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2015-09-27 00:42:21 +02:00

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* This file is part of NOALYSS.
* NOALYSS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NOALYSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NOALYSS; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Copyright Author Dany De Bontridder danydb@aevalys.eu
* @file
* @brief
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class_stock_sql.php';
class Stock extends Stock_Sql
* show history of all the stock movement
* @param $p_array usually contains $_GET
function history($p_array)
$sql = $this->create_query_histo($p_array);
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class_sort_table.php';
$p_url = HtmlInput::get_to_string(array("gDossier", "ac", "wcard", "wdate_start", "wdate_end", "wrepo",
"wamount_start", "wamount_end", "wcode_stock", "wdirection"));
$tb = new Sort_Table();
$tb->add("Date", $p_url, " order by real_date asc", "order by real_date desc", "da", "dd");
$tb->add("Code Stock", $p_url, " order by sg_code asc", "order by sg_code desc", "sa", "sd");
$tb->add("Dépôt", $p_url, " order by r_name asc", "order by r_name desc", "ra", "rd");
$tb->add("Fiche", $p_url, " order by 2 asc", "order by 2 desc", "fa", "fd");
$tb->add("Commentaire", $p_url, " order by coalesce(sg_comment,jr_comment) asc", "order by coalesce(sg_comment,jr_comment) desc", "ca", "cd");
$tb->add("Montant", $p_url, " order by j_montant asc", "order by j_montant desc", "ja", "jd");
$tb->add("Quantité", $p_url, " order by sg_quantity asc", "order by sg_quantity desc", "qa", "qd");
$tb->add("IN/OUT", $p_url, " order by (case when sg_type='c' then 'OUT' when sg_type='c' then 'IN' end ) asc", "order by (case when sg_type='c' then 'OUT' when sg_type='c' then 'IN' end ) desc", "ta", "td");
$order = (isset($p_array['ord'])) ? $p_array['ord'] : 'da';
$step = $_SESSION['g_pagesize'];
$page = (isset($_GET['offset'])) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
$offset = (isset($_GET['offset'])) ? $_GET['offset'] : 0;
$res = $this->cn->exec_sql($sql);
$max_row = Database::num_row($res);
$nav_bar = navigation_bar($offset, $max_row, 0, $page);
if ($step != -1)
$res = $this->cn->exec_sql($sql . " , sg_id asc limit " . $step . " offset " . $offset);
$max_row = Database::num_row($res);
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/template/stock_histo.php';
echo HtmlInput::print_window();
function export_stock_histo_form()
echo '<form style="display:inline" method="GET" action="export.php">';
echo HtmlInput::get_to_hidden(array("gDossier", "wcard", "wdate_start", "wdate_end", "wrepo",
"wamount_start", "wamount_end", "wcode_stock", "wdirection"));
echo HtmlInput::hidden('act','CSV:StockHisto');
echo HtmlInput::submit('stockhisto','Export CSV');
echo '</form>';
function export_stock_summary_list_form()
echo '<form style="display:inline" method="GET" action="export.php">';
echo HtmlInput::get_to_hidden(array("gDossier", "state_exercice"));
echo HtmlInput::hidden('act','CSV:StockResmList');
echo HtmlInput::submit('stockresm','Export CSV');
echo '</form>';
function search_box_button()
$bt = HtmlInput::button("Recherche", "Recherche", ' onclick="$(\'histo_search_d\').show();"');
echo $bt;
function search_box($p_array)
// Declaration
global $g_user;
$wrepo = HtmlInput::select_stock($this->cn, "wrepo", 'R');
$wrepo->value[] = array('value' => -1, 'label' => 'Tous les dépôts');
$wdate_start = new IDate('wdate_start');
