{ "name": "Outline wiki", "id": "outline", "packaging_format": 1, "description": { "en": "An open, extensible, wiki for your team built using React and Node.js.", "fr": "Un wiki open source et évolutif pour votre équipe, conçu avec React et Node.js" }, "version": "0.62.0~ynh1", "url": "www.getoutline.com", "upstream": { "license": "BSL 1.1", "website": "www.getoutline.com", "demo": "https://app.getoutline.com/create", "admindoc": "https://www.getoutline.com/developers", "userdoc": "https://www.getoutline.com/about", "code": "https://github.com/outline/outline" }, "license": "AGPL-3.0-only", "maintainer": { "name": "Raoul de Limezy" }, "requirements": { "yunohost": ">= 4.2.4" }, "multi_instance": false, "services": [ "nginx" ], "arguments": { "install" : [ { "name": "domain", "type": "domain" }, { "name": "is_public", "type": "boolean", "default": true }, { "name": "language", "type": "string", "ask": { "en": "Choose the application language", "fr": "Choisissez la langue de l'application" }, "choices": ["fr", "en"], "default": "en" }, { "name": "slack_key", "type": "string", "ask": "Slack Client ID (from https://api.slack.com/apps)" }, { "name": "slack_secret", "type": "string", "ask": "Slack Client Secret (from https://api.slack.com/apps)" }, { "name": "minio_domain", "type": "domain", "ask": "Domain for MinIO app (if not yet installed, it will automatically be). Please note that this domain has to be free from any app" } ] } }