2014-07-06 13:21:10 +02:00
{ combine_script id = 'core.switchbox' load = 'async' require = 'jquery' path = 'themes/default/js/switchbox.js' }
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{ if isset ( $errors ) or not empty ( $infos ) }
{ include file = 'infos_errors.tpl' }
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{ if ! empty ( $PLUGIN_PICTURE_BEFORE ) } { $PLUGIN_PICTURE_BEFORE } { /if }
<div id="imageHeaderBar">
<div class="browsePath">
{ $SECTION_TITLE } <span class="browsePathSeparator"> { $LEVEL_SEPARATOR } </span><h2> { $current.TITLE } </h2>
<div id="imageToolBar">
<div class="imageNumber"> { $PHOTO } </div>
{ include file = 'picture_nav_buttons.tpl' | @ get_extent : 'picture_nav_buttons' }
<div class="actionButtons">
{ if isset ( $current.unique_derivatives ) & & count ( $current.unique_derivatives ) > 1 }
{ footer_script require = 'jquery' } { literal }
function changeImgSrc(url,typeSave,typeMap)
var theImg = document.getElementById("theMainImage");
if (theImg)
theImg.src = url;
theImg.useMap = "#map"+typeMap;
jQuery('#derivativeSwitchBox .switchCheck').css('visibility','hidden');
document.cookie = 'picture_deriv='+typeSave+';path= { /literal } { $COOKIE_PATH } { literal } ';
(SwitchBox=window.SwitchBox||[]).push("#derivativeSwitchLink", "#derivativeSwitchBox");
{ /literal } { /footer_script }
{ strip } <a id="derivativeSwitchLink" title=" { 'Photo sizes' | @ translate } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-sizes"></span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'Photo sizes' | @ translate } </span>
<div id="derivativeSwitchBox" class="switchBox">
<div class="switchBoxTitle"> { 'Photo sizes' | @ translate } </div>
{ foreach from = $current.unique_derivatives item = derivative key = derivative_type }
<span class="switchCheck" id="derivativeChecked { $derivative - > get_type ( ) } " { if $derivative - > get_type ( ) ne $current.selected_derivative - > get_type ( ) } style="visibility:hidden" { /if } >✔ </span>
<a href="javascript:changeImgSrc(' { $derivative - > get_url ( ) | @ escape : javascript } ',' { $derivative_type } ',' { $derivative - > get_type ( ) } ')">
{ $derivative - > get_type ( ) | @ translate } <span class="derivativeSizeDetails"> ( { $derivative - > get_size_hr ( ) } )</span>
{ /foreach }
{ if isset ( $U_ORIGINAL ) }
{ combine_script id = 'core.scripts' load = 'async' path = 'themes/default/js/scripts.js' }
<a href="javascript:phpWGOpenWindow(' { $U_ORIGINAL } ','xxx','scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes')" rel="nofollow"> { 'Original' | @ translate } </a>
{ /if }
{ /strip }
{ /if }
{ strip } { if isset ( $U_SLIDESHOW_START ) }
<a href=" { $U_SLIDESHOW_START } " title=" { 'slideshow' | @ translate } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-slideshow"></span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'slideshow' | @ translate } </span>
{ /if } { /strip }
{ strip } { if isset ( $U_METADATA ) }
<a href=" { $U_METADATA } " title=" { 'Show file metadata' | @ translate } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-camera-info"></span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'Show file metadata' | @ translate } </span>
{ /if } { /strip }
{ strip } { if isset ( $current.U_DOWNLOAD ) }
<a href=" { $current.U_DOWNLOAD } " title=" { 'Download this file' | @ translate } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-save"></span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'Download' | @ translate } </span>
{ /if } { /strip }
{ if isset ( $PLUGIN_PICTURE_BUTTONS ) } { foreach from = $PLUGIN_PICTURE_BUTTONS item = button } { $button } { /foreach } { /if }
{ strip } { if isset ( $favorite ) }
