{ "name": "phpBB", "id": "phpBB", "description": { "en": "#1 free, opensource bulletin board software", "fr": "Le 1er logiciel de forum libre et gratuit" }, "url": "http://www.phpbb.com/", "maintainer": { "name": "polytan02", "email": "polytan02@mcgva.org" }, "multi_instance": "false", "arguments": { "install" : [ { "name": "domain", "type": "domain", "ask": { "en": "Choose a domain for phpBB", "fr": "Choisissez un domaine pour phpBB" }, "example": "domain.org" }, { "name": "path", "type": "path", "ask": { "en": "Choose a path for phpBB", "fr": "Choisissez un chemin pour phpBB" }, "example": "/forum", "default": "/forum" }, { "name": "is_public", "ask": { "en": "Is it a public application ?", "fr": "Est-ce une page publique ?" }, "choices": ["Yes", "No"], "default": "Yes" }, { "name": "dp_pwd", "type": "password", "ask": { "en": "Choose a password for phpBB MySQL database. Please note that the table and the user will be phpBB (case sensitive !)", "fr": "Choisissez un mot de passe pour la base MySQL de phpBB. Veuillez noter que la table et l'utilisateur créé seront phpBB (sensible à la casse)" }, "example": "my_strong_password" }, { "name": "manual_config", "ask": { "en": "IMPORTANT : Manual configuration after installation by going the the phpBB path web addrees. Don't forget to rename or delete phpBB/install folder once the initial configuration is finished.", "fr": "IMPORTANT : Configuration manuelle après installation en se rendant au chemin web de phpBB. N'oubliez pas de renommer ou supprimer le repertoire phpBB/install une fois que la configuration initiale est terminée" }, "choices": ["Yes", "Yes (You don't have a choice !)"], "default": "Yes" } ] } }