
if (!DEBUG)
echo '</ul>';
* \brief return the value of the sql, the sql will return only one value
* with the value
* \param $p_sql the sql stmt example :select s_value from
document_state where s_id=2
* \param $p_array if array is not null we use the ExecSqlParm (safer)
* \see exec_sql
* \note print a warning if several value are found, if only the first value is needed
* consider using a LIMIT clause
* \return only the first value or an empty string if nothing is found
function get_value($p_sql, $p_array=null)
$this->ret=$this->exec_sql($p_sql, $p_array);
if ($r==0)
return "";
if ($r>1)
throw new Exception("Attention $p_sql retourne ".pg_NumRows($this->ret)." valeurs ".
var_export($p_array, true)." values=".var_export($array, true));
$r=pg_fetch_row($this->ret, 0);
return $r[0];
* @brief return the number of rows affected by the previous query
function get_affected()
return Database::num_row($this->ret);
* \brief purpose return the result of a sql statment
* in a array
* \param $p_sql sql query
* \param $p_array if not null we use ExecSqlParam
* \return an empty array if nothing is found
function get_array($p_sql, $p_array=null)
$r=$this->exec_sql($p_sql, $p_array);
if (($Max=pg_NumRows($r))==0)
return array();
return $array;
function create_sequence($p_name, $min=1)
if ($min<1)
$sql="create sequence ".$p_name." minvalue $min";
* \brief test if a sequence exist */
/* \return true if the seq. exist otherwise false
function exist_sequence($p_name)
$r=$this->count_sql("select relname from pg_class where relname=lower($1)", array($p_name));
if ($r==0)
return false;
return true;
/**\brief test if a table exist
* \param $p_name table name
* \param $schema name of the schema default public
* \return true if a table exist otherwise false
function exist_table($p_name, $p_schema='public')
$r=$this->count_sql("select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=$1 and table_name=lower($2)", array($p_schema, $p_name));
if ($r==0)
return false;
return true;
* Check if a column exists in a table
* @param $col : column name
* @param $table :table name
* @param $schema :schema name, default public
* @return true or false
function exist_column($col, $table, $schema)
$r=$this->get_value('select count(*) from information_schema.columns where table_name=lower($1) and column_name=lower($2) and table_schema=lower($3)', array($col, $table, $schema));
if ($r>0)
return true;
return false;
* return the name of the database with the domain name
* @param $p_id of the folder WITHOUT the domain name
* @param $p_type dos for folder mod for template
* @return formatted name
function format_name($p_id, $p_type)
switch ($p_type)
case 'dos':
$sys_name=sprintf("%sdossier%d", strtolower(domaine), $p_id);
case 'mod':
$sys_name=sprintf("%smod%d", strtolower(domaine), $p_id);
echo_error(__FILE__." format_name invalid type ".$p_type, __LINE__);
throw new Exception(__FILE__." format_name invalid type ".$p_type. __LINE__);
return $sys_name;
* Count the database name in a system view
* @param $p_name string database name
* @return number of database found (normally 0 or 1)
function exist_database($p_name)
$database_exist=$this->get_value('select count(*)
from pg_catalog.pg_database where datname = lower($1)', array($p_name));
return $database_exist;
* @brief check if the large object exists
* @param $p_oid of the large object
* @return return true if the large obj exist or false if not
function exist_blob($p_oid)
$r=$this->get_value('select count(loid) from pg_largeobject where loid=$1'
, array($p_oid));
if ($r>0)
return true;
return false;
* !\brief test if a view exist
* \return true if the view. exist otherwise false
function exist_view($p_name)
$r=$this->count_sql("select viewname from pg_views where viewname=lower($1)", array($p_name));
if ($r==0)
return false;
return true;
* !\brief test if a schema exists
* \return true if the schemas exists otherwise false
function exist_schema($p_name)
$r=$this->count_sql("select nspname from pg_namespace where nspname=lower($1)", array($p_name));
if ($r==0)
return false;
return true;
* \brief create a string containing the value separated by comma
* for use in a SQL in statement
* \return the string or empty if nothing is found
* \see fid_card.php
function make_list($sql, $p_array=null)
if ($p_array==null)
$aArray=$this->get_array($sql, $p_array);
if (empty($aArray))
return "";
for ($i=0; $i<count($aArray); $i++)
$ret=trim($ret, ',');
return $ret;
* \brief make a array with the sql.
* \param $p_sql sql statement, only the first two column will be returned in
* an array. The first col. is the label and the second the value
* \param $p_null if the array start with a null value
* \param $p_array is the array with the bind value
* \note this function is used with ISelect when it is needed to have a list of
* options.