<a href=" { $favorite.U_FAVORITE } " title=" { if $favorite.IS_FAVORITE } { 'delete this photo from your favorites' | @ translate } { else } { 'add this photo to your favorites' | @ translate } { /if } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-favorite- { if $favorite.IS_FAVORITE } del { else } add { /if } "></span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'Favorites' | @ translate } </span>
{ /if } { /strip }
{ strip } { if isset ( $U_SET_AS_REPRESENTATIVE ) }
<a id="cmdSetRepresentative" href=" { $U_SET_AS_REPRESENTATIVE } " title=" { 'set as album representative' | @ translate } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-representative"></span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'representative' | @ translate } </span>
{ /if } { /strip }
{ strip } { if isset ( $U_PHOTO_ADMIN ) }
2015-07-05 19:03:18 +02:00
<a id="cmdEditPhoto" href=" { $U_PHOTO_ADMIN } " title=" { 'Edit photo' | @ translate } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
2014-07-06 13:21:10 +02:00
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-edit"></span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'Edit' | @ translate } </span>
{ /if } { /strip }
{ strip } { if isset ( $U_CADDIE ) } { *caddie management BEGIN* }
{ footer_script }
{ literal } function addToCadie(aElement, rootUrl, id)
if (aElement.disabled) return;
var y = new PwgWS(rootUrl);
"pwg.caddie.add", { image_id : id } ,
onFailure: function(num, text) { alert ( num + " " + text ) ; document . location = aElement . href ; } ,
onSuccess: function(result) { aElement . disabled = false ; }
} { /literal }
{ /footer_script }
<a href=" { $U_CADDIE } " onclick="addToCadie(this, ' { $ROOT_URL } ', { $current.id } ); return false;" title=" { 'Add to caddie' | @ translate } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-caddie-add"> </span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'Caddie' | @ translate } </span>
{ /if } { /strip } { *caddie management END* }
</div> { *<!-- imageToolBar -->* }
<div id="theImageAndInfos">
<div id="theImage">
{ if isset ( $COMMENT_IMG ) }
<p class="imageComment"> { $COMMENT_IMG } </p>
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $U_SLIDESHOW_STOP ) }
[ <a href=" { $U_SLIDESHOW_STOP } "> { 'stop the slideshow' | @ translate } </a> ]
{ /if }
</div> { * < ! - - no significant white space for elegant - - >
*}<div id="infoSwitcher"></div> { * < ! - - no significant white space for elegant - - >
*}<div id="imageInfos">
<div class="navThumbs">
{ if isset ( $previous ) }
<a class="navThumb" id="linkPrev" href=" { $previous.U_IMG } " title=" { 'Previous' | @ translate } : { $previous.TITLE_ESC } " rel="prev">
<span class="thumbHover prevThumbHover"></span>
<img src=" { $previous.derivatives.square - > get_url ( ) } " alt=" { $previous.TITLE_ESC } ">
{ elseif isset ( $U_UP ) }
<a class="navThumb" id="linkPrev" href=" { $U_UP } " title=" { 'Thumbnails' | @ translate } ">
<div class="thumbHover"> { 'First Page' | @ translate } <br><br> { 'Go back to the album' | @ translate } </div>
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $next ) }
<a class="navThumb" id="linkNext" href=" { $next.U_IMG } " title=" { 'Next' | @ translate } : { $next.TITLE_ESC } " rel="next">
<span class="thumbHover nextThumbHover"></span>
<img src=" { $next.derivatives.square - > get_url ( ) } " alt=" { $next.TITLE_ESC } ">
{ elseif isset ( $U_UP ) }
<a class="navThumb" id="linkNext" href=" { $U_UP } " title=" { 'Thumbnails' | @ translate } ">
<div class="thumbHover"> { 'Last Page' | @ translate } <br><br> { 'Go back to the album' | @ translate } </div>
{ /if }
{ /if }
<dl id="standard" class="imageInfoTable">
{ strip }
{ if $display_info.author and isset ( $INFO_AUTHOR ) }
<div id="Author" class="imageInfo">
<dt> { 'Author' | @ translate } </dt>
<dd> { $INFO_AUTHOR } </dd>
