{ "name": "PHP Server Monitor", "id": "phpservermon", "packaging_format": 1, "description": { "en": "Script that checks whether your websites and servers are up and running", "fr": "Application pour vérifier que vos sites web et serveurs fonctionnent" }, "version": "3.5.2~ynh6", "url": "www.phpservermonitor.org", "upstream": { "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later", "website": "www.phpservermonitor.org", "admindoc": "http://docs.phpservermonitor.org/en/latest/", "code": "https://github.com/phpservermon/phpservermon/" }, "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later", "maintainer": { "name": "Benoit", "email": "serviceinformatique@cier14.org", "url": "" }, "requirements": { "yunohost": ">= 11.0.9" }, "multi_instance": true, "services": [ "nginx", "php7.4-fpm", "mysql" ], "arguments": { "install" : [ { "name": "domain", "type": "domain" }, { "name": "path", "type": "path", "example": "/phpservermon", "default": "/phpservermon" }, { "name": "is_public", "type": "boolean", "help": { "en": "If the app is not public, only YunoHost users will have access to it", "fr": "Si l'application n'est pas publique, seul les utilisateurs de YunoHost y auront accés" }, "default": true } ] } }