$wdate_end = new IDate('wdate_end');
$wamount_start = new INum('wamount_start');
$wamount_end = new INum('wamount_end');
$wcard = new ICard('wcard');
$wcode_stock = new ICard('wcode_stock');
$wdirection = new ISelect("wdirection");
// value
$wrepo->selected = HtmlInput::default_value("wrepo", -1, $p_array);
// Date start / end
$exercice = $g_user->get_exercice();
$periode = new Periode($this->cn);
list($periode_start, $periode_end) = $periode->get_limit($exercice);
$wdate_start->value = HtmlInput::default_value("wdate_start", $periode_start->first_day(), $p_array);
$wdate_end->value = HtmlInput::default_value("wdate_end", $periode_end->last_day(), $p_array);
$wamount_start->value = HtmlInput::default_value("wamount_start", 0, $p_array);
$wamount_end->value = HtmlInput::default_value("wamount_end", 0, $p_array);
$wcard->extra = "all";
$wcard->set_attribute("typecard", "all");
$wcard->value = HtmlInput::default_value("wcard", "", $p_array);
//Card stock
$wcode_stock->extra = " [sql] fd_id=500000 ";
$wcode_stock->set_attribute("typecard", "[sql] fd_id=500000");
$wcode_stock->value = HtmlInput::default_value("wcard", "", $p_array);
// Repository
$wcode_stock->value = HtmlInput::default_value("wcode_stock", "", $p_array);
$wdirection->value = array(
array('value' => "-1", 'label' => "Tout"),
array('value' => "c", 'label' => "OUT"),
array('value' => "d", 'label' => "IN")
$wdirection->selected = HtmlInput::default_value("wdirection", "-1", $p_array);
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/template/stock_histo_search.php';
function create_query_histo($p_array)
global $cn,$g_user;
$sql = "
select sg_id,
(select ad_value from fiche_Detail as fd1 where ad_id=1 and fd1.f_id=jx.f_id) as fname,
(select ad_value from fiche_Detail as fd1 where ad_id=23 and fd1.f_id=jx.f_id) as qcode,
coalesce(sg_comment,jr_comment) as ccomment,
case when sg_type='c' then 'OUT' when sg_type='d' then 'IN' end as direction,
coalesce(sg_date,jr_date) as real_date,
to_char(coalesce(sg_date,jr_date),'DD.MM.YY') as cdate
from stock_goods as sg
join stock_repository as sr on (sg.r_id=sr.r_id)
left join jrnx as jx on (sg.j_id=jx.j_id)
left join jrn as j on (j.jr_grpt_id=jx.j_grpt)
sg.r_id in (select r_id from profile_sec_repository where p_id = $profile)";
$and = " and ";
$clause = "";
if (isset($p_array['wdate_start']) && $p_array['wdate_start'] != '')
$clause = $and." to_date('" . sql_string($p_array['wdate_start']) . "','DD.MM.YYYY')<=coalesce(sg_date,jr_date) ";
if (isset($p_array['wdate_end']) && $p_array['wdate_end'] != '')
$clause.=$and . " to_date('" . sql_string($p_array['wdate_end']) . "','DD.MM.YYYY')>=coalesce(sg_date,jr_date) ";
if (isset($p_array['wamount_start']) && $p_array['wamount_start'] != '' && isNumber($p_array['wamount_start']) == 1
&& $p_array['wamount_start'] != 0 )
$clause.=$and . " j_montant >= " . sql_string($p_array['wamount_start']);
if (isset($p_array['wamount_end'])
&& $p_array['wamount_end'] != ''
&& $p_array['wamount_end'] != 0
&& isNumber($p_array['wamount_end']) == 1)
$clause.=$and . " j_montant <= " . sql_string($p_array['wamount_end']);
if (isset($p_array['wcard']) && $p_array['wcard'] != '')
$f = new Fiche($this->cn);
$f->get_by_qcode($p_array['wcard'], false);
if ($f->id != 0)
$clause.=$and . " sg.f_id = " . sql_string($f->id);
if (isset($p_array['wcode_stock']) && $p_array['wcode_stock'] != "")
$clause.=$and . " upper(sg_code) = upper('" . sql_string(trim($p_array['wcode_stock'])) . "')";
if (isset($p_array['wrepo']) && $p_array['wrepo'] != -1)