{ /if }
{ if $display_info.created_on and isset ( $INFO_CREATION_DATE ) }
<div id="datecreate" class="imageInfo">
<dt> { 'Created on' | @ translate } </dt>
<dd> { $INFO_CREATION_DATE } </dd>
{ /if }
{ if $display_info.posted_on }
<div id="datepost" class="imageInfo">
<dt> { 'Posted on' | @ translate } </dt>
<dd> { $INFO_POSTED_DATE } </dd>
{ /if }
{ if $display_info.dimensions and isset ( $INFO_DIMENSIONS ) }
<div id="Dimensions" class="imageInfo">
<dt> { 'Dimensions' | @ translate } </dt>
<dd> { $INFO_DIMENSIONS } </dd>
{ /if }
{ if $display_info.file }
<div id="File" class="imageInfo">
<dt> { 'File' | @ translate } </dt>
<dd> { $INFO_FILE } </dd>
{ /if }
{ if $display_info.filesize and isset ( $INFO_FILESIZE ) }
<div id="Filesize" class="imageInfo">
<dt> { 'Filesize' | @ translate } </dt>
<dd> { $INFO_FILESIZE } </dd>
{ /if }
{ if $display_info.tags and isset ( $related_tags ) }
<div id="Tags" class="imageInfo">
<dt> { 'Tags' | @ translate } </dt>
{ foreach from = $related_tags item = tag name = tag_loop } { if ! $smarty.foreach.tag_loop.first } , { /if } <a href=" { $tag.URL } "> { $tag.name } </a> { /foreach }
{ /if }
{ if $display_info.categories and isset ( $related_categories ) }
<div id="Categories" class="imageInfo">
<dt> { 'Albums' | @ translate } </dt>
{ foreach from = $related_categories item = cat }
<li> { $cat } </li>
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
{ if $display_info.visits }
<div id="Visits" class="imageInfo">
<dt> { 'Visits' | @ translate } </dt>
<dd> { $INFO_VISITS } </dd>
{ /if }
{ if $display_info.rating_score and isset ( $rate_summary ) }
<div id="Average" class="imageInfo">
<dt> { 'Rating score' | @ translate } </dt>
{ if $rate_summary.count }
<span id="ratingScore"> { $rate_summary.score } </span> <span id="ratingCount">( { $rate_summary.count | @ translate_dec : '%d rate' : '%d rates' } )</span>
{ else }
<span id="ratingScore"> { 'no rate' | @ translate } </span> <span id="ratingCount"></span>
{ /if }
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $rating ) }
<div id="rating" class="imageInfo">
<span id="updateRate"> { if isset ( $rating.USER_RATE ) } { 'Update your rating' | @ translate } { else } { 'Rate this photo' | @ translate } { /if } </span>
<form action=" { $rating.F_ACTION } " method="post" id="rateForm" style="margin:0;">
{ foreach from = $rating.marks item = mark name = rate_loop }
{ if isset ( $rating.USER_RATE ) & & $mark = = $rating.USER_RATE }
<input type="button" name="rate" value=" { $mark } " class="rateButtonSelected" title=" { $mark } ">
{ else }
<input type="submit" name="rate" value=" { $mark } " class="rateButton" title=" { $mark } ">
{ /if }
{ /foreach }
{ strip } { combine_script id = 'core.scripts' load = 'async' path = 'themes/default/js/scripts.js' }
{ combine_script id = 'rating' load = 'async' require = 'core.scripts' path = 'themes/default/js/rating.js' }
{ footer_script }
var _pwgRatingAutoQueue = _pwgRatingAutoQueue||[];
_pwgRatingAutoQueue.push( { ldelim } rootUrl: ' { $ROOT_URL } ', image_id: { $current.id } ,
onSuccess : function(rating) { ldelim }
var e = document.getElementById("updateRate");
if (e) e.innerHTML = " { 'Update your rating' | @ translate | @ escape : 'javascript' } ";
e = document.getElementById("ratingScore");
if (e) e.innerHTML = rating.score;
e = document.getElementById("ratingCount");
if (e) { ldelim }
if (rating.count == 1) { ldelim }
e.innerHTML = "( { '%d rate' | @ translate | @ escape : 'javascript' } )".replace( "%d", rating.count);
} else { ldelim }
e.innerHTML = "( { '%d rates' | @ translate | @ escape : 'javascript' } )".replace( "%d", rating.count);
{ rdelim }
{ rdelim } { rdelim } );
{ /footer_script }
{ /strip }
{ /if }
{ if $display_info.privacy_level and isset ( $available_permission_levels ) }
