# ovh_fix branch for peertube_ynh If installing on an ovh virtual machine or having `gyp ERR! configure error` please follow the steps below ## Steps for installing 1. Install nodejs ``` $ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash - $ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs ``` 2. Install the peertube with **OVH fix** branch. ``` $ yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/peertube_ynh/tree/ovh_fix --debug ``` 3. After installation is complete run **yarn install**. ``` $ cd /var/www/peertube && yarn install --production --pure-lockfile ``` 4. Give proper **permissions** to peertube ``` $ chown -R peertube:peertube /var/www/peertube ``` 5. **Restart peertube** and check if there is any error message. ``` $ service peertube restart $ journalctl -feu peertube ``` 6. If there is no **error in red** in the last lines of log. Press **ctrl+c** to stop the logs. 7. Go to your **domain** to check if peertube is running and everthing is ok. 8. Change your **root password** by this command: ``` $ cd /var/www/peertube && NODE_CONFIG_DIR="/var/www/peertube/config/" NODE_ENV=production npm run reset-password -- -u root ``` Username: **root** password: **created in above step** ## Steps for upgrading 1. Upgrade peertube with **OVH fix** branch. ``` $ yunohost app upgrade peertube -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/peertube_ynh/tree/ovh_fix --debug ``` 2. After upgrade is complete run **yarn install**. ``` $ cd /var/www/peertube && sudo yarn install --production --pure-lockfile ``` 3. Give proper **permissions** to peertube ``` $ chown -R peertube:peertube /var/www/peertube ``` 4. **Restart peertube** and check if there is any error message. ``` $ service peertube restart ```