$clause.=$and . " sg.r_id = " . sql_string($p_array['wrepo']);
if (isset($p_array['wdirection']) && $p_array['wdirection'] != -1)
$clause.=$and . " sg.sg_type = '" . sql_string($p_array['wdirection']) . "'";
return $sql . $clause;
function summary($p_array)
global $cn, $g_user;
// Build condition
$a_repository = $g_user->get_available_repository('R');
$a_code = $cn->get_array("select distinct sg_code from tmp_stockgood_detail where s_id=$1", array($tmp_id));
if (isset($p_array['present']))
$present = $p_array['present'];
$present = 'T';
if ($present == 'T')
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/template/stock_summary_table.php';
if ($present == 'L')
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/template/stock_summary_list.php';
echo HtmlInput::print_window();
function build_tmp_table($p_array)
global $cn,$g_user;
// exercice
if (isset ($p_array['state_exercice']))
$periode=new Periode($cn);
$date= format_date($p_array['state_exercice'], 'YYYY-MM-DD');
} else {
$periode=new Periode($cn,$periode_id);
$tmp_id = $cn->get_next_seq("public.tmp_stockgood_s_id_seq");
$cn->exec_sql("delete from tmp_stockgood where s_date < now() - interval '2 days' ");
$cn->exec_sql("insert into tmp_stockgood(s_id) values ($1)", array($tmp_id));
// get all readable repository
$a_repository = $g_user->get_available_repository('R');
// From ACH : IN
$sql_repo_detail = "
insert into tmp_stockgood_detail(s_id,sg_code,s_qin,r_id,f_id)
select $tmp_id,trim(sg_code), coalesce(sum(sg_quantity),0) as qin,r_id,f_id
from stock_goods
and j_id is not null
and j_id in (select j_id from jrnx where j_tech_per in (select p_id from parm_periode where p_exercice=$2))
and r_id in (select r_id from profile_sec_repository where p_id=$1)
group by r_id,trim(sg_code),f_id
// From VEN : out
$cn->exec_sql($sql_repo_detail, array($g_user->get_profile(), $periode->p_exercice));
$sql_repo_detail = "
insert into tmp_stockgood_detail(s_id,sg_code,s_qout,r_id,f_id)
select $tmp_id,trim(sg_code) , coalesce(sum(sg_quantity),0) as qout,r_id,f_id
from stock_goods as sg
and sg.j_id is not null
and sg.j_id in (select j_id from jrnx where j_tech_per in (select p_id from parm_periode where p_exercice=$2))
and sg.r_id in (select r_id from profile_sec_repository where p_id=$1)
group by r_id,trim(sg_code),f_id
$cn->exec_sql($sql_repo_detail, array($g_user->get_profile(), $periode->p_exercice));
// From INV IN
$sql_repo_detail = "
insert into tmp_stockgood_detail(s_id,sg_code,s_qin,r_id,f_id)
select $tmp_id,trim(sg_code) , coalesce(sum(sg_quantity),0) as qin,r_id,f_id
from stock_goods as sg
and j_id is null
and sg_date >= ( select min(p_start) from parm_periode where p_exercice=$2)
and sg_date <= ( select max(p_end) from parm_periode where p_exercice=$2)
and sg.r_id in (select r_id from profile_sec_repository where p_id=$1)
group by r_id,trim(sg_code),f_id
// From INV: OUT
$cn->exec_sql($sql_repo_detail, array($g_user->get_profile(), $periode->p_exercice));
$sql_repo_detail = "
insert into tmp_stockgood_detail(s_id,sg_code,s_qout,r_id,f_id)
select $tmp_id,trim(sg_code), coalesce(sum(sg_quantity),0) as qout,r_id,f_id
from stock_goods
and j_id is null
and r_id in (select r_id from profile_sec_repository where p_id=$1)
and sg_date >= ( select min(p_start) from parm_periode where p_exercice=$2)
and sg_date <= ( select max(p_end) from parm_periode where p_exercice=$2)
group by r_id,trim(sg_code),f_id
$cn->exec_sql($sql_repo_detail, array($g_user->get_profile(), $periode->p_exercice));
return $tmp_id;