# Outline wiki for Yunohost 110356468-26374600-7fef-11eb-9f6a-f2cc2c8c6590 # Important points to read before installation ## This is a Yunohost package YunoHost is an operating system aiming to simplify as much as possible the administration of a server. You can visit yunohost.org or forum.yunohost.org for more information or help. ## What you will need for installation - [ ] A testing Yunohost server (please don't install this on a production server yet!) - [ ] Two domains free of any apps (one for Outline, one for MinIO, an object storage server required by Outline) - [ ] A correctly configured "Slack app" and the value of its "Client ID" and "Signing Secret" (see below for details) ## How to create a "Slack app" and get your "Client ID" and "Signing Secret" You should perform all below steps before starting the package installation on Yunohost : 1. Visit https://api.slack.com/apps 2. Sign in into a Slack workspace 3. Create a new app from scratch 4. Give it a name and associate it to your workspace ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24638389/134668089-3b1a73f2-dbca-47c4-8e57-1ee26d1c034a.png) 6. In the basic information tab, you'll find a "Client ID" and a "Signing Secret" - keep both as you'll need them to run the package installation 7. Go to "Features" then "OAuth & Permissions" 8. Add a new redirect URL. Use https://example.mydomain.fr/auth/slack.callback (assuming https://example.mydomain.fr is the domain on which you will install outline package) ## How to launch installation That app is not yet on the official Yunohost-Apps repo, so you'll need to follow the below steps : 1. Log in your webadmin 2. Go to Applications > Install 3. Scroll to the bottom and copy paste `https://github.com/Limezy/outline_ynh/tree/v0.3 into the "Install custom app" box4. 4. Fill in all fields and validate 5. Be patient as the installation can take up to 15 minutes ! (There is package building involved)