<div id="Privacy" class="imageInfo">
<dt> { 'Who can see this photo?' | @ translate } </dt>
<a id="privacyLevelLink" href> { $available_permission_levels [ $current.level ] } </a>
{ combine_script id = 'core.scripts' load = 'async' path = 'themes/default/js/scripts.js' }
{ footer_script require = 'jquery' } { strip }
function setPrivacyLevel(id, level) {
(new PwgWS(' { $ROOT_URL } ')).callService(
"pwg.images.setPrivacyLevel", { image_id : id , level : level } ,
method: "POST",
onFailure: function(num, text) { alert ( num + " " + text ) ; } ,
onSuccess: function(result) {
jQuery('#privacyLevelBox .switchCheck').css('visibility','hidden');
(SwitchBox=window.SwitchBox||[]).push("#privacyLevelLink", "#privacyLevelBox");
{ /strip } { /footer_script }
<div id="privacyLevelBox" class="switchBox" style="display:none">
{ foreach from = $available_permission_levels item = label key = level }
<span class="switchCheck" { if $level ! = $current.level } style="visibility:hidden" { /if } >✔ </span>
<a id="switchLevel { $level } " href="javascript:setPrivacyLevel( { $current.id } , { $level } )"> { $label } </a><br>
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
{ /strip }
{ if isset ( $metadata ) }
<dl id="Metadata" class="imageInfoTable">
{ foreach from = $metadata item = meta }
<h3> { $meta.TITLE } </h3>
{ foreach from = $meta.lines item = value key = label }
<div class="imageInfo">
<dt> { $label } </dt>
<dd> { $value } </dd>
{ /foreach }
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $COMMENT_COUNT ) }
<div id="comments" { if ( ! isset ( $comment_add ) & & ( $COMMENT_COUNT = = 0 ) ) } class="noCommentContent" { else } class="commentContent" { /if } ><div id="commentsSwitcher"></div>
<h3> { $COMMENT_COUNT | @ translate_dec : '%d comment' : '%d comments' } </h3>
<div id="pictureComments">
{ if isset ( $comment_add ) }
<div id="commentAdd">
<h4> { 'Add a comment' | @ translate } </h4>
<form method="post" action=" { $comment_add.F_ACTION } " id="addComment">
{ if $comment_add.SHOW_AUTHOR }
<p><label for="author"> { 'Author' | @ translate } { if $comment_add.AUTHOR_MANDATORY } ( { 'mandatory' | @ translate } ) { /if } :</label></p>
<p><input type="text" name="author" id="author" value=" { $comment_add.AUTHOR } "></p>
{ /if }
{ if $comment_add.SHOW_EMAIL }
<p><label for="email"> { 'Email address' | @ translate } { if $comment_add.EMAIL_MANDATORY } ( { 'mandatory' | @ translate } ) { /if } :</label></p>
<p><input type="text" name="email" id="email" value=" { $comment_add.EMAIL } "></p>
{ /if }
2015-07-05 19:03:18 +02:00
{ if $comment_add.SHOW_WEBSITE }
<p><label for="website_url"> { 'Website' | @ translate } :</label></p>
<p><input type="text" name="website_url" id="website_url" value=" { $comment_add.WEBSITE_URL } "></p>
{ /if }
2014-07-06 13:21:10 +02:00
<p><label for="contentid"> { 'Comment' | @ translate } ( { 'mandatory' | @ translate } ) :</label></p>
<p><textarea name="content" id="contentid" rows="5" cols="50"> { $comment_add.CONTENT } </textarea></p>
<p><input type="hidden" name="key" value=" { $comment_add.KEY } ">
<input type="submit" value=" { 'Submit' | @ translate } "></p>
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $comments ) }
<div id="pictureCommentList">
{ if ( ( $COMMENT_COUNT > 2 ) | | ! empty ( $navbar ) ) }
<div id="pictureCommentNavBar">
{ if $COMMENT_COUNT > 2 }
<a href=" { $COMMENTS_ORDER_URL } #comments" rel="nofollow" class="commentsOrder"> { $COMMENTS_ORDER_TITLE } </a>
{ /if }
{ if ! empty ( $navbar ) } { include file = 'navigation_bar.tpl' | @ get_extent : 'navbar' } { /if }
{ /if }
{ include file = 'comment_list.tpl' }
{ /if }
<div style="clear:both"></div>
{ /if } { *comments* }
{ if ! empty ( $PLUGIN_PICTURE_AFTER ) } { $PLUGIN_PICTURE_AFTER } { /if }