* \return: a double array like
[0] => Array
[value] => 1
[label] => Marchandise A
[1] => Array
[value] => 2
[label] => Marchandise B
[2] => Array
[value] => 3
[label] => Marchandise C
* \see ISelect
function make_array($p_sql, $p_null=0,$p_array=null)
if ($max==0&&$p_null==0)
return null;
for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++)
// add a blank item ?
if ($p_null==1)
for ($i=$max; $i!=0; $i--)
$r[0]['label']=" ";
} // if ( $p_null == 1 )
return $r;
* \brief Save a "piece justificative"
* \param $seq jr_grpt_id
* \return $oid of the lob file if success
* null if a error occurs
function save_upload_document($seq)
/* there is
no file to
upload */
if ($_FILES["pj"]["error"]==UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE)
$new_name=tempnam($_ENV['TMP'], 'pj');
if ($_FILES["pj"]["error"]>0)
echo_error(__FILE__.":".__LINE__."Error: ".$_FILES["pj"]["error"]);
if (strlen($_FILES['pj']['tmp_name'])!=0)
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['pj']['tmp_name'], $new_name))
// echo "Image saved";
$oid=pg_lo_import($this->db, $new_name);
if ($oid==false)
echo_error('postgres.php', __LINE__, "cannot upload document");
// Remove old document
$ret=$this->exec_sql("select jr_pj from jrn where jr_grpt_id=$seq");
if (pg_num_rows($ret)!=0)
$r=pg_fetch_array($ret, 0);
if (strlen($old_oid)!=0)
pg_lo_unlink($cn, $old_oid);
// Load new document
$this->exec_sql("update jrn set jr_pj=$1 , jr_pj_name=$2,
jr_pj_type=$3 where jr_grpt_id=$4",
array($oid,$_FILES['pj']['name'] ,$_FILES['pj']['type'],$seq));
return $oid;
echo "<H1>Error</H1>";
return 0;
/**\brief wrapper for the function pg_NumRows
* \param $ret is the result of a exec_sql
* \return number of line affected
static function num_row($ret)
return pg_NumRows($ret);
/**\brief wrapper for the function pg_fetch_array
* \param $ret is the result of a pg_exec
* \param $p_indice is the index
* \return $array of column
static function fetch_array($ret, $p_indice=0)
return pg_fetch_array($ret, $p_indice);
/**\brief wrapper for the function pg_fetch_all
* \param $ret is the result of pg_exec (exec_sql)
* \return double array (row x col )
static function fetch_all($ret)
return pg_fetch_all($ret);
/**\brief wrapper for the function pg_fetch_all
* \param $ret is the result of pg_exec (exec_sql)
* \param $p_row is the indice of the row
* \param $p_col is the indice of the col
* \return a string or an integer
static function fetch_result($ret, $p_row=0, $p_col=0)
return pg_fetch_result($ret, $p_row, $p_col);
/**\brief wrapper for the function pg_fetch_row
* \param $ret is the result of pg_exec (exec_sql)
* \param $p_row is the indice of the row
* \return an array indexed from 0
static function fetch_row($ret, $p_row)
return pg_fetch_row($ret, $p_row);
/**\brief wrapper for the function pg_lo_unlink
* \param $p_oid is the of oid
* \return return the result of the operation
function lo_unlink($p_oid)
return pg_lo_unlink($this->db, $p_oid);
/**\brief wrapper for the function pg_prepare
* \param $p_string string name for pg_prepare function
* \param $p_sql is the sql to prepare
* \return return the result of the operation
function prepare($p_string, $p_sql)
return pg_prepare($this->db, $p_string, $p_sql);
/**\brief wrapper for the function pg_execute
* \param $p_string string name of the stmt given in pg_prepare function
* \param $p_array contains the variables
* \note set this->ret to the return of pg_execute
* \return return the result of the operation,
function execute($p_string, $p_array)
$this->ret=pg_execute($this->db, $p_string, $p_array);
return $this->ret;
/**\brief wrapper for the function pg_lo_export
* \param $p_oid is the oid of the log
* \param $tmp is the file
* \return result of the operation
function lo_export($p_oid, $tmp)
return pg_lo_export($this->db, $p_oid, $tmp);
/**\brief wrapper for the function pg_lo_export
* \param $p_oid is the oid of the log
* \param $tmp is the file
* \return result of the operation
function lo_import($p_oid)
return pg_lo_import($this->db, $p_oid);
/**\brief wrapper for the function pg_escape_string
* \param $p_string is the string to escape
* \return escaped string
static function escape_string($p_string)
return pg_escape_string($p_string);
/**\brief wrapper for the function pg_close
function close()
if ( $this->is_open ) pg_close($this->db);
* \param
* \return
* \note
* \see
function __toString()
return "database ";
static function test_me()
function status()
return pg_transaction_status($this->db);
* with the handle of a successull query, echo each row into CSV and
* send it directly
* @param type $ret handle to a query
* @param type $aheader double array, each item of the array contains
* a key type (num) and a key title
function query_to_csv($ret, $aheader)
for ($i=0; $i<count($aheader); $i++)
echo $seq.'"'.$aheader[$i]['title'].'"';
// fetch all the rows
for ($i=0; $i<Database::num_row($ret); $i++)
$row=Database::fetch_array($ret, $i);
// for each rows, for each value
for ($e=0; $e<count($row)/2; $e++)
switch ($aheader[$e]['type'])
case 'num':
echo $sep2.nb($row[$e]);
echo $sep2.'"'.$row[$e].'"';
/* test::test_me(); */